IATV :: Volume #23

#2240: Chapter 2240 snake muskdeer mother-in-law, not dead Emperor

Thinks homemade Clan. 想自创一族 Since the ancient times, has the person of such idea, either is the fierce and ambitious, either is the black bear. 自古以来,有如此想法的人,要么是枭雄,要么是狗熊。 Does not know that which type this so-called was the yama is. 就不知道这所谓是冥王属于哪一种了。 Only listens to nine Yang people to continue saying: „ Initially I drove away the ghostdom time, this yama is still closing up. 只听九阳上人继续说道:“当初我驱赶冥界的时候,这冥王还在闭关。 Now must go out, wants to ask me to revenge. ” 如今应当是出关,想要找我报仇了。” On nine Yang people are not flustered, he has enough self-confidence regarding his strength. 九阳上人并不慌张,他对于自身的实力有足够的自信。 How even if the yama, cannot keep off his say/way. 纵然是冥王又如何,也不能挡他的道。 If had not understood, on nine Yang people cannot rashly the shape matter. 而且若是没有了解,九阳上人也不会冒然形事。 But as if comes person not only yama one,” Xu Zimo interested saying. “但似乎来人不仅仅冥王一个啊,”徐子墨饶有兴趣的说道。 The yamas also know on the prestige of nine Yang people, therefore these comes to revenge time, but also looked for 32 good friends. 冥王也知道九阳上人的威名,所以这一次前来报仇,还找了三两好友。 Is the powerhouses of ghost clan. 都是鬼族的强者。 When this group of people close, seeing only the cold wind is intermittent, just like flying sand and rocks, gloomy. 当这群人靠近之时,只见阴风阵阵,宛如飞沙走石,天昏地暗般。 The cold wind blows, the trees of trim forest in rustle make noise. 阴风吹来,整片森林的树木都在沙沙作响。 Some big trees were eradicated, the branch is common like the bad people running wild, unceasing is dragging. 有大树被连根拔起,树枝如同群魔乱舞一般,不断的摇曳着。 The person who this wind blows almost must unable to open the eyes. 这风吹的人几乎要睁不开双眼。 Raised the head unable to see the blue sky, looks down again, sees only the flash, the land was dyed the brown probably. 抬头看不见蓝天,再低头看,只见一瞬之间,大地好像都被染成了褐色。 The land as if did not have the life. 大地仿佛没有了生命。 Your ghostdom also this, can only be later the thing of being able to amount to something.” “你们冥界也就这样,只能晚一些上不得台面的东西。” On nine Yang person cold snort/hum. 九阳上人冷哼一声。 Sees only his right foot one step to tread forward. 只见他右脚向前一步踏出。 Clear hot sun, what comes the ghost!” “昭昭烈日,何来鬼怪!” Shortly, solar from in within the body ascension of nine Yang people. 顷刻间,一轮轮太阳从九阳上人的体内升腾而起。 This each Sun bursts out from his within the body probably. 这每一轮太阳都好像从他体内迸发而出。 That is he becomes aware the potential of Sun, the evolution. 那是他悟太阳之势,演化而出的。 When solar rounds bring blazing flame and radiant bright ascension, the original cold wind also has the darkness to be scattered completely. 当太阳一轮轮带着炽热的火焰与璀璨的光明升腾时,原本的阴风还有黑暗全部被驱散。 The people look up, when this discovery does not know, void is near to empty and set up three forms. 众人抬头看去,这才发现不知何时,虚空中临空而立着三道身影。 This each form just like the ghosts and gods, sends out is making the person of god mortal form turbulent imposing manner. 这每一道身影都宛如鬼神般,散发着令人神魄动荡的气势。 On nine Yang people knit the brows slightly. 九阳上人微微皱眉。 He thinks, only then a yama person, pours. 他原本以为只有冥王一个人,倒也罢了。 The never expected that yama looked for the helper unexpectedly, moreover other two's imposing manner was not weaker than the yama. 没想到冥王竟然找来了帮手,而且另外两人的气势一点都不比冥王弱。 Nine Yang ordinary men, you wrest away the place of my ghostdom, before I have been closing up, making you free and unfettered this period of time. “九阳匹夫,你霸占我冥界之地,之前我一直在闭关,让你逍遥了这段时间。 Now this account, we may probably calculate well considers as finished. ” 如今这笔账,我们可要好好算算了。” The yama opens the mouth, the tone said sternly. 冥王开口,语气森严说道。 This yama wears the purple long gown, the pinnacle deep purple has several points of ghosts and demons feeling. 这冥王身穿紫色的长袍,极致的深紫色带着几分鬼魅感。 Sees only his five senses evil charm, in the double palms has cultivated specially the yama claw. 只见他五官邪魅,双掌之间似是特殊修炼过的冥王爪。 Swallows spits, has the black air/Qi to flow out from the nostrils. 一吞一吐之间,都有黑气从鼻孔间流出。 „ Does this yama also become a system? “这冥王也是自成一个体系? Homemade cultivation? ” Xu Zimo interested saying. 自创的修炼?”徐子墨饶有兴趣的说道。 On nine Yang person slight bows. 九阳上人微微点头。 Returns said: Yama seeks really in a big way, wants the homemade race, naturally must have correspondence law of the most appropriate cultivation.” 回道:“冥王所谋甚大,想要自创一个种族,自然要有对应的最合适的修炼之法。” This yama the law of cultivation opposes with me, he wants to change to the netherworld all things.” “这冥王的修炼之法与我对立,他想要将一切事物都化作冥土。” In netherworld, infertile, silence reigns.” “冥土内,寸草不生,万籁俱寂。” Desolated and death in, this is the yama biggest prospect.” “荒芜与死亡同在,这是冥王最大的愿景。” „The world is contains, so-called ghost clan this new deep clan, the world to the opportunity that they will survive.” “世界是包容的,无论是所谓的鬼族还是这新出的冥族,世界都会给他们生存的机会。” „ The netherworlds of few part do not affect anything. “少部分的冥土不影响什么。 But the delusion changes to the netherworld the whole world, this field of endeavor is doomed unable to reach the limit. ” 但妄想将整个世界都化作冥土,此道注定走不到极限。” Xu Zimo said lightly. 徐子墨淡淡说道。 If the whole world must be changed into the netherworld, only feared that does not need others to begin, Xu Zimo first can pat him. 若是整个世界都要被化为冥土,只怕不需要其他人动手,徐子墨第一个就能拍死他。 After all he and Divine State Continent is closely linked, how possibly to allow that some people destroy the world. 毕竟他与神州大陆息息相关,怎么可能容许有人破坏世界呢。 Nine Yang, why did not speak, you in frightened?” “九阳,为何不说话,你在恐惧嘛?” The yamas shouted again lightly. 冥王再一次轻喝道。 On nine Yang people have not actually paid attention to him, hatred between he and yama has had no way to mediate, why moving unnecessarily idle talk. 九阳上人却没有理会他,他跟冥王之间的仇恨已经没法调解了,又何必多此一举废话呢。 He focuses in two powerhouses who accompany the yama to come together. 他将目光放在随同冥王一起来的两位强者身上。 These two are the old men. 这两人都是老者。 An old man wears the quiet green cheongsam, the body lets the toxic gas that the person does not dare to approach. 一名老者身穿幽绿色长衫,身上是让人不敢靠近的毒气。 On his face is the pustule, is seemingly fierce and terrifying. 他的脸上全是脓包,看上去狰狞又恐怖。 Another old person is an old woman. 另一位老人则是一名老妪。 In the hand takes a snake head walking stick, the faint trace silver hair falls following two temples, particularly the double pupil carefully looks, as if an ancient times ominous snake. 手里拿着一个蛇头拐杖,丝丝银发顺着两鬓落下,尤其是双眸仔细看去,就仿佛一条远古凶蛇。 Two fellow daoist should not be the people in ghostdom,” on nine Yang people open the mouth, ask. “二位道友应该不是冥界的人吧,”九阳上人开口,问道。 Old body snake muskdeer mother-in-law,” only listens to the old woman to say. “老身蛇麝婆婆,”只听老妪说道。 Old man not dead Emperor,” nearby old man also follows close on was saying. “老夫不死帝君,”旁边的老者也紧跟着说道。 Although had not seen two people before, however on two people given name nine Yang people have actually listened. 虽然以前没有见过两人,但是两人的名号九阳上人却听过。 The snake muskdeer mother-in-law, is ten thousand years ago ancient snake. 蛇麝婆婆,乃是万年前的一条古蛇。 Some rumors said, the snake muskdeer mother-in-law's paternal grandmother, is among Heaven and Earth first group of immortal cultivation. 有传言说,蛇麝婆婆的奶奶,乃是天地间第一批的修仙者。 She can be said as until now, known most ancient immortal cultivation. 她可以说是至今为止,已知的最古老的修仙者了。 But not the dead Emperor, do not look that his appearance is ugly and fierce, but actually can also take on the name of not dying truly. 而不死帝君,别看他长相丑陋、狰狞,但却也真正能够担得不死之名。 The north has a country, named serious famine. 北方有一国,名为大荒。 Trying of serious famine, the young people obtain the position of foremost person in the field. 大荒之试,年轻人获得状元之位。 This young people are ambitious, the ability is also full, enters the deliberation hall at the capital of foremost person in the field. 这年轻人野心勃勃,亦能力十足,以状元之资进入朝堂。 20 years of repeated difficulties, is a towards prime minister, above ten thousand people, the scenery is infinite. 二十年风风雨雨,已经是一朝宰相,万人之上,风光无限。 But at that time young people have seen the power and influence and fame and fortune, thinks that only has the eternal life not dead is eternal. 但彼时的年轻人已经见惯了权势与名利,认为唯有永生不死才是永恒的。 As for other things empty. 至于其他东西都是虚的。 Lives does not bring, refuses stubbornly to take away. 生不带来,死不带去。 Thereupon, the young people gave up the position of prime minister, starts to concentrate on study does not die. 于是乎,年轻人放弃了宰相之位,开始潜心研究不死。 Hundred years such as flash by, but also let alone, the young people truly studied own immortal say/way. 百年如白驹过隙,还别说,年轻人确实研究出了属于自己的永生之道。 First no matter he whether really can be immortal, at least the young people lived in 5000, now has not died as before. 先不管他是否真的能永生,起码年轻人活了五千年,如今依旧未死。 Afterward the young people said not the dead Emperor, the praising divine land. 后来年轻人自称不死帝君,扬名神州。 ............ ………… My right noon time teaches should not to have the contradiction with two,” on nine Yang people said. “我正阳教与二位应该没有矛盾吧,”九阳上人说道。 Why with my vertical enemy.” “又何必与我竖敌。” Nine Yang fellow daoist, we, although does not have the enmity, but the interest relations exchange you to understand.” “九阳道友,我们虽无仇,但利益关系交换你应该懂吧。” The snake muskdeer mother-in-law said. 蛇麝婆婆说道。 Yama has promised me, if this time solves you, in his hand about my paternal grandmother, will be in society's first batch of practicing snakes reveres inheritance to give me.” “冥王答应过我,此番若是解决你,他手中关于我奶奶,也就是世间第一批修行的蛇尊传承会给我。” You should hear, after self- paternal grandmother passes away, her is then incomplete, a large part entered in the mausoleum. “你应该听说过,自我奶奶仙逝后,她的便不完整,很大一部分都进入了陵墓中。 Afterward was found by the yama. ” 后来都被冥王找到了。” Is following closely the snake muskdeer mother-in-law's words, not the dead Emperor also smiled several strangely. 紧随着蛇麝婆婆的话,不死帝君也是怪笑了几声。 Jie Jie Jie...” “桀桀桀…” Yama complies to help my recast third body, therefore nine Yang you must die today.” “冥王答应帮我重铸第三世身,所以九阳今日你必死。” Nearby yama some seem impatient. 旁边的冥王似乎已经有些不耐烦了。 Said lightly: „ Nine Yang, this time to kill you, this king paid the enormous price. 淡淡说道:“九阳,这一次为了杀你,本王可是付出了极大的代价。 For absolutely safe. ” 就是为了万无一失。” Ghostdom is start-up, any dares to provoke our, must die.” “冥界初创,任何胆敢挑衅我们的,都要死。” Originally seizes the words of domain, has no need so to die the bureau. 本来只是抢占地盘的话,也用不着如此必死之局。 But the ghostdom just established, the yama withstand/top is thinking the pressure enormously, even breaks off with the ghost clan noisily, ghostdom that builds. 但冥界刚刚建立,冥王是顶着极大想压力,甚至跟鬼族闹掰,才建立的冥界。 This time ghostdom must by be able to stand ruthlessly. 此时的冥界必须靠狠才能立得住。 () ()
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