IATV :: Volume #23

#2239: A Chapter 2239 road, deep clan

The so-called heaven has eyes, is not the day has eyes. 所谓上天有眼,可不是什么天都有眼的。 Is just like nine territory world. 就好比九域世界。 Initial creation world does not have long known that , the present nine territory world were primarily Heavenly Way. 当初的创世者早已经不知道去哪了,如今的九域世界以天道为主。 If on nine Yang people to nine territory world, no matter he diligently, Heavenly Way will not pay attention to his. 若是九阳上人去往九域世界,不管他多么努力,天道都不会理睬他的。 Must know that besides cutting down day, Heavenly Way will not manage other matters. 要知道除了伐天者外,天道是不会管其他事的。 Naturally, now Heavenly Way of nine territory world has gradually moved toward the complete body, is getting stronger and stronger regarding the control of the world. 当然,如今九域世界的天道已经逐渐走向完全体,对于世界的掌控力越来越强。 Then had the Saint courtyard, even several Heavenly Way make a move to put to death Xu Zimo, guards in not however. 这才有了圣庭,甚至好几次天道出手想要诛杀徐子墨,防范于未然。 This is Heavenly Way consciousness the complete performance. 这都是天道意识完全的表现。 Therefore on the luck of nine Yang people are good, he met Xu Zimo. 所以说九阳上人的运气是好的,他遇见了徐子墨 Was born in Divine State Continent. 出生在神州大陆 Happen to Xu Zimo needs the extremely good thing. 正好徐子墨需要极善之物。 Naturally, cannot solely say the luck to be good, after all the Heavenly Way reward attendance, the luck premise is you have prepared. 当然,也不能单单说运气好,毕竟天道酬勤,运气的前提是你有所准备。 The space will not fall the pie. 天上是不会掉馅饼的。 ............ ………… Does not know that you this time, what do have to tell?” On nine Yang people asked. “不知您此番来,是有什么吩咐吗?”九阳上人问道。 His stance puts is very low. 他的姿态放的很低。 After all no matter how high status, be lower than a head the day, this does not lose face. 毕竟不管多么高的身份,都要比天低一头,这不丢人。 To be honest, I in the collection world ultimate good, am used to establish ten eighth layer hells.” “说实话,我在收集世间至善,用来建立十八层地狱。” Xu Zimo said directly. 徐子墨直接说道。 Ten eighth layer hells... ten eighth layer hells...” “十八层地狱…十八层地狱…” On nine Yang people are somewhat out of sorts suddenly. 九阳上人一时间有些失神。 Gawked after the long time, just now recovers. 愣了半晌后,方才回过神来。 It seems like thought aloud, seems like trying to prove anything. 又像是自言自语,又像是在求证着什么。 „The report of causes and effects, has because of must have the fruit, the rule in world changed.” “因果之报,有因必有果,世间的规则变了。” I do not teach the person to do good deeds, but does not want to make people from wicked.” “我不教人向善,只是不想令人从恶。” Xu Zimo said lightly. 徐子墨淡淡说道。 „ The world is the black and white between color, is together the pinnacle grey. “世界是黑白之间的颜色,是一道极致的灰色。 You should understand that my meaning, this matter you do not need to know too. ” 你应该明白我的意思,这件事你也不需要知道太多。” My collecting electrode is friendly, Dong Heng of Yuhua Village, is representing the good of greeting letter. “我收集极善,雨花村的董恒,代表着大孝之善。 But you represent contain the good. ” 而你代表着包容之善。” Jakusui Jouzen, the water conservation myriad things does not struggle.” “上善若水,水利万物而不争。” „The say/way that your right noon time teaches to cultivate, obtained my approval.” “你们正阳教修炼的道,得到了我的认可。” I will keep one to say for you, can visit the say/way of summit of the world.” “我将为你们留一条道,一条可以踏足世界之巅的道。” Hears Xu Zimo now the words, on nine Yang people almost must faint excitedly. 听到徐子墨如今话语,九阳上人几乎要激动的晕过去了。 His whole body shivers, the goosebumps braved. 他全身颤抖,鸡皮疙瘩都冒了出来。 Arrived his realm and strength, actually few had thing that can move his. 到了他这种境界和实力,其实鲜少有能够打动他的事物了。 But Xu Zimo a few words, let him as before just like the sublimation. 可是徐子墨的一句话,依旧让他宛如得到升华般。 He knows these words the gold content, knows that these words mean anything. 他知道这句话的含金量,也知道这句话意味着什么。 Divine State Continent when constructs initially, ten thousand clans all are the mortals. 神州大陆在初建时,万族皆是凡人。 Afterward was Xu Zimo guides all living things to cultivate. 后来是徐子墨引导众生修炼。 Although he has not made an appearance, but drew onto the cultivation journey the first batch of lifeform secretly. 他虽然没有露面,但还是暗地里将第一批生物引上了修炼的路途。 Although said that even without his leading the way that creates world, all living things in the unceasing development, will still enter the cultivation system or the technical system. 虽然说,就算没有他这个创世者的引路,众生也会在不断的发展中,进入修炼体系或者科技体系。 But Xu Zimo sped up this step without doubt. 徐子墨无疑加快了这个步骤。 After stepping into the road of cultivation, Xu Zimo then starts to desalinate itself, not development in participation world, no matter what it drifts with the current. 在踏入修炼之路后,徐子墨便开始淡化自己,不在参与世界的发展,任其随波逐流。 But in this process, presented many talents and lunatics. 而这个过程中,出现了很多的天才以及疯子。 Even can say, at that time cultivated the road to have the innumerable strip, not fixed. 甚至可以说,那时候修炼之路有无数条,都是没有固定的。 Does not have the road of predecessor to walk, the person of first batch of cultivation steps on the stone of crossing river not to have continually. 没有前人的路可以走,第一批修炼的人连踩着过河的石头都没有。 Their unceasing explorations. 他们不断的探索。 The success and failure, the circulation is unceasing. 成功、失败,循环不断。 Some countless people created the innumerable cultivation systems. 有无数人创造了无数种修炼体系。 However these cultivation systems, some such as bright Great Way, can walk. 但是这些修炼体系,有的如煌煌大道,可以一直走下去。 Some come to the end, without road. 有的走到尽头,没路了。 Gradually, continuously to the present, so-called cultivation system remaining such several. 久而久之,一直到现在,所谓的修炼体系就剩下那么几条。 Gradually, continuously to the present, so-called cultivation system remaining such several. 久而久之,一直到现在,所谓的修炼体系就剩下那么几条。 Refining up the meat, to refine the soul and refining...... 炼肉、炼魂、炼气…… The cultivation is almost fixed, everyone will cultivate from will choose one to come. 修炼几乎是固定的,每个人修炼都会从其中选择一条来走。 However on nine Yang people are different. 但是九阳上人不同。 At first he himself founded a cultivation road. 起初他自己开创了一条修炼路。 Being fastidious with Heavenly Way is good, returns Heaven and Earth. 讲究与天道为善,回报天地 To put it bluntly, does to the Heaven and Earth beneficial matter. 说白了,就是做对天地有益的事情。 Actually on nine Yang person do not know, the cultivation system that he creates does have the mistake. 其实连九阳上人自己也不知道,他创建的修炼体系到底有没有错。 Can cultivation finally, said that cultivated half to have no way out. 能不能修炼到最后,还是说修炼到一半就无路可走了。 But now has Xu Zimo these words. 但如今有了徐子墨这句话。 This proved road that he takes is right. 这就证明了他走的路是对的。 Can step onto the peak, Heaven and Earth approval. 是可以走上巅峰的,天地认可了。 ............ ………… Xu Zimo took the bead of Great Way. 徐子墨大道之珠取了出来。 The big hand wielded, sees only the trim forest as if to come under the influence. 大手一挥,只见整片森林似乎都受到了影响。 Hides in invisible good. 善是隐藏在无形之间的。 This entire mountain once was the dead mountain, now is green and luxuriant, taking care of your pennies and dollars will take care of themselves, this was good. 这整座山曾经是死山,如今郁郁葱葱,细水长流,这便是善。 Extracts from the philanthropic undertaking and good thing good. 善从善举、善物中提取。 Sees only a green brilliance to flood into the bead of Great Way. 只见一道绿色的光辉涌入大道之珠内。 The white Great Way bead added several color separations to pick probably. 原本白茫茫的大道珠好像平添了几分色采。 After absorbing two was friendly, according to the suspicion of Xu Zimo, it is estimated that was only left over last. 在吸收了两个善之后,按照徐子墨的猜想,估计就只剩下最后一个了。 Three get together good, will take shape extremely good thoroughly. 三个善齐聚,极善将彻底成型。 But the last good, somewhat was actually unusual. 只不过最后一个善,倒是有些奇特了。 After Xu Zimo understands, being interested even more. 徐子墨了解之后,愈发的感兴趣。 I must walk,” Xu Zimo sets out, said. “我要走了,”徐子墨起身,说道。 He can pledge to nine Yang people so, pours does not calculate that treats unjustly the opposite party. 他能给九阳上人承诺如此,倒也不算亏待对方。 First, then because of the opposite party good is useful to him. 其一,便是因为对方的善对他有用。 Second, naturally are on nine Yang people leads his in January to teach, is doing to the world beneficial matter. 其二,自然是九阳上人带领着他的正月教,在做对世界有益的事情。 No matter formerly, were in the future, so long as on nine Yang people were invariable, then Xu Zimo to his commitment then continuously effective. 并且不管是从前,还是未来,只要九阳上人不变,那么徐子墨对他的承诺便一直有效。 Thinks, on the future nine Yang people found a cultivation road. 想一想,将来九阳上人开创一条修炼路。 Countless people follow closely him to cultivate, master of name ten thousand th is not overrated. 无数人都紧随他修炼,万世之师这个称呼也不为过。 This is the fame and fortune, greatest fame and fortune. 这是名利,莫大的名利。 During one's lifetime, asks fame and fortune two characters. 人生在世,所求不过名利二字。 You no longer sit,” on nine Yang people said hastily. “您不再坐坐嘛,”九阳上人连忙说道。 We have not entertained you well.” “我们还没有好好招待您。” Entertainment does not need, but you taught as if somewhat to trouble in January,” Xu Zimo said suddenly. “招待就不必了,不过你们正月教似乎有些麻烦了,”徐子墨突然说道。 His vision looks to the north side. 他的目光看向北边。 In the Xu Zimo sensation, several powerful aura approach toward here. 徐子墨的感知中,有好几股强大的气息朝这里靠近。 This each breath is sending out the thick evil intention all at once, looked is the future is then bad. 这每一股气息都散发着浓浓的恶意,一看便是来者不善。 And several imposing manners, even is equally matched with on nine Yang people. 其中有几道气势,甚至跟九阳上人都不相上下。 Hears the Xu Zimo words, has 9 th on the Yang person not to respond. 听到徐子墨的话,起初九阳上人还没有反应过来。 Quick, that several forms have appeared on the sensations of nine Yang people. 很快,那几道身影已经出现在九阳上人的感知中。 Is ghostdom these people,” on nine Yang person complexions are embarrassed, said. “是冥界那些人,”九阳上人脸色难堪,说道。 Seeming like feared that Xu Zimo is not clear, on nine Yang people explained: „Before this mountain , reason that is the dead mountain, because here once was the entrance of ghostdom.” 似乎是怕徐子墨不明白,九阳上人解释道:“这座山之前之所以是死山,因为这里曾经是冥界的入口。” This place myriad things fear, infertile. “此地万物惧死,寸草不生。 Afterward I expelled the ghostdom, restored the vitality here. ” 后来我赶走了冥界,将这里重新恢复了生机。” I know that they will definitely not give up, has not thought unexpectedly comes so quick.” “我知道他们肯定不会善罢甘休,没想到竟然来的如此快。” On nine Yang person words fall, nearby white clothing man follows close on was saying: „Was founder, is it possible that yama goes out ahead of time?” 九阳上人话语落下,旁边的白衣男子紧跟着说道:“教主,莫非是那冥王提前出关了?” The yama is the ghost clan, but the yama ambition is enormous, does not obey dispatching of ghost clan. 冥王乃是鬼族的,不过冥王野心极大,根本不服从鬼族的调遣。 He even wants homemade Clan, and changes name as the deep clan. 他甚至想要自创一族,并改名为冥族。 () ()
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