IATV :: Volume #23

#2238: Chapter 2238 ascends the sky has eyes, believes in Heaven and Earth

The Xu Zimo following white clothing man continues to walk toward inside. 徐子墨跟着白衣男子继续往里面走。 This innermost is thatched huts. 这最里面是一座座茅草屋。 The bushes construct to the river, rows of close, although is the bushes, but is uniform, plan very reasonable. 茅草向河而建,一排排鳞次栉比,虽然是茅草,但整齐划一,规划十分的合理。 Before the thatched hut, is putting a table for eight. 茅草屋前,放着一张八仙桌。 The table for eight stands by the complementing of dormancy immortal. 八仙桌以仙人之足抵眠而立。 The white clothing man smiles to ask: Drinks or drinks tea?” 白衣男子笑问道:“喝酒还是喝茶?” Tea, as after the bitter comes the sweet, in my opinion, your right noon time teaches with this tea is the same truth.” “茶吧,作为苦尽甘来,依我看,你们正阳教就跟这茶是一样的道理。” Xu Zimo tranquil saying. 徐子墨平静的说道。 The white clothing man waves, takes out one can of tea from the space conveniently. 白衣男子一挥手,随手从空间中就取出一罐茶。 The tea has not soaked, that tea aroma and mixes bitterly and astringently in together, from fragrant dispersing. 茶尚未泡开,那其中的茶香与苦涩混合在一起,从其中芬芳般散开。 Fellow Daoist please taste, that is the bitter pressure excessively is actually fragrant, the fragrance has covered painstakingly,” white clothing man said with a smile. “道友请品尝,那究竟是苦压过香呢,还是香盖过苦,”白衣男子笑道。 The hot water may come conveniently. 热水随手可来。 The end of that river water, is spring. 那条河水的尽头,是一处泉眼。 The white clothing man wields conveniently, that sweetest spring water is so near to fly spatially. 白衣男子随手一挥,那最甘甜的泉水就这般临空飞来。 Boils the tea sound to shine in the quiet blue flame. 煮茶声映照在幽蓝色的火焰中。 The white clothing man arrived at a pot personally, the end to the Xu Zimo front. 白衣男子亲手到了一壶,端到徐子墨的面前。 Xu Zimo has not directly answered this issue. 徐子墨并没有正面回答这个问题。 But drank tea, asked: „Is the goal that you practice what?” 而是喝了一口茶,问道:“你修行的目的是什么?” Again also or I asked was simpler.” “亦或者我再问的简单一些。” Why will you believe on nine Yang person cultivation ways?” “你为什么会信奉九阳上人这种修炼方式呢?” White clothing man silent. 白衣男子沉默了一下。 Finally said: Heavenly Way reward attendance, the founder said often ascends the sky has eyes, particularly a while ago, that heavy rain that is found in the whole world.” 最终说道:“天道酬勤,教主常常说上天有眼,尤其是前段时间,那场遍布整个世界的大雨。” Xu Zimo knows, the opposite party said should be that causes and effects rain. 徐子墨知道,对方说的应该是那场因果雨。 Perhaps that rain average person cannot feel anything. 那场雨或许普通人感受不到什么。 But regarding some powerhouses, their sensations is how keen. 但对于一些强者而言,他们的感知何其敏锐。 One had so deep pulling association with the world, can actually discover somewhat. 自身与世界有了如此深的牵联,其实多多少少都能发现的。 We are doing to the Heaven and Earth beneficial matter, senses Heaven and Earth, is good Heaven and Earth, Heaven and Earth naturally can return us.” “我们在做对天地有益的事情,感悟天地,为善天地,天地自然会回报我们。” You hope how Heaven and Earth does return?” Xu Zimo asked. “那你希望天地如何回报呢?”徐子墨问道。 Heaven and Earth has the methodicalness, this is not, white clothing man who we can guess said with a smile. 天地自有章法,这就不是我们能够揣测的了,”白衣男子笑道。 „Haven't you understood?” Xu Zimo shakes the head. “你还没明白吗?”徐子墨摇了摇头。 What?” The white clothing man stares. “什么?”白衣男子一愣。 I represent Heaven and Earth to come, naturally I am Heaven and Earth.” “我代表天地而来,自然我就是天地。” I asked you, you do not need to hide one's incompetence by remaining silent, my was realizing your desire!” “我问你,你不必藏拙,我这是在实现你的愿望啊!” Xu Zimo said with a smile. 徐子墨笑道。 The tone that he spoke was very tranquil, but listened in the ear of white clothing man, was no different than flat land startling thunderclap. 他说话的语气很平静,但是听在白衣男子的耳中,无异于平地一声惊雷。 The white clothing man on the standing up body, looks at Xu Zimo that the expression shocks instantaneously. 白衣男子瞬间就站起身子,表情震撼的看着徐子墨 On behalf of Heaven and Earth, I am Heaven and Earth, the fellow daoist knows these words the significance.” “代表天地,我即是天地,道友知道这句话的意义嘛。” The white clothing man asked. 白衣男子问道。 Although the heart deep place, this should be false absolutely. 虽然他内心深处,绝对这应该是假的。 Cracks a joke, when Heaven and Earth will pay attention to their these unimportant people. 开什么玩笑,天地何时会注意他们这些小人物了。 They do not even dare to implore other, so long as Heaven and Earth can notice their one eyes in some time, this is greatest being honored. 他们甚至不敢去祈求别的,只要天地能够在某个时刻注意到他们一眼,这便已经是莫大的荣幸了。 But for all this, in the heart of white clothing man, has several points to fantasize. 但尽管如此,在白衣男子的心中,又带着几分幻想。 If real...... 若是真的呢…… If by some chance real...... 万一是真的呢…… Words I said that the letter/believes with does not believe lies in you,” Xu Zimo returns said. “话我说了,信与不信在于你,”徐子墨回道。 Why, don't I understand?” The white clothing man shakes the head. “为什么,我不懂?”白衣男子摇了摇头。 What doesn't understand?” “不懂什么?” „The world is so big, Heaven and Earth is great, why will you... you notice us?” “世界如此大,天地广阔无垠,你…您为什么会注意到我们呢?” The white clothing man is considering the expression. 白衣男子斟酌着言词。 Even changed into you. 甚至换成了您。 Always some people must gaze, why can't be you?” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “总有人要被注视到,为什么不能是你们呢?”徐子墨笑道。 In this time, outside is broadcasting the sound. 正在这时,外面传来了声音。 Founder came back!” “教主回来了啊!” Has seen the founder.” “见过教主。” Founder, how this time that Kunlun Mountains, may sense the Heaven and Earth first mountain was grand?” “教主,此番那昆仑山脉如何,可感悟天地第一山的雄伟了?” Xu Zimo turns the head to look, saw only one to wear the black long gown, the walking powerful youth walked. 徐子墨转头看去,只见一名身穿黑色长袍,走起路来气势十足的青年走了过来。 Naturally, practices the appearance cannot judge an age of person. 当然,修行界的长相并不能评判一个人的年龄。 After all some people will be stationed in the youth forever, some people like naturally dying of old age. 毕竟有人永驻青春,也有人喜欢自然老去。 This black robe youth is the founder who the right noon time teaches, is called on nine Yang people. 这黑袍青年便是正阳教的教主,人称九阳上人。 From the outside, he seems to have no unusual place. 从外面看,他似乎没什么奇特之地。 But if can see through his whole person, for example in the eye of Xu Zimo, that is together the out of the ordinary scenery. 但若是能看穿他整个人,就比如在徐子墨的眼中,那便是一道非比寻常的风景。 Nine Yang names, did not call white/in vain. 九阳之名,可不是白叫的。 On within the body of nine Yang people, fierce Yang Sanfa of nine rounds of burning hot ignition ancient brilliance. 在九阳上人的体内,九轮炙热灼烧的烈阳散发着亘古的光辉。 On meat in every inchs nine Yang human body, each physique, each drop of blood, covers in. 将九阳上人体内的每一寸肉,每一根筋骨,每一滴血液,都笼罩其中。 Nine Yang are strengthening his body always. 九阳无时无刻不在强化他的身体。 One Yang Weilie head, 一阳位列头颅, Two is the both arms Yang, 二阳位列双臂, Two is the both legs Yang, 二阳位列双腿, Surplus Sanyang is the positions of abdomen hundred human bone. 剩余三阳位列腹部百骸之位。 So distributed, besides nine Yang, in his within the body, the potential of mountain stands erect not but actually, torrential Jianghai/river sea shoots up to the sky. 如此分布,除了九阳之外,在他的体内,大山之势屹立不倒,滔滔江海冲天而起。 The Beidou stars are partly visible. 北斗星辰若隐若现。 This is an absolute powerhouse. 这是一名绝对的强者。 Even can say, in entire Divine State Continent, on the strengths of these nine Yang people can arrange to enter the first echelon. 甚至可以说,在整个神州大陆内,这九阳上人的实力都能够排进第一梯队。 To be honest, Xu Zimo these comes time time, has not thought on the strengths of nine Yang people so will be strong. 说实话,徐子墨这一次来的时候,并没有想过九阳上人的实力会如此强。 After all he lets matters drift regarding Divine State Continent, along with Polish development was too long. 毕竟他对于神州大陆放任自流,随波发展太久了。 This is Xu Zimo regarding on the views of nine Yang people. 这是徐子墨对于九阳上人的看法。 But regarding nine Yang Shangren, within the body turns the difficult situation. 而对于九阳上人来说,体内更是翻起了惊涛骇浪。 Because he is powerful, under this Heaven and Earth can hide the truth from his matter to be very few. 正因为他实力强大,这天地下能瞒过他的事情十分少。 But when at this moment he observes Minute Subtlety looks at Xu Zimo, can carefully feel that terrifying. 但此刻当他去观察入微徐子墨时,才能够更细致感受到那股恐怖。 He tastes to observe the potential of Heaven and Earth, pursues the mountains rivers, ancient starry sky. 他尝尝去观天地之势,追逐山川河流,亘古星空。 But this moment this man sits before him. 但此刻这男人就坐在他面前。 His inexplicable has an misconception, probably Heaven and Earth before him. 他莫名的有种错觉,好像天地就在他面前。 What Beidou stars, livelihood same splendor, torrential Jianghai/river sea, be continuous mountain range...... 什么北斗星辰,日月同辉,滔滔江海,绵延山脉…… Probably is revolving this man to revolve. 好像都在围绕着这个男人而运转。 Which he arrives, where is the Heaven and Earth center. 他走到哪,哪里便是天地的中心。 On nine Yang people shake the head, thinks oneself misread. 九阳上人不禁摇了摇头,以为自己看错了。 But how regardless to see, this men are the central point of the world. 但无论怎么看,这男人都是世界的中心点。 In fact from some perspective, on nine Yang people compared with just white clothing man must devout. 事实上从某种角度来讲,九阳上人比刚刚的白衣男子要更加的虔诚。 Because he was too reverent regarding Heaven and Earth, put forward these theories, and as the founder, his wingless is most successful. 正因为他对于天地太虔诚了,才提出了这些理论,并且作为开创者,他无翼是最成功的。 Therefore when receiving the sect signalling, has the Heaven and Earth envoy comes, his excitedly has pressed the question. 所以在接到宗门的传信,有天地使者过来时,他内心的激动是压过质疑的。 ............ ………… At this moment, looks Xu Zimo that the front sits. 此刻,看着面前坐的徐子墨 On nine Yang people reorganized a clothing, goes forward directly one step, kneels has an audience with the emperor Xu Zimo deeply to do obeisance in the place. 九阳上人整理了一番衣衫,直接上前一步,跪在地上朝徐子墨深深一拜。 simultaneous/uniform Hengjian Heaven and Earth envoy!” “齐珩见过天地使者!” simultaneous/uniform Heng is on the real names of nine Yang people. 齐珩便是九阳上人的真名。 However this name very long no one has called, others are the above person call him. 不过这个名字已经很久没有人叫过了,别人都是以上人称呼他。 Gets up,” Xu Zimo lifts the hand, said. “起来吧,”徐子墨抬手,说道。 This time I come for you, comes for the good idea for you and Heaven and Earth.” “此番我为你而来,也为你与天地为善的理念而来。” I know, I know ascends the sky could have seen,” on nine Yang people are excited, said with a smile. “我就知道,我就知道上天已经看得见,”九阳上人激动的,笑道。 Ascends the sky has eyes!” “上天有眼啊!” Is excited regarding on nine Yang people, Xu Zimo is actually very confident. 对于九阳上人如此激动,徐子墨倒是很坦然。 () ()
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