IATV :: Volume #23

#2237: Chapter 2237 plants trees, feedback Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2239 plants trees, feedback Heaven and Earth 第2239章种树,回馈天地 In another head of Heaven and Earth line, together old sound sound. 天地线的另一头,一道苍老的声音响了起来。 The sound is indistinct, probably is fragrant with that column, the curling smoke from kitchen chimneys, sways on. 声音飘渺,好像跟那柱香一般,袅袅炊烟,飘摇而上。 Elder, some people wants to see the founder.” “长老,有人想要见教主。” Middle-aged person opens the mouth, tranquil saying. 中年人开口,平静的说道。 He to these elder not specially respectful meanings. 他对这些长老并没有特别恭敬的意思。 After all his strength is not weak. 毕竟他的实力不弱。 Because if not for practices to sense the difference of Heaven and Earth, perhaps on nine Yang people will also receive him for the disciple. 若不是因为修行感悟天地的不同,说不定九阳上人也会收他为徒。 At the appointed time he may become elders one very much. 届时他很有可能成为长老们中的一员。 Therefore these elder middle-aged people did not fear. 所以这些长老中年人并不怕。 Even can say, the entire right noon time teaches, only on nine Yang people can make him respect. 甚至可以说,整个正阳教,唯有九阳上人能够让他尊敬。 „Can founder what person see can it be that?” Another head of Yixiantian, broadcasts together the disgruntled sound. “教主岂是什么人都能见的?”一线天的另一头,传来一道不悦的声音。 His strength is very strong,” middle-aged person replied briefly and to the point. “他实力很强,”中年人言简意赅的回答。 Just like Xu Zimo can the sensation come out, spiritual energy of this middle-aged person just like sea, immeasurably deep. 正如徐子墨能够感知出来,这中年人的灵气宛如大海,深不可测。 The middle-aged people the sensation the Xu Zimo situation, the result of sensation had also once made him have a big shock finally. 中年人也曾感知过徐子墨的情况,结果感知的结果让他大惊失色。 spiritual energy of that within the body like the mire, wants profound innumerable times compared with the sea, 那体内的灵气如同泥潭,比大海还要深邃无数倍, Even is wisp of spiritual energy, as if there is vast boundless resembles of sea. 甚至是一缕灵气,都似乎有海的浩瀚无垠之像。 Because feels, the middle-aged person then knows, these met the true powerhouse time. 正是因为如此感受,中年人便知道,这一次遇见了真正的强者。 Therefore he just guides on own initiative. 所以他方才主动带路。 Since the opposite party mention names to find on the founder nine Yang people, then natural, only then the founder handled this matter. 对方既然指名道姓找教主九阳上人,那么自然只有教主处理这件事了。 Others only feared that does not have the qualifications to talk. 其他人只怕都没资格对话。 ......... ……… Hears the words of middle-aged person, another end of Yixiantian obviously was silent. 听到中年人的话,一线天的另一端明显沉默了一下。 The strength of middle-aged person they know. 中年人的实力他们还是知道的。 If even the middle-aged people said are very strong, they also has several probably. 若是连中年人都说很强,他们心里也就大概有数了。 The opposite party must see the founder, only feared that they cannot block. 对方要见教主,只怕他们也拦不住。 At this time, that column as if must burn the cinders fragrant, the final smoke from kitchen chimneys started to evolve. 这时候,那一柱香似乎要烧烬了,最后的炊烟开始演化。 A wisp of fuming makes together the human form. 一缕烟化作一道人形。 Sees only one to wear the white robe, handsome such as the man of jade walked. 只见一名身穿白袍,翩翩如玉的男子走了出来。 That wisp of smoke, is the space dislocation, opens Space Gate. 那一缕烟,便是空间错位,打开空间之门 This male surface like jade pendant adorning a hat, long handsome extraordinary, the body brings Heaven and Earth fairyism. 这男子面如冠玉,长的英俊非凡,身上自带一股天地仙气。 Vast say/way,” Xu Zimo twittering. “浩瀚之道嘛,”徐子墨呢喃了一声。 In fact the say/way of these people, his eyes then can see through. 事实上这些人的道,他一眼便能看穿。 The right noon time teaches, what art senses Heaven and Earth. 正阳教,讲究的是感悟天地 Seemingly practices is the same. 看上去似乎修行的都一样。 However the different people, sense Heaven and Earth, Great Way that senses is also different. 但是不同的人,感悟天地,感悟出来的大道也是不同的。 On middle-aged person who for example this guides, what he senses is the Heavenly Way reward attendance, the absolute sincerity, sincerity enough to move popular sentiment. 就比如这带路的中年人,他感悟的乃是天道酬勤,精诚所至,金石为开。 This type of say/way, is carefully. 这种道,是一步一脚印。 Without dying, then arrives diligently. 只要没死,便努力到死。 But at this moment the present white clothing man, he senses the vastness of the world, huge of Heaven and Earth. 而此刻眼前的白衣男子呢,他感悟世界之浩瀚,天地之庞大。 Mountains rivers, the potential of Heaven and Earth. 山川河流,天地之势。 This is his say/way. 这是他的道。 The white clothing man's as on the true inheritance disciples of nine Yang people, has possibility Great Way very much is the heredity to nine Yang people. 白衣男子作为九阳上人的真传弟子,很有可能大道便是遗传至九阳上人。 Had not guessed as for concrete Xu Zimo. 至于具体的徐子墨也没有猜测。 Does not know that what matter the fellow daoist does look for our founder behavior?” “不知道友找我们教主所为何事?” After the white clothing man comes out, first sized up Xu Zimo. 白衣男子出来后,先是打量了一番徐子墨 Discovered oneself could not completely understand, the innermost feelings sink, then asked. 发现自己根本看不透,内心一沉,便问道。 In fact just time, they already to founder signalling. 事实上刚刚的时候,他们已经向教主传信了。 The opposite party is the enemy is the friend cannot distinguish clearly, sees with does not see must all depending on the founder, they cannot take responsibility. 对方是敌是友分不清,见与不见也要全凭教主,他们做不了主。 What matter?” Xu Zimo smiles. “何事?”徐子墨笑了笑。 Said: Do not be anxious, I am well-meant.” 说道:“别紧张,我没有恶意。” Or Heaven and Earth teaches to your right noon time, is very inclusive.” “或者说,天地对你们正阳教,是很包容的。” After all you and Heaven and Earth for good, I reward on behalf of Heaven and Earth your.” “毕竟你们与天地为善,我是代表天地奖励你们的。” The Xu Zimo words make the present white clothing man somewhat amazed. 徐子墨的话让眼前的白衣男子有些惊诧。 To be honest, if not for here is the right noon time teaches, only feared that these words no one believes. 说实话,若不是这里是正阳教,只怕这番话没有一个人会相信。 It seems like knows the doubts of opposite party. 似乎是知道对方的疑惑。 Xu Zimo tranquil saying: You do not believe indifferently, making your founders come out, I naturally had the words to say with him.” 徐子墨平静的说道:“你不相信无所谓,让你们教主出来,我自然有话与他说。” The white clothing man hesitated. 白衣男子迟疑了一下。 In this time, in that Yixiantian, seems to be also having the sound to transmit. 正在这时,那一线天内,似乎又有动静传来。 Only listened is the form walked from inside together slowly, bridged over the space and time front door, flood endless ripples. 只听又是一道身影缓缓从里面走了出来,跨过时空大门,泛起无尽涟漪。 Fellow Daoist, our founders is willing to see you.” “道友,我们教主愿意见你。” The form that this comes out newly is a female. 这新出来的身影乃是一名女子。 She white-haired, that such as the snow common white hair seems especially chilly. 她满头白发,那如雪一般的白发显得格外清冷。 Especially her vision, just like snow and ice ice-cold. 尤其是她的目光,宛如冰雪般冰冷。 Our founders outside, are still catching up in the round trip, you first come to wait, how?” “不过我们教主还在外面,正在往回赶,你先进来等一等,如何?” The females wave, by that Yixiantian mountain peak, was opened probably completely automatically, presented a gateway. 女子一挥手,那一线天两边的山峰,就好像全部自动被打开,出现了一道门户。 In this gateway, is color of one luxuriant greens. 这门户内,是一片绿意盎然之色彩。 Xu Zimo did not fear, direct one step strides. 徐子墨也不怕,直接一步跨入其中。 In present mountain peak, as if Small World. 眼前的山峰内,似乎还有一个小世界 However Xu Zimo felt carefully, discovered that in these small mountain peaks do not calculate the world. 不过徐子墨细细感受了一番,发现这些小山峰并不算内世界。 Because it with the mountain peak links. 因为它与山峰是连接在一起的。 In other words, it is a part of mountain peak. 换句话说,它便是山峰的一部分。 On nine Yang people in the special method, separate the mountain peak. 只是九阳上人以特殊的手段,将山峰隔开。 The entrance that no wonder the right noon time teaches, guarding a gate disciples do not have. 怪不得正阳教的大门口,连个守门的弟子都没有。 Even the formation trace cannot see. 甚至连阵法的痕迹都看不到。 Originally was on these nine Yang people the important thing will place the position of back side of the mountain. 原来是这九阳上人将重要的东西都放在了后山的位置。 ......... ……… Xu Zimo enters the back side of the mountain, the line of sight is also enlarged thoroughly. 徐子墨进入后山,视线也彻底被放大。 Sees only in this back side of the mountain, is the green and luxuriant trees, almost became the forest. 只见这后山里面,全是郁郁葱葱的树木,几乎都成了森林。 These trees grow healthy and strong, is seemingly promising, is very good. 这些树木茁壮成长,看上去长势喜人,十分不错。 In the middle position of forest, rivers were introduced this place. 在森林的中间位置,还有一条河流被引入此地。 The rivers gallop no longer, vanish in the deep place of woods continuously. 河流奔腾不复,源源不断消失在树林的深处。 This is the meaning of founder,” the white clothing man who behind follows said. “这都是教主的意思,”身后跟着的白衣男子说道。 Founder said, we demand toward Heaven and Earth, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Energy is used to practice, food water source is used to survive. “教主说,我们朝天地索取,天地灵气用来修练,食物水源用来生存。 The magic weapon spars multi- Heaven and Earth to cause the turbulence. 法宝斗法有多天地造成动荡。 We need to return nurturing to parents Heaven and Earth, feedback Heaven and Earth is good. ” 我们需要反哺天地,回馈天地才行。” Planter trees, eliminate the silt, the penetration rivers, these are the founder advocate.” “种植树木,清除淤泥,贯通河流,这些都是教主主张的。” Beginning us when this mountain peak, this is a dead mountain, without the trees, only rivers also stopped up the innumerable water current.” “我们初来这座山峰时,这是一座死山,没有树木,唯一的一条河流还堵塞了无数的水流。” Founder opens sect Lipai in this, then had the present prosperous scene.” “教主在此开宗立派,便有了如今欣欣向荣的景象。” In addition, the founder goes out to walk randomly frequently, the good good, becomes aware Seondeok.” “除此之外,教主经常出去游走,行善事,悟善道。” Listens to the white clothing man to praise the founder incessantly, Xu Zimo has not broken him. 听着白衣男子滔滔不绝的夸奖着自家教主,徐子墨也没有打断他。 After all this white clothing man said is also the truth. 毕竟这白衣男子说的也是实话。 On nine Yang people truly did many goods. 九阳上人确实做了很多善事。 When the opposite party said, Xu Zimo said with a smile: Truly, if the people in world look like on nine Yang people so, I did not need to worry about anything.” 等到对方说完,徐子墨笑道:“确实,要是世间的人都像九阳上人这般,我也不用操心什么了。” He does not need to consume massive experiences, does the say/way of what causes and effects, but also said in heaven. 他也不需要耗费大量经历,去做什么因果之道,还道于天了。 What a pity the world thoughts, no one can entirely believe in every possible way. 可惜世人百般心思,谁也不能完全相信。 In the forest deep place, Xu Zimo saw elders who many right noon time teach. 在森林的深处,徐子墨见到了很多正阳教的长老们。 Each practical training in forest. 每一个都在森林内劳作着。 Disciples outside practical training, elders in inside practical training. 弟子们在外面劳作,长老们在里面劳作。 The earnestness of very their practical training, looked that the look knows, is that type is willing, does not have slightly reluctantly. 他们劳作的很认真,看眼神就知道,是那种心甘情愿的,没有丝毫的勉强。 () ()
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