IATV :: Volume #23

#2236: Chapter 2236 unique practice, middle-aged person

Chapter 2238 unique practice, middle-aged person 第2238章独特的修练,中年人 Because the right noon time teaches so unadorned practice way, causes the defense of their sect is not strict. 正因为正阳教如此朴实无华的修练方式,才导致他们宗门的防守不严密。 The guarding a gate disciples look at the mood. 守门弟子都是看心情来的。 Even entire sect, it can be said that penniless. 甚至整个宗门,都可以说是一贫如洗。 In total gate most valuable place, it can be said that sect back side of the mountain that together ore mixture. 总门内最值钱的地方,可以说是宗门后山那一块混合矿了。 This ore mixture does not know that is what reason formation, in brief inside various ores have everything expected to find. 这混合矿也不知是什么原因形成,总之里面的各种矿石都应有尽有。 Usually if there is disciple going in refiner even refines some magic weapons. 平日若是有弟子进去炼器甚至是炼制一些法宝。 Can enter applies for spirit stones. 都可以进入申请灵石。 Practices in this sect, been fastidious is as one desires along with the nature. 在这个宗门修练,讲究的便是随心随性。 However the right noon time teaches also some requests. 不过正阳教也有一些要求。 For example each month time explaining religious doctrine congress. 比如每月一次的讲道大会。 All disciples must participate. 所有弟子都必须参加。 However this explaining religious doctrine congress, is not the powerhouse told that anything practices the rare book, what heart law wise remark. 但是这种讲道大会,并非是强者讲述什么修练秘籍,什么心法经验之谈。 The explaining religious doctrine congress, is countless people senses the Heaven and Earth congress together. 讲道大会,乃是无数人一起去感悟天地的大会。 At the appointed time, the powerhouse or the weak one, will sense together. 届时,无论是强者还是弱者,都会一起去感悟。 This is their practices together. 这是他们的修练一道。 And besides the cloudless day sensibility, when the thunder rainy day, the wet weather, they will also or sense. 并且除了晴天感悟外,每到雷雨天,或者说下雨天、他们也会去感悟。 This practicing way, even can say entire Divine State Continent, is alone this one. 这种修行方式,甚至可以说整个神州大陆,都是独此一份。 Moreover founder who teaches as the right noon time, on nine Yang people are not the whereabouts secret, that the average person cannot see. 而且作为正阳教的教主,九阳上人也并非行踪隐秘,一般人看不到的那种。 It is said on nine Yang people take a walk in the total gate frequently, the disciples will see him frequently. 据说九阳上人经常在总门内走动,弟子们经常会见到他。 And on nine Yang people are glad to accept regarding the new thing, at that time when the science and technology developed together, on nine Yang people are earliest one group of research science and technology people together. 并且九阳上人对于新事物是十分乐意接受的,当时科技一道发展时,九阳上人便是最早一批研究科技一道的人。 ......... ……… After Xu Zimo steps onto this mountain peak. 徐子墨走上这山峰后。 The discovery present mountain deep place, almost takes in everything at a glance. 发现眼前的大山深处,几乎是一览无遗。 The road surface is smooth, smooth and cleanness that various flowers and plants trees prune. 路面平整,各种花草树木都修剪的平整又干净。 Moreover two sides is planting various trees. 而且两边种植着各种树木。 Has the apple trees, pear tree and various fruits to have everything expected to find. 有苹果树、梨树、各种水果都应有尽有。 Xu Zimo looked at several at will. 徐子墨随意看了几眼。 Discovers in these orchards, there are innumerable cultivator to bustle about. 发现这些果园内,有无数的修士正在忙碌着。 The sky was still just raining hard, Xu Zimo looked up, discovered that such as the new friends have stopped. 刚刚天空还在下着大雨,徐子墨抬头看了看,发现如今雨已经停了。 Turns over to the evening to go, has the home to return to finally,” Xu Zimo muttered. “归夕而去,终有归宿,”徐子墨喃喃自语了一声。 ......... ……… This Heaven and Earth is the dog face, suddenly turns about.” “这天地属狗脸的,说变就变。” Yes, just rained, I also worried that the reflector of orchard was irrigated badly, without thinking of this stopped in an instant.” “就是,刚刚下雨,我还担心果园的反射镜被浇坏,没想到这转眼就停了。” Zhou wisdom, is your reflector useful?” “周智,你这反射镜有什么用?” This you do not understand, if the apple wants to be ruddy, must shine enough sunlight. “这你们就不懂了吧,苹果要想红润,就必须照射足够的阳光。 But the apple is a circular, some places are the sunlight do not incur unavoidably. 但苹果是一个圆形,有些地方难免是阳光招不到的。 I use the reflector, can also shine the sunlight some apple dead angles. ” 我利用反射镜,可以将一些苹果死角也照射到阳光。” This principle, has the time also to make the lane to us.” “还有这种原理啊,有时间也给我们弄弄呗。” I heard that true inheritance disciples good that so long as the fruit tree plants, immortal cultivation then can break through many big realm.” “我听说啊,真传弟子们只要果树种的好,修仙便能冲破好多大境界。” Present immortal cultivation, seem like with the imagination in different. 眼前的修仙者们,看上去跟想象中不同。 Does not have any holding a sword horizon, powerful. 没有什么仗剑天涯,气势如虹。 They seem like the ordinary old farmer, is planting the orchard, wears the ordinary clothes. 他们看上去就像是普通的老农般,种植着果园,穿着普通的衣服。 Just like painstakingly cultivator cultivator. 宛如苦修士般的修炼者 This is also related with the practice method that the right noon time teaches. 这同样跟正阳教的修练方法有关。 What the right noon time teaches the art senses Heaven and Earth, what then does sense? 正阳教讲究的乃是感悟天地,那么感悟到什么呢? Actually is Heaven and Earth what? 天地又究竟是什么呢? On the founder nine Yang people left behind the answer. 教主九阳上人留下了答案。 Senses Heaven and Earth, must make itself return to Heaven and Earth. 感悟天地,要让自身回归天地 How to return, the grain miscellaneous grains, the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, vicissitudes of life, these is a part of Heaven and Earth. 怎么回归,五谷杂粮,喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合,这些都是天地的一部分。 Do not attempt unique, do not think the eternal life does not die. 不要妄图去超脱,不要想着永生不死。 The step steps was too big, is easy to pull the hip. 步伐迈的太大了,容易扯着胯。 Regarding strength weak immortal cultivation, then plants the grain miscellaneous grains, was the best immortal cultivation way. 对于实力弱的修仙者,那么将五谷杂粮种好,便是最好的修仙方式了。 ......... ……… Xu Zimo observes the situation all around. 徐子墨环视四周。 Discovery many disciples from orchard. 发现很多弟子从果园中走了出来。 However these disciples have not noticed Xu Zimo, after all sect was so big, has the person who did not know to be normal. 不过这些弟子也没有注意到徐子墨,毕竟宗门这么大,有不认识的人再正常不过了。 Actually Xu Zimo driving opens the mouth. 倒是徐子墨主动开口。 „, On can your founder nine Yang people in sect?” “诸位,你们的教主九阳上人可在宗门内?” The Xu Zimo voice falls, this brought to the attention of countless person. 徐子墨话音落下,这才引起了无数人的注意。 You are not the right noon time teach?” “你不是正阳教的嘛?” Who you are, what asks our founders to make?” “你是何人,找我们教主做什么?” I am a envoy who the heaven sends, looks for your founder something,” Xu Zimo spoke thoughtlessly to say. “我是上天派来的使者,找你们教主有些事情,”徐子墨随口说道。 Envoy who „ heaven sends? “上天派来的使者? Angel? ” 天使?” The people are doubtful. 众人半信半疑。 If elsewhere place, the people definitely do not believe. 若是放在别处,众人肯定不相信。 But the right noon time teaches, been fastidious is one awes Heaven and Earth. 但偏偏正阳教,讲究的便是一个敬畏天地 Our founders we do not know, his whereabouts will also not tell us.” “我们教主我们也不知道,他的行踪又不会告诉我们。” Some people stand, said. 有人站出来,说道。 You can look for our core elders, they are the true inheritance disciples of founder, definitely knows.” “你可以找我们的核心长老,他们都是教主的真传弟子,肯定知道。” I guide to you,” has a middle-aged person to stand, said. “我给你带路吧,”有一名中年人站出来,说道。 Before this middle-aged person, in the final side, Xu Zimo had not paid attention specially. 这中年人之前一直在最后方,徐子墨也没有特别注意。 At this moment as soon as he starts talking, the surrounding disciples all make way automatically a path. 此刻他一开口说话,周围的弟子们全部自动让开一条道路。 The status of this middle-aged person is not obviously ordinary. 这中年人的身份明显不一般。 He wears the simple clothes, brings in a pocket the straw hat, in the hand also takes a hoe. 他穿着朴素的衣裳,带着一顶兜里草帽,手里还拿着一根锄头。 Should also just the busy farming season come back. 应该也是刚刚农忙回来。 Nine days of Senior Brother,” sees the middle-aged person, many disciples greeted hastily, sent regards. “九天师兄,”看到中年人,许多弟子连忙打招呼,问候道。 Practices, nothing attractive,” middle-aged person beckons with the hand, disperses many disciples. “都去修练吧,没什么好看的,”中年人摆摆手,将众多弟子驱散。 Afterward he arrives at the Xu Zimo front. 随后他走到徐子墨的面前。 Saying with a smile: I lead you to look for the elders, our mountain peaks are very big, if you become lost are not good.” 笑道:“我带你去找长老们吧,我们这山峰很大,你要是迷路就不好了。” Xu Zimo took a look at this middle-aged person. 徐子墨打量了一番这中年人。 Seeing only him, although is seemingly ordinary, but stands there, the stature is tall and straight, as if ancient trees. 只见他虽然看上去普通,但站在那里,身材挺拔,就仿佛一棵亘古的树木般。 For the time being regardless, actually also does not go to manages middle-aged person is the good intention to guide, guards against oneself this stranger. 暂且不论,也不去管这中年人究竟是好心带路,还是提防自己这个陌生人。 Xu Zimo does not matter. 徐子墨都无所谓。 Then said with a smile: That walks.” 便笑道:“那就走吧。” Along front Great Way, this middle-aged person is also familiar and easy. 沿着前方的大道,这中年人也算轻车熟路。 He all the way is also quiet, has not looked for Xu Zimo to chat on own initiative. 他一路上也是沉默寡言,没有主动找徐子墨聊天。 By your present practicing, on nine Yang people hasn't received you are true inheritance?” Xu Zimo interested asking. “以你如今的修行,九阳上人没有把你收为真传?”徐子墨饶有兴趣的问道。 Do not look that this middle-aged person is ordinary. 别看这中年人普普通通。 But coming out of Xu Zimo feeling, the strength of opposite party is very strong. 徐子墨感受的出来,对方的实力很强。 within the body that spiritual energy just like the spiritual energy sea, is too deep to see the bottom, immeasurably deep. 体内那股灵气宛如灵气大海般,深不见底,深不可测。 Although has no way to compare with Xu Zimo, however teaches in the right noon time, absolutely was not the weak one. 虽然跟徐子墨没法比,但是在正阳教,绝对不算弱者了。 The middle-aged people smile. 中年人笑了笑。 Returns said: „ Founder said that the say/way that I practice is different from him. 回道:“教主说了,我修练的道跟他不同。 Even if receives me for true inheritance, he could not help my many. ” 就算收我为真传,他也帮不了我多少。” I take this road, is feels the stone to work, without the experience of predecessor model.” “我走这一条路,便是摸着石头干活,没有前人的经验了借鉴。” Two people are chatting, before arriving at a rockery . 两人聊着天,来到了一座假山前。 Here is a position of Yixiantian. 这里是一处一线天的位置。 This Yixiantian is several hundred meters at least, but width only then several centimeters, let alone people, even if a fly wants to pass through, only feared that is not easy. 这一线天起码有几百米长,但是宽度只有几厘米,别说人了,哪怕是一只苍蝇想要穿过去,只怕都不容易。 After the middle-aged people come here, in the hand does not know when presented several columns to be fragrant. 中年人来到这里后,手里不知何时出现了几柱香。 He will light fragrant, emits a smoke from kitchen chimneys instantaneously. 他将香点燃,瞬间就冒出点点炊烟。 What matter?” “何事?” () ()
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