IATV :: Volume #23

#2235: The Chapter 2235 spirit lord, senses Heaven and Earth

The Chapter 2237 spirit lord, senses Heaven and Earth 第2237章灵主,感悟天地 Two people seem like make puzzling remarks in a moment. 两人说话就像是打哑迷般。 The old men have not hidden, said directly: Because I am born in this, I have the attachment to this piece of Heaven and Earth.” 老者也没有隐藏,直接说道:“因为我诞生于此,我对这片天地有眷恋。” You know that the person was old, has the sentiment of native land.” “你知道的,人老了,都有故土之情的。” Drop of rain falls, drop of rain lives,” the Xu Zimo vision has swept from the body of old man and that youngster. “一滴雨落,一滴雨生,”徐子墨的目光从老者和那少年的身上扫过。 Finally has not said anything again. 最终也没有再开口说什么。 To him, something feel some interests on the way. 对于他而言,有些事只是顺路感些兴趣罢了。 These arrives at Divine State Continent time, he looks like a traveler, scenery along the way enjoys scenery. 这一次来到神州大陆,他就像是一名旅人,沿途的风景不过是赏景者罢了。 He looks at the raindrop in vault of heaven. 他看着苍穹上的雨滴。 Has not opened the mouth, the old person and child did not speak. 没有开口,老人与小孩也都不说话。 Several disciples who another batch of right noon time teach, detected that some are not right, no longer opens the mouth simply. 另一批正阳教的几名弟子,都察觉有些不对劲,干脆也不再开口。 At once, in entire pavilion quiet. 一时之间,整个凉亭内静悄悄的。 Among Heaven and Earth, only has that heavy rain downpour to fall, the big bead bead falls the jade plate, becomes the rain to melt a line continually. 天地之间,唯有那大雨倾盆落下,大珠小珠落玉盘,连成雨融成一条线。 Continued some time. 就这么持续了一段时间。 The old men sigh suddenly long. 老者突然长叹了一口气。 Time to!” “时间到了!” Grandfather, I hold you.” Nearby child stands up hastily, holds the right hand of old man. “爷爷,我扶着你。”旁边的小孩连忙站起身,扶着老者的右手。 The old men also stand up, say with a smile: You do not need to feel sad, at least I have the successor, rather than so lonely departure.” 老者也站起身,笑道:“你不必感到悲伤,起码我还有传人,而不是如此孤独的离去。” Regarding the words of old man, the disciple who nearby several right noon time taught cannot bear the opens the mouth. 对于老者的话,旁边的几名正阳教的弟子还是忍不住开口了。 Especially that female. 尤其是那名女子。 She said: Elderly man, were you what sickness, can go to our right noon time to teach you to govern.” 她说道:“老人家,你是不是得了什么病,可以去我们正阳教给你治治。” Our division commanders have the dwelling place of celestial beings method, perhaps is useful.” “我们师长都有着仙家手段,说不定有用呢。” Hears the words of female, the old man said with a smile: Thanked the baby, but my sickness, only feared that was no one can govern.” 听到女子的话,老者笑道:“谢了小娃娃,但我这病,只怕是没人能治了。” I, by damn time.” “我啊,到了该死的时候了。” The old men so said this, went out of the pavilion. 老者这般说这,自顾自的走出了凉亭。 At this moment, under the heavy rain outside vault of heaven was bigger. 这一刻,苍穹外的大雨下的更大了。 The torrential downpour as if not resemble awfully, unceasing toward below but actually. 倾盆大雨仿佛不要命似的,不断的朝下面倒了下来。 After the old man appears, sees only he to have an inexplicable attraction probably. 而当老者出现后,只见他自身好像有种莫名的吸引力般。 The innumerable heavy rains fall toward him. 无数的大雨都朝他落下。 Rain is calling out in grief,” Xu Zimo tranquil saying. “雨在悲鸣,”徐子墨平静的说道。 Wangchuan that nearby right noon time teaches resembles some not to believe. 旁边正阳教的王川似有些不相信。 Said: „Does rain have the life? How to understand that what for is sad.” 说道:“雨也有生命吗?怎会懂得何为悲伤。” „The Heaven and Earth myriad things all have mystical powers, the thing of having mystical powers then understands the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness,” has not waited for the Xu Zimo opens the mouth, nearby child said. 天地万物皆有灵,有灵之物便懂得喜怒哀乐,”还没等徐子墨开口,旁边的小孩就说道。 You said, this elderly man is spirit?” Wangchuan at this moment even again stupid, he still responded. “你是说,这老人家是灵?”王川此刻就算再笨,他也反应过来了。 The spirit of Heaven and Earth is very rare. 天地之灵十分罕见。 Or only exists in the legend. 或者说只存在于传说之中。 Wangchuan just stepped into the unimportant person who the right noon time teaches as one, does not have to think oneself also met unexpectedly fortunately. 王川作为一个刚刚踏入正阳教的小人物,没想到自己竟然有幸也遇见了。 He is spirit, are you also?” Wangchuan also asked. “他是灵,那你也是?”王川又问道。 However at this time, the child obviously had no interest in replying him again. 不过这时候,小孩明显没兴趣再回答他。 But looks to the old man outside pavilion. 而是看向凉亭外的老者。 At this moment, the form of old man has seen to be given to submerge by the heavy rain, soon must vanish to everyone's line of sight in shortly. 此刻,老者的身影已经见见被大雨给淹没,眼看着即将要消失到所有人的视线中。 The children extend both hands, wants to track down. 小孩伸出双手,想要去追寻。 At this time, suddenly the startled light blasted open together from the heavy rain. 这时候,突然一道惊光从大雨中炸裂开。 Sees only old person's fuzzy form to change to the innumerable water current, is sweeping across everywhere heavy rain. 只见原本老人模糊的身影化作无数的水流,席卷着漫天的大雨。 Heavy rain that if just dropped, is the ordinary rainwater. 如果说刚刚落下的大雨,乃是普通的雨水。 Then at this moment, the heavy rain between Heaven and Earth is the spirit rain. 那么这一刻,天地间的大雨便是灵雨。 This spirit rain regarding cultivator, is flowers and plants trees these plants, has the enormous interesting part. 这灵雨无论是对于修炼者,还是花草树木这些植物而言,都有极大的妙处。 Spirit rain, does not know that many plants will therefore give full play to the vitality, accumulated leaves spirit. 一场灵雨,不知有多少植物会因此焕发生机,蕴出灵。 Several people that the right noon time teaches also felt this point, sat cross-legged to sit hastily, starts to practice. 正阳教的几人也感受到了这一点,连忙盘膝而坐,开始修练起来。 Walks...” “走好…” The children look at the heavy rain, said silently. 小孩看着大雨,默默说道。 Heaven and Earth has mystical powers, is the significance that the spirit has what?” Xu Zimo asked. 天地有灵,灵存在的意义是什么?”徐子墨问道。 To be honest, he had not paid attention regarding the spirit of Heaven and Earth before. 说实话,他之前对于天地之灵并没有关注过。 Now met, he creates spirit also being interested in very world regarding himself. 如今遇见了,他对于自己创造世界内的灵也十分的感兴趣。 Spirit significance, probably is start/open spirit,” child thinks, said. “灵的意义,大概就是启灵吧,”小孩想了想,说道。 I by his start/open spirit, this rain can have more things by start/open spirit. “我是被他启灵的,这场雨会有更多东西被启灵。 Only the spirit of Heaven and Earth are getting more and more, our these spirits can have a bigger contribution to Heaven and Earth. ” 只有天地之灵越来越多,我们这些灵才能对天地有更大的贡献。” Regarding this replied that Xu Zimo is satisfied. 对于这个回答徐子墨是满意的。 Some spirits deteriorate abnormally, but also has mystical powers is good, good spirit. 有些灵畸形又恶化,但也有灵是善良的,好的灵。 Continued to keep this not to have the meaning. 继续留在这也没意思了。 Xu Zimo then goes out of the pavilion, goes in the direction that the right noon time teaches. 徐子墨便走出凉亭,朝正阳教的方向而去。 Just before leaving before, his big hand wields. 临走前,他大手一挥。 Gave that child air/Qi of wisp of Great Way. 将一缕大道之气给了那小孩。 Said: You , if able, I can make you spirit lord.” 说道:“你若是有能力,我可以让你成为灵主。” Spirit lord, what is that?” The children are somewhat ignorant. “灵主,那是什么?”小孩有些懵。 This words and expressions he has never heard, or he never has such idea. 这个词语他从未听说过,或者说他从来都没有这样的想法。 Is born since him, start/open spirit seems like their only outlets. 从他诞生起,启灵似乎是他们唯一的出路。 But Xu Zimo pondered that obviously compared with him long-term. 徐子墨思考的,明显比他更加的长远。 Only listens to Xu Zimo saying: „ If merely is only start/open spirit, then your spirit forever also powerful. 只听徐子墨说道:“如果仅仅只是启灵,那么你们灵永远也强大不起来。 Becoming the spirit lord, homemade Clan, this is the final return avenue. ” 成为灵主,自创一族,这才是最终的归路。” Xu Zimo clearly has other arrangements to these spirits. 徐子墨显然对这些灵有其他的安排。 Naturally, this is also a test. 当然,这也是一种考验。 This child like the flag that he buries conveniently, if can grow, naturally is qualified for that matter. 这小孩就像他随手埋的旗子,若是能成长起来,自然有资格做那件事。 If the growth, pours does not lose anything. 若是成长不起来,倒也不损失什么。 Must know Great Way of nine territory world, trains own informer the Saint courtyard. 要知道九域世界的大道,将圣庭培养成自己的眼线。 But regarding Xu Zimo , he although also needs the informer, but cannot choose from ten thousand clans. 但对于徐子墨而言,他虽然也需要眼线,但是不能从万族中选择。 Although said, present monster race, because of the Primal Chaos reason, can obey Xu Zimo. 虽然说,如今的妖族,因为混沌的原因,是可以听从徐子墨的。 But, monster race is also over time good, other ten thousand clans, will be finally independent. 但随着时间的流逝,妖族也好,其他万族也罢,终将会独立的。 But other very races are smart different. 而灵却很其他种族不同。 First, they are do not have a duckweed. 一来,他们乃是无根之萍。 They need a Xu Zimo such backer. 他们需要徐子墨这么一个靠山。 Secondly, the spirit independence beyond ten thousand clans, without the benefit involves. 二来,灵独立于万族之外,没有利益牵扯。 If cultivates the informer the spirit of Heaven and Earth, is the best result. 假如将天地之灵培育成眼线,便是最好的结果。 The premise is, these spirits really can have the use. 前提是,这些灵真的能有用处。 Spirit lord... spirit lord...” “灵主…灵主…” The children are looking at the hand air/Qi of Great Way, at present gradually shines. 小孩看着手中的大道之气,眼前渐亮。 Muttered several. 喃喃自语了好几声。 He raised the head, wants to stop by calling Xu Zimo. 他抬头,想去喊住徐子墨 Actually sees the Xu Zimo form also to blur gradually, finally vanishes thoroughly does not see, among the heavy rain with Heaven and Earth fuses together. 却见徐子墨的身影也渐渐模糊起来,最终彻底消失不见,与天地间的大雨融为一体。 The children are somewhat out of sorts suddenly. 小孩一时间有些失神。 Oneself this met the honored person, met the big chance!” “自己这是遇见了贵人,碰见了大机缘啊!” ......... ……… Right noon time mountain that teaches to be, does not calculate that style how, seeming like an ordinary mountain peak. 正阳教所在的大山,并不算多么的气派,看上去就是一座普通的山峰。 It is said before this mountain is very long, is ordinarier. 据说这座山很久以前更普通。 After the right noon time taught, the vegetation on mountain was just now green and luxuriant, this mountain had the full of vitality shape. 后来正阳教来了以后,山上的植被方才郁郁葱葱,这座山才有了生机勃勃之象。 The entrance defense that the right noon time teaches is not strict. 正阳教的山门防守并不严格。 Even can say, entire big sect, guarding a gate does not have. 甚至可以说,整个偌大的教派,连个守门的都没有。 This is also related with the practicing way that the right noon time teaches. 这也与正阳教的修行方式有关。 Governs by non-interference, allow nature to take its course, Heavenly Way reward attendance. 无为而治,顺其自然,天道酬勤。 Their practices sense Heaven and Earth. 他们的修练乃是感悟天地 Does not need the cultivation technique rare book, does not need the treasure divine tool, is the so simple plain sensibility. 不需要功法秘籍,也不需要宝物神器,就是如此朴素无华的感悟。 () ()
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