IATV :: Volume #23

#2234: Chapter 2234 and Heaven and Earth are good, highest of all creatures

Chapter 2236 and Heaven and Earth are good, highest of all creatures 第2236章与天地为善,万物之灵 Xu Zimo shakes the head. 徐子墨摇了摇头。 Sees only him to take out bead that Great Way condenses. 只见他取出大道凝聚的圆珠 At this moment, the Great Way bead starts to revolve, then makes white air current on behalf of filial piety Shanhua, entered to the absorption by the Great Way bead. 这一刻,大道珠开始旋转,那代表孝心的善化作一道白色气流,被大道珠给吸收进入。 In this Great Way bead, must certainly absorb all kinds of good. 大道珠内,肯定要吸收各种各样的善。 Like that extremely wicked. 就像那极恶一样。 The world as one, side Chengji is wickedly wicked. 天下恶为一体,方成极恶。 The world as one, side Chengji is friendly friendly. 天下善为一体,方成极善。 After condensing was friendly, Xu Zimo said: I just listened to you saying that a school called the right noon time to teach, I happen to must pass, can you know the road?” 在凝聚了善之后,徐子墨说道:“我刚刚听你们说有个门派叫正阳教,我正好也要过去,你们可知道路?” „Does immortal want to go to Zhengyang to teach?” Dong Heng said hastily. “仙人要去正阳教?”董恒连忙说道。 I know the road, I have also once thought before pays respects Ruxian the sect, what a pity must take care of my mother afterward, then certainly immortal way.” “我知道路,我以前也曾想过拜入仙宗,可惜后来要照顾我娘,便绝了仙途。” Xu Zimo slight nod. 徐子墨微微点头。 Said: You point out the direction to me then, you must take care of your mother, does not need to guide to me specially.” 说道:“你给我指明方向即可,你要照顾你娘,也不用特意给我带路。” After all your mother, although does not have the danger, but is old, and mortal. “毕竟你娘虽然已经没有了危险,但年龄已大,而且还是凡人。 Birth and death, is natural. ” 生老病死,也是理所应当的了。” Dong Heng understands, without the monster of that life standard mutation, how long own mother unable to live. 董恒明白,纵然没有了那命格异变的妖怪,自己的娘亲也活不了多久。 life span of person is limited. 人的寿命都是有限的。 Especially life span of mortal, is tiny and short. 尤其是凡人的寿命,更是渺小又短暂。 Goes out of the room, Dong Hengzhi referred to distant place one by the remote mountain that the mist covers. 走出房间,董恒指了指远处一座被雾气笼罩的深山。 Looks from afar, can only see the mountain peak simply the outline, the concrete detail was covered by the mountain fog. 远远看去,只能简单看到山峰的轮廓,具体的细节都被山雾笼罩。 Only listens to Dong Heng saying: „ Except for our Yuhua Village, proceeds along the right way. 只听董恒说道:“除了我们这雨花村,沿着正路往前走。 The first intersection toward left, coming to the end is the right noon time teaches. ” 第一个十字路口往左,走到尽头便是正阳教。” Now is late autumn, the right noon time teaches only to fear that this time is very difficult. “不过如今已是深秋,正阳教这个时期只怕很难进去。 However I think, if the immortal is long, should the issue not be big. ” 不过我想若是仙长的话,应该问题不大。” Said goodbye to Dong Heng, Xu Zimo walked following the direction of correct path. 告别了董恒,徐子墨顺着正道的方向走去。 He is somewhat curious, good that this right noon time teaches, can be anything is friendly. 他有些好奇,这正阳教的善,又会是什么善嘛。 Big sad Damin that. 大悲大悯的那种嘛。 But as if like, did not look in the Heavenly Way angle, on these nine Yang people did many good deeds. 但似乎又不像,在天道的角度去看,这九阳上人做了许多好事。 Just went out of Yuhua Village, the wind and cloud of top of the head changed. 刚刚走出雨花村,头顶的风云就变了。 In the sky is cloudy, heavy rain seems to be close. 天空中乌云密布,一场大雨似乎近在咫尺。 Xu Zimo has not managed these. 徐子墨也没有管这些。 He following the correct path, quick arrived at intersection. 他顺着正道,很快就来到了十字路口。 Crackling......” 噼里啪啦……” At this time the sky as if could not withstand the heavy raindrop again, the innumerable rainwater became a line continually, Crackling fell. 这时候天空似乎再也承受不住沉重的雨滴,无数雨水连成一条线,噼里啪啦的落了下来。 Intersection, happen to have a pavilion. 十字路口,正好有一处凉亭。 As if several taking shelter from the rain people are also one of them. 似乎也有好几个避雨的人在其中。 Xu Zimo also followed. 徐子墨同样跟着走了进去。 This pavilion is very big, above is the umbrella shape pagoda shape. 这凉亭挺大,上面是伞状宝塔形。 The middle has a stone table, has not seen stone chair actually. 中间有一张石桌,倒是没见到石椅。 All around gathers round a board fence. 四周围着一圈木栅栏。 When Xu Zimo comes, in this has two groups of people. 徐子墨进来时,这里面已经有两批人了。 Left one batch are three youth and a female. 左边一批是三名青年和一名女子。 Young, 20-year-old appearance. 年龄都不大,20多岁的样子。 The females wear the faint yellow cheongsam, the man wear the azure garment, although the color is different, but the design is similar. 女子身穿淡黄色长衫,男子身穿青衫,虽然颜色不同,但款式相似。 Should came from the same influence. 应该是来自同一个势力。 But another batch are one old one few. 而另一批则是一老一少。 The old person wears the ordinary hempen garments thick garment, the complexion full is the fold and trace. 老人身穿普通的麻衣粗衫,脸色满是褶皱和纹路。 But nearby child is 5 or 6-year-old, the fresh young and fresh-looking is tender, probably pinches can come out many water. 而旁边的小孩只有五六岁,生的水嫩嫩的,好像一捏就能出许多水。 Such two groups of people, occupied the pavilion one on the left and other on the right. 就这么两批人,一左一右占据了凉亭。 When Xu Zimo comes , the left youth knits the brows slightly, as if some are not glad. 徐子墨进来时,左边的青年微微皱眉,似乎有些不乐意。 Then said: You, this inside did not have the position.” 便说道:“兄台,这里面没有位置了。” This youth is called Wangchuan, is disciple who the right noon time teaches. 这青年名叫王川,乃是正阳教的弟子。 However he joins the time that the right noon time teaches is not long, is the new student/life disciple. 不过他加入正阳教的时间不长,属于新生弟子。 These is time to just descend the mountain to visit relatives, the halfway heavy rain, therefore the attitude of Wangchuan is not never expected that good. 这一次刚好是下山探亲,没想到半路淋雨,所以王川的态度并不好。 In addition side that old few body, light strange taste, made him not be feeling well. 再加上旁边的那一老一少的身上,还有一股淡淡的怪味,就更让他不爽了。 Now saw that some people come, he then could not bear the opens the mouth. 如今看到又有人进来,他便忍不住开口了。 senior brother, the pavilion did not have the thing of thing, the master has taught us, with Heaven and Earth is good. “师兄,凉亭本是无物之物,师傅一直教导我们,与天地为善。 The outside heavy rain, we are also so all right in inside, ” actually nearby female opens the mouth, consoles to say. 外面如此大雨,咱们在里面挤挤也没事,”倒是旁边的女子开口,劝解道。 This female similarly time is this new student/life. 这女子同样是这一次的新生。 Also is goes home to visit relatives. 也是回家探亲。 When these these four people, are the beginning of this year spring the right noon time of entering teaches. 这些这四人,都是今年初春时入的正阳教。 Led a pious life more than half a year, wants to go home to have a look. 修行了大半年,也都想回家去看看。 Therefore had time these descended the mountain. 所以才有了这一次同下山。 Yes, canon that our right noon time teaches, is and Heaven and Earth is good,” side the other two also console to say. “就是,咱们正阳教的教规,便是与天地为善,”旁边另外两人也劝解道。 Hears this, Wangchuan has not said anything. 听到这,王川也没有多说什么。 Behind towards let, was let a position to Xu Zimo. 朝后面让了让,算是给徐子墨让了个位置。 Goal that however Xu Zimo comes, is not these people. 不过徐子墨进来的目标,并不是这几人。 By his strength, even if the water drop in the rainwater does not moisten the body is not anything. 以他的实力,就算在雨水中滴水不沾身也不算什么。 Does not need to take shelter from the rain. 根本不需要来避雨。 He arrived at the two days true goal, was actually this old one few. 他来到这两天的真正目的,其实是这一老一少。 Pours does not have other meanings, is interested among the spirit that this Heaven and Earth transforms. 倒也没有其他意思,就是对这天地间幻化的灵十分感兴趣。 It is well known, entire Divine State Continent is ten thousand clans stands erect now, the innumerable lives composed this colorful world. 众所周知,整个神州大陆如今是万族屹立,无数的生灵组成了这个多姿多彩的世界。 But some lifeform, are not in ten thousand clans. 但有一些生物,却不在万族之中。 They very scarce even are rare. 它们十分的稀少甚至是罕见。 The whole world estimated that also only has 1-2. 整个世界估计也就只有1-2。 This lifeform only happens by happy circumstance, because their births are as a result of circumstance, no one is able to estimate. 这种生物都是可遇不可求的,因为他们的诞生都是因缘际会,谁也无法估算的。 Where two do come?” Xu Zimo looks old to that one few, asked with a smile. “两位从哪里来?”徐子墨看向那一老一少,笑着问道。 Heaven and Earth for my family, where may come, where may also go,” that old man saying of a laugh. 天地为我家,何处都可来,何处亦可去,”那老者笑呵呵的说道。 The body of old man, is rotten aura. 老者的身上,是一股腐烂的气息。 It seems life span to come to the end, elapses the feeling of life. 就好像寿命走到尽头,逝去生命的感觉。 But on nearby child, is the new student/life feeling. 而旁边的小孩身上,则是新生的感觉。 That is full of vigor and vitality, the aura that the myriad things recover. 那是一种朝气蓬勃,万物复苏的气息。 Two felt where the rain home to return to is at?” Xu Zimo asked. “两位觉得,雨的归宿在哪?”徐子墨问道。 Rain was born in the day, dies of the day, this is its home to return,” old man tranquil saying. “雨生于天,死于天,这便是它的归宿,”老者平静的说道。 „ The myriad things home to return, is among Heaven and Earth. “万物的归宿,都是天地之间。 The rain is also good, other lifeform, are the same. ” 雨也好,其他生物也罢,都是一样的。” Sees Xu Zimo with the old man just like the make puzzling remarks dialogue, several disciples who the side right noon time teach have a head wet from the fog. 看到徐子墨跟老者宛如打哑迷般的对话,旁边正阳教的几名弟子都是满头雾水。 Several come to here, is to go to our right noon time to teach?” Wangchuan asked on own initiative. “几位来这里,是不是要去我们正阳教?”王川主动问道。 After all this intersection, if toward east, then only then went to Zhengyang to teach this road. 毕竟这十字路口,若是往东,便只有去往正阳教这一条路了。 Therefore Wangchuan asked, pouring is also fair. 所以王川这么问,倒也合情合理。 Right noon time teaches, I truly want to see on your nine Yang people,” Xu Zimo said. “正阳教,我确实是想见见你们的九阳上人,”徐子墨说道。 Your excellency is cracking a joke, our founders are no one can see,” Wangchuan said with a smile. “阁下是在开玩笑吧,我们祖师可不是什么人都能见的,”王川笑道。 Xu Zimo has turned the head, interested question: How you determined, I amn't and a powerhouse of your founder rank?” 徐子墨转过头,饶有兴趣的反问道:“你怎么就确定,我不是和你祖师一个级别的强者呢?” Wangchuan speechless. 王川哑然。 But he looks how Xu Zimo does not feel like. 但他看着徐子墨怎么都觉得不像。 After all powerhouse where has this. 毕竟强者哪有这样的。 However Wangchuan does not dare to refute suddenly. 不过王川一时间也不敢反驳。 In lesson that after all the right noon time teaches, then has with Heaven and Earth is good, awes Heaven and Earth these words. 毕竟正阳教的教训中,便有与天地为善,敬畏天地这些话。 Wangchuan is not silly. 王川也不傻。 Saw that the opposite party did not speak, Xu Zimo looked at the vision to that old man. 看到对方不说话,徐子墨将目光看向那老者。 Asked with a smile: If why here?” 笑着问道:“为何要是这里呢?” () ()
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