IATV :: Volume #23

#2233: Chapter 2233 right noon time teaches, on nine Yang people

Person has the life standard, the nobilities, mortal all living things, this life standard is not able to see, during was dark the day to be actually doomed.” “人有命格,王侯将相,凡人众生,这命格是看不见的,冥冥之中却早已经天注定。” Naturally, assigns/life the standard becomes, through your effort, for example an ordinary life standard, you, if perseveres in study diligently for dozens years, can confer the title of prince upon to be appointed prime minister.” “当然,命格是会变得,通过你的努力,比如一个普通命格,你若是努力寒窗苦读数十年,也可以封王拜相。” Xu Zimo answered. 徐子墨解释道。 But your mother's life standard is the unusual life standard, she is to the direction transformation of beast. “但你娘的命格却属于异常命格,她是由人向兽的方向蜕变。 Because the transformation is not thorough, finally is unable to become beast, does not have the means to draw back is. 但因为蜕变不彻底,最终既无法成兽,也没办法退而为人。 Reduces the present aspect. ” 才沦落成如今的局面。” But my mother is in good condition, why will turn into this?” Dong Heng asked hastily. “可是我娘好端端的,为什么会变成这样呢?”董恒连忙问道。 At this moment he has somewhat believed Xu Zimo. 此刻他已经有些相信徐子墨了。 After all looked for so many doctors, as the saying goes, the long illness becomes the excellent doctor. 毕竟找了这么多大夫,俗话说得好,久病成良医。 He also pondered over something somewhat. 他多多少少也琢磨出了一些东西。 In addition when Xu Zimo speech, the tone is light, exaggerating that has no. 再加上徐子墨说话时,语气平淡,根本没有任何的夸张。 Instead makes one have the belief strength. 反而更让人有信服力。 Your mother's young time, can be injured by Monster Beast?” Xu Zimo asked. “你娘年轻的时候,可被妖兽伤过?”徐子墨问道。 This I do not know, Dong Heng thinks, finally shakes the head. “这个我不知道,”董恒想了想,最终摇摇头。 Having, when I am young, once climbed mountains to pick the medicine, by the Monster Beast attack that does not know.” “有,我年轻时,曾上山采药,被一只不认识的妖兽攻击。” At this time, lay down the old woman on bed wakes. 这时候,躺在床上的老妇人醒了过来。 He looks to Xu Zimo, as if saw the straw to grasp. 他看向徐子墨,仿佛看到了救命稻草。 Said: „ That Monster Beast lives ten meters, the whole body is the poisonous pouch, the mouth is growing two fangs. 说道:“那妖兽生得十米,全身都是毒囊,嘴边长着两根獠牙。 Monster Beast attacks me, I think that must die without doubt, afterward was the immortal who the right noon time taught saved me. ” 妖兽攻击我,我本以为必死无疑,后来是正阳教的仙人救了我。” The right noon time teaches is around this biggest sect, is place that countless people practice yearn. 正阳教乃是这周围最大的一个教派,是无数人修练向往的地方。 Religious doctrine that this teaches, then supports Heavenly Way, the group hero upholds justice. 此教的教义,便是匡扶天道,行侠仗义。 The right noon time teaches to be founded 700 years ago, on the founder nine Yang people are an extremely powerhouse. 正阳教创建于七百年前,教主九阳上人乃是一名绝顶强者。 He thinks that ascends the sky is fair, but the lifeform between Heaven and Earth regarding the destruction of world is serious. 他认为上天是公平的,但天地间的生物对于世界的破坏却是严重的。 On nine Yang people advocated that builds one person of such as the sect of dragon, regarding harming Heaven and Earth, is advocated that to kill to stop the war. 九阳上人主张打造一个人人如龙的教派,对于危害天地者,都是主张以杀止战。 Therefore the right noon time teaches the innumerable disciples to proliferate around this, frequently the group hero upholds justice. 所以正阳教有无数的弟子遍布这四周,经常行侠仗义。 The old women are rescued by the powerhouse who the right noon time teaches , is not rare. 老妇人被正阳教的强者所救,也并不算罕见。 Happen , the right noon time teaches is also one of the Xu Zimo trip places. 正好,正阳教也是徐子墨此行的地方之一。 ......... ……… Even was injured by Monster Beast, that was still my mother young time's matter. “就算被妖兽所伤,那也是我妈妈年轻时候的事情了。 Passed for dozens years, why in present life standard mutation? ” 都过去了几十年,为何会在如今命格异变呢?” Dong Heng cannot think through as before, inquired. 董恒依旧想不通,询问道。 I said simply, the powerhouse who in the past the right noon time taught although on struck to kill that only Monster Beast outwardly. “那我说简单点,当年正阳教的强者虽然明面上击杀了那只妖兽 But monster race should use some special method parasitic on your mother's body. ” 妖族应该用某种特殊的方法寄生在你娘的身上。” So many years self-cultivation, restore themselves. “这么多年一直都在修身养性,恢复自身。 After all although he parasites, but own condition is wounded seriously, only feared that will be will die even the slightest misstep. ” 毕竟他虽然寄生,但自身的状态受创严重,只怕是稍有不慎就会死。” Was passing through so many years, this monster should restore was similar, starts to change your mother's life standard, finally displaces, comes back to life taking advantage of the corpse.” “在经过了这么多年,这妖怪应该恢复的差不多了,开始想要改变你娘的命格,最终取而代之,借尸还魂。” Xu Zimo is light. 徐子墨淡淡淡淡。 Although his tone is light, but the content in words is appalling. 他语气虽然平淡,但话里的内容却让人毛骨悚然。 Monster... monster?” “妖…妖怪?” Nearby aunt looks at the old woman on hospital bed, yelled one. 旁边的大妈看着病床上的老妇人,不禁大叫了一声。 Monster on her, that said, we just talked are heard by the monster.” “妖怪就在她身上,那岂不是说,咱们刚刚的对话都被妖怪听到了。” Dong Heng are the complexion change. 就连董恒都是脸色微变。 Several people look at the old woman, sees only that old woman to call out pitifully suddenly. 几人看着老妇人,只见那老妇人突然惨叫一声。 Her skin surface, starts to emit rumble and rumble same small bubble. 她的皮肤表面,开始冒出“咕噜、咕噜”一样的小泡泡。 In this each small bubble, is hiding extremely richly, and stench toxin. 这每个小泡泡内,都藏着极其浓郁且腥臭的毒素。 The forehead place of old woman, two corners break open the flesh. 老妇人的额头处,还有两根犄角破开血肉而出。 Especially the double pupil of old woman, turned green and glossily, looked person scalp tingles. 尤其是老妇人的双眸,变成了绿油油的,看的人头皮发麻。 Boy, why you minds others' business.” “小子,你何必多管闲事。” Your I do not have the enmity without the injustice, you must expose the old man, brings about own destruction simply.” “你我无冤无仇,你非要揭露老夫,简直是自寻死路。” The old woman opens the mouth, the sound is neuter. 老妇人开口,声音不男不女。 Even has several points of magnetism to mix with. 甚至带着几分磁性夹杂着。 Monster......” “妖怪……” Loudly calling out that nearby aunt frightens, fainted unexpectedly directly passes deadly. 旁边的大妈吓的大叫一声,竟然直接晕死过去了。 Even if Dong Heng, a mortal has not seen this battle formation. 哪怕是董恒,一个凡人也没有见到这种阵势。 However his bearing capacity was better, but the both legs somewhat tremble. 不过他承受能力好了一些,只是双腿有些打颤。 Xu Zimo is actually very tranquil. 徐子墨倒是很平静。 Looks to that monster, said: Innate poison, some actually meanings, no wonder can change the life standard.” 看向那妖怪,说道:“先天之毒嘛,倒是有些意思,怪不得能改变命格。” Must know that the life standard is unusual. 要知道命格奇特无比。 The common powerhouse is impossible to change. 一般的强者根本不可能改变。 But innate thing, changes the life of mortal, has the means. 但先天之物,去改凡人之命,却是有办法的。 Generally speaking, has the lifeform of innate spirit, that is the gracious gift of heaven. 一般来讲,拥有先天之灵的生物,那都是上天的恩赐。 Happen, except a nail, makes good friends.” Xu Zimo said with a smile pale. “正好,除一根钉子,结一段善缘。”徐子墨淡笑道。 Sees only him to put out a hand, a palm grasps toward that monster. 只见他伸出手,一掌朝那妖怪抓去。 It seems like feels the Xu Zimo contemptuous attitude. 似乎是感受到徐子墨的轻蔑态度。 The monster shouted angrily. 那妖怪怒喝一声。 Threw toward Xu Zimo directly. 直接朝徐子墨扑了过来。 On the monsters full is violently poisonous, as long as the place visited, is the toxin abundant, corrodes all. 妖怪身上满是剧毒,但凡所过之处,皆是毒素盎然,腐蚀一切。 Even in he attacks, but also have several the poison-tipped arrow launch. 甚至在他攻击时,还有数道毒箭发射而出。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” Can see this monster, although is furious, but had not lost the wisdom, acts is the method is then uneven. 看得出这妖怪虽然震怒,但也没有失了智,一出手便是手段齐出。 What a pity what he meets is Xu Zimo. 可惜他遇到的是徐子墨 Regardless how he revolts, the result has been doomed. 无论他如何反抗,结局早已经注定。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 When the Xu Zimo big hand outstretches, powerful strength like mixing all over the sky wind and cloud. 徐子墨大手伸开时,强大的力量如同搅动着满天风云。 The monster was suppressed instantaneously. 那妖怪瞬间就被镇压了下去。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” How can......” “怎么会……” The monsters raise the head, only thought that this strength he is hard to revolt. 妖怪抬头,只觉得这股力量他难以反抗。 Powerful strength like moving mountains. 强大的力量如同排山倒海般。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The monsters first cannot move, is felt that a strong suction transmits. 妖怪先是动弹不得,紧接着便是感觉到一股强大的吸力传来。 The spirit that the monsters only remain was swallowed directly. 妖怪仅剩的灵直接被吞噬了进去。 Does not want... not to want.” “不要…不要。” This monster is shouting crazily. 这妖怪疯狂的大喊着。 His dynasty broken say/way, with great difficulty self-cultivation so many years, own spirit was finally uneven. 他一朝被破道,好不容易修身养性了这么多年,自己的灵终于要齐了。 The moment, was destroyed finally shortly unexpectedly. 眼看着最后关头,竟然就这么被破坏了。 He is unwilling, but in front of the absolute strength, simply has not given the opportunity that he chooses. 他不甘心,但绝对的力量面前,根本没有给他选择的机会。 After the spirit of monster was swallowed. 当妖怪之灵被吞噬以后。 The old woman on bed starts to vomit suddenly. 床上的老妇人猛然开始呕吐起来。 The toxin of her body as well as abdomen, spat completely. 她身上以及腹部的毒素,全部吐了出来。 Dong Heng that towel, looks after hastily. 董恒连忙那起毛巾,照顾起来。 Long time, woman after vomiting, as if felt that exhausted, lay rested on the bed. 良久,妇人在呕吐完后,似乎感觉到了疲惫,躺在床上睡了起来。 Doctor... the immortal is long.” “大夫…仙长。” Dong Heng had changed the name at this time. 董恒此时已经改变了称呼。 Asking: Just monster......” 问道:“刚刚那妖怪……” Already by me, except that” Xu Zimo said. “已经被我除了,”徐子墨说道。 My mother she how?” Dong Heng also asked. “我娘她怎么样了?”董恒又问道。 Training was good some time,” Xu Zimo said. “修养一段时间就好了,”徐子墨说道。 Her assigning/life this/Ben is a mortal, now without the reversal of that monster strength, so long as restores , there would be no matter.” “她的命格本就是凡人,如今没有了那妖怪力量的逆转,只要恢复好,就没有事了。” Thanking the immortal is long, thanking the immortal is long.” “感谢仙长,感谢仙长。” Dong Heng worships on bended knees hastily, excited is moved to tears. 董恒连忙跪拜下来,激动的热泪盈眶。 After all so many years, said that are not tired are false. 毕竟这么多年,说不累是假的。 What is more important, mother has been suffered by the pain. 更重要的是,母亲一直被病痛折磨着。 Now gets better, this was the Dong Heng biggest desire. 如今病好,这是董恒最大的愿望了。 () ()
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