IATV :: Volume #23

#2249: Chapter 2249 one sword vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered 100,000 li (0.5 km), sword frost cold ten

start/open Yuanmen opens, has opened continually. 启元门开启,也会一直持续开启下去。 It can beyond the universe with the day coexist. 它会与天外宇宙并存。 Until True Martial Great Emperor steps into, or after dying in battle and defeated, this gate meets the news. 直到真武大帝踏入其中,亦或者战死、战胜之后,此门才会消息。 start/open Yuanmen appearance, means that Heavenly Way accepted the True Martial Great Emperor cutting down day. 启元门的出现,也意味着天道接受了真武大帝的伐天。 Also means that True Martial Great Emperor has this strength. 同时也意味着真武大帝有这个实力。 This Heavenly Way is actually simple,” True Martial Great Emperor narrows the eyes to focus, said. “这一次天道倒是干脆,”真武大帝微眯着眼,说道。 Cutting down day of all previous generations, actually must through Saint courtyard that pass/test, have the opportunity to enter start/open Yuanmen. 历代的伐天者,其实都要通过圣庭那一关,才有机会进入启元门。 But this time, Heavenly Way has not made the Saint courtyard make a move to ambush True Martial Great Emperor. 但这一次,天道并没有让圣庭出手去狙击真武大帝 But declares war directly True Martial Great Emperor. 而是直接宣战真武大帝 Heavenly Way does that wants to tell everyone. 天道这么做就是想告诉所有人。 Oneself have powerful how. 自己有多么的强大。 Regardless how True Martial Great Emperor struggles, the final result has actually been doomed. 无论真武大帝怎么挣扎,最终的结局其实都已经注定了。 Regardless of he needs to seek Yuan Yang Continent to take True Fate, is other cards in a hand, Heavenly Way does not spare a glance. 无论他需要寻求元央大陆作为真命,还是其他的底牌,天道都不屑一顾。 One war, will see clearly disparity. 惟有一战,才会看清其中的差距。 Regarding Heavenly Way this direct declaring war, True Martial Great Emperor is also the whole body imposing manner just like the rainbow. 对于天道这种直接的宣战,真武大帝也是周身气势宛如长虹般。 Especially Yuan Yang Continent, has been able to resist with the Great Way chamber. 尤其是身后的元央大陆,已经能够与大道分庭对抗。 Just wait, how long me could not want then to go to be able personally you.” “等着吧,要不了多久我便会亲自去会会你。” True Martial Great Emperor said. 真武大帝说道。 Now True Fate just transforms, some of his also many things must do. 如今真命刚刚转换,他还有很多事要做。 For example indigenous in Yuan Yang Continent. 比如元央大陆内的土著。 The independent choice leaves Yuan Yang Continent, follows he to go to together. 是自主选择离开元央大陆,还是跟着他一同去赴死。 True Martial Great Emperor has the choice to everyone. 真武大帝给个每个人都有选择。 For these days, the shake of Yuan Yang Continent, not only affected nine territory world, Yuan Yang Continent own indigenous, panic-stricken extremely. 这几天,元央大陆的震荡,不仅仅影响了九域世界,就连元央大陆自身的土著们,也都惊恐万分。 Now the entire mainland is with great difficulty steady. 如今整个大陆好不容易平稳下来。 But the True Martial Great Emperor form appears again. 真武大帝的身影又再一次出现。 But this True Martial Great Emperor is not the main body, but is direct body Heavenly Way. 只不过这一次真武大帝并非是本体,而是直接身化天道 At this moment he is the Yuan Yang Continent day, is controlling all of this world. 此刻他便是元央大陆的天,主宰着这个世界的一切。 When Heavenly Way of True Martial Great Emperor incarnation appears, regardless of you in any place of this world, you so long as raised the head then can see. 真武大帝化身的天道出现时,无论你在这个世界的任何地方,你只要抬头便能看见。 True Martial Great Emperor sound, is no matter what people can hear. 真武大帝的声音,也是不管什么人都能听见。 „, The front doors of nine territory world will open to you. “诸位,九域世界的大门将对你们打开。 To enter nine territories, regardless of what people can leave. ” 想要进入九域的,无论什么人都可以离开。” Sees only the True Martial Great Emperor words to fall. 只见真武大帝的话语落下。 The void sudden leaf of gateway opens. 虚空中突然一扇门户自我打开。 Outside of this gateway, is the connection place of Yuan Yang Continent and nine territory world. 这门户的外面,便是元央大陆与九域世界的连通处。 I today will tread in the threes to cut down a day of travel, if the non- leaver, likely goes to together with me, you considered.” “我即日将踏三上伐天之旅,若是不离开者,很可能与我一同赴死,你们自己考虑。” After True Martial Great Emperor said that then left behind the people of looking at each other in blank dismay, oneself left. 真武大帝说完之后,便留下了面面相觑的众人,自身则离开了。 This gateway can open for three days. 这门户会开启三天。 Three days later True Martial Great Emperor will also rally Yuan Yang Continent, starts final cuts down a day of war. 三天后真武大帝也将重整元央大陆,开始最后的伐天之战。 Sees True Martial Great Emperor to leave, in entire Yuan Yang Continent was similar to exploded the pot. 看到真武大帝离开,整个元央大陆内就如同炸了锅般。 Countless people discussed that even is argues. 无数人都议论甚至是争论起来。 Nine territory world, are the Heaven Outside Heaven world.” “九域世界,便是天外天的世界嘛。” „After was old times all previous generations Great Emperor ascension, place that can go to?” “是不是往年历代大帝飞升后,就会去的地方?” Walks, has a look quickly, perhaps we can also find Ancestor.” “走走走,快去看看,说不定咱们还能找到老祖宗呢。” Our Ancestor vast Great Emperor is 30,000 years ago ascension, perhaps is a side big shot, can revive my Boundless Immortal Sect.” “我们老祖宗浩瀚大帝可是三万年前飞升的,说不定已经是一方大佬,能够重振我浩瀚仙宗。” Where my monster race Great Emperor, rescues monster race quickly!” “我妖族大帝何在,快来救救妖族啊!” I do not leave, Yuan Yang Continent is our roots, which me the root in then in, True Martial Great Emperor this is the robbery.” “我不离开,元央大陆乃是我们的根,根在哪我便在哪,真武大帝这是强盗行为。” Right, we should join up, cannot make Yuan Yang Continent be destroyed.” “没错,我们应该联合起来,绝不能让元央大陆被毁灭。” At this moment, countless people have the innumerable ideas. 这一刻,无数人有无数种想法。 Some people feel novel and hope regarding nine territory world. 有人对于九域世界感觉到新奇和渴望。 Also some people are not willing to leave, is holding the idea of would rather die than surrender. 也有人不愿离开,抱着宁死不屈的想法。 In brief, most people are willing to leave. 总之,大多数人还是愿意离开的。 After all True Martial Great Emperor also said was very explicit, does not leave only has the dead end. 毕竟真武大帝也说的很明确了,不离开就只有死路一条。 Naturally, if True Martial Great Emperor cut down day to succeed, they will perhaps have the different future. 当然,如果真武大帝伐天成功了,他们这些人说不定也会有不一样的未来。 This is the risk is also the opportunity. 这是风险也是机遇。 At this moment from the Yuan Yang Continent gateway, countless people are lining up to start to leave densely and numerously. 这一刻从元央大陆的门户内,无数人排着队密密麻麻开始离开。 Xu Zimo looks to True Martial Great Emperor. 徐子墨看向真武大帝 Asking: Needs some guidances?” 问道:“需不需要一些引导?” Suddenly such a large crowd wells up, only feared that pure Heavenly Peak Territory cannot withstand so many population. “突然这么一大批人涌进来,只怕单纯的天极域是承受不住这么多人口的。 Needs more separated toward several other territories. ” 需要朝其他几域分开一些。” Great Emperor Three Blades also returns in the one side said. 三刀大帝也在一旁回道。 True Martial Great Emperor slight nod. 真武大帝微微点头。 Sees only his big hand to wield. 只见他大手一挥。 The strength of boundless Great Way is surging in the whole body. 磅礴的大道之力在周身涌动着。 Can say, since the after True Fate transformation of True Martial Great Emperor becomes the star, his future was raised infinitely. 可以说自从真武大帝真命转换成为了星球后,他的未来就被无限的拔高了。 At this moment he has been able to assume sole responsibility for an important task truly, faces directly Great Way cuts down a day of war. 此刻他已经可以真正独当一面,直面大道的伐天之战了。 Therefore even if Heavenly Way, does not dare to fight him at will. 所以哪怕是天道,也不敢随意跟他动手。 Is afraid among the wars, is too big to the turbulence that nine territories cause. 害怕大战之间,对九域造成的动荡太大了。 Only has beyond the day the universe, Heavenly Way can unshackle. 唯有天外宇宙,天道才能放开手脚。 This also proved True Martial Great Emperor strength, is not whatever Heavenly Way rubs to pinch. 这也证明了真武大帝的实力,可不是任由天道揉捏的。 However Xu Zimo, actually somewhat different premonitions. 不过徐子墨自己,却有些不一样的预感。 He thought that this Saint courtyard has not appeared, is very likely prepares to deal with itself. 他觉得这一次圣庭之所以没有出现,很有可能是准备应付自己。 Old times time, cut down day not to have. 往年的时候,一个伐天者都没有。 But this time, he and True Martial Great Emperor actually gathered at one. 但这一次,他和真武大帝却聚集在一块了。 If makes the Saint courtyard ambush True Martial Great Emperor. 如果让圣庭去狙击真武大帝 The words of failure, only feared that the Saint courtyard will be eradicated thoroughly. 失败的话,只怕圣庭会彻底被连根拔起。 At the appointed time Xu Zimo do not have the future trouble again. 届时徐子墨自己也就再无后患。 Did not have the hindrance of Saint courtyard, the Xu Zimo resurrecting demon clan, recalls Far Ancient Demon Lair, will be more relaxed. 没有了圣庭的阻碍,徐子墨复活魔族也罢,召回远古魔窟,都会轻松很多。 Therefore it is estimated that Heavenly Way measured for a long time. 所以估计天道是权衡了许久。 Thought that own threat is bigger. 觉得还是自己的威胁更大一些。 Therefore the Heavenly Way choice leaves oneself to cope the Saint courtyard. 所以天道选择将圣庭留给自己对付。 But True Martial Great Emperor, can cut down the day to go directly. 真武大帝,可以直接伐天而去。 Although the future difficulty were more, but Xu Zimo is very instead happy. 虽然未来的困难更多了,但徐子墨反而很开心。 Because he chose this road, grows stronger with the fight, then grows from the fight. 因为他选择了这条路,以战养战,便是从战斗中成长。 If the Saint courtyard were solved by True Martial Great Emperor completely, how he should fight grows. 要是圣庭被真武大帝全部解决了,他又该如何战斗中成长呢。 Therefore causes and effects type of thing, is closely linked. 所以说因果这种东西,是息息相关的。 ...... …… Sees only in the strength of True Martial Great Emperor whole body boundless Great Way, cuts down the day, was his god of the north sword is taken. 只见真武大帝周身磅礴的大道之力中,伐天之器,也就是他的真武剑被取了出来。 This god of the north sword sword recited. 这真武剑一声剑吟。 Erupts just like the potential of dragon tiger. 宛如龙虎之势爆发而出。 True Martial Great Emperor grasps the sharp sword, from top to bottom cuts void. 真武大帝手持利剑,由上到下一个划破虚空而过。 Sees only sword intent vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered to bring thundering Great Way, just like nine days of sprinkling Milky Way. 只见纵横的剑意带着轰鸣的大道,就宛如九天洒落的银河般。 Countless people were still making noise. 原本无数人还在喧闹着。 But when this sword cuts falls, all between Heaven and Earth are suppressed. 但当这一剑斩落之时,天地间的一切都被压制住了。 It seems Heaven and Earth only to have this sword. 就好像天地唯有此剑。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Shocks brings the clearness that the sword is reciting. 震撼中带着剑吟的清脆。 The sword light falls from Heavenly Peak Territory together from top to bottom. 一道剑光自天极域从上往下而落。 This moment nine territories, all are glittering the scenery of this sword. 这一刻的九域,皆是闪烁着这一剑的风光。 One sword vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered 100,000 li (0.5 km), sword frost cold 14 provinces. 正所谓一剑纵横十万里,一剑霜寒十四州。 The real men are alive, but so elegant demeanor. 大丈夫在世,但如此风采。 Nine territories that under the sword cry, this sword will not link opened a channel. 剑鸣之下,这一剑将原本并不链接的九域打开了一条通道。 Channel that can move freely. 一条可以自由活动的通道。 This is a very terrifying matter.() 这是一件很恐怖的事情。()
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