IATV :: Volume #23

#2230: Chapter 2230 good and evil, dialogue Primal Chaos

Chapter 2232 good and evil, dialogue Primal Chaos 第2232章善与恶,对话混沌 Besides extremely wicked thing, extremely good thing. 除了极恶之物外,还有极善之物。 Since the ancient times, opposes evilly, is wicked by the good system, is means. 自古以来,正邪对立,以善制恶,也是一个办法。 Xu Zimo thinks is very long, finally thought must be primarily is friendly. 徐子墨想了很久,最终还是觉得要以善为主。 The wicked system is wicked, is actually is a very simple method. 恶制恶,却是是一个很简单的方法。 But only the pure wickedness, will only make people think the fear. 但只有纯粹的恶,只会让人觉得恐惧。 But ten eighth layer hells besides letting person repayment previous generation's sin, can from feels a faint trace the good. 而十八层地狱除了让人偿还前世的罪孽以外,更能从其中感受到一丝丝的善。 The good and evil has the report to the end finally. 正所谓善恶到头终有报。 However Xu Zimo thinks, thought the extremely good thing does not blow by some chance purely. 不过徐子墨又想了想,觉得万一单纯极善之物镇不住呢。 Whether can make extremely wicked and extremely good simultaneously. 是否可以让极恶与极善同时出发呢。 Thinks of this, Xu Zimo stood from void. 想到这,徐子墨从虚空中站了起来。 Looked at the taken shape six samsara, how long it is estimated that could not want, only after waiting this causes and effects rain to fall, can start to revolve. 看了看已经成型的六道轮回,估计要不了多久,只待这场因果雨落下后,就可以开始运转了。 He left the place of this clotting say/way, arrived in Divine State Continent. 他离开了这块凝道之地,来到了神州大陆内。 Present Divine State Continent, is the crowd is seriously star-studded, a prosperity, excellent potential. 如今的神州大陆,当真可谓是群星璀璨,一片欣欣向荣,大好之势。 Science and technology with immortal cultivation even more huge. 科技与修仙愈发的庞大。 Immortal Cultivation has Xu Zimo this pioneer to exist together, it may be said that already luxuriant growth of leaves and branches. 修仙一道有徐子墨这个先驱存在,可谓是早已经枝繁叶茂。 But the science and technology together, Xu Zimo hear of Gongsun Muya explained that now they have touched genome. 而科技一道,徐子墨听公孙木崖讲解,如今他们已经触及到了生物基因这一块。 If studies to be successful, can through the change gene, making the life of everyone be able to lengthen. 如果研究能够成功,可以通过改变基因,让每个人的生命得以延长。 Naturally, this is a very difficult matter. 当然,这是一件很困难的事情。 But any difficulty, needs the predecessor to go to the customer service little. 但任何的困难,都是需要前人一点点去客服的。 Regarding Gongsun Muya, having the challenge is meaningful. 对于公孙木崖而言,有挑战才有意义。 Even the gene not only can grow life span, can be changed including the talent that a person immortal cultivation. 甚至于基因不仅仅可以增长寿命,连一个人修仙的天赋都能得到改变。 So long as this research can be successful, only feared that the science and technology will have pressed immortal cultivation together thoroughly. 只要这项研究能够成功,只怕科技一道也将彻底压过修仙。 However immortal cultivation with the science and technology, is not the opposition. 不过修仙与科技,并非是对立的。 Between both complements one another, indispensable, so can arrive at the pinnacle the cultivation. 两者之间相辅相成,缺一不可,如此才能将修炼走到极致。 In this world never lacks the intelligent person. 这个世界上从来不缺聪明的人。 Some people also realized this point. 有人也意识到了这一点。 Therefore present Divine State Continent, has considerable many influences, advocated that immortal cultivation also conducts with the science and technology. 所以如今的神州大陆,有相当多的势力,提倡修仙与科技同时进行。 Because both do not conflict. 因为两者并不冲突。 Xu Zimo after understanding a Divine State Continent current development, is pleased. 徐子墨在了解了一番神州大陆目前的发展后,感到很满意。 All are proceeding steadily. 一切都在稳步前进。 He found Primal Chaos. 他找到了混沌 In fact Xu Zimo very long has not met with Primal Chaos. 事实上徐子墨已经很久没有跟混沌见过面了。 As oneself once mount. 作为自己曾经的坐骑。 Now has become in Divine State Continent, monster race first ancestor, the ancestors of true ten thousand monster. 如今已经成了神州大陆内,妖族的始祖,真正的万妖之祖。 However Primal Chaos seemed weary of the life with human race battle, he is more like a psychology of idle cloud wild crane now. 不过混沌似乎厌倦了跟人族争斗的生活,他如今更像是一种闲云野鹤的心理。 After seeing Xu Zimo, Primal Chaos also very excited. 见到徐子墨后,混沌也是十分的激动。 Eldest child, you know what I most yearn is. “老大,你知道我最向往的是什么时候嘛。 Is I am conducting the back you, passes through that period of loneliest time. ” 是我驮着你,走过那段最寂寥的时光。” Experiences you to grow, although is difficult, actually also very interesting.” “见识你一路成长,虽然艰辛,却也十分的有趣。” Primal Chaos said with a smile. 混沌笑着说道。 I think, my final dream recovers monster race. “我本以为,我最终的梦想乃是光复妖族 But in experiencing, now monster race after Divine State Continent also rises, I actually started not to care about these things. ” 可是在经历了很多,如今妖族神州大陆也崛起后,我却开始不在意这些东西了。” Each stage has the matter that each stage wants to handle,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “每个阶段有每个阶段想做的事情,”徐子墨笑着说道。 Person is also good, the monster, will become.” “人也好,妖也罢,都是会变得。” But the eldest child you are different,” Primal Chaos follows close on was saying. “可是老大你不一样,”混沌紧跟着说道。 You vainly hoped for from the beginning, is then same.” “你从一开始的梦想,便是一样的。” You cut down a day of will, will never possibly change.” “你伐天之志,是永远不可能更改的。” Xu Zimo smiles, has not intertwined again this topic. 徐子墨笑了笑,没有再纠结这个话题。 But said with a smile: Today looks for you, is something wants to ask you to help.” 而是笑道:“今天来找你,是有些事想找你帮忙。” Eldest child said although, Primal Chaos nods hastily. “老大尽管说,”混沌连忙点点头。 You lived in Divine State Continent were so long, can say from the whole world at first, you existed.” “你在神州大陆生活了这么久,可以说从整个世界最初时,你就存在了。” I want to know, this world is extremely wicked with the extremely good thing, about your view,” Xu Zimo returns said. “我想知道,这世界极恶与极善之物,关于你的看法,”徐子墨回道。 This saying made Primal Chaos stare actually. 这话倒是让混沌愣了一下。 Eldest child is an initiator, this all things of the world, only feared that cannot hide the truth from the eldest child.” “老大是创始者,这世界发生的所有事物,只怕都瞒不过老大吧。” Primal Chaos speaking of this, asked: Taking the liberty asked that what did the eldest child need these things to make?” 混沌说到这,又问道:“冒昧的问一下,老大需要这些东西做什么呢?” I must establish the without a gap hell,” Xu Zimo did not fear that told him. “我要建立无间地狱,”徐子墨倒也不怕告诉他。 Said: Couple days ago that heavy rain you should feel.” 说道:“前几天那场大雨你应该感受到了吧。” Primal Chaos slight nod. 混沌微微点头。 He was feels surely. 他必定是感受到了。 Because of this heavy rain, can say that has not let off anybody. 因为这场大雨,可以说没有放过任何人。 Even if he, was planned to put in causes and effects Great Way. 哪怕是他,也被规划放入了因果大道中。 Under the world rule modification, no one can escape by luck. 在世界规则改动之下,没有人能幸免其中。 However although Primal Chaos is curious, but did not regard as important regarding these matters, is just like him not to regard as important ancestors' of ten thousand monster rights to be the same now. 不过混沌虽然好奇,但对于这些事也不太看重了,就好比他不太看重如今万妖之祖的权利一样。 He knows, present Divine State Continent is at a very special time. 他知道,如今的神州大陆正处在一个十分特殊的时间段。 Has any big change, is very normal. 有任何的大变,都很正常。 If one day, Xu Zimo cuts down day to succeed, at the appointed time the big change of Divine State Continent can precipitate thoroughly. 若是有一天,徐子墨伐天成功,届时神州大陆的大变才可以彻底沉淀下来。 That causes and effects rain dragged into everyone causes and effects Great Way, but causes and effects hell, this/should establishes from this.” “那场因果雨将所有人都拉入了因果大道内,而因果地狱,也该由此成立。” Xu Zimo said. 徐子墨说道。 I the thing that needs one to suppress the innumerable complaints, is extremely wicked and extremely wicked thing in.” “我需要一个能镇压住无数怨念的东西,极恶与极恶之物同在。” Has wicked aggressive, there is gives myriad things a slim chance of survival good.” “就有恶的凶悍,又有善给万物一线生机。” Hears the Xu Zimo words, Primal Chaos asks: „Does eldest child have alternatively?” 听到徐子墨的话,混沌问道:“老大有可选的吗?” Several choices, but I am thinking a matter, this world has definitely wicked?” Xu Zimo asked. “是有几个选择,但我在想一件事,这世间有绝对的恶吗?”徐子墨问道。 „The world is bustling, the advantage benefits toward in the middle.” “天下熙熙攘攘,利来利往之间。” Wickedness that sometimes we see, the angle of but standing is different.” “有些时候我们看到的恶,只是站的角度不同。” You understand that when the benefit stands when your side, your enemy naturally can lose the lots.” “你明白的,当利益站在你这一方时,你的敌人自然会损失很多东西。” Then you actually who is wicked who is friendly?” “那么你们究竟谁恶谁善呢?” Slaughters the innocent person, can for wicked?” Primal Chaos asked. “滥杀无辜者,可为恶?”混沌问道。 But,” Xu Zimo nods. “可,”徐子墨点点头。 Therefore I had three goals, you help me have a look.” “所以我有了三个目标,你帮我看看。” Sees only the Xu Zimo big hand to wield. 只见徐子墨大手一挥。 Among Heaven and Earth presented three pictures immediately. 天地间顿时出现了三个画面。 This first picture, is in a canyon. 这第一个画面,乃是在一处峡谷中。 This canyon is the vitality completely, the white bones are stern. 此峡谷可谓是生机殆尽,白骨森严。 But in the canyon, only has a plant. 而在峡谷内,只有一株植物。 Is a food person demon is colored. 乃是一朵食人魔花。 This demon flower itself/Ben is ordinary man-eating flower, absorbs the livelihood essence, was born the spirit wisdom.” “此魔花本是一朵普通的食人花,吸收日月精华,诞生出了灵智。” Afterward in this valley had once had a war, many people of dying are one of them, man-eating flower absorbed the blood, was dyed the blood splash.” “后来这谷内曾发生过一场大战,有好多人死在其中,食人花吸收了鲜血,被染成了血花。” Blood splash had the spirit, there is a desire, then had the extravagant demands. “血花有了灵,又有了欲,便有了奢求。 Henceforward, the blood splash starts the food person. ” 自此以后,血花开始食人。” Until now 38 years, the blood lavish diet person altogether has 37,000 people, now is the food person demon is colored, takes earnestly seeking of person more and more. “迄今为止三十八年,血花食人共有三万七千人,如今已是食人魔花,吸食人的渴求越来越多。 If continuously for a long time hence, does not know that also many people must die in its mouth. 若是长此以往,不知还有多少人要死在它的口中。 This can man-eating flower be wicked? ” 食人花可算恶?” Greatly wicked,” Primal Chaos said. “大恶,”混沌说道。 In his area of competence, he will slaughter to conduct the pinnacle. “在他的能力范围以内,他将杀戮进行到了极致。 Feels Heaven and Earth to have mystical powers, actually only the knowledge slaughters. ” 天地而有灵,却只知杀戮。” Second, is a monster.” “还有第二个,乃是一名妖。” Monster is one of the five spirits, the sunflower monster was since birth weak, but they attract the essence of sunflower, can grow.” “妖乃五灵之一,葵妖生来本弱,不过她们吸葵花之精华,也能成长起来。” () ()
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