IATV :: Volume #23

#2231: The wickedness of Chapter 2231 will of the people, with the good of conscience

Heaven and Earth gives the way that they grown stronger, what a pity this sunflower monster does not treasure. 天地给了他们变强的途径,可惜这葵妖并不珍惜。 He shuts out the absorption sunflower is too slow, wanting one such as of thousand li (500 km) to practice realm. 他嫌弃吸收葵花太慢,想要一如千里的那种修练境界 Therefore starts to absorb the highest of all creatures. ” 于是开始吸收万物之灵。” Every was absorbed the spirit lifeform, went to the qualifications of samsara not to have.” “凡被吸收灵的生物,就连去轮回的资格都没有了。” Xu Zimo said slowly. 徐子墨缓缓说道。 These are he act according to Heavenly Way to revolve, acquired information. 这些都是他根据天道运转,收集到的信息。 It can be said that among this Heaven and Earth has anything, cannot escape his eye. 可以说,这天地间发生什么,都逃不过他的眼睛。 Naturally, if some day left Divine State Continent, then the revolution of the world will defer to the rule the line. 当然,如果有一天自己离开了神州大陆,那么世界的运转将按照规则而行。 Also will not conduct according to anybody's will. 也将不会按照任何人的意志进行。 Is same like nine territory world at this moment, so long as you do not cut down the day, Heavenly Way will not aim at you. 就如同此刻的九域世界一样,只要你不伐天,天道就不会针对你。 However now the Heavenly Way evolutions of nine territory world are too quick, made it have the control desire. 但是如今九域世界的天道进化太快了,以至于让它有了掌控欲。 Trained Saint courtyard type of organization, monitors the entire world. 培养了圣庭这种组织,借此监视全世界。 ......... ……… Until now, that sunflower monster has killed 15,000 people,” Xu Zimo said. “迄今为止,那葵妖已经杀了一万五千人,”徐子墨说道。 Sunflower monster is powerful, is majestically located a side at present, no one dares to crusade against it again.” “葵妖实力强大,目前雄踞一方,也无人再敢讨伐它。” Hears this, Primal Chaos deep sighing. 听到这,混沌深深的叹了一口气。 He as if understands that Xu Zimo must make this causes and effects rules, established the original intention of without a gap hell. 他似乎明白徐子墨要做这因果规则,建立无间地狱的初衷了。 A small sunflower monster, then can be so horrendous, and is getting stronger and stronger, no one can punish. 一个小小的葵妖,便能如此杀人如麻,并且越来越强,无人能制裁。 Among Heaven and Earth how many this sunflower monsters? 天地间又有多少这种葵妖呢? Continuously for a long time hence, if people lose in this slaughtering strength growth, what aspect the world will turn into. 长此以往,若是人们都迷失在这种杀戮的实力增长中,世界又会变成什么样的局面呢。 Must these to fear. 要让这些人有所惧。 However the way must conform to the natural justice. 但是方式也要符合天理。 The say/way of causes and effects, seriously is a second of chess! 因果之道,当真是一步秒棋啊! Primal Chaos looks at the vision to the third picture. 混沌又将目光看向第三幅画面。 Compared with front two, the food person demon is colored, is the sunflower monster, this third picture must be crueler. 比起前面两幅,无论是食人魔花,还是葵妖,这第三幅画都要更加残忍一些。 That is one just like the mountain tower giant fatty. 那是一个宛如山塔般巨大的胖子。 His height is hundred meters at least, the whole body is the fat. 他身高起码有百米,全身都是肥肉。 When it sits, that fat trembles, just like a mountain peak. 当它坐起来时,那身上的肥肉一颤一颤,宛如一座山峰。 Its skin is the azure beauty. 它的皮肤是青姿色的。 The hair of top of the head just like had been struck by lightning, blasting open is ordinary. 头顶的头发宛如被雷劈过,炸裂一般。 Especially its double pupil, is the deep black. 尤其是它的双眸,是深黑色的。 As if hiding demonic nature that is addicted to the person. 仿佛藏着嗜人的魔性。 Pair of claws just like the sharp claws of beast of prey, when the third picture starts to broadcast. 双爪宛如猛兽的利爪,当第三幅画面开始播放时。 Saw only this giant to start to eat the person. 只见这巨人已经开始吃人了。 Bloody and cruel. 血腥又残忍。 Procurator deer, one of the human race 36 cities, a procurator side, person skin heart.” “鹿太守,人族三十六城之一,一方太守,人皮兽心。” He practices by the food person, but he is not wicked by a person of strength. “他以食人修练,不过他并非是以一人之力而恶。 He excels in the right with hand, trained a large numbers of person ready dead, his anything does not serve as, every day has the continuous living creature to eat. ” 他擅长用手中的权利,培养了一大批的死士,他什么都不用做,每天都有源源不断的活物可以食用。” He was 18 years of procurator, the grand total ate more than 70,000 people.” “他当了十八年太守,总计吃了七万多人。” „A person of strength, although is wicked, but can play with the political strategy, understood wicked really it that forms cliques.” “一人之力虽恶,但能够玩弄权谋,懂得拉帮结派的恶更甚之。” Xu Zimo tranquil saying. 徐子墨平静的说道。 You feel these three people, which most wicked?” “你觉得这三人,哪一个最恶?” Damn,” Primal Chaos said. “都该死,”混沌说道。 But extremely wicked only then,” Xu Zimo said. “可极恶只有一个,”徐子墨说道。 Eldest child, you should have the choice,” Primal Chaos asked. “老大,你心里应该有选择了吧,”混沌问道。 I want to listen to your view,” Xu Zimo said. “我想听听你的看法,”徐子墨说道。 He naturally had the choice. 他自然是有选择了。 But something, cannot be anxious. 但有些事,却也急不得。 Primal Chaos thought carefully. 混沌仔细思索了一番。 Finally just now said: „ First is this food person demon is colored, he by the Heaven and Earth baptism, was born the spirit, should be bright Great Way has been waiting for him. 最终方才说道:“首先是这食人魔花,他受天地洗礼,诞生出了灵,本该是煌煌大道等待着他。 Actually falls into error, this wicked is mental is not firm, does not think of the return, even harms Heaven and Earth. ” 却误入歧途,此恶乃是心智不坚,不思回报,甚至危害天地。” Said again that sunflower monster, absorbs the highest of all creatures, this monster is most wicked, makes the opportunity of person reincarnation not have continually.” “再说那葵妖,吸收万物之灵,此妖最恶,连让人转生的机会都没有。” „The highest of all creatures, is raises inborn, no one has the qualifications to eliminate, this steals Heaven and Earth, nourishes itself, this is the big crime.” “万物之灵,乃是天生地养,谁也没有资格剥夺,这是窃取天地,滋养自身,这是大罪。” That procurator deer, exploits power, not only oneself wicked, person also together is wicked. “还有那鹿太守,更是以权谋私,不仅仅自己恶,连带着身边的人也一起恶。 The disaster local people, the crime adds first-grade. ” 祸害一方百姓,罪加一等。” Speaking of this, Primal Chaos sighed. 说到这,混沌叹息了一声。 Also said: Wanted me saying that this so-called wickedness, how can there be the division of size.” 又说道:“要我说啊,这所谓的恶,岂有大小之分。” „ The side in world is wicked, referred to is not only someone, or something. “世间的极恶,指的不仅仅是某一个人,或者说某一件事。 But is the darkness of everyone heart deep place. ” 而是每个人内心深处的黑暗。” Xu Zimo has not thought unexpectedly at the appointed time Primal Chaos looks is so clear. 徐子墨到时没想到混沌竟然看的这么清。 Truly, thinks with him is same. 确实,跟他内心想的一样。 Extremely wicked, is the darkness of will of the people deep place. 极恶,是人心深处的黑暗。 But is not someone, or something. 而并非是某一个人,或者某一件事。 I think, I need your help, helping me collect these extremely wicked thing.” “我想,我需要你的帮忙,帮我去收集这些极恶之物。” Xu Zimo said. 徐子墨说道。 Sees only his right hand to grasp toward the vault of heaven. 只见他右手朝苍穹上一抓。 Among Heaven and Earth has Great Way to start to exude the ripples probably. 天地间好像有大道开始泛起涟漪。 Strength of Great Way surges toward the palm of Xu Zimo in the continuously. 一缕缕大道之力朝徐子墨的掌心内涌动。 Condensation is a sphere shape. 紧接着,凝聚为一个圆球形状。 This sphere is the amber brown, has the powerful and ancient Great Way aura. 这圆球内部呈琥珀色,带着强大又古老的大道气息。 Xu Zimo gives Primal Chaos the sphere. 徐子墨将圆球递给混沌 Said: This uses the seal that the strength of Great Way refining up becomes for me, specifically is used for the seal evil thought.” 说道:“此为我利用大道之力炼化而成的封印,专门用来封印恶念。” I need your walk world, collects the person of most wicked places these evil thoughts, finally concentrates for the extremely wicked thing.” “我需要你行走世间,收集那些恶念之人最恶的地方,最终凝为极恶之物。” Heard the Xu Zimo words, Primal Chaos received the sphere. 听到徐子墨的话,混沌接过圆球。 The slight nod, said: Eldest child you felt relieved that I complete certainly as soon as possible.” 微微点头,说道:“老大你放心吧,我一定尽快完成。” Actually this duty gave Primal Chaos was just good. 其实这个任务交给混沌算是刚刚好。 After all wants to collect the evil thought that may not only be the simple collection on the line. 毕竟想要收集恶念,可不仅仅是简单的收集就行了。 Also must have the absolute strength. 还必须拥有绝对的实力。 If the strength is insufficient, only feared that will become in these wicked person hands another ghost. 要是实力不够,只怕会成为那些恶人手中另一个亡魂。 Defeats these evil people, collects their evil thoughts, Primal Chaos is the best candidate. 打败那些恶人,收集他们的恶念,混沌是最好的人选。 Eldest child, I just listened to you saying that besides extremely wicked, you also want to look good, needs me to help?” Primal Chaos asked. “老大,我刚刚听你说,除了极恶之外,你还想找极善,需要我帮忙吗?”混沌问道。 Xu Zimo shakes the head, says with a smile: Does not need, the extremely good thing I have taken.” 徐子墨摇了摇头,笑道:“不需要,极善之物我已经去取。” „Did eldest child begin to materialize?” Primal Chaos curious asking. “老大有眉目了吗?”混沌好奇的问道。 If, wicked is the thing that limits very much difficultly. 假如说,恶是一个很难去界定的东西。 Then is friendly, similarly is also. 那么善,同样也是。 Did not say that Holy Mother is good. 不是说圣母就是善。 So-called good, without affecting anybody, including oneself with person, the matter of done helpful world. 所谓善,是在不影响任何人,包括自己跟身边的人的情况下,做的有助于世界的事情。 Importantly what here is saying, is helpful to the world. 这里着重要讲的是,有助于世界。 Rather than is helpful to somebody. 而不是有助于某个人。 Only if this somebody, has the ability of change world. 除非这某个人,拥有改变世界的能力。 Hears the curiosity of Primal Chaos, Xu Zimo said with a smile: Actually said extremely good difficult also difficult, said simply also simple.” 听到混沌的好奇,徐子墨笑着说道:“极善其实说难也难,说简单也简单。” So-called good, then does not have the conscience of any benefit.” “所谓善,便是不带任何利益的良知。” Did not seek the return, did not stress the benefit, even deep concealed merit and that type.” “不求回报,不讲利益,甚至深藏功与名那种。” Then I can walk world, realize a Divine State Continent beautiful country, the person the earth character and style.” “接下来我会行走世间一趟,去体会神州大陆道大好河山,人土风情。” At the appointed time collects the charitable disposition, condenses Seondeok.” “届时收集善念,凝聚善道。” With your side wickedly is the suppression core of without a gap hell.” “与你的极恶便是无间地狱的镇压核心。” We then approximately after January/one month, converge here,” Primal Chaos said. “那我们便约在一月之后,在这里汇合,”混沌说道。 At the appointed time was also the day of without a gap hell establishment.” “届时也是无间地狱建立之日。” Xu Zimo nods. 徐子墨点点头。 After Primal Chaos said goodbye, his consciousness first enters to nine territory world to look. 混沌告别以后,他的意识先是进入到九域世界看了看。 The discovery True Martial Great Emperor was still summoning Yuan Yang Continent at this time. 发现这个时候真武大帝还在召唤元央大陆 Yuan Yang Continent toward nine territory world endomixes. 元央大陆正在朝九域世界内融合。
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