IATV :: Volume #23

#2229: The Chapter 2229 ten eighth layer hells, the world feeds back

The Chapter 2231 ten eighth layer hells, the world feeds back 第2231章十八层地狱,世界反馈 As the True Martial Great Emperor voice falls, entire Yuan Yang Continent starts to boil. 随着真武大帝的话音落下,整个元央大陆都开始沸腾起来。 Control, is this wants to do?” “主宰,这是想干嘛?” Some people have not clarified the situation. 有些人还没有弄清楚情况。 After all although True Martial Great Emperor is strong, but many people have not left Yuan Yang Continent for a lifetime. 毕竟真武大帝虽然强,但许多人一辈子都没有离开过元央大陆 Regarding this great strength, does not have the slight cognition. 对于这种强大,没有丝毫的认知。 „Does True Martial Great Emperor want to control Yuan Yang Continent?” 真武大帝是想控制元央大陆吗?” He bragged Heavenly Way, wanting to become the world to control.” “他自诩天道,想要成为世界主宰。” The people discuss spiritedly. 众人议论纷纷。 Compares in average person's discussion, Yuan Yang Continent many powerhouses is watching changes quietly. 相比于普通人的议论,元央大陆许多的强者才是在静观其变。 After all no matter what happened, the bird who moves first will be the one that gets shot definitely yes right. 毕竟不管发生什么事,枪打出头鸟肯定是没错的。 Image projection of True Martial Great Emperor to the entire vault of heaven above. 真武大帝的影像投射到整个苍穹之上。 Which place at this moment no matter you place in Yuan Yang Continent, can see True Martial Great Emperor. 这一刻不管你身处在元央大陆的哪个地方,都是能看到真武大帝的。 ......... ……… But True Martial Great Emperor has fused together with Heavenly Way at this moment thoroughly. 真武大帝此刻已经彻底与天道融为一体。 He does not need deliberately to make anything. 他不需要刻意做什么。 One as if have the inexhaustible strength. 自身就仿佛有无穷无尽的力量。 This is the True Martial Great Emperor incarnation Heavenly Way advantage. 这是真武大帝化身天道的好处。 The matter that regardless of Yuan Yang Continent has when where, cannot escape his sensation. 元央大陆无论何时何地发生的事情,都逃不过他的感知。 Even True Martial Great Emperor wants conveniently, then can decide that everyone life and death, controls everyone's life. 甚至真武大帝只要随手之间,便能决定所有人都的生死,掌控所有人的生命。 This feeling is very marvelous. 这种感觉很奇妙。 Although said, long ago, True Martial Great Emperor is planning Yuan Yang Continent. 虽然说,在很久以前,真武大帝就在谋划元央大陆 But this is the first time that so controlled the Heavenly Way strength frankly and uprightly. 但这还是第一次如此光明正大掌控天道的力量。 He understands finally why all previous generations cut down day, regardless are many shocking certainly generation certainly, finally will be defeated. 他终于明白,为何历代伐天者无论多吗么惊艳绝绝之辈,最终都会失败了。 The world in Heavenly Way eye, unlike the average person is completely. 天道眼中的世界,跟普通人是完全不同的。 That is the things of different level. 那是不同层次的东西。 ......... ……… „, I for the control of Yuan Yang Continent, I will bring this side Heaven and Earth to cut down the day to go starting today.” “诸位,今日起我为元央大陆的主宰,我将带着此方天地伐天而去。” True Martial Great Emperor very tranquil answered. 真武大帝很平静的解释道。 Many people do not even know that cuts down the day is anything. 许多人甚至不知道伐天是什么。 After all regarding Yuan Yang Continent cultivator, once arrived at the boundary of Great Emperor, then can ascension. 毕竟对于元央大陆修士而言,一旦到达了大帝之境,便可以飞升 Even leaves this side world. 甚至是离开这方世界。 Therefore does not exist to cut down day concept. 所以不存在伐天这个概念。 Because Yuan Yang Continent Heavenly Way is different from nine territory world, it will not stop you. 因为元央大陆天道跟九域世界不同,它不会阻拦你。 True Martial Great Emperor is not willing to say anything again. 真武大帝也不愿再多说什么。 Returns said: This side world with my altogether life or death, to leave, I will open together the gateway, sends you to nine territory world.” 只是回道:“此方世界将与我共存亡,若是想离开的,我自会打开一道门户,送你们进入九域世界。” „If not willing to leave, then treats in Yuan Yang Continent.” “若是不愿离开的,便待在元央大陆吧。” Then some time, the world meets the drastic change, does not need to make much ado about nothing.” “接下来一段时间,世界会剧变,诸位也不必大惊小怪。” As the voice falls, the True Martial Great Emperor form also disappears in void gradually. 随着话音落下,真武大帝的身影也渐渐消失在虚空中。 This matter with a bomb, disseminates without doubt thoroughly in Yuan Yang Continent. 这件事无疑跟一枚炸弹般,彻底在元央大陆内传播开。 Cuts down the day, nine territory world, various information swamp into everyone's brain. 伐天,九域世界,各种信息都涌入所有人的脑中。 After all the matter comes was too sudden, many people have not even prepared at heart. 毕竟事情来的太突然了,许多人甚至没有心里准备。 However True Martial Great Emperor, no matter these. 然而真武大帝并不管这些。 After connecting Yuan Yang Continent, his start lets entire mainland ascension upward, enters to nine territory world. 在连接了元央大陆后,他开始让整个大陆飞升往上,进入到九域世界。 This similarly is an extremely huge and slow process. 这同样是一个极其庞大且缓慢的过程。 After all a world enters to another world, will cause the counter-attack of nine territory world. 毕竟一个世界进入到另一个世界内,会引起九域世界的反击。 Even if Heavenly Way of nine territory world does not prevent, this ascension way will also encounter the resistance. 哪怕九域世界的天道不去阻止,这种飞升的方式同样会受到阻力。 Through the ages, it is estimated that also arrived this step on True Martial Great Emperor, other powerhouses never have thought this step. 古往今来,估计也就真武大帝走到了这一步,其他的强者从未想过这一步。 ......... ……… But at the same time Divine State Continent. 而与此同时的神州大陆内。 Under the guidance of Xu Zimo, say/way of causes and effects Great Way and samsara thorough fuses together. 徐子墨的引导之下,因果大道与轮回之道已经彻底的融合在一起。 At this moment, six samsara will become the member in the world. 这一刻,六道轮回将成为世界的一份子。 Xu Zimo waves. 徐子墨一挥手。 Sees only above the vault of heaven, the timely breeze has cloud scroll. 只见天穹之上,顿时风起云卷。 Originally on depressing sky better constraining. 原本就压抑的天空更好的压抑了。 Probably dark in has anything to emerge as the times require. 好像冥冥之中有什么东西破土而出。 Finally, after saving for a long time, the dark cloud on vault of heaven dropped the raindrop finally. 终于,在积攒了许久后,天穹上的乌云终于落下了雨滴。 The raindrop falls, is similar to the torrential downpour. 雨滴一落,就如同倾盆大雨。 Xu Zimo is called the causes and effects rain this rain. 徐子墨将这场雨称为因果雨。 The lifeform of as long as by the causes and effects rain being stained, will be included within in six samsara. 但凡被因果雨沾上的生物,都将被划入六道轮回中。 Will receive causes and effects fetter together. 都将受到因果一道的束缚。 This causes and effects rain seize every opportunity, do not have the thing not to invade. 这因果雨无孔不入,无物不侵。 Even if you stand in the room, even is looks for anything to hide, will drip wet by this causes and effects rain similarly. 哪怕你站在房间内,甚至是找任何的东西躲藏,都同样会被这因果雨淋湿。 Even cultivation base strong existence, is unable to avoid this heavy rain. 就算是修为再强的存在,也无法躲避这场大雨。 This is the rain of Heavenly Way. 这便是天道之雨。 It falls in Heaven and Earth above any place. 它落在天地间任何的地方之上。 Meanwhile, among Heaven and Earth started to present one line of writing. 与此同时,天地间开始出现了一行文字。 Heaven and Earth is unkind, takes the myriad things as the dogs and hay worthless thing. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。 The sages are unkind, take the common people as the dogs and hay worthless thing. ” 圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。” „The report of causes and effects, the world is all spatial.” “因果之报,世人皆空。” ......... ……… At this moment, in a level area. 此刻,在一处山坳之内。 One group of bandits are looting a village. 一群土匪们正在洗劫一座村庄。 This is a mortal village, the bandits take by force food here , the females Oshiageyama stronghold. 这是一座凡人村庄,土匪们在这里打劫食物,又将女子们押上山寨。 At this moment sees the character in vault of heaven, the leader complexion big change. 此刻看到苍穹上的字,为首者脸色大变。 What this... is this?” “这…这是什么?” „Do causes and effects, world really have the causes and effects?” “因果,世间真有因果吗?” Good person non- longevity, the unprincipled person year, what causes and effects, our lives grasp absolutely in oneself hand.” “好人不长命,坏人万万年,什么因果,我们的命掌握在自己的手里。” Although this bandit eldest child's unceasing cold snort/hum. 虽然这土匪老大不断的冷哼着。 To seek some to comfort at heart, but his complexion actually incomparable pallidness. 想要寻求一些心里安慰,但他的脸色却无比的煞白。 The heavy rain falls on his body, the movement in his hand was also slower. 大雨落在他的身上,他手中的动作也慢了很多。 Cannot slaughter the mortal at will.” “不可随意屠杀凡人嘛。” Finally, the bandit eldest child waves, orders to say toward the people: Walks, walks, leaves here.” 最终,土匪老大一挥手,朝众人命令道:“走,都走,离开这里。” Occurs like matter in various places of the world. 像这样的事情发生在世界的各处。 After all when tumultuous times, human life such as worthless. 毕竟乱世之时,人命如草芥。 It may be said that kills people at will, penalty that has no. 可谓是随意杀人,都没有任何的惩罚。 Especially the powerhouse, this restraint is more intense. 尤其是强者,这种约束就越强烈。 The say/way of causes and effects just stood, Xu Zimo then felt that a powerful strength feeds back from Divine State Continent to his body. 因果之道刚立,徐子墨便感觉到一股强大的力量从神州大陆反馈到他的身上。 He with Divine State Continent is a body. 他跟神州大陆乃是一体。 He, Divine State Continent will then be strong. 他强,神州大陆便会强。 Divine State Continent grows, he also benefits greatly. 神州大陆成长,他同样受益匪浅。 The say/way of this causes and effects just stood, then has the so powerful feedback, later can also take care of your pennies and dollars will take care of themselves, it seems like these step walked right. 这因果之道刚立,便有如此强大的反馈,以后也能细水长流,看来这一步走对了。 The however after six samsara appear, the work load of hell can definitely increase instantaneously. 不过六道轮回出现后,地府的工作量肯定会瞬间加大许多。 Xu Zimo makes three items of demon Monarch work as here control, makes other demon general start the assistance. 徐子墨让三目魔君当这里的主宰,也让其他魔将开始辅助。 As soon as possible methodical that changes here. 尽快将这里变的有条不紊。 Besides six samsara, Xu Zimo also prepares to establish ten eighth layer hells. 除了六道轮回外,徐子墨还准备建立十八层地狱。 Establishments of these ten eighth layer hells compared with six samsara, wanted to be simpler. 这十八层地狱的建立比起六道轮回,就要简单许多了。 Because ten eighth layer hells is a penalty place. 因为十八层地狱是一个惩罚的地方。 Or also the crime person, will then make reparations here, after finishing, has the plan of reincarnation. 亦或者说,然后犯罪的人,都将在这里赎罪,结束后才拥有转世的计划。 Therefore Xu Zimo according to the original world outlook, starts to found ten eighth layer hells. 所以徐子墨按照原本的世界观,开始创建十八层地狱。 Ten eighth layer hells cannot condense by the pure Heavenly Way strength, it must have the thing of suppression. 八层地狱不能靠单纯的天道力量凝聚,它必须拥有镇压之物。 Can suppress the thing of infinite vicious tendencies as well as hell malicious ghost. 可以镇压无穷戾气以及地狱恶鬼的东西。 Can make these ten eighth layer hells stand erect not but actually. 才能让这十八层地狱屹立不倒。 Otherwise even if the hell establishes, countless people receive punishment here, only feared that the courage vigor and complaint ordinary hell cannot suppress. 否则就算地狱建立,无数人在这里受刑,只怕血气与怨念普通的地狱是压制不住的。 What may treat as the suppression,” the Xu Zimo innermost feelings want to say. “何物可当做镇压呢,”徐子墨内心不禁想道。 Either must be the extremely wicked thing. 要么必须是极恶之物。 Using poison to combat poison. 以毒攻毒。 () ()
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