IATV :: Volume #23

#2228: Chapter 2228 samsara starts, starting today I for control

Chapter 2230 samsara starts, starting today I for control 第2230章轮回开始,今日起我为主宰 Because of the rule, is to make artificially. 因为规则,乃是人为制成的。 You break the rule, is the maker who provokes the rule. 你打破规则,便是挑衅规则的制定者。 Xu Zimo starts to think. 徐子墨开始思索起来。 How can arrange the rule. 如何能够将规则布置下去呢。 He first arrived in front of Divine State Continent Heavenly Way, present Heavenly Way, seems like has made a name initially. 他先是来到了神州大陆天道面前,如今的天道,看上去已经初成气候。 Heavenly Way is seemingly dignified, its materialization, but changes to the resembles of wind and thunder, circles in the vault of heaven. 天道看上去威严无比,它没有实体化,而是化作风雷之像,盘旋在苍穹上。 Its whole body is Great Way of long cry, the strength of Great Way rich to letting the person is hard to resist. 它周身是长鸣的大道,大道之力浓郁到让人难以抵挡。 The Xu Zimo stand here, fuses together with Great Way thoroughly. 徐子墨站在这里,与大道彻底融为一体。 Besides Great Way, in the eye of Xu Zimo, has the complicated line to fill the air from here probably. 除了大道外,在徐子墨的眼中,好像有千丝万缕的线条从这里弥漫而出。 These line representatives, are the strength of rule. 这些线条代表的,便是规则之力。 They spread from the body of Heavenly Way, finally appears in each place of the world, the corner. 他们从天道的身上蔓延,最终出现在世界的各个地方,角角落落。 But Xu Zimo must do, then increases several rules. 徐子墨要做的,便是给其中增加几条规则。 One of them, is the causes and effects rule. 其中之一,便是因果规则。 During the Heavenly Way good samsara, world all things, to be dark have the fate. 天道好轮回,世界一切事物,冥冥之中都已经有了定数。 You slaughter recklessly, then saved the bad karma to oneself. 你肆意屠杀,便是给自己积攒了孽缘。 This bad karma, finally after you die, arrives thoroughly on your body. 这种孽缘,最终会在你死后,彻底降临在你的身上。 the battle between immortal cultivation, mistrusts each other this not to calculate, but if slaughters the average person recklessly. 修仙者之间的争斗,尔虞我诈这不算在内,但若是肆意去屠杀普通人。 Then behaves badly. 那么便是作孽。 Xu Zimo sits cross-legged to sit on the spot. 徐子墨盘膝坐在原地。 First, in Divine State Continent, had existence of hell. 首先,神州大陆内,原本就有地府的存在。 When this is Xu Zimo works as the start-up world, organization that very early sets up. 这是徐子墨当初创世时,很早就设立的机构。 This hell is a mere show. 只是这个地府不过是一个空架子。 After the people die, although can the samsara, but the hell also walks a process. 人死之后,虽然可以轮回,但地府也不过是走一个过程罢了。 Therefore Xu Zimo must do, is the perfect hell. 所以徐子墨要做的,便是完善地府。 The first point, is the concise six samsara, establishes ten eighth layer hells. 第一点,便是凝炼六道轮回,建立十八层地狱。 This is not a simple matter. 这可不是简单的一件事。 The Xu Zimo preparation makes three items of demon Monarch work as control in this hell, manages the hell for him. 徐子墨准备让三目魔君当这地府的主宰者,替他管理地府。 Quite therefore the role of yama. 就相当于是阎王的角色。 Was evolved since other half divine soul, then after the fusion, three items of demon Mr.'s strengths obtained the further enhancement. 自从另一半神魂被进化,然后融合以后,三目魔君的实力得到了进一步的增强。 Xu Zimo at present nearby these demon general as well as Protector, the progress may be amazingly quick. 徐子墨目前跟前的这些魔将以及护法,进展可都是神速的。 Because they do not need to comprehend nine territory world, that complex obscure Great Way. 因为他们不需要去领悟九域世界,那复杂晦涩的大道 Comprehends Divine State Continent Great Way directly then. 直接领悟神州大陆大道即可。 Even Xu Zimo gave back to them to open the back door, Divine State Continent Great Way showed in their front. 甚至徐子墨还给他们开了后门,神州大陆大道就展现在他们的面前。 They can easily sense Heavenly Way very much. 他们可以很轻易就感悟到天道 this as well as grasps principles to their practices, is extremely relaxed. 这对他们的修练以及悟道来说,都是极其轻松的。 Naturally, grasping principles of Xu Zimo instead is more difficult. 当然,徐子墨的悟道反而要困难一些。 Because he is impossible to comprehend Divine State Continent Heavenly Way directly. 因为他不可能直接领悟神州大陆天道 Divine State Continent after all is only a middle-grade world, but also no grows to large-scale even is the super world. 神州大陆毕竟只是一个中等世界,还没有成长到大型甚至是超级世界。 If then comprehends Divine State Continent Great Way, will have the limitation. 那么如果领悟神州大陆大道,就会有局限性。 Xu Zimo comprehends the say/way of nine territory world now, then shifts to Divine State Continent Great Way on. 徐子墨如今领悟九域世界的道,然后再转移到神州大陆大道上面。 Then, not only own Great Way did not have the limitation. 如此一来,不仅仅自己的大道没有了局限性。 Even Divine State Continent benefits greatly. 甚至就连神州大陆都受益匪浅。 ......... ……… After appointing three items of demon Mr . 在任命了三目魔君以后。 Xu Zimo starts to sit cross-legged to sit, thorough concise six samsara. 徐子墨开始盘膝而坐,彻底的凝炼六道轮回。 The so-called samsara, actually was a death of species from the birth, so the circulation formed incessantly. 所谓轮回,其实便是一个物种的死亡从出生,如此循环不止而形成的。 But in the cyclic process of species, actually some differences. 但物种的循环过程中,却有些区别。 Six samsara, are make the different species samsara become the different species. 六道轮回,便是让不同的物种轮回成不同的物种。 The people can the samsara be the domestic animal, the domestic animal can also the adult. 人可以轮回为畜牲,畜牲也可以成人。 This must look at the merit and actions of your previous generation. 这都要看你前世的功德以及所作所为。 The idea and involving very complex. 其中牵扯到的理念十分的复杂。 Xu Zimo when the concise six samsara, it may be said that is in the mountain does not have This, cold completely does not know the year. 徐子墨凝炼六道轮回时,可谓是山中无甲子,寒尽不知年。 He is calculating the data of six samsara, while takes the foundation by the retributive justice. 他一边计算着六道轮回的数据,一边以因果报应作为基础。 Then, entire one month later. 就这样,整整一个月后。 The Xu Zimo whole body, has saved very terrifying imposing manner. 徐子墨的周身,已经积攒起了很恐怖的气势。 This potential just like dreadful monstrous waves. 这股势宛如滔天巨浪。 Anybody arrives around this, can be submerged by the strength of Great Way instantaneously. 任何人到这附近,都会瞬间被大道之力淹没。 Under the potential of so powerful Great Way, the strength of Xu Zimo whole body starts to condense the convergence. 如此强大的大道之势下,徐子墨周身的力量开始凝聚汇合。 Before him, presented a circular. 在他面前,出现了一个圆形。 This circular just started is fuzzy, gradually changes is clear. 这圆形刚开始还是模糊的,渐渐又变的清晰起来。 And congealing reality. 并且更加的凝实。 The circular starts to split up, changes to the innumerable tiny parts. 圆形开始分化,化作无数细小的部分。 The normal six samsara only have six obviously. 正常的六道轮回显然只有六块。 And is divided into Heavenly Way, humanity and Asura say/way, the domestic animal say/way, the hungry ghost say/way and hell said. 其中分为天道、人道、修罗道、畜牲道、饿鬼道以及地狱道。 But between the world and world are different. 但世界与世界之间是不同的。 Six samsara for other world, not necessarily suit Xu Zimo Divine State Continent. 适用于其他世界的六道轮回,并不一定就适合徐子墨神州大陆 Therefore Xu Zimo regarding the say/way of samsara, conducted a more careful division. 所以徐子墨对于轮回之道,进行了更加细致的划分。 Besides ten thousand clans, the plant also calculates that is one of them. 除了万族之外,还有植物也都算在其中。 The must know plant also has the life, in immortal cultivation world, the plant even accounted for very big proportion. 须知植物也是有生命的,在修仙世间,植物甚至占据了很大的比例。 When the samsara condenses, in the entire Divine State Continent vault of heaven, turned into the paint black. 在轮回凝聚之时,整个神州大陆的苍穹上,都变成了漆黑色。 As if before soon the rainstorm will approach the cloudy day. 仿佛是即将暴雨来临前的阴天。 This feeling is very depressing. 这种感觉很压抑。 the rising wind forebodes the coming storm, reactionary forces in the ascendant. 山雨欲来风满楼,黑云压城城欲摧。 Many people felt the change, particularly stronger existence, was more sensitive to the change of rule. 许多人都感受到了变化,尤其是越强的存在,对于规则的变化就越敏感。 How was this?” “这是怎么了?” Some people muttered. 有人喃喃自语。 Day changed, does not know that what happened.” “天变了,不知道发生了什么事。” „During is dark, some probably some not good premonitions.” “冥冥之中,好像有一些不太好的预感。” But at this moment, as the samsara starts to appear. 而此刻,随着轮回开始出现。 Sees only Xu Zimo both hands to wield, that powerful strength drives the samsara, submerges in the hell directly. 只见徐子墨双手一挥,那强大的力量带动轮回,直接没入地府中。 Say/Way of revolving samsara in the hell, opens a side world alone. 轮回之道旋转在地府,独自开辟出一方世界。 However say/way of the samsara at this moment is only stand-alone, has not had the connection with Divine State Continent all lives. 不过此刻的轮回之道只是独立的,还没有与神州大陆的所有生命产生关联。 But Xu Zimo both hands are towing. 徐子墨双手牵引着。 Single-handedly is representing, because, another is representing the fruit. 一手代表着因,另一手则代表着果。 The say/way of causes and effects by his concise. 因果之道被他凝炼而出。 Starts to go toward the say/way of fusion samsara. 开始朝轮回之道融合而去。 This process is very slow, Xu Zimo does not worry. 这个过程很缓慢,徐子墨也不着急。 ......... ……… But in the outside world. 而在外界。 Yuan Yang Continent at this moment, because True Martial Great Emperor starts the unceasing fusion. 此刻的元央大陆,因为真武大帝开始不断的融合。 Yuan Yang Continent starts to vibrate. 元央大陆开始振动起来。 The whole world in unceasing swaying. 整个世界都在不断的摇晃中。 Just like earthquake, the mountains rivers, are the building, starts to sway fiercely. 就宛如地震般,无论是山川河流,还是房屋建筑,都开始剧烈摇晃。 Suddenly is dizzy. 一时间便是天旋地转。 What's the matter, the day must collapse.” “怎么回事,天要塌下来嘛。” In Yuan Yang Continent, the innumerable lifeform start to be startled. 元央大陆内,无数的生物开始惊慌起来。 Just like judgment day. 就宛如世界末日般。 At this moment, how powerful existence, becomes startled. 这一刻,无论是多么强大的存在,都变得惊慌起来。 Because in the face of this Heaven and Earth mighty force, anybody becomes cannot withstand tiny. 因为在这种天地的伟力面前,任何人都变得渺小不堪。 Even if the Great Emperor, is the ants. 哪怕是大帝,也不过是蝼蚁罢了。 At this moment, countless people are wailing. 此刻,无数人哀嚎着。 But the True Martial Great Emperor form appears above the vault of heaven. 真武大帝的身影则出现在苍穹之上。 The past that because although True Martial Great Emperor has is very remote, many people do not know him. 尽管因为真武大帝存在的年代已经很久远了,很多人都不认识他。 However True Martial Sacred Sect many first then saw oneself first ancestor. 但是真武圣宗的许多人还是第一眼便看出了自己的始祖。 That is the first ancestor who True Martial Sacred Sect countless people worship. 那是真武圣宗无数人祭拜的始祖啊。 At this moment, countless people worship on bended knees, starts to shout the given name of first ancestor. 这一刻,无数人跪拜下来,开始大喊着始祖的名号。 Starting today, Yuan Yang Continent I for control.” “今日起,元央大陆我为主宰。” () ()
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