IATV :: Volume #23

#2227: Chapter 2227 reorganizes Divine State Continent, above the rule

Chapter 2229 reorganizes Divine State Continent, above the rule 第2229章整改神州大陆,规则之上 True Martial Great Emperor has not rested, while cutting down the day condensed the day of formation, wanted summoning Yuan Yang Continent. 真武大帝没有休息,趁着伐天之器凝聚成型之日,也想要将元央大陆给召唤出来。 In fact matter about Yuan Yang Continent, known person not over five. 事实上关于元央大陆的事情,知道的人不超过五个。 True Martial Great Emperor keeps secret extremely. 真武大帝是极其保密的。 Xu Zimo, responded suddenly, guessed from the traces. 就连徐子墨,也是突然反应过来,从蛛丝马迹中猜测出来的。 After all the warning of some so many predecessors, True Martial Great Emperor wants stupidly, certainly not to prepare. 毕竟有那么多前人之鉴,真武大帝只要不傻,肯定要有所准备。 But Yuan Yang Continent, then prepared only. 元央大陆,便是唯一的准备了。 ......... ……… Before summoning Yuan Yang Continent, True Martial Great Emperor made many preparations. 在召唤元央大陆之前,真武大帝可谓是做了很多的准备。 Even the worst result will consider. 甚至将最坏的结果都考虑进去了。 Sees only his big hand to wield, several streams light/only swamp into space in all directions. 只见他大手一挥,好几道流光涌入四处的空间内。 This each flowing light after landing, changes to together the gateway. 这每一道流光在落地之后,都化作一道门户。 Space and time colored glaze gate “时空琉璃门” This is True Martial Great Emperor specially preparation the gate of shuttle. 此为真武大帝特意准备的穿梭之门。 If Heavenly Way really acts, he can also use this gateway to transmit True Martial Sacred Sect. 若是天道真出手,他也可以利用此门户将真武圣宗传送走。 This is also one of the subsequent hands. 这也是后手之一。 In addition, True Martial Great Emperor by body, concise various heaven. 除此之外,真武大帝以身化阵,凝炼诸天。 This is not simple formation. 这可不是简单的阵法 True Martial Great Emperor is not skilled in formation, or he confronts is not interested. 真武大帝并不精通阵法,亦或者说他对阵不感兴趣。 He erupt the fluctuation, an invisible imposing manner from splits open in all directions. 他自身爆发出波动,一股无形的气势从四面八方绽开。 But under this imposing manner, as long as the place visited, is a domain. 而在这股气势之下,但凡所过之处,都是一种领域。 One type is unable to speak, domain that is unable to state clearly. 一种无法言说,无法言明的领域。 This domain made True Martial Great Emperor become the control of this side Heaven and Earth. 这领域让真武大帝成了此方天地的主宰。 True Martial Great Emperor calls it god of the north Heaven and Earth it. 真武大帝将其称之为真武天地 In this piece of Heaven and Earth, even if Heavenly Way, cannot strive for the control with True Martial Great Emperor. 在这片天地内,哪怕是天道,都不能跟真武大帝争夺控制权。 Then is so overbearing. 便是如此霸道。 After being ready, True Martial Great Emperor sits cross-legged to sit, so sits in Heaven and Earth. 在做好了准备之后,真武大帝盘膝而坐,就如此坐在天地间。 At this moment, everyone in True Martial Sacred Sect, can see clearly the True Martial Great Emperor manner. 此刻,真武圣宗内的所有人,都能看清真武大帝的神态。 Some people are surprised the different way: What is first ancestor this is making?” 有人诧异道:“始祖这是在做什么?” Does not know, is sensing Heaven and Earth?” “不知道,是在感悟天地吗?” Does not understand, just the eye of appearance Heavenly Way, almost scared to death me.” “不懂,刚刚天道之眼出现,差点吓死我。” Fears anything, the first ancestor is the person who cuts down the day, how Heavenly Way.” “怕什么,始祖乃是伐天的人,天道又如何。” You did not fear that why the leg was just trembling.” “你不怕,那刚刚为什么腿都在打颤。” „The response on body does not lose face, my innermost feelings are not afraid in any case.” “身体上的反应并不丢人,反正我的内心是不害怕的。” True Martial Great Emperor is going to cut down the day, perhaps this matter also very kept secret before. 真武大帝将要伐天,这件事在以前或许还挺保密的。 But as afterward the True Martial Great Emperor strength was getting stronger and stronger, was full-fledged, is not hiding. 但后来随着真武大帝实力越来越强,羽翼丰满,也就不在隐藏了。 Especially the entire True Martial Sacred Sect disciples, almost know this matter. 尤其是整个真武圣宗的弟子们,几乎都知道这件事。 True Martial Great Emperor also informed everyone very much confidently. 真武大帝也很坦然告知了所有人。 If oneself cut down day to be defeated, only feared when the time comes the settlement of Heavenly Way will also include True Martial Sacred Sect. 自己若是伐天失败,只怕到时候天道的清算也会包括真武圣宗 If there are disciple to be afraid, withdraws from sect also to might as well. 若是有弟子害怕,退出宗门也无妨。 Now regarding cutting down the day of incident, has calculated in True Martial Sacred Sect commonly seen. 如今对于伐天一事,在真武圣宗已经算司空见惯了。 However Yuan Yang Continent matter, the people actually do not know. 不过元央大陆的事情,众人却都不知道。 Saw that True Martial Great Emperor sits cross-legged to sit, each and everyone discusses spiritedly. 看到真武大帝盘膝而坐,一个个议论纷纷。 After all usually wants to see one side the old ancestor, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 毕竟平时想要见老祖一面,难如登天。 Xu Zimo is also staring at True Martial Great Emperor. 徐子墨也是盯着真武大帝 The opposite party by body, concise Heaven and Earth, created the domain. 对方以身化阵,凝炼天地,创造出了领域。 In this domain, True Martial Great Emperor is similar to invincible. 在这种领域内,真武大帝就如同无敌的。 Xu Zimo can also the sensation to that powerful constriction. 徐子墨也能感知到那种强大的压迫感。 However he does not fear, instead innermost feelings anticipation, even is eager to try. 不过他并不惧怕,反而内心十分的期待,甚至是跃跃欲试。 He wants to feel this domains. 他想感受一些这领域。 True Martial Great Emperor is attempting to connect Yuan Yang Continent. 真武大帝在尝试连接元央大陆 He long ago, even can say, already the Yuan Yang Continent invasion. 他在很久以前,甚至可以说神不知鬼不觉之间,就已经将元央大陆入侵了。 Even Yuan Yang Continent Heavenly Way, is been clever by him, has controlled. 甚至连元央大陆天道,都已经被他偷天换日,已经掌控了。 This is the True Martial Great Emperor energy is also. 这也是真武大帝的底气所在。 When connecting Yuan Yang Continent, Xu Zimo has not been idling. 在连接元央大陆时,徐子墨也没有闲着。 After all this process may have some long, if has waited, does not have the significance. 毕竟这个过程可能会有一些漫长,如果一直等下去,也没有意义。 He arrived in Divine State Continent. 他来到了神州大陆内。 If Yuan Yang Continent is the True Martial Great Emperor card in a hand, then Divine State Continent is the Xu Zimo card in a hand. 假如说元央大陆真武大帝的底牌,那么神州大陆便是徐子墨的底牌。 Moreover compared with Yuan Yang Continent, Divine State Continent is obviously more important. 而且比起元央大陆,神州大陆显然更重要一些。 Because he is Xu Zimo founds personally. 因为他是徐子墨亲手创建的。 After arriving at Divine State Continent, Xu Zimo starts to prepare the beforehand plan. 来到神州大陆后,徐子墨开始准备以前的计划。 Like such that before thinks, first, establishes the causes and effects rule, in order to avoid has now the difficult positions in nine territory world, the powerhouse can slaughter the mortal recklessly. 就像以前想的那样,第一,建立因果规则,以免出现如今九域世界的困境,强者可以肆意屠杀凡人。 Second, but also said in heaven. 第二,还道于天。 This is the name that Xu Zimo give. 这是徐子墨自己起的名字。 A world wants to develop, must be the circulation, is healthy. 一个世界想要发展下去,必须是循环的,是健康的。 If, a human from the birth, wanted to go on living, must eat meal. 假如说,一个人类从出生起,想要活下去,就必须吃饭。 If only eats meal, but does not plant the grain, then the food between Heaven and Earth had sooner or later finished eating a day. 如果只吃饭,而不去种植粮食,那么天地间的食物迟早有被吃完的一天。 Such development is unhealthy. 这样的发展是不健康的。 If a person plants the grain to support itself, then regarding the world, is the sustainable development. 要是一个人种植粮食养活自己,那么对于世界来说,才是可持续的发展。 This is the analogy of small aspect. 这是小方面的比喻。 Then big aspect. 那么大方面呢。 A person practices, only absorbs spiritual energy between Heaven and Earth, fights each time causes the damage to the world, seizes regarding the day material treasure. 一个人修练,只吸收天地间的灵气,每次大战都对世界造成伤害,对于天材地宝抢占。 Then spiritual energy between Heaven and Earth will absorb sooner or later. 那么天地间的灵气迟早会吸收完。 Even if like nine territory world, is bogged down in difficulties this powerful at present. 哪怕强大如同九域世界,目前也陷入了这个困境。 Now spiritual energy between Heaven and Earth asks the period with Ancient God, was unable the comparison. 如今天地间的灵气古神问道时期,已经无法比较了。 It is estimated that passed several time again, spiritual energy between Heaven and Earth must be in danger. 估计再过几个时代,天地间的灵气就要告急了。 Therefore Xu Zimo thought a plan. 所以徐子墨想了一个计划。 Also said in heaven. 还道于天。 A life of person, absorbs spiritual energy between Heaven and Earth, grows to certain realm. 一个人的一生,吸收天地间的灵气,成长到一定的境界 After they died, an essence and spiritual energy, will melt in Heaven and Earth finally, nourishes Heaven and Earth. 而在他们死亡后,一身的精华和灵气,最终都会融于天地,滋养天地 Rather than follows their decayed bodies, radical dissipation. 而不是伴随他们腐朽的身体,彻底的消散。 The first causes and effects regular difficulties are, Xu Zimo must each, new student/life, is the present living everyone, was integrated in the causes and effects. 第一个因果规则难点在于,徐子墨必须让每个人,无论是新生的,还是现在活着的每个人,都被纳入因果之中。 This is the first difficulty. 这是第一个难点。 But the second difficulty, after naturally is lets the person dies, how can also say in heaven. 而第二个难点,自然是让人死后,如何能还道于天呢。 Since the Divine State Continent foundation, Xu Zimo has rarely interfered with the development of the world. 自从神州大陆创建以来,徐子墨都很少干涉世界的发展。 Because the benign development cannot interfere casually. 因为良性发展是不能随便干涉的。 The diversity of lifeform, with the unlimited possibility, wants the own development to be good. 生物的多样性,和无限的可能性,都是要自我发展才行。 Wild with domestic, is unable to be the same forever. 野生和家养,是永远无法一样的。 Moreover Divine State Continent is so big, even if he wants to interfere, it is estimated that finally will still be implicated dies. 而且神州大陆那么大,他就算想干涉,估计最后也会被累死。 Therefore Xu Zimo has rarely meddled. 所以徐子墨一直很少插手。 But this time, Xu Zimo decided to meddle the rule personally. 但这一次,徐子墨决定亲自插手规则了。 He must change the rule of the world. 他要更改世界的规则。 Heavenly Way, must be advanced world. 天道,也要被推到世间了。 He cannot act, surely is needs Heavenly Way to treat as the target. 他不能出面,肯定是需要天道当做靶子。 Moreover now Divine State Continent Heavenly Way, has bred the spirit wisdom. 而且如今神州大陆天道,已经孕育出了灵智。 Although this spirit wisdom cannot compare nine territory world, but compared with Yuan Yang Continent, actually has more than enough to spare. 虽然这灵智比不上九域世界,但比起元央大陆,却是绰绰有余。 ......... ……… Following some time. 接下来的一段时间。 Xu Zimo starts to communicate the Heaven and Earth rule. 徐子墨开始沟通天地规则。 The rule is a very unusual thing. 规则是一个很奇特的东西。 Is unable to put things clearly, but everyone must observe. 说不清道不明,但每个人都要遵守。 From a country, to the whole world, is the rule of all forms is fettering. 小到一个国家,大到整个世界,都是形形色色的规则在束缚着。 If you are powerful, can break the rule, but above the rule, is regular. 你若是强大,可以打破规则,但是规则之上,还是规则。 Every breaks the rule one time, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 每一次打破规则,都难如登天。 () ()
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