IATV :: Volume #23

#2226: Chapter 2226 True Martial Great Emperor in gambling, the pupil of Heavenly Way

Chapter 2228 True Martial Great Emperor in gambling, the pupil of Heavenly Way 第2228章真武大帝在赌,天道之眸 When each Great Emperor Three Blades wields, Xu Zimo will be struck to fly. 虽然每一次三刀大帝挥动之时,徐子墨都会被击飞出去。 However Xu Zimo has not given up as before. 但是徐子墨依旧没有放弃。 Tyrant Shadow in his hand is erupting the aura of trembling with fear unceasingly. 他手中的霸影不断的爆发着惊颤的气息。 Rumbling, rumbling.” “轰轰轰,轰轰轰。” After putting together dozens times, Great Emperor Three Blades knits the brows slightly. 在对拼了几十次后,三刀大帝微微皱眉。 He discovered that the Xu Zimo blade intent is getting stronger and stronger. 他发现徐子墨的刀意越来越强。 Probably each collision, will de-archive part his strength. 好像每一次碰撞,都会将他的力量解封一部分。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Great Emperor Three Blades knits the brows slightly. 三刀大帝微微皱眉。 Discovery?” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “发现了吗?”徐子墨笑道。 You want to extinguish said that but Great Way has existed, reverse Great Way is unable to erase Great Way.” “你想要灭道,但大道一直存在,反转的大道是无法抹除大道的。” During the speeches, two people are blade air/Qi collide. 说话之间,两人又是一次刀气碰撞而出。 This two people share half and half time unexpectedly. 这一次两人竟然平分秋色。 All retroceded several steps, the brow of Great Emperor Three Blades wrinkled was deeper. 皆是后退了好几步,三刀大帝的眉头皱的更深了。 I have million Great Way, the strength of Great Way just like billowing river, your reverse can block can it be that.” “我有百万大道,大道之力宛如滚滚长河,又岂是你的反转能封锁的。” At this moment, sees only the billowing river of Xu Zimo whole body, that 1 million big Dao Source sources are unceasing, the so-called reverse will break through directly. 此刻,只见徐子墨周身的滚滚长河,那百万大道源源不断,直接将所谓的反转冲破开。 You not only can break through the Great Way blockade, just why and to show weakness?” Great Emperor Three Blades asked. “你既能冲破大道封锁,刚刚又何必示弱?”三刀大帝问道。 Does not show weakness, but is I to your say/way of reverse is interested very much,” Xu Zimo said. “并非是示弱,而是我对你的反转之道很感兴趣,”徐子墨说道。 Making up for one's deficiency by learning from others'strong points, this probably is I with the harvest that you fight.” “取长补短,这大概便是我跟你一战的收获吧。” „The revolution of Great Way strength, besides can the clockwise, can reverse, this is the most skilled control.” “将大道力量的运转,除了可以正转外,也能够反转,这才是最熟练的掌控力。” Moreover I prepare to grasp principles ten million/countless, your reverse Great Way is then useful to me.” “而且我准备悟道千万,你的反转大道便是对我有用。” Also is the nutrition on my ten million/countless Great Way.” “也算是我千万大道上的营养吧。” A little meaning,” Great Emperor Three Blades smiles. “有点意思,”三刀大帝笑了笑。 Regarding the condition of Xu Zimo so seeking knowledge, he also understood. 对于徐子墨如此求知的状态,他也明白了。 Breaks through from the fight, grasps principles. 从战斗中突破,悟道。 Every one step plans. 每一步都是计划好的。 Very envies your condition,” Great Emperor Three Blades said with a smile. “挺羡慕你这种状态的,”三刀大帝笑道。 Like me, has not entered the bottle going against period now, wants to break through difficultly such as to ascend to heaven.” “不像我,如今已经进入了瓶顶期,想要突破难如登天。” „ The breakthrough of Blade Way is truly difficult, you by the Blade Way manufacture domain, fuse together with Heaven and Earth. 刀道的突破确实很难,你以刀道制造领域,与天地融为一体。 To be honest, you have arrived at a predecessor had not gone to the road. ” 说实话,你已经走到了一条前人都没有去过的路。” Xu Zimo said: Every one step crosses the river while feeling the stones, regardless of progresses how, your every step is great.” 徐子墨说道:“每一步都是摸着石头过河,无论进展如何,你的每一步都是伟大的。” Xu Zimo said that Great Emperor Three Blades actually very gratified is laughing. 徐子墨如此说,三刀大帝倒是很欣慰的大笑着。 Does not hit, does not hit.” “不打了,不打了。” He beckons with the hand, says with a smile: „The speed that you grow was too fast, not long, I am the True Martial Sacred Sect old ancestor, now has become the fellow daoist.” 他摆摆手,笑道:“你成长的速度太快了,曾几何时,我还是真武圣宗的老祖呢,如今已然成了道友。” Xu Zimo turns over to the sheath to enter Tyrant Shadow. 徐子墨霸影归鞘而入。 To him, defeating Great Emperor Three Blades is not anything. 对他而言,打败三刀大帝并不算什么。 The Xu Zimo real goal is True Martial Great Emperor. 徐子墨真正的目标是真武大帝 Naturally, he also knows, current he may is not the True Martial Great Emperor opponent. 当然,他也知道,目前的他很有可能不是真武大帝的对手。 After all True Martial Great Emperor has begun to cut down the day, even connected Yuan Yang Continent. 毕竟真武大帝已经着手伐天了,甚至连接了元央大陆 Present he, let alone Xu Zimo, even if the Saint courtyard does not dare to be easily dissolute. 如今的他,别说徐子墨了,哪怕是圣庭也不敢轻易放肆。 But the Xu Zimo need, is from the true fight, the absorption is defeated. 徐子墨需要的,乃是从真正的战斗中,吸取失败。 Comprehends own Great Way. 领悟自己的大道 Whether to enter from million Great Way to ten million/countless Great Way, Xu Zimo thought that this fights important with True Martial Great Emperor. 能否从百万大道进入到千万大道,徐子墨觉得与真武大帝这一战至关重要。 Xu Zimo with a Great Emperor Three Blades post-war, concrete result has not announced. 徐子墨三刀大帝一战后,具体的结果也没有公布出去。 Then some time, he has treated in True Martial Sacred Sect. 接下来一段时间,他一直待在真武圣宗 Starts to discuss with other old ancestor. 开始跟其他的老祖论道。 Although this theory efficiency is slow, but enhances strong points and avoids weaknesses, is a good method. 这种论道的效率虽然慢,但扬长避短,也是一种不错的方法。 Then, Xu Zimo in True Martial Sacred Sect, when about a month. 就这样,徐子墨真武圣宗内,待了一个月左右。 His Great Way almost subdued all old ancestors. 他的大道几乎折服了所有的老祖。 A month later some day, Xu Zimo hears a loud sound suddenly. 一个月后的某一天,徐子墨突然听到一声巨响。 Was penetrated a giant hole just like the vault of heaven. 就宛如苍穹被击穿一个巨大的窟窿般。 The Inner World radical explosion that True Martial Great Emperor is, sees only appears by the long sword that the thunder covers in the vault of heaven together. 真武大帝所在的里世界彻底的爆炸开,只见一道被雷霆笼罩的长剑出现在苍穹上。 He knows, is centered on the god of the north sword, the cutting down day of forging must take shape. 他知道,以真武剑为核心,锻造的伐天之器要成型了。 In that moment that the god of the north sword presents. 在真武剑出现的那一刻。 Then is the gray thunder and lightning shoots up to the sky, is impacting the vault of heaven unceasingly. 便是灰色的雷霆与闪电冲天而起,不断的冲击着苍穹。 Might destroy the entire vault of heaven. 好像要将整个苍穹都毁灭。 But at the same time, when cuts down that moment that the day presents, in the vault of heaven also arrived at wrapped in a shroud of obscurity aura. 而与此同时,当伐天之器出现的那一刻,苍穹上也降临了一道神秘莫测的气息。 The vault of heaven opens an eye. 苍穹睁开一只眼睛。 In this eye contains a world probably, is projecting world all sorts. 这眼睛内好像蕴含着一个世界,投影着世间种种。 Then is such a eye, is representing the Heavenly Way will. 便是这么一只眼睛,代表着天道的意志。 When he appears, everyone is scalp tingles, only feels like the unsurpassed pressure on arrive. 他出现时,所有人都是头皮发麻,只觉得好像无上的威压降临。 Let the person from inside to outside, wants to submit. 让人从内而外,想要臣服。 This is Heavenly Way,” some powerhouses muttered. “这便是天道嘛,”有强者喃喃自语。 Also without facing directly, but looked at one from afar, then has such power and influence.” “还没有直面,只是远远看了一眼,便有如此的威势嘛。” Regarding most people, the Heavenly Way terrifying as if only exists in the imagination. 对于大多数人来讲,天道的恐怖似乎只存在于想象中。 Has not faced truly, no concrete concept. 还没有真正面对过,没有一个具体的概念。 At this moment, looks at the eye of Heavenly Way. 此刻,看着天道的眼睛。 A hand grasps on the god of the north sword. 一只手握在真武剑上面。 Sees only True Martial Great Emperor tread the sky , the gray thunder that sword blade twines is the meaning of destruction. 只见真武大帝踏空而起,那剑身缠绕的灰色雷霆乃是毁灭之意。 This cuts down a day of meaning, is can cause the damage to Heavenly Way truly the strength. 这是伐天之意,是真正可以对天道造成伤害的力量。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 True Martial Great Emperor waves the arms about, powerful strength just like startling thunderclap. 真武大帝一个甩手,强大的力量宛如惊雷般。 Blasts open instantaneously from the sword blade. 瞬间从剑身炸裂开。 sword qi is vertically and horizontally infinite, falls on that eye directly. 剑气纵横无穷,直接落在那只眼睛上面。 Rumbling,” eye blasts open instantaneously. “轰轰轰,”眼睛瞬间炸裂开。 Can see from this, the great strength of True Martial Great Emperor strength. 从这就看得出,真武大帝实力的强大。 However after the eye by the scrap, Heavenly Way had not been prevented again. 不过在眼睛被炸碎后,天道并没有再阻止。 Because cuts down the day has become. 因为伐天之器已成。 He is cutting down the day road superior True Martial Great Emperor. 他在伐天路上等着真武大帝 Here is not the fight place. 这里已经不是战斗的地方了。 Arrived this rank, if really the life-and-death war, only feared that the most world will be destroyed. 到了这种级别,若是真的殊死一战,只怕大半个世界都会被毁灭。 Therefore cuts down a day of war, has special cuts down a day of battlefield. 所以伐天之战,有专门的伐天战场。 When cuts down the day also has not become, True Martial Great Emperor also has other choices. 在伐天之器还没有成的时候,真武大帝还有其他的选择。 But at this moment , he only then cuts down a day road to walk. 但此刻,他只有伐天一条路可以走。 Has seen the first ancestor!” “见过始祖!” Sees True Martial Great Emperor to appear, countless people start to send regards that worships on bended knees. 看到真武大帝出现,无数人都开始问候跪拜下来。 True Martial Great Emperor can say, is True Martial Sacred Sect is true, is the only True God. 真武大帝可以说,是真武圣宗真正的,也是唯一的真神。 Gets up,” True Martial Great Emperor beckons with the hand. “都起来吧,”真武大帝摆摆手。 His vision looks to Xu Zimo. 他的目光看向徐子墨 Said: But can fight?” 说道:“可要一战?” Does not worry,” Xu Zimo shakes the head to say. “不着急,”徐子墨摇头回道。 Do not summon Yuan Yang Continent, when you prepare, the most total state fights with me again.” “你不是要召唤元央大陆嘛,等你准备好,最全状态再与我一战吧。” True Martial Great Emperor is stronger, the fight that Xu Zimo obtains feeds back are also more. 真武大帝越强,徐子墨得到的战斗反馈也就越多。 He affirms the hope and a heyday's True Martial Great Emperor war. 他肯定希望和全盛时期的真武大帝一战。 Good,” True Martial Great Emperor is also having this intent. “好,”真武大帝也正有此意。 He looked up the vault of heaven, although does not know that this act Heavenly Way can prevent crazily. 他抬头看了看苍穹,虽然不知道此举天道会不会疯狂阻止。 But True Martial Great Emperor also fearless. 真武大帝也无惧了。 Because he has prepared all. 因为他已经准备好了一切。 If Heavenly Way dares to fight with him here, that must complete the larger part nine territory world punctured risks. 若是天道敢在这里跟他一战,那就要做好一大半九域世界被打穿的风险。 The Heavenly Way strength is closely linked with the strong and weak in the world. 天道的力量跟世界的强弱是息息相关的。 The world vividly develops, Heavenly Way is very naturally powerful. 世界繁华发展,天道自然无比强大。 The world decline destruction, Heavenly Way will not exist thoroughly. 世界没落毁灭,天道也将彻底不存在。 Therefore True Martial Great Emperor in gambling. 所以真武大帝在赌。 This is the Heavenly Way scruples. 这是天道的顾忌。 () ()
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