IATV :: Volume #23

#2225: Chapter 2225 extinguishes said that reverse

Between Xu Zimo and Great Emperor Three Blades, arrived at the pinnacle probably. 徐子墨三刀大帝之间,好像都到达了极致。 For those not the strength arrived at the pinnacle, by two people strengths, only feared that is resisting several thousand times, strength will not use up the tens of thousands times. 到不是力量到达了极致,以两人的实力,只怕是在对抗几千次,几万次都不会力竭。 But attacks the pinnacle. 而是攻击到了极致。 Continues to hit, will not divide the victory and defeat. 继续打下去,也不会分胜负。 Therefore each collision, the strength is increase doubled and re-doubled. 所以两人每一次碰撞,力量都是成倍的增加。 The land strength of Great Emperor Three Blades within the body revolved the pinnacle. 三刀大帝体内的大地力量运转到了极致。 All around housing stock several thousand li (0.5 km) place, is providing the strength to him probably continuously. 四周房源几千里之地,都好像源源不断给他提供着力量。 But Xu Zimo also utilized the pinnacle three divine law. 徐子墨也将三道神法运用到了极致。 Heaven Shaking Force, has to shake a day of energy seriously. 撼天之力,当真有撼天之能。 However for a long time cannot capture shortly, two people revolve the limit their strength. 不过眼看着久攻不下,两人都将自身的实力运转到极限。 Xu Zimo even fused the fourth god law. 徐子墨甚至融合了第四个神法。 This god law is Tongtian Three Lives Gate. 此神法乃是通天三生门 The Heavenly gate , threshold as well as eternal life gate. 天门、地门以及永生之门。 This was also Xu Zimo once utilized the most style. 这也是徐子墨曾经运用最多的一个招式了。 Heavenly gate and threshold, can strengthen own physical body as well as divine soul. 天门以及地门,可以将自身的肉体以及神魂进行增强。 The scope of although strengthening does not have the law celestial phenomenon and god demon view idea is so exaggerating, but is heavy in this ability is quite comprehensive. 虽然增强的幅度没有法天象地以及神魔观想法那么夸张,但重在这项能力比较综合。 Especially the gate of last eternal life. 尤其是最后一道永生之门。 He can block the attack that must die together for the user. 他可以为使用者挡住一道必死的攻击。 This is fights absolutely importantly, on the one hand. 这绝对是战斗最重要的一方面。 At this moment, the Xu Zimo top of the head, the Tongtian Three Lives Gate three gateways open one after another. 此刻,徐子墨的头顶,通天三生门的三道门户相继打开。 In entire vault of heaven, by three great gateways covering. 整个苍穹上,都被三道伟岸的门户给笼罩。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” At this moment, the Xu Zimo strength conducted a sublimation. 这一刻,徐子墨的力量又进行了一次升华。 When he opened the gate of eternal life flash, Tyrant Shadow in Xu Zimo hand also changed a track. 当他开启了永生之门的一瞬间,徐子墨手中的霸影也改变了一次轨道。 He and Great Emperor Three Blades this collision, is the collision of double blade. 原本他与三刀大帝这一次碰撞,乃是双刀的碰撞。 But Xu Zimo bypassed opposite party blade specially. 徐子墨特意绕过了对方这一刀。 Adopted changed the way of wound by the wound. 采取了以伤换伤的方式。 It can be said that his blade goal is the Great Emperor Three Blades nape of the neck place. 可以这么说,他的这一刀目标乃是三刀大帝的脖颈处。 But Great Emperor Three Blades this blade, is the Xu Zimo chest place. 三刀大帝这一刀,则是徐子墨的胸膛处。 Great Emperor Three Blades is somewhat amazed. 三刀大帝有些惊诧。 He has not thought, Xu Zimo will fight tooth and nail unexpectedly. 他没有想到,徐子墨竟然会搏命。 Perhaps he also never thinks, Xu Zimo fights using the characteristics of gate of eternal life. 可能他也永远不会想到,徐子墨是利用永生之门的特性来战斗。 However Great Emperor Three Blades is also ruthless. 不过三刀大帝也是狠。 Now the long blade falls, he is impossible to avoid, has had no way to avoid. 如今长刀落下,他不可能躲避,也已经没法去躲避了。 The blade, is the blade of ruling by force, the knife skill marches forward courageously. 刀,乃是霸道之刀,刀法更是勇往直前。 Once the blade did not have the sharp qi. 一旦刀没有了锐气。 That has not then fought is first timid, does not need to fight, then has lost. 那便是未战先怯,根本不用战斗,便已经输了。 Therefore knew perfectly well to meet the severe wound, Great Emperor Three Blades has the blade. 所以明知会重伤,三刀大帝还是出刀了。 The explosion of bang transmits. 轰的爆炸传来。 Just like nine days of wind and thunder, two blades fell on the body of Xu Zimo and Great Emperor Three Blades respectively. 宛如九天的风雷般,两柄刀分别落在了徐子墨三刀大帝的身上。 In the face of the pinnacle strength, two people forms all flew upside down. 在极致的力量面前,两人的身影皆是倒飞了出去。 Who won?” Some people are staring, the eye winks does not wink. “谁赢了?”有人盯着,眼睛一眨都不眨。 When the explosion in vault of heaven resounds wave after wave, the line of sight of people falls on the Xu Zimo two people. 当苍穹上的爆炸一波接着一波响起时,众人的视线都落在徐子墨两人身上。 After two people fly upside down, cracked-up one respectively void piece by piece. 两人倒飞出去后,分别撞碎了一片片虚空。 However quick, tread the sky of two people forms from void. 不过很快,两人的身影从虚空中踏空而起。 Sees only the Xu Zimo whole body to return safe and sound actually. 只见徐子墨全身倒是毫发无损。 When the blade hits him certainly, the Xu Zimo immortal gate had absorbed all strengths. 在绝地刀击中他时,徐子墨的永生之门已经将所有的力量都吸收了进去。 But Great Emperor Three Blades actually seems like very distressed. 三刀大帝却看上去十分的狼狈。 Sees only his nape of the neck place, blood red. 只见他的脖颈处,一片血红。 If not for he is powerful, only feared that blade beheads sufficiently. 若不是他实力强大,只怕那一刀足以断头。 The chest place, is big collapsing. 胸膛处,更是一大片的坍陷。 However fatal the attack regarding others, Great Emperor Three Blades supported. 不过对于别人来说致命的攻击,三刀大帝还是撑过来了。 He deeply inspires. 他深吸一口气。 The collision of this blade, oneself defeated. 这一刀的碰撞,自己还是败了。 Xu Zimo said with a smile: What kind of, but can also again a war?” 徐子墨笑道:“怎么样,还要再一战吗?” Great Emperor Three Blades looked at own last blade. 三刀大帝看了看自己的最后一刀。 That extinguishes a blade. 那是灭道一刀。 Also is a he strongest blade. 也是他最强的一刀。 He draws out the last blade slowly, smiled somewhat free and easy. 他缓缓拔出最后一刀,笑的有些洒脱。 Returns said: Perhaps from this fought just started, some of my premonitions, I was very then difficult to win you.” 回道:“或许从这一战刚开始,我便有种预感,我很难赢过你。” But I want to try, which situation I can arrive.” “但是我就想试一试,我能到达哪种地步。” After all my blade, will never fear as well as hesitate.” “毕竟我的刀,从来不会惧怕以及迟疑。” This is my say/way, even if knows perfectly well loses, must draw a sword the line, dies.” “这是我的道,哪怕明知是输,也要拔刀而行,至死方休。” Good, I respect your blade,” Xu Zimo serious nod. “好,我尊重你这一刀,”徐子墨郑重的点点头。 Said: I will also be ready in full battle array, this is to you with your blade, minimum respect.” 说道:“我也会严阵以待,这是对你跟你的刀,最起码的尊重。” In fact Xu Zimo is grasping principles this aspect, wants profound many compared with Great Emperor Three Blades. 事实上徐子墨在悟道这方面,比起三刀大帝要深远的多。 Great Emperor Three Blades like a leaning branch study tyrant. 三刀大帝就像一个偏科的学霸。 Besides blade, other said that he does not involve. 除了刀以外,其他的道他都不涉及。 Becoming also the blade, the defeat also blade said that is inaccurate, because a say/way of person is decides. 成也刀,败也刀这么说并不准确,因为一个人的道是自己决定的。 Others will not understand. 旁人根本不会懂。 The road that everyone takes is different. 每个人走的路都是不一样的。 At this moment, Great Emperor Three Blades draws out own last blade. 这一刻,三刀大帝拔出自己的最后一刀。 Extinguishes a blade. 灭道刀。 This blade does not have the blade. 此刀并没有刀刃。 Because he does not know at present, any material builds. 因为他不是目前所知,任何的材料打造而成。 This is a the blade that is condensed by the strength of Great Way. 这是一柄由大道之力凝聚的刀。 The knife is the light gray-black, that is a black that bites the person. 刀身乃是淡淡的灰黑色,那是一种噬人的黑。 Above black fog similar blade, but the position of knife point, is actually a head of ominous beast. 上面的黑雾类似刀刃,但刀尖的位置,却是一只凶兽的头。 The ominous beast roared, Xu Zimo has not seen that ominous beast, but the strength of this knife above Great Way, let his some surprise. 凶兽咆哮,徐子墨没见过那凶兽,但这刀身上面的大道之力,却让他有些诧异。 Although said that the number of grasping principles powerhouse is small. 虽然说悟道强者的数量很少。 However Xu Zimo has also seen several people, the strength of different Great Way have also contacted. 不过徐子墨也见过好几人了,不同的大道之力也都接触过。 No matter Brahma Demon Great Saint also or Xian Zhu, or Sacred Ancestor, Immortal Lord and True Martial Great Emperor. 不管是梵魔大圣亦或者衔烛,又或者圣祖仙主真武大帝 Their strength Xu Zimo have contacted. 他们的力量徐子墨都接触过。 Difference, the path that but Great Way revolves is the same. 道不同,但是大道运转的轨迹都是一样的。 But Great Emperor Three Blades the strength of Great Way, actually like doing exactly the opposite like that. 三刀大帝大道之力,却如同反其道而行之那般。 That is not the strength of ordinary Great Way. 那不是普通的大道之力。 But is reverse Great Way. 而是反转大道 Reverses the Great Way strength probably. 大概就是将大道的力量反转。 Xu Zimo understood probably suddenly, why this blade called to extinguish said. 徐子墨好像突然明白了,这一刀为何叫灭道。 At this moment, Great Emperor Three Blades smiles. 此刻,三刀大帝笑了笑。 Said: „Did you discover?” 说道:“你发现了吗?” Xu Zimo slight nod. 徐子墨微微点头。 Because has that moment of sheath in this blade, he discovered that own within the body the strength of Great Way stagnated probably generally. 因为在这一刀出鞘的那一刻,他发现自己体内的大道之力好像停滞了一般。 Radical unable to move. 彻底的动弹不得。 That feeling is very strange, the strength of Great Way has not vanished obviously, oneself can feel. 那种感觉很奇怪,明明大道之力没有消失,自己还是能够感受到的。 But is unable to revolve. 可是就是无法运转。 My this blade, reverses Great Way, only if you can reverse again Great Way, otherwise the strength of your Great Way is unable to utilize.” “我这一刀,将大道逆转,除非你能将大道再逆转回来,否则你的大道之力是无法运用的。” This is extinguishes said.” “此便是灭道。” Bang. “轰”的一声。 When Great Emperor Three Blades has lifted the top of the head the long blade, sees only strength of boundless dispersing vast Great Way. 三刀大帝将长刀举过头顶,只见浩瀚的大道之力磅礴散开。 Similar to the turbulent sea. 就如同波涛汹涌的大海般。 Continuous strength sufficiently destruction all. 源源不断的力量足以覆灭一切。 But this side Xu Zimo, because of being unable the strength of revolution Great Way, oneself seemingly to be in the disadvantage. 徐子墨这一边,因为无法运转大道之力,自身看上去好像处于劣势般。 Under a blade, the entire vault of heaven was divided into two. 一刀之下,整个苍穹都被一分为二。 Sees a close blade, Xu Zimo has not moved aside, but made an effort to meet this blade. 看到近在咫尺的一刀,徐子墨并没有躲闪,而是用力接了这一刀。 However because does not have in addition of strength of Great Way to hold, this blade Xu Zimo was struck to fly directly. 不过因为没有大道之力的加持,这一刀徐子墨直接被击飞出去。 Great Emperor Three Blades not to the opportunity that he pants for breath. 三刀大帝也不给他喘息的机会。 Also is a blade falls. 又是一刀落下。 Eternal, how can this move of you broken?” “万古,这一招你又要怎么破呢?” () ()
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