IATV :: Volume #23

#2224: The collision of Chapter 2224 knife skill, pure blade technique

Xu Zimo Tyrant Shadow, similarly is a blade. .n thinks of chapter that rabbit renews to be most complete comprehensive, correct content restores most promptly, because buffer reason recommendation browser visits the .n official site 徐子墨霸影,同样是刀。【.n思兔更新的章节最完整全面,无错内容修复最及时,由于缓存原因推荐浏览器访问.n官网】 It can be said that he regarding the comprehension of Blade Way, is not weaker than anybody. 可以说他对于刀道的领悟,不比任何人弱。 However Tyrant Shadow is only a part that he practices. 不过霸影只是他修练的一部分。 But Great Emperor Three Blades is different, Blade Way is his all. 三刀大帝不同,刀道乃是他的一切。 He practices the laws of three blade, except for him, does not have a thing in the world. 他修练三刀之法,除了他,一无所有。 At this moment, sees only Great Emperor Three Blades to grasp to seal/confer heaven. 此刻,只见三刀大帝手持封天。 Seals on a day of blade, is the strength of seal. 封天之刀上,全是封印的力量。 This seal exudes ripples, the Great Emperor Three Blades vision is dignified. 这封印泛起一道道的涟漪,三刀大帝目光庄严。 The long blade three chi (0.33 m) in hand, is primarily the pale blue sky that all over the body, as if takes in everything at a glance. 手中的长刀三尺有余,通体以淡蓝色为主,就仿佛一览无余的天空般。 Great Emperor Three Blades drinks one lightly. 三刀大帝轻喝一声。 The to seal/confer heaven blade in hand vanishes unexpectedly does not see. 手中的封天刀竟然消失不见。 Probably fuses together with the sky. 就好像与天空融为一体。 Follows Great Emperor Three Blades to wave. 紧接着,伴随三刀大帝一挥手。 Sees only a long blade to drop from the clouds. 只见一柄长刀从天而降。 This to seal/confer Tiandao and Heaven and Earth fuse together. 这封天刀与天地融为一体。 Does not see its shape, is everywhere. 不见其形,却无处不在。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The long blade rebellion, drops from the clouds. 长刀暴动,从天而降。 This to seal/confer Tiandao dissolves after Heaven and Earth, turned into a great blade. 这封天刀溶于天地之后,变成了一柄巨刀。 This great blade is hundred meters at least, the blade place has the strength of infinite rebellion. 这巨刀起码有百米长,刀刃处有无穷的暴动的力量。 Xu Zimo knits the brows slightly. 徐子墨微微皱眉。 From head to foot he can feel, except for that blade powerful sharp outside, what is most important is, the strength of seal it gives. 他混身能够感受的到,除了那刀刃的强大锋利外,最重要的乃是,它所赋予的封印之力。 This seal is not artificial. 这封印不是人为的。 But is the seal of strength of Heaven and Earth. 而是天地之力的封印。 Contends with this seal, then needs to contend with Heaven and Earth. 抗衡这封印,便需要抗衡天地 This is also the Great Emperor Three Blades Great Way differences. 这也是三刀大帝大道的不同之处。 In his opinion, the manpower is finally limited, but the strength of Heaven and Earth is infinite. 在他看来,人力终有限,而天地之力却是无限的。 Transforms the strength of Heaven and Earth by the manpower. 以人力转换成天地之力。 Oppresses others by the potential, Heaven and Earth for the lord, this is the most powerful strength. 以势压人,天地为主,这才是最强大的力量。 Saw that to seal/confer Tiandao falls, the Xu Zimo right hand wields, Tyrant Shadow also appears in his hands. 看到封天刀落下,徐子墨右手一挥,霸影同样出现在他的手中。 Cuts,” Xu Zimo drinks lightly. “斩,”徐子墨一声轻喝。 Tyrant Shadow in hand at this moment besides everywhere blade air/Qi, but also is mixing with Xu Zimo regarding integration of god law comprehension. 手中的霸影这一刻除了漫天的刀气外,还夹杂着徐子墨对于神法领悟的融入。 Of monster plate immortal spectra ten big god laws. 十大神法之一的妖槃仙谱。 The immortal spectrum is from immortal, is emerges in immortal, like such that ten big family people said. 仙谱取自仙经,乃是脱胎于仙物,就像十大家族的人说的那样。 This is the thing that Heaven and Earth is born, the impersonal force can create. 这是天地诞生的东西,非人力可以创造。 It is said is also ten big family ancestors, once heard the music movement that Heaven and Earth resounds, thus comprehended this monster plate immortal spectrum. 据说也是十大家族的先祖,曾经听到天地响起的乐章,从而领悟了这妖槃仙谱。 At this moment, the blade air/Qi and monster plate immortal in spectrum Xu Zimo hand fuses together. 此刻,徐子墨手中的刀气与妖槃仙谱融为一体。 The long blade falls, besides blade sound that shouts, sound of unceasing resounding immortal spectrum. 长刀落下,除了那嘶吼的刀声外,还有仙谱之音不断的响起。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Is hitting that to seal/confer Tiandao above seal resonantly unceasingly. 响音不断的撞击着那封天刀上面的封印。 Two long blades have not relieved completely, but seal and immortal spectrum strength already at unceasing collision. 两柄长刀还未完全解除,但封印与仙谱的力量已经在不断的碰撞开。 ......... ……… Who in our True Martial Sacred Sect fight?” “何人在我们真武圣宗战斗?” This scene naturally attracted True Martial Sacred Sect many disciples and elders. 这番景象自然吸引了真武圣宗不少的弟子和长老。 Even if they are unable to approach, but that ascends the mushroom cloud that explodes to be earth-shaking unceasingly. 纵然他们无法靠近,但那不断升腾爆炸的蘑菇云惊天动地。 Probably old ancestors are comparing notes!” “好像是老祖们在切磋呢!” Which old ancestor, so the strength, makes the person mind yearn seriously.” “哪位老祖啊,如此实力,当真让人心神向往。” The people discuss spiritedly. 众人议论纷纷。 But under the vision of countless person. 而在无数人的目光下。 This moment Xu Zimo and Great Emperor Three Blades are the vision are all firm. 此刻徐子墨三刀大帝皆是目光坚定。 The mushroom cloud of that explosion cannot vacillate two people half a point. 那爆炸的蘑菇云不能动摇两人半分。 to seal/confer Tiandao and Tyrant Shadow of explosive dropping from the clouds together. 从天而降的封天刀与霸影同时碰撞在一起。 At this moment, the innumerable strengths interweave. 这一刻,无数股力量交织。 The entire vault of heaven was broken an corner/horn probably, the space turbulent flow and storm is roaring. 整个天穹都好像被打断了一角,空间乱流以及风暴咆哮着。 The people look fixedly at again. 众人再定眼看去。 Sees only Xu Zimo to return safe and sound with Great Emperor Three Blades, as if just the collision of that blade, anything injured has not created. 只见徐子墨三刀大帝皆是毫发无损,仿佛刚刚那一刀的碰撞,什么伤害都没有造成。 Tyrant Shadow in Xu Zimo hand pulled a tool mark, he flung some right hands of tingling with numbness. 徐子墨手中的霸影挽了一个刀花,他甩了甩有些发麻的右手。 This blade is actually enough powerful. 这一刀却是足够强大。 However missed. 不过还是差了一些。 But opposite Great Emperor Three Blades, then knits the brows slightly. 而对面的三刀大帝,则是微微皱眉。 He has received the blade, takes to seal/confer Tiandao in the hand. 他已经收刀,将封天刀拿在手上。 Carefully looked, to seal/confer Tiandao above really had very pale trace. 仔细去看,封天刀的上面竟然有了很淡的纹路。 Although these traces are not obvious, even to seal/confer Tiandao has the self-recovery ability, quick can restore. 尽管这些纹路不算明显,甚至封天刀拥有自愈能力,很快就可以恢复。 But makes some Great Emperor Three Blades hearts be startled. 但还是让三刀大帝有些心惊。 Must know that this is only a collision of blade, really then has such damage. 要知道这只是一刀的碰撞而已,竟然便有如此损伤。 If comes several times, will have the irreversible injury. 若是多来几次,是不是就会有不可逆的伤害了。 Moreover present to seal/confer Tiandao, is not the previous blade, but is his sacrifice has built up again. 而且如今的封天刀,可不是以前的刀,而是他重新祭炼过的。 This blade attack own bearing capacity, is out of the ordinary, is not general martial tool can the comparison. 此刀无论是攻击还是自身的承受能力,都非比寻常,不是一般的武器能够比较的。 Again come,” Xu Zimo said. “再来,”徐子墨说道。 He longs for that valuable opponent, with a Great Emperor Three Blades war, other aspects is perhaps uncertain, but regarding the understanding of knife skill, definitely on first layer building. 他渴望有价值的对手,与三刀大帝一战,或许其他方面不一定,但是对于刀法的理解,肯定会更上一层楼。 The fusions of ten big god laws, the speed also somewhat was slow. 原本十大神法的融合,速度本来也有些慢。 Now as if can increase speed some. 如今似乎能够提速一些了。 At this moment, Tyrant Shadow in Xu Zimo hand was held by god again. 这一刻,徐子墨手中的霸影再一次被神法加持。 Besides monster plate immortal spectrum, Hayier seal. 除了妖槃仙谱外,还有阿耶卍印。 Sees only above the knife, a seal is condensing. 只见刀身之上,一枚卍印在凝聚着。 Accurate that this seal needs is very high, cannot have the slight deviation. 这卍印需要的精准度十分高,不能有丝毫的偏差。 This is the difficulty of god law fusion. 这便是神法融合的难度。 Besides Hayier seal that the knife condenses, the monster plate immortal spectrum of blade place, Heaven Shaking Law ten big god laws. 除了刀身凝聚的阿耶卍印,刀刃处的妖槃仙谱外,还有十大神法之一的撼天之法 This law is regarding the utilization of strength pinnacle. 此法乃是对于力量极致的运用。 At this moment, three divine law combine into one, changes to together the pinnacle mighty current, is reverberating in the Xu Zimo whole body. 此刻,三道神法合而为一,化作一道极致的洪流,在徐子墨的周身回荡着。 But opposite Great Emperor Three Blades, was took out very prudently own had insufficient knowledge or skill. 而对面的三刀大帝,也是十分慎重的取出了自己的第二把刀。 Blade name certainly 刀名“绝地” Unlike sealing a day seal blade, the strength of this place originates above the land certainly. 与封天的封印一刀不同,这绝地的力量来源于大地之上。 Is the potential of thick earth, the place between Heaven and Earth is comprehensive. 地为厚土之势,天地间的地包罗万象。 Compared with vast sky outside, land besides vast, but must rich. 比起辽阔的天空外,大地除了辽阔外,还要更加的丰富。 Above the land, there is palatial hills, has the boundless sea, the mountains rivers, the forest myriad things. 大地之上,有巍峨的群山,有磅礴的大海,山川河流,森林万物。 It can be said that compared with empty sky, the land is more like the inclusive myriad things, rich. 可以说比起空荡荡的天空,大地更像是包容万物,更加的丰富。 At this moment, certainly a blade emergence. 此刻,绝地刀一出现。 Then saw the blade to lengthen several kilometers certainly directly, fell from the vault of heaven, under knife point insertion bottom. 便见绝地刀直接放长了几千米,从苍穹上一落而下,刀尖插入地底之下。 Resembles in the absorption touchdown bottom strength. 似是在吸收着地底的力量。 Cuts,” this moment Great Emperor Three Blades drinks lightly. “斩,”这一刻三刀大帝一声轻喝。 In hand the blade has delimited a curve in void certainly, started to kill toward Xu Zimo. 手中的绝地刀在虚空中划过一个弧度,开始朝徐子墨杀了过去。 This blade may not only be a blade certainly, but is the inexhaustible blade. 这绝地刀可不仅仅是一刀,而是无穷无尽的刀。 So long as there is a land to provide the energy continuously, then theoretically, Great Emperor Three Blades will never meet the strength to use up. 只要有大地源源不断提供能量,那么从理论上来讲,三刀大帝永远不会力竭。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” At this moment, in instance that others blink, Xu Zimo and Great Emperor Three Blades already CNC several hundred times. 这一刻,在其他人眨眼的瞬间,徐子墨三刀大帝已经对刀了几百次。 Each collision, is as good as a large explosion. 每一次的碰撞,都不亚于一场大爆炸。 The powerful strength is mixing everywhere wind and cloud. 强大的力量搅动着漫天风云。 Great Emperor Three Blades strength continuously, and powerful incomparable, but Xu Zimo also similarly not weak leeward. 三刀大帝的力量源源不断,并且强大无比,但是徐子墨也同样不弱下风。 Three divine law in addition hold, Xu Zimo at this moment is similar to the gods. 道神法加持,此刻的徐子墨就如同神明般。 Especially Heaven Shaking Law, promoted the pinnacle the strength. 尤其是撼天之法,更是将力量提升到了极致。 It can be said that two people have not used other things, is only the purest knife skill. 可以说,两人都没有使用其他的东西,只是最纯粹的刀法。 The so-called knife skill, chops, cuts only, cuts and holds...... 所谓刀法,无外乎劈、斩、砍、捅…… Most powerful strength, simplest skill. 最强大的力量,还有最朴素的技巧。 This is Blade Way to war. 此便为刀道的对战。 Finally, after several rounds.() 终于,在几个回合之后。()
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