IATV :: Volume #23

#2223: The names of Chapter 2223 three blade, the name of Divine Movement

You understand my meaning, right!” “你明白我的意思,对吧!” True Martial Great Emperor looks at Xu Zimo, said. .n thinks of chapter that rabbit renews to be most complete comprehensive, correct content restores most promptly, because buffer reason recommendation browser visits the .n official site 真武大帝看着徐子墨,说道。【.n思兔更新的章节最完整全面,无错内容修复最及时,由于缓存原因推荐浏览器访问.n官网】 Xu Zimo is silent nod. 徐子墨沉默着点点头。 Actually he realized this point with True Martial Great Emperor. 其实他跟真武大帝都意识到了这一点。 Depends upon nine territory strengths, is restrained Heavenly Way eventually, possibly is not the Heavenly Way opponent. 依靠九域力量,终究是受制于天道,不可能是天道的对手。 Once immemorial God King, was Demon Lord, opportunity that also or Empress, they have not chosen. 无论是曾经的太古神王,还是魔主,亦或者女帝,他们都没有选择的机会。 However True Martial Great Emperor is different. 但是真武大帝不一样。 Indigenous of his not nine territory world, he can be the foundation Yuan Yang Continent, thus completes the transformation of key forces. 他并非九域世界的土著,他可以将元央大陆作为基础,从而完成核心力量的转换。 But Xu Zimo, compared with True Martial Great Emperor extreme. 徐子墨,比起真武大帝更加的极端。 He created a world directly. 他直接创造了一个世界。 Perhaps if not for under the mistake arising out of chance circumstances, created Divine State Continent. 或许若不是阴差阳错之下,创造了神州大陆 Only feared that Xu Zimo will also choose Yuan Yang Continent to take the foundation. 只怕徐子墨也会选择元央大陆作为基础吧。 Thinking putting oneself in another's place, choice of True Martial Great Emperor perhaps is right. 设身处地的想一想,真武大帝的选择也许是对的。 But this price is also very big. 可是这个代价也是十分大的。 If True Martial Great Emperor were defeated, then Yuan Yang Continent may also follow to destroy. 若是真武大帝失败了,那么元央大陆可能也会跟着毁灭。 Regarding Xu Zimo, Yuan Yang Continent after all was once hometown. 对于徐子墨来说,元央大陆毕竟是曾经的家乡。 However sometimes, should break , then breaks. 不过有些时候,该断则断。 He asked: Yuan Yang Continent Heavenly Way?” 他问道:“元央大陆天道呢?” How do you process?” “你怎么处理的?” Because Yuan Yang Continent is only a small-scale world, his Heavenly Way consciousness did not have the radical growth. 因为元央大陆只是一个小型世界,他的天道意识还没有彻底的成长起来。 It is not able like nine territory Heavenly Way, to have very strong strength. 无法像九域天道一样,拥有十分强大的实力。 If True Martial Great Emperor goes in Yuan Yang Continent, that is the dimensionality reduction attack. 真武大帝若是进去元央大陆,那便是降维打击。 However how, Yuan Yang Continent has the Heavenly Way will again, even it is very weak and immature. 但是再怎么样,元央大陆是有天道意志的,就算它很薄弱、稚嫩。 That is also the consciousness that the world self is born. 那也是世界自身诞生出来的意识。 If True Martial Great Emperor destroyed completely the world consciousness, will be repelled by the whole world. 真武大帝如果灭掉了世界意识,会遭到整个世界的排斥。 Then at the appointed time, only if his body world will, suppresses all. 那么届时,除非他身化世界意志,镇压一切。 Otherwise Yuan Yang Continent is not only hard to help him, instead will implicate to revolt against him. 否则元央大陆不但难以帮助他,反而会拖累反抗他。 The Heavenly Way will must properly process is good. 天道意志一定要妥善处理才行。 True Martial Great Emperor smiles, returns said: I rewrote the world will.” 真武大帝笑了笑,回道:“我改写了世界意志。” Some Xu Zimo surprise. 徐子墨有些诧异。 At least rewrites the world will, he cannot achieve. 起码改写世界意志,他做不到。 Arrived did not say that he is weaker than True Martial Great Emperor, but has not toward this direction studied. 到不是说他比真武大帝弱,而是自己没有朝这个方向去研究。 It seems like True Martial Great Emperor did many schoolworks. 看来真武大帝做了很多功课。 Also right, person who can cut down the day, to be how could muddleheaded. 也对,能伐天的人,岂能稀里糊涂的。 Is has the strict request and goal to all. 都是对一切有严格的要求和目标的。 If rewrote the world will, making Yuan Yang Continent Heavenly Way recognize is in itself a lord, to is not not possible. 若是改写了世界意志,让元央大陆天道认自己为主,到也不是不可能。 „Did you prepare?” Xu Zimo asked. “你都准备好了?”徐子墨问道。 Only remained to cut down the day,” True Martial Great Emperor looked to behind the fires of that group of heart. “只剩伐天之器了,”真武大帝看向身后那团心之火。 Saying with a smile: Best degree that „ I can achieve, I also achieved. 笑道:“我能做到的最好程度,我也都做到了。 As for the victory and loss, that then waits for the result. ” 至于输赢,那便等结果吧。” I was thinking, we cut down the day to go together,” Xu Zimo said. “我本想着,我们一起伐天而去呢,”徐子墨说道。 „The world only needs a king,” True Martial Great Emperor said with a smile. “世界只需要一个王,”真武大帝笑道。 Cuts down the day also to only have a person of victory eventually. “伐天也终究只有一人的胜利。 Your I am not willing to make each other mutual subordinate, actually does not need. ” 你我都不愿做彼此互相的从属,其实没必要的。” Xu Zimo slight nod. 徐子墨微微点头。 Cups one hand in the other across the chest, serious saying: That wished you to cut down day to succeed, makes this epoch-making first person.” 拱手,郑重的说道:“那就祝你伐天成功,做这开天辟地第一人。” I , if failed, I will leave behind the information for you.” “我若失败,我会为你留下信息。” True Martial Great Emperor said. 真武大帝说道。 He the jade will give Xu Zimo together. 他将一块玉石给了徐子墨 This jade seems like as before is the average not wonderful appearance, if places on the road, only feared that is disinclined to pick that type. 这玉石看上去依旧是平平无奇的模样,若是放在路上,只怕都懒得捡那种。 This is the world jade,” True Martial Great Emperor said. “这是世界玉,”真武大帝说道。 Naturally, you look now are only the ordinary jade, when I opened cut down post-war of day. “当然,你现在看只是普通的玉,等我开启伐天之战后。 The world sublimates, at the appointed time Yuan Yang Continent will become together the iron bucket. ” 世界升华,届时元央大陆会成为一块铁桶。” „It is not able to pass in and out, besides me, only then grasps this jade, can enter Yuan Yang Continent.” “无法进出,除了我之外,只有手持此玉的,可以进入到元央大陆。” Speaking of this, True Martial Great Emperor said with a smile: Although I do not know that actually you prepared anything.” 说到这,真武大帝笑道:“虽然我不知道你究竟准备了什么。” But always felt that you are also fermenting the big move.” “但总感觉你也在酝酿大招。” Xu Zimo smiles not to speak. 徐子墨笑而不语。 Asking: You sublimated Yuan Yang Continent, then Yuan Yang Continent indigenous what to do?” 问道:“你升华了元央大陆,那么元央大陆的土著怎么办?” I will choose to them,” True Martial Great Emperor said. “我会给他们选择的,”真武大帝说道。 At the appointed time nine territory world and Yuan Yang Continent channels will open thoroughly.” “届时九域世界与元央大陆的通道会彻底打开。” „To enter nine territory world, can pass in and out casually.” “想要进入九域世界的,可以随便进出。” „If not want, that keeps Yuan Yang Continent, cuts down the day with me together.” “若是不愿意的,那就留在元央大陆,与我一同伐天吧。” I then treat in True Martial Sacred Sect some time, on the day of the fire of your heart exercises to be successful.” “那我便在真武圣宗待一段时间吧,等你心之火锻炼成功那天。” Xu Zimo said with a smile. 徐子墨笑道。 He left this Small World, appears in True Martial Sacred Sect. 他离开了这小世界,出现在真武圣宗内。 Now besides True Martial Great Emperor, others is actually also preparing urgently. 如今除了真武大帝外,其他人其实也在紧急备战着。 Besides Great Emperor Three Blades, Divine Travelling Great Emperor was also shouted. 除了三刀大帝外,就连神行大帝也被喊了回来。 Divine Travelling Great Emperor measures Heaven and Earth. 神行大帝丈量天地 He practices is the say/way of measuring. 他修行的便是丈量之道。 At this moment he has measured nine territory world, like measured Yuan Yang Continent to be the same initially. 此刻他已经丈量了九域世界,就如同当初丈量元央大陆一样。 Divine Travelling Great Emperor needs to be complete his say/way. 神行大帝需要圆满他的道。 Xu Zimo actually saw the Divine Travelling Great Emperor opportunity are not many, two people chatted officially are few. 徐子墨其实见到神行大帝的机会并不多,两人正式聊天更是少。 The Divine Travelling Great Emperor skin was somewhat shading yellow, seems like lived outdoors to cause. 神行大帝皮肤有些暗黄,似乎是风餐露宿导致的。 The beard is very long, a little similar ancient times beautiful fine beard Duke. 胡须很长,有点类似古时候的美髯公。 He looks very mature, not specially by oneself young, instead is the appearance that allow nature to take its course dead of old age. 他看上去很成熟,并没有特意让自己年轻,反而是顺其自然老去的模样。 Eternal fellow daoist, has heard so much about you.” “万古道友,久仰大名。” Should be I have heard so much about you, listening to your legend to grow up,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “应该是我久仰大名,听你的传奇故事长大的,”徐子墨笑道。 This time cuts down the day, the Divine Movement fellow daoist must go?” “此番伐天,神行道友也要去吗?” Must go, although the real Martial Way friend does not force everyone to go, but I want to take a look.” “要去的,虽然真武道友并不强迫每个人去,但我还是想去看看。” Divine Travelling Great Emperor said with a smile. 神行大帝笑道。 Nine territory world goes to his place, I have gone. “九域世界的去他地方,我都去过了。 almost that this piece of Heaven and Earth also measures, now probably on Heaven and Earth that remaining Heavenly Way were. ” 这片天地也都丈量的七七八八,如今大概就剩下天道所在的天地了。” I cut down the day, not for other, only for complete own say/way.” “我伐天,不为其他,只为圆满自己的道。” Hears this saying, Xu Zimo says with a smile: Toward hears say/way, the evening dies to be possible.” 听到这话,徐子墨不禁笑道:“朝闻道,夕死可矣。” Right, for own say/way, the life and death is unimportant.” “没错,为了自己的道,生死早已经不重要了。” I do not have the eternal fellow daoist and really the Martial Way friend aptitude of like that possibly poor its life, is unable to face directly Heavenly Way. “我没有万古道友和真武道友那般的资质,可能穷其一生,也都无法直面天道 However I can be firm track seeking absolutely. ” 不过我绝对会是一个坚定的寻道者。” Two people chatted several. 两人聊了几句。 Xu Zimo discovered, Divine Travelling Great Emperor say/way many places and very agree with. 徐子墨发现,神行大帝的道很多地方和自己都挺契合的。 He wants saying that grasps principles besides is slaughtering the comprehension, actually other means. 他不禁想道,悟道除了在杀戮中领悟外,其实还有一些其他的办法。 For example by saying. 比如论道。 Discussed with others, made up for own Great Way mutually. 跟其他人论道,相互弥补自己的大道 Then some time, Xu Zimo starts to discuss with other True Martial Sacred Sect old ancestor characters. 接下来一段时间,徐子墨开始跟真武圣宗其他老祖人物论道。 Although makes little progress, but also calculates to benefit greatly. 虽然进展不大,但也算受益匪浅。 Even to behind, him also fought with Great Emperor Three Blades. 甚至到了后面,他跟三刀大帝还战斗了一场。 Present Great Emperor Three Blades, the strength is not the Xu Zimo opponent. 如今的三刀大帝,实力已经不是徐子墨的对手了。 However his blade, will never fear. 但是他的刀,从来不会惧怕。 Great Emperor Three Blades forged own three blades. 三刀大帝将自己的三柄刀重新锻造了一番。 And gives a name to seal/confer heaven , to extinguish certainly said 并且起名“封天、绝地、灭道” This is three blade respective names. 这是三柄刀各自的名字。 This moment Great Emperor Three Blades whole body strength erupts, the blade is his all, is his life. 此刻三刀大帝全身力量爆发而出,刀便是他的一切,是他的生命。 And represents to seal/confer heaven the blade to take the lead the sheath. 其中代表着封天的刀率先出鞘而出。 Sees only Great Emperor Three Blades serious saying: Eternal fellow daoist, I only have three blades.” 只见三刀大帝郑重的说道:“万古道友,我只出三刀。” Three blades, if could not have done to you, I then admit defeat.”() “三刀若是还奈何不了你,那我便认输。”()
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