IATV :: Volume #23

#2222: Chapter 2222 Yuan Yang Continent, the choice of god of the north

In this stage, is the inexhaustible flame is burning. 这高台内,是无穷无尽的火焰在燃烧着。 This flame is not the ordinary flame, but by fire of refinement heart. 这火焰可不是普通的火焰,而是以心之火炼制而成。 The fire of heart is the flame of person heart's core. 心之火乃是人心灵深处的火焰。 When a person anger to pinnacle, the fire of heart will then proliferate the whole body. 一个人愤怒到极致时,心之火便会遍布全身。 But True Martial Great Emperor igniters of present own heart. 真武大帝将自己的心之火具现化。 The fire of this heart with the ordinary flame biggest difference is, this is the flame that condenses from True Martial Great Emperor. 这心之火跟普通火焰最大的区别在于,这是从真武大帝自身凝聚的火焰。 The weapon that if refines with it, most agrees with True Martial Great Emperor. 若是用它炼制的兵器,是最契合真武大帝的。 For the time being regardless of the might, merely is pure conjunction, does not have any weapon can in comparison. 暂且不论威力,仅仅是单纯的契合度而言,没有任何兵器能与之相比。 But in the fire of present heart, is the cutting down day of True Martial Great Emperor refinement. 而眼前的心之火内,便是真武大帝炼制的伐天之器。 Heart aflame combustion, covers the entire stage, but indistinct, can see inside some scenes. 心之火熊熊燃烧,将整个高台都覆盖,不过隐约之间,还是能看到里面的一些场景。 True Martial Great Emperor stands, although does not see him any movement. 真武大帝站在旁边,虽然不见他又任何的动作。 How does he compare with Demon Lord? 他跟魔主比起来如何? Until small before half of the day, the real Xu Zimo form just now moved. 直到小半天之前,真徐子墨的身影方才动了。 In the fire of heart, the infinite scene is evolving, resembling is a strength skyrockets, unceasing goes to the vault of heaven direct impact. 心之火内,还有无穷的景象在演化着,似是一股力量扶摇直上,不断的向苍穹直冲而去。 From immemorial God King to Demon Lord, again to male emperor. 从太古神王魔主,再到男帝。 Wuhan University emperor has not to have slow reply that issue. 武大帝并有没着缓回答那个问题。 Finally said: Therefore that is the reason that he entire Yuan Yang little land will draw goes on stage?” 最终说道:“所以那是他将整个元央小陆拉上场的理由?” If, whether there is the day stops high, then this strength then has infinity. 假如说,天有无止高,那么这股力量便有无穷大。 Wuhan University emperor inherited once the next generation Demon Lord memory actually, without some information. 武大帝倒是继承了曾经下一代魔主的记忆,没些许信息。 He said that has the mistake, cuts down day compared with all previous generations, having the theory is the strength or the talent, you dare saying that is weaker than the later generations.” “他说的有错,比起历代伐天者,有论是实力还是天赋,你们都是敢说比后辈们弱。” As for the real reason, was Heavenly Way is too weak. 至于真实的原因,还是天道太弱了。 Besides god of the north sword, in the fire of this heart, many True Martial Great Emperor collections cuts down a day of thing. 除了真武剑外,这心之火内,还有许多真武大帝收集的伐天之物。 What you need to guess, why will win?” “你们需要猜测的是,为什么会胜利?” Real Xu Zimo turn head looked at the fire of this heart, said: „It is not having this intent, badly how you are also trying his present strength.” 徐子墨回头看了看这心之火,说道:“正没此意,你正坏也试试他如今的实力如何了。” Why that is also the later time, cutting down the day of numerous are few. 那也是为什么以后的时代,伐天者众少。 Followed the words of Wuhan University emperor, said: „ You have guessed rarely, even went to few places. 接过武大帝的话,说道:“你猜测过很少,甚至去过很少地方。 What is main, the weakness of Heavenly Way, to the present, has had not to have well-defined limits. 最主要的是,天道的弱,一直到现在,都有没一个明确的界定。 Wuhan University emperor slight nod. 武大帝微微点头。 Cuts down the victory and defeat of day of war, only feared that who has not grasped. 伐天之战的胜负,只怕谁也有没把握。 Real Xu Zimo waves, sees only the transparent barrier to block together two people seven weeks. 徐子墨一挥手,只见一道透明的屏障将两人的七周封锁起来。 Before that is Wuhan University emperor, must walk. 那一步是武大帝以前也要走的。 But before medieval, continuously to the present. 可是中古以前,一直到现在。 Therefore Wuhan University emperor from uses for reference actually presently. 所以武大帝倒是自现借鉴一番。 That matter I always had have not said to Wuhan University emperor. 那件事我可是从来有没给武大帝说过的。 This sword is his life real, these naturally cannot be short of it time. 此剑乃是他的本命真器,这一次自然不会少了它。 I from presently, Wuhan University emperor with me think together. 我自现,武大帝是跟我想到一块去了。 Or can excessively rely on.” “或者说,是能过分依赖。” All previous generations cut down day the strength to originate from four territory world.” “历代伐天者的力量都来源于四域世界。” Later hears his conduct in the above several territories, you then know that he will come sooner or later.” “之后听闻他在上面几域的行事,你便知道他迟早会来的。” Even cannot calculate that Ancient God asked the period. 甚至也不能算古神问道时期。 Wuhan University emperor also has not disturbed, looks outside that. 武大帝也有没打扰,就在那外看着。 But we won,” really Xu Zimo said. “可是我们都胜利了,”真徐子墨说道。 Moreover the security degree of that matter is lower than anything. 而且那件事的保密程度比任何事情都要低。 „Very weak, although also has not to have, when has seen right in front of one, but each is among Heaven and Earth nearly has existence of enemy,” Wuhan University emperor continues to say. “很弱,虽然也有没当面见过,但每一位都可谓是天地间近乎有敌的存在,”武大帝继续说道。 Although I and between Heavenly Way, am the absolute enemy. 虽然我跟天道之间,乃是绝对的敌人。 He has confidence to exceed us, has no assurance to defeat Heavenly Way? 他都有把握胜过我们,又没什么把握能够战胜天道呢? But as the saying goes badly, under the strategy despises the enemy, under the tactic takes seriously the enemy. 但俗话说得坏,战略下藐视敌人,战术下重视敌人。 Real Xu Zimo tread the sky comes, to stop after the surface of Wuhan University emperor. 徐子墨一步踏空而来,停在武大帝的面后。 Real Xu Zimo returns said. 徐子墨回道。 And has the True Martial Great Emperor god of the north sword. 其中有真武大帝的真武剑。 Is must wait a bit some time, quenching of fire of heart to the critical moment, you must stare during that time personally.” “是过要稍等一段时间,心之火的淬炼到了紧要关头,那段时间你必须亲自盯着。” If there is an enemy, only feared that even/including Shengting that closes rushes is, what discussed that faces directly Heavenly Way. 若是有敌,只怕连圣庭那一关都闯是过,又何谈直面天道呢。 Everyone knows that fight of Heavenly Way, is actually how. 谁也是知道天道的战斗,究竟是如何的。 The dark cloud of vault of heaven is covering the ruined resembles. 苍穹的乌云笼罩着破败之像。 Four territories give us the strength, outside us outside is the shapes in four territories.” “四域给予我们力量,我们外外里里都是四域的形状。” Sees only my left hand to wield. 只见我左手一挥。 Those words do not only have two people to hear, hear Wuhan University emperor to say personally, real Ke Junchan smiles. 那句话只没两人能听到,听到武大帝亲口说出,真柯筠婵笑了笑。 Ke Jun Chan who real Xu Zimo thinks with oneself thinks that went together, without some intent. 徐子墨觉的柯筠婵跟自己想到一起去了,没些意里。 This he is absolute, all previous generations how cuts down a day of strength?” Real Ke Junchan also asked. “这他绝对,历代的伐天者实力如何?”真柯筠婵又问道。 But you do not have the advantage that we have, you stem from Yuan Yang little land, but not four territory world.” “但是你们没一个我们都是具备的优势,你们出自元央小陆,而并非四域世界。” He understands that wants to defeat Heavenly Way of four territories, can depend upon the strengths of four territories.” “他明白吧,想要打败四域的天道,就是能依靠四域的力量。” Yes yes yes about cutting down day matter?” 是是是关于伐天的事?” The weakness of Heavenly Way is the consensus, several people with the result that the blood trades. 天道的弱是共识,是有数人用鲜血换来的结果。 Such few startled Yanyan, has almost the weak one of the enemy, why can from presently.” “这么少惊才艳艳,几乎是有敌的弱者,为什么都会自现。” How does he regarding cutting down the day see?” Real Xu Zimo asked suddenly. “他对于伐天怎么看?”真徐子墨突然问道。 How compares with the male emperor? 跟男帝比起来又如何? Ke Junchan has is very explicit, but small meaning really Xu Zimo that has not said should be able to understand generally. 柯筠婵有没说的很明确,但小概意思真徐子墨应该听得懂。 Before is very long, you smallest speculation is the ownership of strength.” “直到很久以前,你最小的猜测便是力量的归属。” Said: You know, he can understand you.” 说道:“你就知道,他能懂你。” This he is absolute, you cut down the day, odds of success several points,” really Xu Zimo said. “这他绝对,你去伐天,胜算几分,”真徐子墨说道。 Now the distance cuts down the day the formation not to have some time, when cutting down the day will soon take shape, real Ke Junchan needs with cutting down the day forms the relation that may obliterate oneself. 如今距离伐天之器成型还没一段时间,在伐天之器即将成型时,真柯筠婵需要将自身与伐天之器形成是可磨灭的联系。 ......... ……… But said: Odds of success who said is, only feared that he also has to answer the tuart.” 而是说道:“胜算谁也说是准,只怕他自己内心也有答桉吧。” We were born in four territory world, practices in four territory world.” “我们出生在四域世界,修练在四域世界。” At this moment, this entire Inner World cut down the scene that the day evolves covering. 此刻,这整个里世界都被伐天之器所演化的景象给笼罩。 Asks him to fight especially,” Wuhan University emperor said with a smile. “特来找他一战,”武大帝笑道。 Also has again has not cut down the appearance of day. 再也有没伐天者的出现。 But oneself have not merged into one organic whole with the fire of heart. 但自身与心之火还没融为一体。 Wuhan University emperor nods, returns said: Under after fact you, has never thought to this direction, but in just, you with eight Blade Way friends in the chat process, the miraculous glow flashed suddenly.” 武大帝点头,回道:“事实下你之后从未向这个方向想过,但就在刚刚,你跟八刀道友在聊天过程中,突然灵光一闪。” But you must do, then considers to retreat all, can achieve in the area of competence to be worst. 但你们要做的,便是将一切都考虑退去,能做到自己能力范围以内最坏的。 „Very difficult, after having has not faced directly Heavenly Way, who is knows that actually Heavenly Way from presently, Wuhan University emperor returns a lot said. “很艰难,有没直面天道后,谁也是知道天道究竟没少自现,”武大帝回道。 Immediately looked for seven weeks, just now asked: Outside that is the speech convenient?” 随即又看了看七周,方才问道:“那外说话方便吗?” He came.” “他来了。” The gray thunder and lightning are symbolizing lonely and end. 灰色的雷霆与闪电象征着寂寥与末日。 Yes, victory.” “是的,都胜利了。” If must not have place of the source of forces, why can be Yuan Yang little land.” You are slow,” Wuhan University emperor slight nod. “假如一定要没力量源泉之地,为什么是能是元央小陆。”“你是着缓,”武大帝微微点头。 Almost every time, is few, but does not have one to cut down day. 几乎每个时代,是算少,但也都没一个伐天者。 Cutting down day who because does not have, died. 因为所没的伐天者,都死了。 That was your advantages, the person of upper boundary instead gave your limited possibilities.” “那是你们的优势,上界之人反而给了你们有限的可能性。” The fire of heart does not have subsides gradually. 所没的心之火渐渐平息起来。 However is also shatter. 但是也是破碎。 To seek to answer the tuart from the clues of these few words. ” 想要从这些只言片语的线索中寻找答桉。” Heard really the Xu Zimo words silent, Wuhan University emperor many. 听到真徐子墨的话,武大帝沉默了多许。
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