IATV :: Volume #23

#2221: Can Chapter 2221 god of the north cut down the day, the tentative plan?

This Xu Zimo has not hidden the identity. 这一次徐子墨也没有隐藏身份。 His direct tread the sky . 他直接踏空而起。 Dispersing of overpowering momentum whole body. 周身的气势磅礴散开。 The entire True Martial Sacred Sect people can feel this imposing manner. 整个真武圣宗的人都能感受到这股气势。 Some people see this, is angry: Who dares to be dissolute in my True Martial Sacred Sect.” 有人看到这一幕,不禁愤怒道:“何人敢在我真武圣宗放肆。” Must know that present True Martial Sacred Sect, is seriously unrivaled in Heavenly Peak Territory. 要知道如今的真武圣宗,当真是在天极域无人可敌。 As the True Martial Sacred Sect disciple, the each and everyone innermost feelings are also arrogant. 作为真武圣宗的弟子,一个个内心也都是高傲的很。 At this moment some people dare in sect tread the sky , but also disperses the imposing manner, this is a provocation. 此刻有人敢在宗门踏空,还将气势散开,这便是一种挑衅。 The next quarter, several form tread the sky , face each other across a great distance with Xu Zimo. 下一刻,好几道身影踏空而起,与徐子墨遥遥相对。 Who you are, dares is so dissolute?” “你是何人,敢如此放肆?” And the female wears blue magnificence robe, the pure white forehead has a shape of long blade. 其中有一名女子身穿蓝色华袍,洁白的额头有一柄长刀的形状。 Especially her back, has three blade pull Qiao. 尤其是她的背后,同样有三柄刀拔鞘而出。 Some Xu Zimo surprise. 徐子墨有些诧异。 „The Great Emperor Three Blades say/way...... did Great Emperor Three Blades also receive the disciple?” 三刀大帝的道……三刀大帝也收弟子了?” He has not opened the mouth, opposite several people as if somewhat cannot bear. 他没有开口,对面的几人似乎有些忍不住。 Why didn't you speak... fear?” “你为何不说话…怕了?” Was in this time, the frank laughing sound got up together. 正在这时,一道爽朗的大笑声响起。 Eternal fellow daoist, does not see for a long time.” “万古道友,好久不见。” Because before Xu Zimo, is called the eternal Great Emperor, passed to nine territory world from Yuan Yang Continent. 因为徐子墨之前被称为万古大帝,从元央大陆都传到九域世界了。 After all after Yuan Yang Continent Great Emperor ascension, so long as knows that the Xu Zimo deeds, will definitely recognize him. 毕竟元央大陆的大帝飞升后,只要知道徐子墨的事迹,肯定就会认出他。 Eternal is also Yuan Yang Continent people to his name. 万古也是元央大陆人们对他的称呼。 Great Emperor who is eternally difficult to meet. 万古难遇的大帝。 Comes person Great Emperor Three Blades, two people were also the old friends. 来人正是三刀大帝,两人也算是老相识了。 Before Great Emperor Three Blades was also the Xu Zimo senior character. 以前三刀大帝也算是徐子墨的前辈人物了。 However now, as the Xu Zimo strength is getting stronger and stronger, even has exceeded Great Emperor Three Blades. 不过如今,随着徐子墨的实力越来越强,甚至已经超越了三刀大帝 Among two people name, turned into the fellow daoist. 两人之间的称呼,也变成了道友。 Repairing the paradise is so, the age is unimportant, the strength is the key. 修仙界便是如此,年龄不重要,实力才是关键。 So long as your enough, between the baby and old man, can be symmetric by the fellow daoist. 只要你足够强,小娃娃跟老头之间,都能以道友相称。 ......... ……… Sees Great Emperor Three Blades to appear, others gawked. 看到三刀大帝出现,其他人都是愣了一下。 Especially the female, respectful returning said hastily: Has seen the teacher.” 尤其是那女子,连忙恭敬的回道:“见过师尊。” You draw back,” Great Emperor Three Blades beckons with the hand, said. “你们都退下吧,”三刀大帝摆摆手,说道。 Teacher, he is......” several people of also some doubts. “师尊,他是……”几人还有些疑惑。 Mainly is Xu Zimo does not come True Martial Sacred Sect for a long time, many people do not know him. 主要是徐子墨很长时间都不来真武圣宗,很多人都不认识他。 But can be been symmetric by the fellow daoist by Great Emperor Three Blades, this is not the simple name. 但能被三刀大帝以道友相称,这可不是简单的称呼啊。 Your present levels, but also insufficiently knows him. “你们现在的层次,还不够认识他。 Only needs to know, he with our first ancestors is a rank on the line, ” the Great Emperor Three Blades undulating returns said. 只需要知道,他跟咱们始祖是一个级别的就行,”三刀大帝澹澹回道。 This words fall, is actually similar to the difficult situation in people's eyes. 此话落下,却是在众人眼里如同惊涛骇浪般。 Cracking a joke. 开什么玩笑。 Compares favorably with the first ancestor? 跟始祖媲美? Must know that True Martial Great Emperor that is anything exists. 要知道真武大帝那是什么存在。 In all person eyes, True Martial Great Emperor is similar to the Spiritual God. 在所有人眼中,真武大帝就如同神灵般。 By the True Martial Sacred Sect belt/bring that one's effort will decline to peak, even is even if the Saint courtyard, does not dare to belittle. 以一己之力将没落的真武圣宗带向巅峰,甚至是哪怕圣庭,都不敢小觑。 It can be said that True Martial Great Emperor is in their mind is most invincible. 可以说真武大帝乃是他们心目中最无敌的。 But Xu Zimo they actually did not know, can not be panic-stricken blames. 徐子墨他们却丝毫不认识,能不惊骇就怪了。 However Great Emperor Three Blades said that they also believe. 不过三刀大帝这么说了,他们也相信。 After all Great Emperor Three Blades does not need to deceive them. 毕竟三刀大帝没必要骗他们。 ......... ……… Heard that you made very big noise in the following several territories,” Great Emperor Three Blades said with a smile. “听说你在下面的几域闹出了很大的动静,”三刀大帝笑道。 In nine territories, each other great distance. 九域之间,彼此相隔。 Generally speaking, other matters of territory, the different territories have not possibly listened. 一般来讲,其他域发生的事,不同的域可能没听过。 But this says the average person. 但这只是说普通人。 But the true powerhouse, the matter in nine territories has the information. 而真正的强者,对于九域之间发生的事都有情报的。 Xu Zimo with the buddhist demon Great Emperor and title muddy and the others the fights, Great Emperor Three Blades naturally knows. 徐子墨跟梵魔大帝以及衔浊等人的战斗,三刀大帝自然知道。 Even he also understands indistinctly, this is Xu Zimo in informed and experienced own Great Way. 甚至他也隐约明白,这是徐子墨在历练自己的大道 This showed that Xu Zimo in grasping principles on this road, walked was very remote. 这就证明徐子墨在悟道这条路上,已经走的很遥远了。 In fact after Xu Zimo strides in million Great Way, this period of time has been finding the way to enter ten million/countless Great Way. 事实上徐子墨跨入百万大道后,这段时间一直在想办法进入千万大道 But the difficulty of can be imagined. 但其中的难度可想而知。 These comes True Martial Sacred Sect time, actually mainly for with a True Martial Great Emperor war. 这一次来真武圣宗,其实主要是为了跟真武大帝一战。 Xu Zimo now are most, then grasps principles from the fight. 徐子墨现在最多的,便是从战斗中悟道而起。 This is his say/way. 这是他的道。 Real Martial Way friend where?” Xu Zimo asked directly. “真武道友在何处?”徐子墨直接问道。 Until now, Xu Zimo has been able to treat as an equal to anybody. 时至今日,徐子墨已经能跟任何人平起平坐了。 Great Emperor Three Blades said with a smile: He is cutting down the day in concise recently, somewhat is slightly busy.” 三刀大帝笑道:“他最近正在凝炼伐天之器,稍微有些忙。” Hears this, Xu Zimo stares. 听到这,徐子墨一愣。 Asking: Determination?” 问道:“确定了吗?” He was thinking, True Martial Great Emperor will be like oneself, simultaneously cuts down the day. 原本他想着,真武大帝会跟自己一样,同时去伐天。 But never expected that True Martial Great Emperor took own road. 但没想到真武大帝还是走了自己的路。 He does not want to become oneself dependency. 他不想成为自己的附庸。 Accurate, True Martial Great Emperor must walk own say/way. 或者准确来说,真武大帝要走自己的道。 As for whether succeeds and is defeated, no one said certainly. 至于是否成功和失败,谁也说不准。 The Xu Zimo innermost feelings do not favor. 只是徐子墨内心并不看好。 How can I say. 怎么说呢。 Before is very long idea that he raised. 就像很久以前他提出的理念。 Why so many powerhouses, cut down day to be defeated through the ages finally. 为什么古往今来那么多强者,最终都伐天失败呢。 On the one hand besides Heavenly Way powerful outside, on the one hand is because all living things were imprisoned. 一方面除了天道实力强大外,还有一方面是因为众生被囚禁了。 Everyone's strength originates, came from nine territory world. 所有人的力量来源,都是来自于九域世界。 How can resist with Heavenly Way? 如何能够跟天道对抗呢? Only some Xu Zimo so, take the foundation by Divine State Continent, has the chance of success. 唯有徐子墨这般,以神州大陆作为基础,才有成功的希望。 Naturally, this is the calculation of Xu Zimo, the genuine and fake who does not know. 当然,这是徐子墨的推算,真假谁也不知。 Perhaps cut down since day of that day truly, Xu Zimo can know. 或许只有真正伐天那天起,徐子墨才能知道。 He decides to chat with True Martial Great Emperor. 他决定还是跟真武大帝聊一聊。 If the opposite party really determined, he also respects the choice of True Martial Great Emperor. 如果对方真的确定了,他也尊重真武大帝的选择。 You also know that” Great Emperor Three Blades said with a smile. “你也知道的,”三刀大帝笑道。 True Martial Great Emperor is different from others.” 真武大帝跟其他人是不一样的。” Although all previous generations cut down day to be many, but True Martial Great Emperor is actually alone this one.” “虽然历代伐天者很多,但真武大帝却是独此一份。” Heard this saying, Xu Zimo gawked. 听到这话,徐子墨愣了一下。 He thinks of a matter suddenly. 他突然想到一件事。 Does not know is true or false. 不知道是真是假 Great Emperor Three Blades has not been clear saying that but Xu Zimo truly associated. 三刀大帝也没有明确去说,但徐子墨确实联想到了。 In this world no one is a fool. 这个世界上没有人是傻子。 Some matters he can think, True Martial Great Emperor never cannot think. 有些事他能想到,真武大帝又何尝想不到呢。 I want to chat with him,” Xu Zimo said directly. “我想跟他聊聊,”徐子墨直接说道。 I know, Great Emperor Three Blades said with a smile. “我就知道,”三刀大帝笑道。 Comes with me, something should also explain.” “跟我来吧,有些事也该说明白了。” „After regardless of after all us, result, then must give you.” “毕竟无论我们以后成功与否,接下来都要交给你了。” Xu Zimo heavy nod. 徐子墨沉重的点点头。 ......... ……… At this time, because of the arrival of Xu Zimo, in True Martial Sacred Sect, many disciples started to discuss. 这个时候,因为徐子墨的到来,真武圣宗内,许多弟子都开始议论起来。 Some qualifications very old disciples, remembered the Xu Zimo origin. 有一些资历十分老的弟子,想起了徐子墨的来历。 After all initially, True Martial Sacred Sect that Xu Zimo will decline brings. 毕竟当初,还是徐子墨将没落的真武圣宗带出来的。 Although he has not managed True Martial Sacred Sect later again. 虽然他后期没有再管真武圣宗 But many old people remember his. 但很多老人还是记得他的。 The True Martial Sacred Sect back side of the mountain, is piece of Inner World. 真武圣宗的后山,是一片里世界 Accurate, this is a small-scale space. 准确来说,这是一个小型空间。 True Martial Great Emperor ordinary circumstances here. 真武大帝一般情况就在这里。 Naturally, this small space merely is the space, does not calculate the complete world. 当然,这个小空间仅仅就是空间,不算完整世界。 After Xu Zimo enters here, sees only in the vault of heaven in top of the head, is cloudy, thunder. 徐子墨进入这里后,只见头顶的苍穹上,乌云密布,电闪雷鸣。 The black thunder and lightning as if extinguishes the world, walks randomly in the top of the head. 黑色的雷电仿佛灭世般,游走在头顶。 As if a wee bit thunder and lightning, can be frightened out of one's wits. 似乎一丁点雷电,就能让人魂飞魄散。 But a True Martial Great Emperor white robe, stands in the thunder and lightning center, his front is working as a stage. 真武大帝一袭白袍,就站在雷电中央,他的面前当着一个高台。
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