IATV :: Volume #23

#2220: The circulation of Chapter 2220 world health, True Martial Sacred Sect

Because beforehand time, the Divine State Continent development is relatively slow. 因为之前的时候,神州大陆发展相对缓慢。 Xu Zimo introduced Gongsun Muya, carries forward in Divine State Continent the science and technology together. 徐子墨引进了公孙木崖,将科技一道在神州大陆发扬光大。 Now science and technology with immortal cultivation, is similar to two legs, has the whole world fetch headway. 如今科技与修仙,就如同两条腿,带着整个世界开始快速前进。 But after some time rapid growth . 而在一段时间的快速发展后。 The science and technology starts to stabilize together. 科技一道开始稳定起来。 But Divine State Continent also gradually moved toward the right track slowly, the development. 神州大陆也逐渐走向正轨,发展缓慢了起来。 But at the same time, Xu Zimo also felt extremely fat of the world. 但与此同时,徐子墨也感受到了世界的臃肿。 In the population with Divine State Continent are getting more and more. 随着神州大陆内的人口越来越多。 This population, referred to may not only be human race, other all kinds of races. 这个人口,指的可不仅仅是人族,还有其他各种各样的种族。 The speed that as the lifeform multiplies is getting more and more fast. 随着生物繁衍的速度越来越快。 First, spiritual energy between Heaven and Earth is far from enough. 首先,天地间的灵气已经远远不够了。 In the practice is main, is spiritual energy. 修练中最主要的,便是灵气 But spiritual energy can continuous output, but if falls short of demand, will have the present aspect. 灵气虽然可以源源不断的产出,但若是供不应求,就会出现如今的局面。 The Divine State Continent development was too mainly rapid. 主要还是神州大陆发展太快了。 In fact is not only Divine State Continent, each global development until now, faced with this difficult position. 事实上不仅仅是神州大陆,每一个世界发展到如今的局面,都会面临这种困境。 Is just like nine territory world. 就好比九域世界。 The spiritual energy rich degrees of nine territory world, compared with Xu Zimo had treated Yuan Yang Continent, at all is not a magnitude. 九域世界的灵气浓郁程度,比起徐子墨曾经待过的元央大陆而言,根本不是一个量级的。 But it is said when very remote Immemorial Era, even is Ancient God asks. 但据说在很遥远的太古时代,甚至是古神问道之时。 spiritual energy to almost presents the white fog shape richly, among Heaven and Earth is white one piece. 灵气浓郁到几乎呈现白雾状,天地间都是白茫茫一片。 However with the lapse of time, spiritual energy is getting more and more thin. 不过随着时间的推移,灵气越来越稀薄。 The present nine territory world, spiritual energy is the naked eye is hard to see, but in can also maintain well. 如今的九域世界,灵气已经是肉眼难以看见了,不过好在还能维持。 It is estimated that passes several time again. 估计再过几个时代。 Afterward immortal cultivation only feared that must worry for spiritual energy. 后来的修仙者只怕要为灵气而发愁了。 This is a development law of the world. 这便是一个世界的发展规律。 Like such that in the three countries said that dividing the long time must gather, must divide about the long time. 就像三国里面说的那样,分久必合,合久必分。 A world from moves toward the decline magnificently, moves toward from the decline again magnificently. 一个世界从辉煌走向没落,再从没落走向辉煌。 Starting once again, repeatedly this is the normal state of the world. 周而复始,反反复复这是世界的常态。 If wants the world circulation to continue, that must find a benign development law. 如果想要世界循环不止,那必须找到一个良性的发展规律。 The myriad things to survive, for the good life, to grow stronger, the unceasing resembles world are demanding. 万物为了生存,为了更好的生活,为了变强,不断的像世界索取着。 Felling trees, manufacture home. 砍伐树木,制作家居。 Then the person must plant the trees to be good on own initiative. 那么人必须主动去种植树木才行。 Words that otherwise only fells, will then not have the tree to cut sooner or later. 否则只砍伐的话,那么迟早会无树可砍。 The development of the world is also the same. 世界的发展也一样。 Only knows to demand spiritual energy, has not returned nurturing to parents spiritual energy, will then not have spiritual energy to be ingestible sooner or later. 只知道索取灵气,还不反哺灵气,那么迟早会无灵气可吸收。 All of the world are dark are doomed. 世界的一切都是冥冥中注定的。 The causes and effects are so. 因果便是如此。 However regarding the present person, having spiritual energy is indifferent. 不过对于现在的人而言,有没有灵气无所谓。 Because was definitely enough in their time spiritual energy. 因为在他们这一个时代灵气肯定是足够了。 Worry of later generation is later generation is naturally solved. 后人的烦恼那自然是后人自己去解决。 This is the vicious nature of person, before sweeping, respectively snow. 这就是人的劣性,各扫门前雪。 Others can not care, but Xu Zimo must care. 旁人可以不在乎,但是徐子墨必须在乎。 Because this world is his. 因为这个世界是他的。 He must prompt and as soon as possible finds out an appropriate path. 他必须及时、尽早的想出一条合适的道路。 But this is the second matter that Xu Zimo must do. 而这便是徐子墨要做的第二件事。 A matter, before is Xu Zimo, conceives. 还有一件事,是徐子墨之前设想的。 Then is the retributive justice. 便是因果报应。 Like Buddhism in said that six samsara. 就像佛教里面说的,六道轮回。 The world will can judge person before death actions, thus gives him to grade. 世界意志可以评判一个人生前的所作所为,从而给予他评分。 Grades the high next generation to throw a good embryo. 评分高的下辈子可以投个好胎。 But grading bad, must enter 18 hells, repays debt that oneself are, can the reincarnation rebirth. 而评分差的呢,必须进入十八地狱,偿还自己欠的债,才能转世重生。 The significance that does that then sets up the retributive justice to the world. 这么做的意义,便是给世界设立因果报应。 The good people have the good report, the evil person naturally has the retribution for evildoing. 好人有好报,恶人自然有恶报。 World that because immortal cultivation, is not the society under the rule, the human nature wicked is very difficult to imagine. 因为修仙的世界,并非是法治社会,人性之恶是很难想象的。 Like this Saint courtyard, if they want to do wickedly, then entire flourishing prosperous country, even is Evil Demon Territory, can be destroyed. 就像这一次圣庭一样,若是他们想做恶,那么整个殷昌国,甚至是孽魔域,都可以被摧毁。 But handled so the matter of seething discontent among the people, does not have the thing to punish them. 而做了如此天怒人怨的事情,却没有东西可以制裁他们。 Such result regarding the world rule is trampling. 这样的结果对于世界规则是一种践踏。 Therefore the Xu Zimo following three matters, then fuse the god law, sets up the retributive justice, as well as makes the world be able the revolution of health. 所以徐子墨接下来的三件事,便是融合神法,设立因果报应,以及让世界能够健康的运转。 And is simplest, naturally fuses the god law. 其中最简单的,自然是融合神法。 Ten big god law Xu Zimo comprehended was similar, fuses, although some difficulties. 十大神法徐子墨本来就参悟的差不多了,融合起来虽然有些难度。 So long as the time rubs slowly, would successfully. 但只要时间慢慢磨,总会成功的。 Therefore in the following month, Xu Zimo starts to pass the fusion god law. 于是在接下来一个月内,徐子墨开始努立融合神法。 In fact to his present realm, rarely has the thing to perplex him. 事实上到了他如今的境界,已经很少有东西能够难住他了。 But the fusion of god law, is more difficult than the imagination. 但神法的融合,还是比想象中难一些。 The Xu Zimo most ideal condition, fuses together ten big god laws, becomes a complete god law. 徐子墨最理想的状态,是将十大神法融为一体,成为一个完整的神法。 During this month, Yin Dynasty ruins also conducted to other half divine soul. 在这一个月期间,殷墟也对另一半神魂进行了度化。 Almost all complaints are dissipating. 几乎所有的怨念都在消散。 But at the same time, the successor of king monarch sovereign also designated, is the second son in Yin Dynasty ruins. 而与此同时,国主的继承人也选定了,乃是殷墟的二儿子。 The king monarch sovereign of flourishing prosperous country's elects, is not the eldest son inherits, but the able child is competent. 殷昌国的国主选举,并非是长子继承,而是有能力的孩子胜任。 The eldest son in Yin Dynasty ruins are foolhardy, only suits is the general who takes the lead to charge. 殷墟的大儿子有勇无谋,只适合做个带头冲锋的将军。 But the youngest son is also too little, motionless government affairs. 而小儿子又太小,不动政务。 Only has second son flourishing Ji, is the rightest candidate. 唯有二儿子殷姬,乃是最合适的人选。 After thousand items of Saints will die, the Xu Zimo itself/Ben thinks that the person in Saint courtyard will respond quickly. 千目圣将死后,徐子墨本以为圣庭的人会很快反应过来。 However during one month, does not have the person in Saint courtyard to appear. 但是一个月期间,并没有圣庭的人出现。 Wants likely to come is the Evil Demon Territory matter involved Saint courtyard lots of energy, but the matter of flourishing prosperous country's was postponed. 想来很可能是孽魔域的事情牵扯了圣庭大量的精力,而殷昌国的事情被延后了。 Finally, one month later, common people of Yin Dynasty ruins to flourishing prosperous country's held a giant farewell ceremony. 终于,一个月后,殷墟向殷昌国的百姓举办了一场巨大的告别仪式。 At this ceremony, Yin Dynasty ruins also gave own son position of the king monarch sovereign officially. 在这个仪式上,殷墟将国主之位也正式给了自己的儿子。 Meanwhile, these Buddha weak shapes in imperial palace, by Yin Dynasty ruins receiving. 与此同时,皇宫内的那些佛祖凋像,也都被殷墟给收了起来。 Since decided that a person undertakes, then natural cannot make the flourishing prosperous country take this road with him again together, arrived black. 既然决定一个人承担,那么自然不能再让殷昌国跟他一起走这条路,一路走到黑了。 Sees off the king monarch sovereign!” “恭送国主!” On this day, big shout that Zhou tomb prepared during one's lifetime transmits the common people. 这一天,纣寿城传来百姓们的大喊声。 Yin Dynasty ruins under everyone's attention, two people left the flourishing prosperous country with Xu Zimo and barefooting monk. 殷墟在所有人的瞩目下,与徐子墨和赤脚和尚两人离开了殷昌国。 Xu Zimo knows, Yin Dynasty ruins at this moment are actually happy. 徐子墨知道,此刻的殷墟其实是高兴的。 He can complete oneself dream, even if this overgrown brambles, dying were also enough on the road of dream. 他能够完成自己的梦想,哪怕这一路荆棘丛生,死在了梦想之路上也足够了。 ......... ……… But Xu Zimo that other half divine soul gave three items of demon Mr . 徐子墨将那另一半被度化的神魂给了三目魔君。 Then some time, three items of demon Monarch also start to close up, fuses together thoroughly, achieves own in peak condition. 接下来一段时间,三目魔君也开始闭关,彻底融为一体,达到自己的巅峰状态。 Xu Zimo is turning on the space and time shuttle, these goes toward True Martial Sacred Sect time. 徐子墨开启着时空梭,这一次朝真武圣宗而去。 This time handles affairs, it may be said that successfully finished. 此番行事,可谓是圆满结束。 Even obtained the demon insect, it may be said that overfulfills. 甚至得到了魔虫,可谓是超额完成。 ......... ……… True Martial Sacred Sect stretches across Heavenly Peak Territory as well as between the ghosts and gods territory two territories now. 真武圣宗如今横跨天极域以及鬼神域两域之间。 True Martial Great Emperor made a connection with two territory barriers by the unsurpassed magical powers. 真武大帝以无上神通打通了两域壁垒。 Present True Martial Sacred Sect progresses day by day, solely is not the scale changes huge incomparable. 如今的真武圣宗可谓是蒸蒸日上,不单单是规模变的庞大无比。 Heaven's Chosen in sect as well as powerhouse, like mushroom growth, unceasing braves. 就连宗门内的天骄们以及强者,都如同雨后春笋般,不断的冒出来。 Even if the True Martial Sacred Sect sphere of influence has not affected entire Heavenly Peak Territory. 哪怕真武圣宗的势力范围还没有波及整个天极域 But as the Heavenly Peak Territory strongest influence, its reputation is also well-known. 但作为天极域最强的势力,它的名声也是人尽皆知的。 At this moment, before Xu Zimo arrives at True Martial Sacred Sect . 此刻,当徐子墨来到真武圣宗前。 This True Martial Sacred Sect is the celestial mountain stands in great numbers, Divine Beast runs, Deity tread the sky . 真武圣宗可谓是仙山林立,神兽奔走,神人踏空
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