IATV :: Volume #23

#2219: The reform of Chapter 2219 world, the fusion of god law

valor that otherwise this bone dragon acts continually does not have. 否则这骨龙连出手的勇气都没有。 When the right hand of Xu Zimo lifts, void spiritual energy unceasing is surging. 徐子墨的右手抬起时,虚空中的灵气不断的涌动着。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” These spiritual energy change to a spiritual energy big hand, when this spiritual energy big hand grasps, the bone dragon revolts radically without enough time. 那些灵气化作一只灵气大手,当这灵气大手抓过来时,骨龙根本来不及反抗。 Was grasped instantaneously in the hand, is similar to the toy. 瞬间就被抓在手中,就如同玩具般。 The big hand of Xu Zimo wields directly, that bone dragon was thrown. 紧接着,徐子墨的大手直接一挥,那骨龙被扔了出去。 But direction that he throws, is the direction that thousand items of Saints will escape. 而他扔出去的方向,正好是千目圣将逃跑的方向。 Felt that behind the hurricane transmits, that strength air-splitting is getting more and more heavy. 感觉到身后飓风传来,那种破空的劲气越来越重。 Thousand items of Saints will turn around to look hastily. 千目圣将连忙转身看去。 In a flash, is eye of zi completely cracks, complexion big change. 只是一瞬间,便是目眦尽裂,脸色大变。 The speed that the bone dragon pounds was too fast, avoidance already without enough time. 骨龙砸过来的速度太快了,躲避已经来不及了。 His right hand holds long gown. 他右手抓住身上的长袍。 Made an effort to rip, sees only his body to present the innumerable only eyes unexpectedly. 用力一撕,只见他的身上竟然出现了无数只眼睛。 Also he is called thousand items of Saints no wonder. 也怪不得他被称为千目圣将。 Thousand items of names, are worthy of the reputation. 千目之名,名符其实。 Vanishes.” “消失。” Thousand items of Saints drink one lightly. 千目圣将一声轻喝。 Sees only each eye of its whole body to open completely. 只见它周身的每一只眼睛都全部睁开。 In the eye projects together the powerful ray. 眼睛内投射出来一道强大的光芒。 This ray falls on the body of bone dragon. 紧接着,这股光芒落在骨龙的身上。 All around void starts unceasingly flood mighty waves, probably space transmission. 四周的虚空开始不断的泛起波澜,好像空间传送般。 Finally, the entire big bone dragon was swallowed unexpectedly void, transmits to does not know where. 最终,整条偌大的骨龙竟然被虚空吞噬,传送到不知何处。 However in the flash that the bone dragon vanishes, the spiritual energy big hand of Xu Zimo also falls. 不过在骨龙消失的一瞬间,徐子墨灵气大手也随之落下。 Is a finger, broke directly the void transmission, pierced thousand items of Saints the abdomen. 仅仅是一根手指,直接破碎了虚空的传送,洞穿了千目圣将的腹部。 The eye that these open by the infinite strength was filled probably thoroughly , each and everyone explodes. 那些睁开的眼睛好像被无穷的力量彻底灌既,随之一个个爆炸开。 You......” “你……” Thousand items of Saints could not have spoken. 千目圣将已经说不出话来。 He looked down that to pass through the finger of whole body. 他低头看了看那贯穿自己周身的手指。 divine soul dissipates, the strength of whole body is also degenerating fast. 神魂消散,就连周身的力量也在快速退化。 The whole person also explodes thoroughly. 整个人随之彻底爆炸开。 Bang...” “轰…” ...... …… Sees thousand items of Saints by so simple killing easily. 看到千目圣将被如此简单轻易的杀死。 All around these evil people were scared. 四周那些恶人们可谓是傻眼了。 Naturally, Xu Zimo will not let off them. 当然,徐子墨也不会放过他们。 Even does not need him to begin, merely is only a look, the void steamroll comes, these evil people on thorough explodes. 甚至根本不需要他动手,仅仅只是一个眼神,虚空碾压而来,那些恶人就彻底的自我爆炸开。 As for under Yin Dynasty ruins, is startled could not speak. 至于底下的殷墟,已经是惊的说不出话来。 He has not thought probably the Xu Zimo strength is so strong. 他大概也没想到徐子墨的实力这么强吧。 Ok, solved,” the Xu Zimo undulating said. “好了,解决了,”徐子墨澹澹说道。 Many thanks the senior,” Yin Dynasty ruins turns around hastily, deeply bows toward Xu Zimo. “多谢前辈,”殷墟连忙转身,朝徐子墨深深鞠了一躬。 Regarding Xu Zimo, this perhaps is only a small matter conveniently. 对于徐子墨而言,这或许只是一个小小的随手之事。 However regarding Yin Dynasty ruins also or the common people in flourishing prosperous country's, this then rescued an obligation of life of country. 但是对于殷墟亦或者殷昌国的百姓而言,这便是救了一国之命的大恩啊。 You know that I only will act this time,” Xu Zimo very straightforward saying. “你知道的,我只会出手这一次,”徐子墨很直白的说道。 What to do then do you plan?” “接下来你打算怎么办?” If the Saint courtyard comes again, you cannot protect.” “若是圣庭再来,你护不住的。” senior brother, follows me together,” barefoots with say still at one side suddenly. “师兄,跟我一起走吧,”赤脚和尚在一旁突然说道。 Along with me disseminates the Buddhist doctrine together, perhaps after you leave, the Saint courtyard will not notice the flourishing prosperous country again.” “随我一起去传播佛法,或许你离开后,圣庭就不会再注意到殷昌国。” The relations that because the original flourishing prosperous country the common people pray, can say that in the world of immortal cultivation, can achieve to cultivate one's own moral worth. 原本的殷昌国因为万民祈福的关系,可以说在修仙者的世界,能够做到独善其身。 Because Yin Dynasty ruins had the idea of Buddhism forcefully, also provoked the Saint courtyard. 但因为殷墟强行将佛教的理念带了过来,也同样招惹了圣庭。 Perhaps Yin Dynasty ruins leave, is the best result. 或许殷墟离开,才是最好的结果。 Yin Dynasty ruins had not replied, but is pondering silently. 殷墟没有回答,而是在默默思考着。 senior brother, before you to a Cayenne temple, were because your father was seriously ill suddenly, you need to shoulder the heavy responsibility of flourishing prosperous country's.” “师兄,之前你离开云间寺,是因为你父亲突然病重,你需要肩负起殷昌国的重任。” Now you have the child, has not passed to the child position of the king monarch sovereign.” “如今你也有孩子了,还不把国主之位传给孩子呢。” The barefooting monk continues to console to say. 赤脚和尚继续劝解道。 Because in his opinion, oneself this Senior Brother talent or Way Heart, compared with him. 因为在他看来,自己这个师兄无论是天赋还是道心,都是比他强的。 Regarding that tenacity of Buddhism, is the average man unreadable. 对于佛教的那种固执,更是常人难以理解的。 Otherwise will not attempt in the imperial palace, reconstruction initial Buddhist State. 要不然也不会试图在皇宫内,重建当初的佛国 Perhaps you said is reasonable,” Yin Dynasty ruins deep nod. “或许你说的有道理,”殷墟深深的点点头。 Said: My this whole life could not make a qualified king monarch sovereign probably, in my heart is often thinking the Buddhist doctrine, I cannot because of me, making the common people in entire national capital follow to be hit by the disaster together.” 说道:“大概我这辈子都做不了一个合格的国主吧,我心中时常想着佛法,我不能因为我一人,让整个国都的百姓跟着一起遭受灾难。” First goes back,” Xu Zimo said. “先回去吧,”徐子墨说道。 I need you to help me spend something.” “我需要你帮我度化一些东西。” Yin Dynasty ruins slight nod. 殷墟微微点头。 Several people return to the imperial palace, Xu Zimo took other half divine soul. 几人回到皇宫内,徐子墨将另一半神魂取了出来。 The complaint that above has not dissipated because of passing of time, instead gets stronger and stronger. 上面存在的怨念并没有因为时间的流逝而消散,反而是越演越烈。 This thing seriously is......” “此物当真是……” Yin Dynasty ruins are beyond description. 殷墟难以形容。 After all this goods are greatly ominously the greatly wicked thing, so long as killed too many people, can contaminate so the complaint. 毕竟这间物品乃是大凶大恶之物,只要杀了太多人,才能沾染如此怨念。 I said before, person of the territory,” Xu Zimo returns said. “我之前说了,一域之人啊,”徐子墨回道。 Naturally, I appear luckily promptly.” “当然,也幸亏我及时出现。” Whether?” “可否度化?” Should, but requires some time,” Yin Dynasty ruins said. “度化应该可以,但需要一些时间,”殷墟说道。 Complaint were too many, at least takes about a month.” “这其中的怨念太多了,起码要一个月左右。” Complaint is not the force, but makes them move toward is reborn in paradise.” “怨念的度化并非是强迫的,而是让他们走向往生。” Does not worry,” Xu Zimo said. “不着急,”徐子墨说道。 I and other month is, happen to this month you have the time to be able the choice next king monarch sovereign successor.” “我等一个月便是,正好这一个月你有时间能够挑选下一任国主的继承者。” Yin Dynasty ruins slight nod. 殷墟微微点头。 He has decided to resign from the king monarch sovereign position, but he has three sons. 他已经决定辞去国主的位置,而他有三名儿子。 He before departure, must choose the matter of successor. 他在离开前,必须将继承人的事情选择好。 Although said, in this flourishing prosperous home, the common people will not betray Yin, when no matter who the king monarch sovereign common people support. 虽然说,在这殷昌国内,百姓不会背叛殷家,不管谁当国主百姓都是拥护。 But he must the prosperous country keep a wise king monarch sovereign to flourishing at least. 但他起码要给殷昌国留一个英明的国主。 But during this month, Xu Zimo is also starts to bustle about own matter. 而在这一个月期间,徐子墨也是开始忙碌自己的事情。 First is continues to develop ten big god laws. 首先是继续开发十大神法。 Before Xu Zimo comprehended the divine nature, is the strength of so-called Heaven and Earth. 之前徐子墨领悟了神性,也就是所谓的天地之力。 The god law is the Heaven and Earth creation, naturally needs the strength of utilization Heaven and Earth, can display the strongest strength. 神法乃是天地创造,自然需要天地之力运用,才能发挥最强的力量。 But the manpower is unable to display. 而人力是无法发挥出来的。 Xu Zimo after comprehending the strength of Heaven and Earth, now started the second stage. 徐子墨在领悟了天地之力后,如今开始了第二个阶段。 How that is can fuse the god law. 那就是如何能够将神法融合起来。 It looks like in Xu Zimo, the god law of Heaven and Earth creation should be one set, or is a whole. 徐子墨看来,天地创造的神法应该是一整套,或者说是一个整体的。 If so, ten big god legal principle theories of law ought to be in one. 若是如此的话,十大神法理应能合为一体。 Xu Zimo first fuses, is the good fortune swallows the day to refer to as well as Hayier seal. 徐子墨首先融合的,便是造化吞天指以及阿耶卍印。 Studying these two god laws is not unreasonable. 研究这两个神法并非没有道理。 Hayier seal is erupts the powerful strength in the way of incantation seal, this incantation seal can disintegrate all. 阿耶卍印乃是以咒印的方式爆发出强大的力量,这股咒印可以瓦解一切。 But the good fortune swallows the day to refer, then by the strength of good fortune, swallows the day to bite. 而造化吞天指,则是以造化之力,吞天噬地。 If can combine into one both. 若是能将两者合而为一。 When the good fortune swallows the day refers to dropping at the same time, the fingertip also has the strength of Hayier seal. 当造化吞天指落下的同时,指尖也拥有阿耶卍印的力量。 Might that then this strikes, is not one plus one was equal to absolutely two were so simple. 那么这一击的威力,绝对不是一加一等于二那么简单了。 Besides regarding the fusions of ten big god laws. 除了对于十大神法的融合外。 Xu Zimo was also in the new stage regarding the reform of Divine State Continent. 徐子墨对于神州大陆的改革也进入了新的阶段。 Before then, he does not participate in the development of Divine State Continent. 在此之前,他并不参与神州大陆的发展中。 But in a wild way, making the whole world conduct in the self- development. 而是以一种蛮荒的方式,让整个世界进行自我的发展中。 But this period of time he obviously felt the development of the world started to fall into extremely fat. 但这段时间他明显感觉到世界的发展开始陷入了臃肿。
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