IATV :: Volume #23

#2218: Chapter 2218 Heaven and Earth is unkind, the person of fearing death does not have the qualifications to live

Heaven and Earth is unkind, takes the myriad things as the dogs and hay worthless thing.( Due to buffer reason, asking user direct browser to visit the .n website, watched quickest chapter renewal) 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。(由于缓存原因,请用户直接浏览器访问.n网站,观看最快的章节更新) The sages are unkind, take the common people as the dogs and hay worthless thing. ” 圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。” This Heaven and Earth and sage, have fallen ill, too morbid state.” “这天地和圣人,已经生病了,太病态了。” I want so long as perhaps broken then stands, can treat an illness to this Heaven and Earth truly.” “我想或许只要破而后立,才能真正给这天地治治病。” Xu Zimo is saying. 徐子墨自顾自的说着。 Since old times the dynasty change, the dynasty end, generally speaking was the person in power is or stupid. 自古王朝更替,或者说王朝末日,一般来讲都是当权者昏庸。 The common people cannot cross, plunging the people into disaster. 百姓过不下去,生灵涂炭。 So, will have the new dynasty to establish. 如此之时,才会有新的王朝建立。 But the present nine territory world, then made Xu Zimo feel aura of destruction. 而如今的九域世界,便让徐子墨感受到了一丝毁灭的气息。 Even has nothing to do with him, this is because the world is also good, the sage masters are also good, not all living things, when the person looks. 甚至与他无关,这是因为世界也好,圣人老爷们也好,不把众生们当人看。 As if, erases many lives not to matter conveniently. 似乎随手之间,抹除多少生灵都无所谓。 Asked that such world, how can revolt. 试问这样的世界,如何能不让人反抗呢。 At first Xu Zimo speech time, that thousand items of Saints will also somewhat knit the brows. 起初徐子墨说话的时候,那千目圣将还有些皱眉。 , His complexion seems not gradually right. 渐渐的,他脸色似乎不对劲了。 The look was similar to damn, looked to Xu Zimo. 眼神更是如同见鬼了,看向徐子墨 Saying that the sound trembles: You... are you... Demon Lord?” 声音哆哆嗦嗦的说道:“你…你是…魔主?” A while ago, the Evil Demon Territory Saint courtyard branch was destroyed, demon of then enlightened ruler as well as manufacture, totally was destroyed. 前段时间,孽魔域的圣庭分部被摧毁,当时的圣主以及制造的魔物,全部被摧毁。 This makes the Saint courtyard suddenly panic-stricken incomparable. 这让圣庭一时间惊骇无比。 Immortal Lord investigated at that time personally. 仙主当时亲自去调查。 Now does not have the result, but the Saint courtyard is also everybody feels insecure. 如今还没有结果,不过圣庭也是人人自危。 After all demon of enlightened ruler that training, the strength is the top pick. 毕竟无论是圣主还是那培养的魔物,实力都是上上之选。 In the Saint courtyard, ranks among the best. 在圣庭内,也数一数二。 This showed that some people are aiming at the Saint courtyard in secret, moreover this person of strength, only fears besides Sacred Ancestor as well as Immortal Lord, unmanned energy enemy. 这就证明有人在暗中针对圣庭,而且这人的实力,只怕除了圣祖以及仙主外,无人能敌。 About this person, some people have also guessed, likely is Demon Lord. 关于这个人,有人也猜测过,很可能是魔主 Does not have the clear evidence. 只是没有明确的证据。 Now saw that Xu Zimo said that these thousand items of Saints even again silly, coming out that can still guess. 如今见到徐子墨这么说了,这千目圣将就算再傻,也能猜的出来。 The Evil Demon Territory matter, definitely is Xu Zimo does. 孽魔域的事情,肯定是徐子墨干的。 But oneself luck is not good, has not thought in Heavenly Peak Territory, the great distance is so far, met unexpectedly. 而自己运气不好,没想到在天极域,相隔这么远,竟然碰见了。 He the whole body fine hair raises up suddenly. 他一时间全身汗毛竖起。 The whole person fell into scared. 整个人都陷入了恐慌中。 What's wrong, are you afraid?” Xu Zimo asked with a smile. “怎么,你是在害怕吗?”徐子墨笑着问道。 His laughter is very temperate, but will listen in thousand items of Saints in the ear, actually as if the devil of hell. 他的笑声很温和,但是听在千目圣将的耳中,却仿佛地狱的恶魔。 Is summoning him unceasingly. 在不断的召唤着他。 Xu Zimo has not acted, thousand items of Saints will have felt that sensation of asphyxia. 徐子墨还没有出手,千目圣将已经感觉到那种窒息感。 When this feeling seems him to arrive to the flourishing prosperous country, these mortals facing him that type suffocates. 这种感觉就好像他降临到殷昌国时,那些凡人面对他时那种窒息。 Thousand items of Saints will open mouth, want to say anything. 千目圣将张嘴,想要说些什么。 But many ideas, must change into finally speechless. 但再多的想法,最终都要化为无言。 What should say, begs for mercy or continues obstinate argumentative? 该说什么,求饶还是继续嘴硬? He knows what oneself faces is what existence. 他知道自己面对的是什么样的存在。 Thousand items of Saints will not open the mouth shortly, others could not bear actually. 眼看着千目圣将不开口,其他人倒是忍不住了。 This thousand items of Saints will bring many evil people. 这一次千目圣将带来了许多恶人。 These evil people are the criminals who the Saint courtyard detains, latter was always promised this time, so long as extinguished the flourishing prosperous country to gain the freedom. 这些恶人本来是圣庭关押的罪人,后老被许诺这一次只要灭了殷昌国就可以获得自由。 These people naturally could not wait. 这些人自然是等不及了。 Saint the Sir, where this boy will brave, dares to make impertinent remarks to you.” “圣将大人,这小子是哪里冒出来的,敢对你出言不逊。” Seeing only a whole body is the muscles, dyes the red hair guy to shout to shout. 只见一名全身都是肌肉,染着红发的大汉嚷嚷道。 Wants me to help you solve him.” “要不要我帮你解决他。” This guy mainly finds out the crest of wave, perhaps can also obtain thousand items of Saints the recognition. 这大汉主要是想出风头,说不定还能得到千目圣将的赏识。 After all in his opinion, the Saint courtyard is this world strongest strength, no one dares with the Saint courtyard to be an enemy. 毕竟在他看来,圣庭是这世间最强大的实力,没有什么人敢跟圣庭为敌。 Now the appearance of Xu Zimo, happen to can make him show loyally. 如今徐子墨的出现,正好能让他表忠心。 Thousand items of Saints damn same will look to that red hair guy. 千目圣将见鬼一样看向那红发大汉。 Has not waited for him to speak, another side Xu Zimo looked at that red hair guy one eyes directly. 还没等他说话,另一边徐子墨直接看了那红发大汉一眼。 Next quarter, invisible void steamroll. 下一刻,无形的虚空碾压而来。 The guy vanished in a puff of smoke directly, even revolts without enough time. 那大汉直接灰飞烟灭,连反抗都来不及。 Did not have living under the void steamroll. 就如此在虚空的碾压下没有了生息。 But others were naturally frightened. 而其他人自然都是被吓到了。 At this time many people also responded, thousand items of Saints do not dare to speak, only feared that meets the hard stubble. 这个时候许多人也反应过来了,千目圣将不敢说话,只怕是遇到硬茬子了。 Suddenly the people on the scene all are speechless. 一时间在场的众人皆是无语。 Thousand items of Saints deeply will inspire, finally looks to Xu Zimo. 千目圣将深吸一口气,最终看向徐子墨 Opened the mouth. 还是开口了。 How do you want?” “你想如何?” Killed you,” the Xu Zimo undulating said. “杀了你,”徐子墨澹澹说道。 How do you feel?” “你觉得如何呢?” You, even if killed me, cannot preserve the common people in flourishing prosperous country's,” thousand items of Saints will say. “你就算杀了我,也保不住殷昌国的百姓,”千目圣将说道。 You are impossible to defend in this flourishing prosperous country forever.” “你不可能永远守在这殷昌国。” Thousand items of Saints spoke this saying actually right. 千目圣将这话倒是说的没错。 Xu Zimo always has must leave, moreover flourishing prosperous country, although is not the specially huge empire. 徐子墨总有要离开的时候,而且殷昌国虽然不是什么特别庞大的帝国。 However how that also has hundreds of thousands common people again. 但是再怎么那也是有十几万百姓的。 Impossible to shift completely so many people. 不可能把这么多人全部转移走。 Only if enters to Divine State Continent. 除非进入到神州大陆内。 But Divine State Continent is he biggest secret, does not arrive at the final critical moment, he is impossible to make anybody know. 神州大陆乃是他最大的秘密,不到最后的关键时刻,他根本不可能让任何人知道的。 Now is not the period of face-off. 现在不是摊牌的时期。 Therefore Xu Zimo will not allow the person who any has not grasped to enter inside. 所以徐子墨不会让任何没有把握的人进入里面。 ......... ……… At this moment, Xu Zimo smiles. 此刻,徐子墨笑了笑。 Looks at thousand items of Saints, returns said: You said right, I am not possible to help the flourishing prosperous country, because I always had that day of departure, but you as if neglected a matter.” 看着千目圣将,回道:“你说的没错,我是不可能一直帮着殷昌国,因为我总有离开的那天,但是你似乎忽略了一件事。” What relations do the common people in flourishing prosperous country's have with me?” “殷昌国的百姓跟我有什么关系?” I this time stand, for Yin Dynasty ruins, my something wants him to help me after all, one yard is one yard.” “我此番站出来,是为了殷墟,毕竟我有些事想要他帮我,一码算是一码。” As for the later flourishing prosperous country, even if you must extinguish, I will not manage.” “至于以后的殷昌国,就算你们要灭,我也不会管。” Regarding the powerhouse, Xu Zimo naturally cannot make some immaterial things fetter itself. 对于强者而言,徐子墨自然不会让一些无关紧要的东西束缚自己。 To threaten itself? This is almost impossible. 想威胁自己?这几乎不可能。 Hears the Xu Zimo words, thousand items of Saints will sigh. 听到徐子墨的话,千目圣将叹息了一声。 He truly wants to threaten the opposite party with the flourishing prosperous country. 他本来确实想用殷昌国威胁对方的。 But now actually wants to understand, the opposite party is anything. 但如今却想明白了,对方是什么。 Demon Lord! 魔主啊! Also wants cruel existence compared with them. 一个比他们还要残忍的存在。 Possibly how to be threatened because of some mortals. 怎么可能因为一些凡人而被威胁呢。 Such being the case, my then right and wrong refused stubbornly to be possible,” thousand items of Saints will say. “既然如此,那我便是非死不可了,”千目圣将说道。 Non- refuses stubbornly to be possible,” Xu Zimo returns said. “非死不可,”徐子墨回道。 He not anxiously beginning, but likes looking before the prey was killed that despair. 他并没有急着动手,而是喜欢看猎物被杀前的那种绝望。 Especially the person in Saint courtyard. 尤其是圣庭的人。 The angle of prey and hunter was exchanged. 猎物与猎人的角度被互换。 Such being the case, that then kills,” thousand items of Saints will loudly shout to clear the way. “既然如此,那便杀,”千目圣将大喝道。 Kills!” “杀杀杀!” His both hands tie seal. 他双手结印。 Sees only the bone dragon of top of the head to start to angrily roar. 只见头顶的骨龙开始怒吼着。 That bone dragon huge body direct shuttle in void, the power and influence is scary, killed toward Xu Zimo. 那骨龙庞大的身躯直接穿梭在虚空中,紧接着威势骇人,朝徐子墨杀了过去。 In flash that the bone dragon begins, thousand items of Saints will also act. 在骨龙动手的一瞬间,千目圣将也出手了。 However he has not followed begins, instead escaped in the opposite direction. 不过他并没有紧随其后去动手,反而朝相反的方向逃跑了。 He escaped, as if people on the scene have not responded. 他逃了,似乎在场的众人都没有反应过来。 Thousand items of Saints that the previous quarter also said with certainty, at this moment unexpectedly on so escaping of shameless. 上一刻还言之凿凿的千目圣将,此刻竟然就如此不要脸的逃了。 Xu Zimo shakes the head slightly. 徐子墨微微摇头。 Also really conforms to my cognition to the Saint courtyard!” “还真符合我对圣庭的认知啊!” Bullies the weak and fears the strong, if you really want dead in battle with me , I can also keep your entire corpse actually.” “欺软怕硬若是你真想跟我战死,倒是也罢了,我还能留你一条全尸。” „The person of fearing death does not have the qualifications to live.” “怕死的人没资格活着。” The next quarter, sees only Xu Zimo to put out a hand. 下一刻,只见徐子墨伸出手。 First is that toward the bone dragon that the homicide comes. 首先是那朝他杀来的骨龙。 The strength of this bone dragon is not weak, what a pity he faces is Xu Zimo. 这骨龙的实力不弱,可惜他面对的是徐子墨 Also this bone dragon has not realized luckily. 也幸亏这骨龙没有意识。
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