IATV :: Volume #23

#2217: Chapter 2217 extinguishes a country, the merit of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2219 extinguishes a country, the merit of Heaven and Earth 第2219章灭一国,天地之功过 „The common people pray are not multipurpose.” “万民祈福并非是万能的。” „The person in Saint courtyard, although does not begin, but they looked for many desperados.” “圣庭的人虽然不动手,但是他们找来了许多的亡命之徒。” Promised that these desperado large sum of money, you know that some people are the cutting edge lick the blood. “许诺这些亡命之徒重金,你知道的,有些人便是刀口舔血。 So long as the benefit are many enough, no matter anything they will attempt, dares to do. ” 只要利益足够多,不管什么事他们都会尝试,都敢做。” Hears mound Po the words, the Yin Dynasty ruins complexion is embarrassed. 听到丘陂的话,殷墟脸色难堪。 Right, the common people pray are not multipurpose. 没错,万民祈福也不是万能的。 This world always some desperados. 这世界总有一些亡命之徒。 Even finally the strength of Heaven and Earth retaliated these desperados, but the people in flourishing prosperous country's died then died, cannot come back to life. 就算最后天地之力报复了那些亡命之徒,可是殷昌国的人死了便是死了,又不能复生。 From some degree, this mutually wounded matter. 从某种程度来讲,这种两败俱伤的一件事。 The powerhouses in Saint courtyard can not act, but they are built on the back, believes that many people are willing to replace them to act. 圣庭的强者们可以不出手,但他们立于背后,相信有很多人都愿意代替他们出手。 ......... ……… senior brother, because of the Buddhist State matter?” “师兄,是因为佛国的事情吗?” The barefooting monk asked. 赤脚和尚问道。 Because you want prosperous Buddhist State in the flourishing prosperous country, therefore the person in Saint courtyard could not sit still.” “因为你在殷昌国想要昌盛佛国,所以圣庭的人坐不住了。” Yin Dynasty ruins slight nod. 殷墟微微点头。 Said: Was same on such as the initial teacher.” 说道:“就如当初的师尊一样。” In the past, Buddhist State was razed to the ground by a palm, then matter also came clearly into view probably. 往昔之间,佛国被一掌夷为平地,当时的事情好像还历历在目。 Damn,” Yin Dynasty ruins pounded on front table layer on layer/heavily. “该死,”殷墟重重的拍了拍面前的桌子。 At this moment he fell into the difficult place. 此刻他陷入了两难之地。 Because at the same time, is Buddhist State is his belief. 一方面,是因为佛国乃是他的信仰。 On the other hand, he must hundreds of thousands common people for flourishing prosperous country's be responsible. 另一方面,他又要为殷昌国的十几万百姓负责。 Regardless which chooses, to Yin Dynasty ruins, is as good shears the one's favorite. 无论选择哪一个,对于殷墟来说,都不亚于割心头肉般。 Has a look,” this time Xu Zimo opens the mouth. “去看看吧,”这时候徐子墨开口了。 Said: This time the matter I can help you.” 说道:“此番事我可以帮你。” Yin Dynasty ruins have not thought of the Xu Zimo driving opens the mouth actually. 殷墟倒是没想到徐子墨会主动开口。 His not clear Xu Zimo strength. 他不清楚徐子墨的实力。 Said: Saint courtyard comes the person is not weak, I do not want to involve you.” 不禁说道:“圣庭来人都是不弱,我不想将你牵连其中。” What to involve?” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “何为牵连?”徐子墨笑道。 Between demon clans and Saint courtyards, the itself/Ben is the dead enmity.” “魔族与圣庭之间,本就是死仇。” senior brother, the strength of Sir is very strong, you look on the line,” barefoots with answer still at one side. “师兄,大人的实力是很强的,你看着就行,”赤脚和尚在一旁解释道。 I, although can help your one time, what to do but later can you?” Xu Zimo asked. “我虽然可以帮你一次,但以后你能怎么办?”徐子墨反问道。 „The flourishing prosperous country here, hundreds of thousands people are impossible to leave their homelands.” “殷昌国就在这里,十几万子民不可能离开他们的家园。” You so handle affairs are not the long-term plan.” “你如此行事不是长久之计。” Sir had what idea to say although, Yin Dynasty ruins returned hastily said. “大人有什么想法尽管说,”殷墟连忙回道。 First solves the Saint courtyard, other things will say again, Xu Zimo beckons with the hand. “先解决掉圣庭吧,其他的事情等会再说,”徐子墨摆摆手。 The people do not have the opinion. 众人都没有意见。 Goes out in the imperial palace, looks up to the vault of heaven position, sees only in that vault of heaven blustery. 走出皇宫内,抬头看向苍穹位置,只见那苍穹上风起云涌。 A giant Divine Dragon circles, but. 一条巨大的神龙盘旋而至。 However carefully looked, will discover that Divine Dragon is not the living creature, is the thing of machinery composes. 不过仔细看,就会发现那神龙并非是活物,乃是机械之物组成的。 Its body is several kilometers at least, even if the mechanical lifeform, but is also lifelike, power and influence is astonishing. 它的身躯起码有几千米长,纵然是机械生物,但也活灵活现,身上的威势惊人。 This is the bone dragon, on that mechanical thing is in the powerhouse who the Saint courtyard kills, extracts their skeletons, bone dragon that finally makes. 此为骨龙,那上面的机械之物乃是圣庭杀死的强者中,抽取他们的骨骼,最终制造出的骨龙。 It besides powerful, but can also the shuttle space and time, treat as the riding instead of walking tool. 它除了实力强大外,还可以穿梭时空,当做代步工具。 This Saint courtyard comes in the person, the chancellor person will be 36 Saints one. 这一次圣庭的来人中,主事人乃是三十六圣将之一。 Named thousand items of Saints. 名为千目圣将。 Like the Buddhist State related matter, has thought is also he is responsible. 佛国的有关事情,一直以为也都是他负责的。 Initially Buddhist State rose, is under his palm razes to the ground. 当初佛国崛起,便是他一掌之下夷为平地。 Regarding the Saint courtyard, present Buddhist State had declined, like Sacred Ancestor and Immortal Lord character, naturally cannot spend the time to place the body of Buddhist State like that. 对于圣庭来说,如今的佛国早已经没落了,像圣祖以及仙主那般人物,自然不会花费时间来放在佛国的身上。 Therefore thousand items of Saints, will assume this duty. 所以千目圣将,就承担起了这个任务。 Regarding present Buddhist State, thousand items of Saints can certainly extinguish the opposite party directly. 对于如今的佛国来说,千目圣将当然可以直接灭了对方。 But sometimes died, instead did not have the significance. 但有时候死亡了,反而没有意义了。 He must let Buddhist State in endless suffering and suffering, by obliteration slowly. 他要让佛国在无尽的折磨以及煎熬中,被慢慢的磨灭。 Considers, when the believer is unable for own belief when diligently, sometimes even dying was more uncomfortable. 试想一下,当信仰者无法为自己的信仰而努力时,有时候甚至会比死了更难受。 ......... ……… The bone dragon circles in void, that dragon prestige covers the entire Zhou tomb prepared during one's lifetime, making one be panic at the news. 骨龙盘旋在虚空中,那龙威笼罩整个纣寿城,让人闻风丧胆。 Thousand items of Saints will lead the armies in several hundred Saint courtyards to arrive to void, as if the gods, keep aloof to overlook under mortal. 千目圣将带着几百名圣庭的大军降临到虚空中,就仿佛神明般,高高在上俯视着底下的凡人。 But except for these people, sees only thousand items of Saints in the hand, but also is pulling a very long iron chain. 而除了这些人,只见千目圣将的手中,还牵着一条很长的铁链。 This iron chain is several hundred meters at least, above already somewhat rusty, but as before firm incomparable. 这铁链起码有几百米长,上面已经有些生锈,但依旧坚固无比。 The end of iron chain in thousand items of Saints in hand. 铁链的一端在千目圣将的手中。 But another end, is tying up more than ten people. 而另一端,则捆绑着十几人。 These more than ten people just like walking corpses, dishevelled hair and dirty face, the clothing is tattered, seems like the person of dying. 这十几人宛如行尸走肉,蓬头垢面,衣衫破烂,看上去都是将死之人。 These people were before offend the Saint courtyard, criminal who then detained. 这些人便是之前得罪圣庭,便关押起来的犯人。 Now thousand items of Saints will bring them, and there is a transaction. 如今千目圣将带来他们,并且有了交易。 So long as they killed the king monarch sovereign of this flourishing prosperous country's, then can obtain the freedom. 只要他们杀了这殷昌国的国主,便可以得到自由。 Although said, the people fear the strength of Heaven and Earth, backlash that the common people pray. 虽然说,众人惧怕天地之力,万民祈福的反噬。 However is harboring several points of leaving things to chance eventually, wants to spell, perhaps opportunity. 但是终究还是抱着几分侥幸心理,想要拼上一把,说不定还有机会。 Otherwise oneself this life in the prison in Saint courtyard, will suffer greatly dead. 否则自己这一生都将在圣庭的监狱内,受尽折磨而死。 This is an open intrigue, moreover they have not resulted in elect. 这是一个阳谋,而且他们没得选。 Thousand items of Saints will look to, shouted lightly: Your king monarch sovereigns , if not come, I then extinguish Zhou tomb prepared during one's lifetime today, this soon does not have the patience.” 千目圣将看向底下,轻喝道:“你们的国主若是再不来,我今日便灭了纣寿城,本将已经快要没有耐心了。” I came,” only listens to Yin Dynasty ruins one voice to drink lightly, walked from the imperial palace. “我来了,”只听殷墟一声轻喝,从皇宫内走了出来。 At this moment he is burning with impatience, as the king monarch sovereign, is naturally impossible to make the common people be seriously battered. 此刻他心急如焚,作为国主,自然不可能让百姓们遭受重创。 He raised the head to face directly the Saint courtyard. 他抬头直面着圣庭。 Said lightly: Actually do you want how?” 淡淡说道:“你们究竟想如何?” Yin Dynasty ruins, we said is very clear,” thousand items of Saints will say lightly. “殷墟,我们说的已经很清楚了,”千目圣将淡淡说道。 Destroys in the imperial palace all images of Buddha, moreover does not allow others to begin, must you begin personally.” “摧毁皇宫内所有的佛像,而且不允许别人动手,必须你亲自动手。” Otherwise your flourishing prosperous country is going to be hit by the disaster of our extinguishing country.” “否则你们殷昌国将要遭受我们的灭国之灾。” Thousand items of Saints will be very self-satisfied. 千目圣将很得意。 Let a person destroy own belief personally, this is a how happy matter! 让一个人亲手摧毁自己的信仰,这是多么痛快的一件事啊! Yin Dynasty ruins grip tightly the double fist, clenches the teeth, being furious of ten points. 殷墟紧握双拳,咬紧牙关,十分的震怒。 But also has no alternative. 但又无可奈何。 Only can look at the vision to Xu Zimo. 只能将目光看向徐子墨 „Is Saint courtyard conduct so?” “圣庭行事一直都是如此吗?” Xu Zimo said with a smile suddenly lightly. 徐子墨突然轻笑道。 Hears sound that this suddenly resounds, thousand items of Saints a brow wrinkle. 听到这突然响起的声音,千目圣将眉头一皱。 Shouted to clear the way coldly: Qualifications that boy, when here you interrupted?” 冷喝道:“小子,这里何时有你插嘴的资格了?” Xu Zimo did not argue this, but was selfish saying: „ The back of Saint courtyard is standing Heavenly Way, is among Heaven and Earth the strongest influence. 徐子墨却不争论这个,而是自顾自的说道:“都说圣庭的背后站着天道,乃是天地间最强的势力。 But Sacred Ancestor is in society's first powerhouse. ” 圣祖更是世间第一强者。” Boy, this is the general knowledge, does not need you to tell me,” thousand items of Saints return to the cold sound said. “小子,这是常识,不需要你告诉我,”千目圣将冷声回道。 But Heaven and Earth can be so huge, is not only Heavenly Way own merit. “可是天地之所以能如此庞大,不仅仅是天道自身的功劳。 Is among Heaven and Earth the myriad things tries hard together, created present this huge world. ” 天地间万物共同努力,缔造了如今这个庞大的世界。” „ The world is popular, a non- person of merit. “世界兴,非一人之功。 The world does not have, not a person of fault. ” 世界没,亦非一人之过。” Xu Zimo continues to say. 徐子墨继续说道。 You actually want to say anything, the curved curve say/way,” thousand items of Saints will be cold the face. “你到底想说什么,弯弯道道的,”千目圣将冷着脸。 I a while ago in Evil Demon Territory, seeing the person of Saint courtyard territory to treat as the test piece. “我前段时间在孽魔域,看见圣庭将一域之人当做试验品。 Now in this Heavenly Peak Territory, sees the Saint courtyard to speak thoughtlessly then can extinguish country common people. ” 如今在这天极域,又看见圣庭随口便能灭一国百姓。” Common people seriously such as dogs and hay worthless thing?” “百姓当真如刍狗吗?” () ()
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