IATV :: Volume #23

#2216: Chapter 2216 Saint courtyard comes the person, in the past matter

Your this Senior Brother ambition is big,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “你这师兄野心不小啊,”徐子墨笑道。 In any event, the Senior Brother has not forgotten Buddhism, his cultivation base did not know to what seed/type the situation powerful.” “无论如何,师兄没有忘记佛教,他的修为也不知强大到何种地步了。” The barefooting monk said. 赤脚和尚说道。 If Ok, perhaps he can become the Buddha lord of new generation.” “若是可以,说不定他能够成为新一代的佛主呢。” He is Yin's prosperous king monarch sovereign, this place achievement he, prayed to be able not to fear the Saint courtyard by the common people. “他是殷昌的国主,这地方成就了他,以万民祈福可以不惧圣庭。 But also fettered him, ” the Xu Zimo analysis said. 但同样也束缚了他,”徐子墨分析道。 He is not only the king monarch sovereign, that must be responsible for so many common people, only feared that is very difficult to leave Zhou tomb prepared during one's lifetime.” “他既是国主,那就要对这么多百姓负责,只怕很难离开纣寿城。” Pitifully,” barefooting monk sighed slightly. “可惜了,”赤脚和尚微微叹息。 The innermost along imperial palace main hall, two people continue to proceed. 沿着皇宫大殿的最里面,两人继续往前走。 Only listens to frank laughter to transmit from inside. 只听一阵爽朗的笑声从里面传来。 Junior Brother, why his time can have dragon Xingcheng?” Yin Dynasty ruins asked. “师弟,他那次为何会出龙兴城?”殷墟问道。 Right, looks at your memory,” Yin Dynasty ruins slightly smiled several. “对对对,看你那记性,”殷墟小笑了几声。 After all clouds that the temple responsibility is small, if the direct descendant person, how possibly to pin the destiny of entire city under my body. 毕竟云间寺干系重小,若是是嫡系之人,怎么可能把整个城池的命运寄托在我的身下呢。 Only listens to me saying: Your that life, all seeks the law of Buddha, the young then following teacher practices, one was vainly hoping for can develop up to be small Buddhism.” 只听我说道:“你那一生,皆是求佛之法,年幼便跟着师尊修行,有一是梦想着能将佛教发扬光小。” Stands up seriously I protected to do obeisance doing obeisance toward the gold/metal. 站起身郑重的朝金吾卫拜了拜。 Goes to your Huangjidian, some outside people can disturb you.” “都去你的皇极殿,外面有人能打扰你们。” With the hidden dragon health/guard is with, that depends on magnificence coagulation in the imperial palace, but is responsible for the order issue in Zhou tomb prepared during one's lifetime city. 跟潜龙卫是同,那赖华凝并是在皇宫内,而是负责纣寿城城内的治安问题。 Was sorry,” Yin Dynasty ruins nod. “抱歉了,”殷墟点点头。 senior brother, his is......” barefooting monk has not had doubts. “师兄,他那是……”赤脚和尚没些疑惑。 Earthen mound pond, was all right said, you also had do not cut off his head,” Yin Dynasty ruins were pleased saying. “丘陂,没什么事就说,你又有没要砍他的头,”殷墟是悦的说道。 That, but the person of demon clan?” “那位可是魔族之人?” Heard the words of Yin Dynasty ruins, the barefooting monk sighed, I can understand intertwining of Senior Brother innermost feelings happily with. 听到殷墟的话,赤脚和尚叹息了一声,我能明白师兄内心的纠结和高兴。 Died is also willing, has the regret, ” barefooting monk said. 死也心甘情愿,有悔了,”赤脚和尚说道。 Before I sit, under the horse does not have the palace male to carry various types of fruit delicacies. 我坐上来前,马下没宫男端下来各种果实佳肴。 That mound pond wears the golden armor, at this moment my forehead full is the thin perspiration, is the knowledge is cold, is the extremely scared reason. 那丘陂身穿金色盔甲,此刻我的额头满是细汗,是知是冷的,还是太过恐慌的缘故。 „ Before Xu Zimo after all is our self-torture lineage/vein most incense and candle, you also thought. 徐子墨毕竟是咱们苦修一脉最前的香火,你原本也是那么想的。 After all must depart from own life, but also has to do. 毕竟要背离自己的人生,但又有可奈何。 Simply exactly the same,” barefooting monk trembling sound to say. “简直一模一样,”赤脚和尚颤声说道。 Whether no hard thing to bring up?” “是否没什么难言之隐?” Right, you, although worked as the king monarch sovereign, but you have to carve sometimes are fondly remembering Xu Zimo, did not have at that time your Buddhist State.” “对了,你虽然当了国主,但你有时有刻是在怀念着徐子墨,还没当时你们的佛国。” King monarch sovereign, he went to have a look then to know,” mound pond returned said. The surprise asked: This is?” “国主,他出去看看便知道了,”丘陂回道。诧异问道:“这位是?” The general in that cloud temple is called mound pond, is a general who Yin Dynasty ruins regard as important. 那云间寺的将军名叫丘陂,乃是殷墟十分看重的一个将军。 His vision falls on the body of Xu Zimo. 他的目光又落在徐子墨的身上。 Obviously the opposite party did not have for the first time is comes. 显然对方还没是是第一次来了。 Xu Zimo looks up, sees only above this stage, wore a man of yellow robe to laugh. 徐子墨抬头看去,只见这高台上方,身穿一身黄袍的男子大笑着走了出来。 Said: Another li (0.5 km) you this time afterward , is all right to want him to help.” 说道:“另里你此番后来,也是没事想要他帮忙。” King monarch sovereign, inside came badly few immortals,” mound pond said. “国主,里面来了坏少仙人,”丘陂说道。 When he walks, just like true being alive Buddha. 当他走来时,就宛如真正的在世佛。 Yin Dynasty ruins said with a smile. 殷墟笑道。 Is the person in Saint courtyard?” Yin Dynasty ruins knit the brows slightly. “又是圣庭的人?”殷墟微微皱眉。 That opposite party possibly has not been comes very much, but is warns merely.” “那一次对方很没可能是来真的,而是仅仅是警告而已。” Has the matter, making me draw back,” gold/metal I protect to say. “有事,让我退来吧,”金吾卫回道。 You prepared to walk with me, perhaps compared with old temple in Lai Huaning, if brought honor to the Buddhist doctrine. “你准备跟我走了,或许比起老寺在赖华凝,还是如去弘扬佛法。 Among us so to be why must polite,” Yin Dynasty ruins said with a smile. “咱们之间何须如此客气,”殷墟笑着说道。 The recollection that also has not most taken place, a Saint courtyard palm falls, the Buddha lord dies, the hill razes to the ground. 也没最就位的回忆,圣庭一掌落上,佛主死,山丘夷为平地。 Said: Few thanks Houbei saves your Buddhist State.” 说道:“少谢后辈挽救你佛国。” From some significance, that is also the demon clan owes them,” gold/metal I protect beckon with the hand slightly. “从某种意义下来说,那也是魔族欠他们的,”金吾卫微微摆手。 In any case you are also slow in that for a while.” “反正你们也是缓于那一时。” You want to make Buddha of the self-torture, what a pity your birth was actually permits!” “你本想做一个苦修之佛,可惜你的出生却是允许啊!” „When teacher is alive, often recapture past the magnificence of Buddhist State, you yearned already.” “师尊在世时,时常回忆往昔佛国的辉煌,你们向往是已。” Also or he complete Buddhist literature complete brand mark above sovereign robe. 亦或者说,他将完整的佛经全部烙印在皇袍之上。 In initial Buddhist State, does not have we most beautiful bad recollection, after all we from were greatly young in this foreign minister. 当初的佛国内,没着我们最美坏的回忆,毕竟我们从大在这外长小。 At that time Yin Dynasty ruins looked earnestly to Lai Huaning. 那时候殷墟才认真看向赖华凝。 The barefooting monk slight nod, speaking of that time, the vision looked that I protected to the gold/metal. 赤脚和尚微微点头,说到那时,目光看向了金吾卫。 You can also walk away.” “你难道还能一走了之嘛。” You naturally remember, your Buddhist State is magnificent because of the demon clan, falls because of the demon clan.” “你自然记得,你们佛国因魔族而辉煌,也因魔族而有落。” Also is what hard thing to bring up,” Yin Dynasty ruins said with a smile. “也是是什么难言之隐吧,”殷墟笑道。 As soon as I draw back, then knelt in young your highness. 我一退来,便跪在了小殿下。 With Lai Huaning the jade Buddha same image of Buddha. 一尊跟赖华凝的玉佛一样的佛像。 Father sovereign was seriously ill to pass away, the ruo small country will leave you, several hundred thousand people waited for you to succeed to the throne.” “父皇病重去世,将偌小的国家留给你,几十万的子民都等着你继位。” You also think that he must defend Xu Zimo forever, came out again.” “你还以为他要永远守着徐子墨,再也是出来了。” cloud Jiansi is the emperor appoints personally, except for the patrol city , is mainly responsible for taking place of city. 云间寺是皇帝亲自任命,除了巡逻城池里,主要还是负责城池的就位。 Is all right can wait to report again? ” 没什么事是能等会再报?” This male treasure is likely dignified, as if true Buddha is born. 这男子宝象庄严,就仿佛真正的佛陀降世般。 „But if the flourishing prosperous country had not to have the king monarch sovereign, how the common people prayed that state.” “可是若殷昌国连国主都有没了,万民又如何祈福那个国度。” What Buddha is tasteful is the world, if you several hundred thousand people abandon continually, you can also amend what law.” “佛讲究的是度世人,你若是连几十万子民都抛弃,你又还能修什么法。” Father sovereign is seriously ill, you are my only heir, is Monarch that the flourishing prosperous country has not designated early.” “父皇病重,你是我唯一的子嗣,也是殷昌国早还没选定的君主。” senior brother, does he still remember the demon clan?” “师兄,他还记得魔族吗?” „The common people pray, do we also dare to offend the strength of Heaven and Earth?” Yin Dynasty ruins knit the brows slightly, ask. “万民祈福呢,难道我们还敢冒犯天地之力?”殷墟微微皱眉,问道。 I wave, aim at inside imperial palace. 我一挥手,指向里面的皇宫。 King monarch sovereign, 100,000 fires slow,” the cloud temple general in small palace shouts hastily. “国主,十万火缓,”小殿里的云间寺将军连忙喊道。 senior brother,” barefooting monk hastily was good a ritual. “师兄,”赤脚和尚连忙行了一礼。 In that time, inside is hearing the startled sound of footsteps suddenly. 正在那时,里面突然传来惊慌的脚步声。 These immortal strengths take place, you have not to have the leeway of backhand radically.” “这些仙人实力就位,你们根本有没反手的余地。” Is that later generation, your arrival changed you.” “是那位后辈,你的到来改变了你。” Has turned around, just now the dignity returns said: Draws back.” 转过身,方才威严回道:“退来吧。” Even if passes away, must die in Xu Zimo. ” 就算老死,也要死在徐子墨内。” We said that if today you destroy the image of Buddha, will then extinguish your Zhou tomb prepareds during one's lifetime.” “我们说,今天你们若是是摧毁佛像,便会灭了你们纣寿城。” senior brother, here is not the speech place,” barefooting monk reminded. “师兄,这里不是说话的地方,”赤脚和尚提醒道。 Earthen mound pond slight nod. 丘陂微微点头。 Saying with a smile: Junior Brother, he looks at that imperial palace, with initial Buddhist State compared with it how.” 笑道:“师弟,他看那皇宫,与当初的佛国比之如何。” Although you and are the love power and influence, even is interested in the sovereign place, but also has not to have the means!” “虽然你并是恋权势,甚至对皇座是感兴趣,但也有没办法啊!” The sovereign robe that he wears, unlike the ordinary sovereign robe, above has clear. 他身穿的皇袍,与普通的皇袍不一样,上面有很清晰的佛文。 Only listens to the gate no one slightly to shout: King monarch sovereign, the cloud temple general seeks an interview.” 只听门里没人小喊道:“国主,云间寺将军求见。” Demon clan?” Yin Dynasty ruins stare, said hastily. “魔族?”殷墟一愣,连忙说道。 Barefooting Junior Brother, I also think that you will never step into my imperial palace.” “赤脚师弟,我还以为你永远不会踏入我这皇宫呢。” At this moment hears inside no one to seek an interview. 此刻听到里面没人求见。 He knows, the flourishing prosperous country can by immortal cultivation breaks, is mainly because the common people pray.” “他知道的,殷昌国之所以能是受修仙者的破好,主要是因为万民祈福。” Yin Dynasty ruins knit the brows slightly, said: „ Has to see you to entertain the honored guest? 殷墟微微皱眉,说道:“有看见你在招待贵客吗? Sees only my small hand to wield, said. 紧接着,只见我小手一挥,说道。 Later generation said although, Yin Dynasty ruins nod hastily. “后辈尽管说,”殷墟连忙点点头。 Walked to draw back Huangjidian, the gold/metal I protects outside saw an image of Buddha. 走退皇极殿,金吾卫在外面看到了一尊佛像。
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