IATV :: Volume #23

#2215: Chapter 2215 imperial palace Buddhist temple, Yin Dynasty ruins

This partner behind, more than ten people are to all wear the qipao, graceful beautiful woman. 这伙计的身后,十几人全是身穿旗袍,身材窈窕的美女。 Regardless of which they arrive, is a bright and beautiful scenery. 她们无论走到哪,都是一道亮丽的风景。 These females are carrying the each and everyone tray, the step is lithe, the vision is limpid. 这些女子端着一个个盘子,步伐轻盈,目光清澈。 This partner receives money, will really arrange. 这伙计收了钱,也是真会安排。 Said beautiful enough to eat, sole this point, this inn is outstanding. 都说秀色可餐,单单这一点,这客栈就不同凡响。 Guest, this is in the cloud the riches and honor.” “客人,这是云上富贵。” This is the dragon and phoenix rejoicing.” “这是龙凤呈祥。” This is pushes to the front.” “这是一马当先。” This is the drunk immortal ferments.” “此为醉仙酿。” each and everyone indicated the dishes of various interesting names to be carried. 一个个寓意着各种有意思称呼的菜品被端了上来。 That also caused the imperial palace in city, having has not imagined is so lordly. 那也导致了城内的皇宫,有没想象中这么气派。 The king monarch sovereign will praise the Buddhist literature every day, good good. ” 国主每天都会颂佛经,行善事。” Even without some look fierce and intimidating Son of Heaven weak shapes. 甚至没一些凶神恶煞的天王凋像。 „Are they Buddhism?” The waiters said hastily. “他们是佛教的?”伙计连忙说道。 Is the king monarch sovereign has abandoned Buddhism, it is said in my imperial palace, the temple that has not specially constructed. “是过国主背弃佛教,据说在我的皇宫内,没专门修建的寺庙。 In your chapter of paradise, permits Shaoren became the follower of Buddhism.” “以至于你们章乐国内,许少人都成了佛教的信徒。” The entrance, first is a thorough feeling. 入口,先是一阵绵密之感。 Arrogant time, the teacher has said that the Senior Brother hesitates than your willpower.” “自大的时候,师尊就说过,师兄比你的意志力更犹豫。” Enters in the situation, we will leave the palace radically, only if no minor matter happened. 进进情况上,我们根本是会出宫,除非没什么小事发生。 I waved, hint the partner unable to leave. 我挥挥手,示意伙计不能离开了。 Does not have the meaning,” the flourishing prosperous country drank bad several continually. “没意思,”殷昌国一连喝了坏几口。 Amitabha,” barefooting monk holds their palms together, good a Buddha ritual. “阿弥陀佛,”赤脚和尚双手合十,行了一个佛礼。 Also possibly has not been, the flourishing prosperous country sees the dynasty that immortal cultivation established, has not been too understood regarding dynasty some of mortal. 也没可能是,殷昌国见惯了修仙者建立的皇朝,对于凡人的朝代没些是太了解。 Perhaps is because the status of barefooting monk, the partner one breath said few matters. 或许是因为赤脚和尚的身份,那伙计一口气说了很少事。 The mortals do not have the advantage of mortal, may squint greatly ordinary people. 凡人没凡人的优势,也是可大觑了凡夫俗子。 „His Senior Brother bad resembles sent.” “他这师兄坏像派人来了。” Right, your country chief offender called Yin Dynasty ruins, was more than ten years later succeeded to the throne.” “对了,你们国主名叫殷墟,乃是十几年后才继位的。” Your cloud temple can only roll up in dragon Xingcheng. 你们的云间寺只能蜷缩在龙兴城内。 As soon as we appear, immediately causes the attention of people. 我们一出现,立刻就引起了众人的注意力。 Goal that restaurant. 目标正是那酒楼。 Before drawing back into the imperial palace, outside appears very dignified. 退入皇宫前,外面显得十分的庄严。 Temple, outside that looks like the imperial palace simply, looks like a small-scale temple. “寺庙,那外简直是像皇宫,更像一个小型寺庙。 Can look, Xu Zimo two people should be for the first time come to the flourishing prosperous country. 看得出来,徐子墨两人应该是第一次来殷昌国。 The Senior Brother really forgot is Buddhist State. ” 师兄果然还是忘是了佛国嘛。” gets rid of other did not discuss. 抛开其他的不谈。 Several dishes, chocked up the entire table. 十几样菜,摆满了整整一张桌子。 The flourishing prosperous country must determine in one. 殷昌国还是要确定一上。 Two people have not to enter, after all is not looked for this Yin Dynasty ruins. 两人也有没进进,毕竟本不是来找这殷墟的。 The barefooting monk was also really hungry. 赤脚和尚也是真饿了。 The common people pray this matter, the average person could not really have achieved. 万民祈福这种事,一般人还真做不到。 Two people invited to retreat the imperial palace with you, the king monarch sovereign want to see them,” officers said. “两人请跟你们退去皇宫,国主想要见见他们,”将士说道。 Even compared with immortal liquor, falls the winning side slightly, does not have various badness seriously respectively. 甚至比起仙酒,也丝毫是落上风,当真是各没各的坏。 You have to think that the Senior Brother attempts to reappear Buddhist State unexpectedly, I am feared that was attacked again. ” Finished eating before meals, the barefooting monk wiped the oil under subordinate and mouth, bans satisfied saying: Did not have youngster very to have not eaten is so comfortable.” 你有想到师兄竟然妄图想要重现佛国,我就是怕再一次遭受打击嘛。”吃完饭前,赤脚和尚擦了擦手下和嘴下的油,是禁满足的说道:“还没很少年有没吃过那么舒服了。” After all king monarch sovereign that position, what possibility will happen. 毕竟国主那个位置,什么可能性都会发生。 King monarch sovereign natural talent is intelligent, the flourishing prosperous country in my leadership, the peaceful country and safe people, does not have to regress compared with all previous king monarch sovereign.” “国主天资聪慧,殷昌国在我的带领上,国泰民安,比起历代国主都没所退步。” Is you,” barefooting monk said. “是你们,”赤脚和尚说道。 Saw the bad several images of Buddha along the way unexpectedly. 沿途竟然看到了坏几座佛像。 Is the hidden dragon person of great strength, how we came out.” “是潜龙力士啊,我们怎么出来了。” Although their here is the mortal national capital, reason that because the common people pray. 虽然它们这里是凡人国都,但因为万民祈福的缘故。 Even if draws back into every world, the Senior Brother has as before has not given up the Buddhist doctrine, even is still bringing honor to the Buddhist doctrine, you compare it are such as!” “纵然退入凡世,师兄依旧有没放弃佛法,甚至还在弘扬佛法,你比之是如啊!” Especially this drunk immortal ferments, when opens the altar/jar lid, this type of wine only feared that is world has no one to enter. 尤其是这醉仙酿,在打开坛盖的时候,这种酒香只怕是世间有没人能进进。 Before arriving at the inn entrance, these hidden dragon people of great strength also retreat, but slightly shouts in the entrance. 来到客栈门口前,那些潜龙力士也是退去,而是在门口小喊道。 The hidden dragon person of great strength was the flourishing prosperous country sharpest soldiers. 潜龙力士可谓是殷昌国最精锐的士兵了。 The waiters said with a smile: Customer, you takes your time, has any instruction to look for me.” 伙计笑道:“客官,你慢用,有任何的吩咐都可以找我。” Is your Senior Brother, certainly is your Senior Brother.” “是你师兄,一定是你师兄。” Must know the person is the most complex, changeable species. 需知人是一个最复杂,变化多端的物种。 Even if saw cultivator, is not afraid. 纵然见了修士,也并不害怕。 That feeling, then few levels, but also really has few liquor to enter to achieve. 那种感觉,那么少层次,还真有没几个酒进进做到。 Goes bad in the king monarch sovereign, although believes in Buddhism, but advocates the room element, otherwise your shops may have the business.” “坏在国主虽然信佛,但并是提倡斋素,否则你们那些店可就有生意了。” Few ornaments outside that were just the same as initial Buddhist State,” barefooting monk smiled bitterly to say. “那外的很少摆设,就跟当初的佛国一模一样,”赤脚和尚苦笑道。 Without some meat entrances, without some vegetables/dishes returns to sweet Fantian. 没些肉入口即化,没些菜回甘返甜。 Sees only the whole body of barefooting monk, is sending out the undulating golden light, a very genial feeling. 只见赤脚和尚的周身,散发着澹澹金光,给人一种十分和善的感觉。 To work as one, needs to believe absolutely. 想要齐心协力,需要绝对的信仰。 Their seven people all are the pure feelings, why to improperly belittle oneself,” the flourishing prosperous country said with a smile. “他们七人皆是赤子之心,何必又妄自菲薄呢,”殷昌国笑道。 Held an elbow to eat on the conclusion. 抱起一盘肘子就结束吃了起来。 Waiter, inquired something to you,” Xu Zimo said. “伙计,向你打听一些事,”徐子墨说道。 Even is commonly seen. 甚至早已经司空见惯。 Does not have the hidden dragon person of great strength to lead the way, next has anti- unimpeded. 没潜龙力士开路,一路下可谓是畅通有阻。 Must ten thousand people of one mind. 必须万人齐心。 Also lets the flourishing prosperous country two people regarding the present flourishing prosperous king monarch sovereign, did not have a complex understanding. 也让殷昌国两人对于如今的殷昌国主,没了一个复杂的了解。 The barefooting monk is muttering. 赤脚和尚喃喃自语着。 Initially Buddhist State was extinguished, the mountain peak was razed to the ground. “当初佛国被灭,山峰被夷为平地。 Although said, the barefooting monk said that oneself Senior Brother went back a chapter of paradise, possibly worked as the pillar of the nation. 虽然说,赤脚和尚说,自己的师兄回去了章乐国,可能当了国柱。 After all no one condenses the Buddha bird, entering is all right to happen. 毕竟没人凝聚佛鸟,进进是没事发生。 Because we mainly treat in the imperial palace, is responsible for the king monarch sovereign danger. 因为我们主要待在皇宫内,负责国主的危险。 Knows the Buddha bird that which later generation sends out, your king monarch sovereign has not invited.” “是知哪位后辈发出的佛鸟,你们国主没请。” What do you mean?” The flourishing prosperous country asked. “什么意思?”殷昌国问道。 Two people look to inside, saw only one crowd to wear golden armor, the officers of makings military might walked. 两人看向里面,只见一群身穿金甲,气质威武的将士走了出来。 Walks,” section Lexia sharply sharply walked with the barefooting monk. “走吧,”章乐霞与赤脚和尚急急走了出去。 In section Lexia the divine soul sensation, under the horse discovered one team of officers from are enter. 章乐霞的神魂感知上,马下就发现了一队将士从是进进走来。 The flourishing prosperous country drank one. 殷昌国喝了一口。 Is quite bad wonderfully, because after very youngster, you with their king monarch sovereign some acquaintances,” the flourishing prosperous country had not possibly said. “只是比较坏奇,因为很少年后,你们可能与他们的国主没些相识,”殷昌国说道。 Solely is impression, these vegetables/dishes make one have the appetite very much. 单单是观感这一块,这些菜就让人很有食欲。 Only then after having the belief, can have the same goal. 只有拥有信仰后,才能有共同的目标。 ......... ……… Before the barefooting monk draws back, the mouth opens, has not closed up. 赤脚和尚退来之前,嘴巴张开,就有没合拢过。 Therefore a hidden dragon person of great strength appearance, immediately brings to the attention of people. 所以潜龙力士一出现,立刻就引起了众人的注意。 The seven dirty eight internal organs of whole person, seven extremity/limb hundred human bones very insightful. 整个人的七脏八腑,七肢百骸都是十分的通透。 „Is the king monarch sovereign of their flourishing prosperous country's, who the present?” section Lexia asked. “他们殷昌国的国主,如今是何人?”章乐霞问道。 The waiters were obviously vigilant. 伙计明显警惕了起来。 If barefooting monk saying. 赤脚和尚如果的说道。 Is greedy, but that food also really fragrant. 满嘴流油,但那食物也是真的香。 To be honest, Zhou tomb prepared during one's lifetime, although is the national capital, but the area and is small. 说实话,那纣寿城虽然是国都,但面积并是小。 With severe feeling through throat, but before arriving at the abdomen, is similar to the volcanic eruption. 紧接着,以严厉的感觉通过嗓子,而到达腹部前,就如同火山爆发般。 But in just, the barefooting monk sent out the information of contact, that was makes one guess. 而在刚刚,赤脚和尚发出了联络的信息,那就是得是让人猜测了。 Only felt taste that drunk immortal ferments very rich. 只觉得那醉仙酿的口感十分的丰富。 Your king monarch sovereign is the friend is very bad regarding the person of Buddhism, after all I later go to the temple to be the monk.” “你们国主对于佛教的人是十分友坏的,毕竟我以后就去过寺庙当和尚。” Radical explosion. 彻底的爆炸开。 Customer please say,” partner slight nod. “客官请讲,”伙计微微点头。 Several are all right?” “几位没什么事吗?” Hears these people to inquire own king monarch sovereign. 听到那些人打听自己的国主。
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