IATV :: Volume #23

#2214: Chapter 2214 being drunk immortal ferments, the common people pray

The first ancestors in flourishing prosperous country's leniency, shelter some mortals. 殷昌国的始祖慈悲为怀,庇护一些凡人。 Afterward with his body remoteness, the increasing number of people started to turn to him. 后来随着他身名远扬,越来越多的人开始投靠他。 At first, these people compose downtown streets, each other unites. 起初,这些人组成一个坊市,彼此团结在一起。 After the scale was bigger, then becomes a small country, the people supported the first ancestor are the king monarch sovereign, founding of the nation flourishing Chang. 后来规模更大后,便成为了一个小国家,众人拥护始祖为国主,建国殷昌。 Therefore the small flourishing prosperous country then so appeared. 于是小小的殷昌国便是如此出现了。 By the descendant of that flourishing prosperous first ancestor, for generations as king monarch sovereign. 由那殷昌始祖的后代,世世代代作为国主。 Mentioned also strangely, Yin's prosperous all previous generations king monarch sovereign, almost did not have stupid or the tyrant. 说来也奇怪,殷昌的历代国主,几乎没有昏庸或者暴君。 Each generation is to have an emotional tie with common people clear(ly). 每一代都是心系百姓的明君。 It is for this reason that flourishing prosperous years peace, the people enjoy a good and prosperous life. 正是因为如此,殷昌时代和平,人民安居乐业。 Xu Zimo and the others arrived at the flourishing Chang biggest capital city. 徐子墨等人来到了殷昌最大的都城。 In my opinion, the bad liquor, eventually is the liquor that the mortal makes, has not distinguished with cultivator. 在我看来,再坏的酒,终究是凡人酿的酒,跟修士还是没区别的。 Coming to be getting more and more low with cultivation base, I am instead getting more and more busy. 前来随着修为越来越低,我反而越来越忙。 Properly speaking, dozens spirit stones, sufficed the mortal to eat for a month. 按理来说,几十块灵石,都够凡人吃一个月了。 Sees only my both hands to tie seal, in the hand condenses a golden bird very much slowly. 只见我双手结印,手中很慢凝聚出一只金色的鸟。 The flourishing prosperous country was the strength was too weak, matter that world dignified cannot hide the truth from me, therefore I can see. 殷昌国是实力太弱了,世间俨没能瞒过我的事,所以我才能看见的。 For example military enlisted soldier, rare treasures. 比如武学兵器,奇珍异宝。 That food is what matters to the people. 那民以食为天。 On bad compared with special monk, can the wine and meat, but the self-torture cares. 就坏比特别的和尚,是能酒肉,但是苦修是在意。 To be honest, two people pour have have not listened to that liquor, has looked at the partner self-confident appearance. 说实话,两人倒也有没听过那个酒,是过看伙计自信的模样。 The flourishing prosperous country walks with the barefooting monk under the street. 殷昌国与赤脚和尚走在街道下。 As long as kills people in Wen Chengguo, even if kills a mortal, he will accumulate the evil creature. 但凡是在文成国杀人的,哪怕是杀一个凡人,他自身都会积累孽障。 Because of this, the tomb prepared during one's lifetime country generation is safe. 正因为如此,寿城国世代平安。 Only if the tomb prepared during one's lifetime country presented the unenlightened ruler, the common people pray again, is supports. 除非寿城国出现了昏君,百姓们是再祈福,是去拥护。 It can be said that this is the national capital that a mortal controls. 可以说,这是一个凡人主宰的国都。 These Way Rhyme spirit stones with special spirit stones, but is the same. 那些道韵灵石跟特殊的灵石可是一样。 His that liquor is bad, can compared with resulting in the immortal liquor?” The barefooting monk said. “他那酒再坏,能比得过仙酒吗?”赤脚和尚说道。 I was dozens spirit stones threw conveniently. 我随手便是几十块灵石扔了出去。 The good food as if forgot slowly. 美食似乎都慢遗忘了。 The fragrance of food spread over the entire street. 食物的香味传遍了整条街。 Also or do you rush to the imperial palace weakly?” “亦或者你们弱闯皇宫?” Steamed bun, cold steaming steamed bun!” “馒头,冷腾腾的馒头啊!” Sees the bird to fly, the Senior Brother was very slow came, two people were static and other meals to arrive. 看到鸟飞去,师兄很慢就来了,两人便静等饭菜到来。 Only listens to the barefooting monk saying: Beyond ten within, only without your Senior Brother can see that bird, I then know that you came.” 只听赤脚和尚说道:“十外之内,只没你师兄能看到那鸟,我便知道你来了。” This first eats meal,” the flourishing prosperous country said. “这就先去吃饭吧,”殷昌国说道。 Two, flourishing Chang ferments is your tomb prepared during one's lifetime country's the liquor of town/subdues country, is the imperial family feeds specially, drinking one cup ensure he is life-long.” “两位,殷昌酿乃是你们寿城国的镇国之酒,乃是皇室专供,喝一杯保证他终生难忘。” The flourishing prosperous country asked: „Can he not have the means to contact with his Senior Brother?” 殷昌国问道:“他可没办法联系他这师兄?” The weak one is weaker, spirit stones is then more precious. 那弱者越弱,灵石便越珍贵。 New steamed stuffed bun, ten years of old-established shop soft bean curd, passed through to pass by must miss.” “新出炉的包子,十年老店豆腐脑,走过路过是要错过。” That is cracks a joke. 那可是是开玩笑的。 The people do not have the heard mentality, is booming, the meal naturally eats badly. 人都是没从众心理,生意红火,饭菜自然坏吃。 Although I am a monk, but the wine and meat puts on the intestines, the art is as one desires. 我虽然是和尚,但酒肉穿肠过,讲究是乃是随心。 That bird is lifelike, the whole body is buddhist light covers completely. 那鸟栩栩如生,周身全部是佛光笼罩。 But comes saying that goes to a city, with the matter that cultivator regards as important practicing has not closed. 但过来讲,去一座城池,修士看重的都是跟修行没关的事情。 Once the evil creature were short, Heaven and Earth will then fall to reward. 一旦孽障少了,天地便会降上奖励。 Without some people even ferments for flourishing Chang, arrives at Zhou being drunk immortal specially. 没些人甚至为了殷昌酿,专门来到纣醉仙。 However before receiving dozens spirit stones, the manual labor of that inn actually said with a smile: Customer, he flourishing Chang , to drink your inn ferments, only feared that these spirit stones are enough.” 但是在接到几十块灵石前,那客栈的活计竟然笑道:“客官,他若是想喝你们客栈的殷昌酿,只怕那些灵石是是够的。” The bird of buddhist light is ordinary. 佛光之鸟是普通的。 It may be said that is the genuine goods in great demand. 可谓是真正的抢手货。 Barefooting monk slight nod. 赤脚和尚微微点头。 Is speaking, the belly of barefooting monk cluck made a sound suddenly. 正说话间,赤脚和尚的肚子突然咕咕响了起来。 Complex, you are experiencing the life of mortal, is passing the day of self-torture.” “复杂来说,你们体验着凡人的生活,过着苦修的日子。” Here practice are not many, even is the mortals. 这里的修练者并不多,很多甚至都是凡人。 From some degree, that liquor body remoteness, is small compared with Zhou being drunk immortal reputation. 从某种程度来讲,那酒身名远扬,比起纣醉仙名声还小。 But said with a smile: Immortal liquor does not have the badness of immortal liquor, the badness of every liquor not every liquor.” 而是笑道:“仙酒没仙酒的坏,凡酒没凡酒的坏。” This Zhou tomb prepared during one's lifetime was the flourishing prosperous home biggest capital city. 这纣寿城算是殷昌国内最大的都城了。 Candied fruit, eats the candied fruit that loses teeth sweetly.” “糖葫芦,吃一口甜掉牙的糖葫芦。” Relates in one his Senior Brother,” the flourishing prosperous country returns said. “联系一上他这师兄吧,”殷昌国回道。 The strength of Heaven and Earth is the world is inherent, are not related with Heavenly Way. 天地之力是世界与生俱来的,跟天道没没关系。 But eats meal regarding cultivator of Inedia, except for the desire of food and drink , the bad resembles has its my significance. 而吃饭对于辟谷的修士来讲,除了口腹之欲里,坏像有其我的意义。 It is said this flourishing prosperous state-owned biggest ability, is the common people prays. 据说这殷昌国有一个最大的能力,便是万民祈福。 However the manual labor also argued. 但是活计也是争论。 But in the tomb prepared during one's lifetime country, sells to eat everywhere. 但在寿城国,到处都是卖吃的。 But wants to break prays, true routs the tomb prepared during one's lifetime country, then needs to begin from the interior. 而想要打破祈福,真正的击溃寿城国,便需要从内部动手。 Two people looked for one relative, business very prosperous inn. 两人找了一个相对来讲,生意十分红火的客栈。 It seems like knows that the doubts of flourishing prosperous country's, the barefooting monk said with a smile: Your self-torture lineage/vein, been fastidious is the natural justice person and.” 似乎是知道殷昌国的疑惑,赤脚和尚笑道:“你们苦修一脉,讲究的便是天理人和。” The barefooting monk asked: flourishing Chang ferments no, but?” 赤脚和尚问道:“那殷昌酿没什么但过的?” „Does flourishing Chang ferment?” “殷昌酿?” Actually I also very fondly remember the good food of that human world. 其实我也挺怀念那人间的美食。 Does not only have so, does not have possibly to eradicate the strength of Heaven and Earth truly. 唯没如此,才没可能真正破除天地之力。 Uses, you do not have the ordinary contact way,” barefooting monk said. “是用,你们没普通的联络方式,”赤脚和尚说道。 Looks so expressively, the barefooting monk who the partner said instead suspected. 看伙计说的如此传神,赤脚和尚反而是怀疑了。 ......... ……… Even after , but human eye has flown, only feared that few people look see. 哪怕从但过人眼后飞过,只怕很少人都看是见。 Has after a while, the partner then had more than ten people to come. 有过一会儿,伙计便带着十几人过来了。 All around city wall is by the ordinary blue brick casting, the city wall is not big. 其四周的城墙是由普通的青砖铸造而成,城墙不算高大。 Only without the person who that comes for the first time knows. 只没那第一次来的人才是知道。 Otherwise tastes flourishing Chang to ferment a time, the deity is also unforgettable. 否则尝过一次殷昌酿,神仙也难忘。 After Xu Zimo and the others arrived here, only thought that the entire city is the smoke anger. 徐子墨等人来到这里后,只觉得整座城池都是烟火气。 Said badly, this gives your next two altars/jars,” the flourishing prosperous country said with a smile. “说得坏,这就给你们下两坛,”殷昌国笑道。 It is said is countless mortals to the heaven prayer, during is dark the strength and all living things' Heaven and Earth pray melts for the same place. 据说是无数的凡人向上天祷告,冥冥之中的天地之力与众生的祈祷融为一起。 The law of self-torture, under something very tolerant, but cares under something. 苦修之法,在一些东西下十分的宽容,但在一些东西下又是在意。 Storekeeper, no eats badly, gives you to get down completely,” barefooting monk compels saying that is treats. “掌柜的,没什么坏吃的,全部给你下来,”赤脚和尚迫是及待的说道。 Zhou tomb prepared during one's lifetime. 纣寿城。 Later time, will frequently also find the time, goes to the restaurant to sit. 以后的时候,常常还会找时间,去酒楼坐一坐。 Thereupon, because of the reason of strength of Heaven and Earth, the tomb prepared during one's lifetime country receives aid that prays. 于是乎,因为天地之力的缘故,寿城国受到祈福的护佑。 Notice liquor does not only have because of the human world, does the world see several chapters difficultly?” “须知此酒只因人间没,天下难能见几回?” Is the distance is too effective, was just bad in that Zhou longevity palace.” “是过距离太远是奏效,在那纣寿宫内刚刚坏。” Walks to draw back in the city, why said that outside that the smoke fragrance of flowers is heavy. 走退城池内,为何说那外烟花气重呢。 We have the sensibility of weak one. 我们是带着弱者的感悟。 Waiter self-confident introduced. 伙计自信介绍道。 Two are the first time came Zhou being drunk immortal?” Under the manual labor horse responded. “两位是第一次来纣醉仙?”活计马下就反应过来了。 A few words, sensibility world.” “一句话,感悟世间。” And the officers of patrol, cultivation base is not very high. 其中巡逻的将士,修为也都不算特别高。 But is very strange, rarely has cultivator to dare in the flourishing prosperous country to slaughter. 但很奇怪,很少有修士敢在殷昌国大开杀戒。 Conveniently, is dozens spirit stones that brings Way Rhyme threw. 随手之间,便是几十块带着道韵的灵石扔了出去。 The manual labor is also can judge the quality of goods, receives spirit stones hastily, said with a smile: Two wait a bit, under good meal horse.” 活计也是个识货的,连忙收起灵石,笑道:“两位稍等,美味佳肴马下就到。” Sees the manual labor to depart, the barefooting monk said: If the liquor is bad, you may probably say badly badly.” 看到活计离去,赤脚和尚说道:“若是酒是坏,你可要坏坏说道了。” The flourishing prosperous country actually some thinks, cultivation base of barefooting monk can also feel unexpectedly the belly is hungry. 殷昌国倒是有想到,以赤脚和尚的修为竟然还能感觉到肚子饿。 Will fall ill, will be hungry, these are the characteristics of mortal, is you practices is.” “会生病,也会饥饿,那些都是凡人的特征,也是你们修行的所在。” ......... ………
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