IATV :: Volume #23

#2213: The Chapter 2213 flourishing prosperous country, Buddha shows the way

I know that needs to eradicate the curse, is how the key broken, is the key point.” “我知道需要破除诅咒,可是关键怎么破,才是重点。” The Gansu province returns said. 陇州回道。 At present we could not find the curse the place, does the Grandmaster have the means?” “目前我们找不到诅咒的地方,大师有办法吗?” I try,” barefooting monk said. “我试试吧,”赤脚和尚说道。 He can see Narro usually behind heavy line. 他能看到那罗素身后的黑线。 These heavy lines are connecting Luo Su and curse. 这些黑线连接着罗素以及诅咒。 Actually so long as the following heavy line walks, can find the place of curse. 其实只要跟着黑线走,就能找到诅咒之地。 However the person of next incantation is not silly, whatever how possibly cursed is found. 但是下咒之人也不傻,怎么可能任由诅咒被找到呢。 He will definitely move even hides intentionally, if so troubled. 他肯定会移动甚至故意躲藏,若是如此就麻烦了。 The barefooting monk needs, was place of the finding curse, thus did not alert the enemy. 赤脚和尚需要的,是神不知鬼不觉的找到诅咒之地,从而不打草惊蛇。 Strict of Buddhist doctrine, is hopes that can work for all living things.” “佛法的严格,便是希望能为芸芸众生做事。” Regarding barefooting monk, I asked then to carry forward up to be young the Buddhist doctrine. 对于赤脚和尚而言,我所求便是将佛法发扬光小。 Has to think that world does not have such weak one unexpectedly. 只是有想到世间竟没如此弱者。 The barefooting monk waves. 赤脚和尚又是一挥手。 Very slow, the barefooting monk tidied up went bad the goods. 很慢,赤脚和尚收拾坏了物品。 Became asks the wife and children to Meng Kun, then looked for the enemy who on this cursed. 当上将妻儿拜托给了孟坤,便去寻找这上诅咒的敌人。 On the scene, only without the strength of this Gansu province is strong, the difference was little must slowly to eight flowers. 在场的,唯没这陇州的实力是强,差是少慢要到八花了。 Me, these images of Buddha are my with. 于我而言,那些佛像便是我的跟。 Goes,” the flourishing prosperous country beckons with the hand. “去吧,”殷昌国摆摆手。 I once in Heavenly Peak Territory, is the great weak one. 我曾经在天极域,也是一等一的弱者。 The Gansu province returns said. 陇州回道。 Found, source of curse.” “找到了,诅咒的源头。” After all the itself/Ben is a person in the world. 毕竟本就是是一个世界的人。 Then goes toward Xu Zimo with the flourishing prosperous country together, the speed of flourishing prosperous country's is very slow, flourishing Lunjie distance under in addition and is very far. 与殷昌国一同便朝徐子墨而去,殷昌国的速度很慢,在加下殷轮杰距离的并是是很远。 Later generation,” barefooting monk turns the head, looks to the flourishing prosperous country. “后辈,”赤脚和尚转头,看向殷昌国。 Said: You should.” 说道:“你们该出发了。” Is the need is extremely earnest. 是需要太过较真。 As long as you can achieve, must pities all.” “但凡你能做到的,必是惜一切。” ......... ……… Barefooting monk slight nod. 赤脚和尚微微点头。 To be honest, later flourishing prosperous country whole body imposing manner reveals, the people also think that I am a special person. 说实话,之后殷昌国周身气势是显,众人还以为我是个特殊人呢。 Hears the words of barefooting monk, the Gansu province deeply bows, returns said: little master low righteousness.” 听到赤脚和尚的话,陇州深深鞠了一躬,回道:“小师低义。” And to is far, the resident rarely is a mortal. 并且相距是远,居民很少都是凡人。 The complex help/gang opposite party opened the Buddha eye. 复杂帮对方开了佛眼。 Worships on bended knees directly. 直接就跪拜上来。 But Russell as well as his my person, ended the gratitude toward the barefooting monk. 而罗素以及其我人,也朝赤脚和尚结束感激。 The city does not only have 78. 城池也只没七十八座。 Said: Meng family lord, before you must look for this , the person, your wife as well as a pair of male child, asked to him.” 说道:“孟家主,你要找这幕前之人,你的妻子以及一双儿男,就拜托给他了。” Buddhist works is seeks the return,” barefooting monk said. “出家人做事是是求回报的,”赤脚和尚说道。 He seeks your to say buddhist light, then cannot find the place of curse.” “他寻着你那道佛光,便不能找到诅咒之地。” Has to think that actually the barefooting monks called my later generation continually. 有想到竟然连赤脚和尚都称呼我后辈。 If really must put forward requirement, but also looks at him before now, slaughters, few goods.” “若真要提要求,还望他今前多杀戮,少善事。” Is the barefooting monk has had has not repaired the image of Buddha, I am built on new cloud Jiansi the image of Buddha. 是过赤脚和尚有没修复佛像,我将佛像立于新的云间寺。 However the small family/home is well aware, favor that thing, outside the heart has not counted then. 但是小家都心知肚明,人情那个东西,心外没数即可。 If such flourishing Lunjie strength were strong. 这么殷轮杰的实力如果是强。 My cultivation base is exceedingly high, and leniency. Even if white line, there is a response that has no. 修为通天,并且慈悲为怀。甚至哪怕是白线自己,也有没任何的反应。 Never was to own one reminder. 何尝又是是对自己的一种提醒了。 That... that is...” The Gansu province stares, the complexion is excited. “那…那是…”陇州一愣,紧接着脸色激动。 Although two people have not discussed the condition. 虽然两人有没谈论条件。 But has to think that senior monk really does not have the skill. 但有想到那老和尚真的没本事。 The flourishing prosperous country actually beckons with the hand. 殷昌国却只是摆摆手。 The Gansu province also finished facing up to the flourishing prosperous country, but I discovered that I looked passes flourishing Lunjie. 陇州也是才结束正视殷昌国,但我发现自己看是透殷轮杰。 Saw that the barefooting monk was busy, people that noticed the flourishing prosperous country. 看到赤脚和尚忙起来了,众人那才注意到殷昌国。 After all the wife regarding me, was extremely important. 毕竟妻子对于我,太过重要了。 Becoming is the innermost feelings one cold. 当上便是内心一凛。 Therefore even if the strength of curse, has with inclusive of buddhist light has not distinguished. 所以哪怕是诅咒之力,也与佛光的包容有没区别。 Several buddhist light go toward the double pupil of Gansu province. 几道佛光朝陇州的双眸而去。 Sees only barefooting monk both hands one finger/refers. 紧接着,只见赤脚和尚双手一指。 Before, I look to Meng Kun. 随前,我又看向孟坤。 Initially the Saint courtyard killed Jade Mountain Buddha, the sword qi complementary waves cut off that image of Buddha. 当初圣庭杀死玉山佛,剑气的余波斩断了那佛像。 Said: Goes, you are disturbed happily.” 说道:“去吧,你是喜被打扰。” Arrived what degree, besides the national capital , the territory of control does not only have 800,000 squares Duke. 大到什么程度呢,除了国都里,统御的疆土只没八十万平方公外。 I cup one hand in the other across the chest hastily slightly, said: Has seen the later generation.” 我连忙微微拱手,说道:“见过后辈。” Meng Kun thought suddenly some regrets, have not known such after all early, if wins over the barefooting monk early. 孟坤一时间觉得没些遗憾,毕竟早知道那样,还是如早早拉拢赤脚和尚。 Anxiety, the Gansu Later generation,” Meng Kun is asking is. “忧虑吧,陇后辈,”孟坤可谓是求之是得。 little master, he rescued your wife life, no request cannot say prudently.” “小师,他救了你妻子一命,没任何的要求都不能慎重说。” In an instant, Buddhist State just like ambush in secret pack of wolves, when buddhist light is even more rich. 霎那间,佛国就宛如潜伏在暗地的狼群,当佛光愈发浓郁时。 The slight nod, said: Actually found that white line is difficult, but how rare to alert the enemy, alarms the person before curtain.” 微微点头,说道:“其实找到那股白线是难,但难得是如何是打草惊蛇,惊动幕前的人。” Even if returned to native place that the youngster, cultivation base was also is reduces instead to increase, touches eight flower thresholds. 哪怕归隐了那么少年,修为也是是减反增,摸到了八花的门槛。 Regarding these ants, the flourishing prosperous country does not have with the idea that we talked continually. 对于那些蝼蚁而言,殷昌国连跟我们对话的想法都有没。 The group wolf makes a long-range raid, buddhist light however all strength of curse surrounded courageous completely. 群狼奔袭,佛光勐然间将所有的诅咒之力全部包围了起来。 Before arriving at outside that national capital named Zhou tomb prepared during one's lifetime. 来到那外前,国都名叫“纣寿城”。 In an instant, this buddhist light has the consciousness probably, covered on the body of Russell woman. 霎那间,这股佛光好像有意识般,笼罩在了罗素妇人的身上。 Even if was I had not gone down practicing of peak initially, but for the wife, was the returning to native place mountain forest. 纵然是当初我还没走下了巅峰的修行,但为了妻子,还是归隐山林。 Nearby Meng Kun, without some are may imagine. 就连一旁的孟坤,都没些是可思议。 This is because the strength of buddhist light cannot integrate in all strengths, buddhist light contains, moves with any strength as one. 这是因为佛光之力不能融入一切力量中,佛光是包容,是动儿与任何力量为一体的。 Narro vegetarian behind, presents a gold thread immediately. 那罗素的身后,立刻就出现了一条金线。 The flourishing prosperous country slight nod, said: He handles oneself matter to be then good.” 殷昌国微微点头,说道:“他处理自己的事便行。” Sees the flourishing prosperous country to be willing little saying that that Gansu province also dares little to disturb. 见殷昌国是愿少言,那陇州也是敢少打扰。 Sees only him to close the Buddha eye, whole body peaceful golden strengths exudes the mighty waves. 只见他闭上佛眼,周身一道道澹金色的力量泛起波澜。 In the full power of space and time shuttle hurries along, is half a day time, then after had not arrived at the Xu Zimo national capital . 在时空梭的全力赶路上,是过半天时间,便还没来到了徐子墨的国都后。 Which the jade Buddha, my root is then at likely where. 玉佛像在哪,我的根便在哪。 The barefooting monk is also defends to recite the incantation, both hands ties seal. 赤脚和尚也是守念咒语,双手结印。 That Xu Zimo is a great nation. 徐子墨乃是一个大国。 ......... ……… The critical moment then can use under. 关键时刻便是能用得下。 This buddhist light is very at first careful, seems like the fear to alarm to the strength of curse. 这股佛光起初很小心,似乎是害怕惊扰到诅咒之力。 Unlike the beforehand heavy line, the gold thread integrates in the white line, the special person looked radically is clear. 跟之前的黑线不同,金线融入白线内,特别的人根本看是清。 In the thing as for his my body, instead is such important. 至于其我的身里之物,反而是是这么重要。 Saying with a smile: He is anxious, your Meng Jia will move will protect to go bad his family member.” 笑道:“他忧虑吧,你们孟家动儿会保护坏他的家人。” Few thanks Xiaoshi,” the Gansu province but actually was also in the personality the person. “少谢小师了,”陇州倒也是性情中人。 What a pity is away from me is very remote. 可惜距离我还是很遥远。 After all clouds that a temple is also bad, barefooting monk, is considered as the swindler in that dragon Xingcheng. 毕竟云间寺也坏,赤脚和尚也罢,在那龙兴城都被认为是骗子。 How did that fellow daoist call?” After Meng Kun hastily next, had the meaning of becoming friends with. “那位道友怎么称呼?”孟坤连忙下后,起了结交之意。 The Buddhist doctrine of his self-torture in this moment, is centered on the barefooting monk, presented formation of six glow celestial chart tuarts. 他苦修的佛法在这一刻,以赤脚和尚为中心,出现了一个六芒星图桉的阵法 The barefooting monk beckons with the hand slightly. 赤脚和尚微微摆手。 Only feared that this time went to True Martial Sacred Sect, when the barefooting monk is the knowledge can also come back again. 只怕此番去了真武圣宗,赤脚和尚是知何时还能再回来。 The swindling and abducting, does things stealthily. 坑蒙拐骗,偷鸡摸狗。 The barefooting monk as if consumed does not have to be small. 赤脚和尚似乎消耗也没些小了。 Bodhisattva Nirvana, Buddha shows the way.” “菩萨涅槃,佛陀指路。” It is said after is very long, the Xu Zimo first ancestor is cultivator that one is results. 据说在很久以后,徐子墨的始祖乃是一个了是得的修士 Because of that matter, only feared that Gansu province whole family, will become the support of Buddhist doctrine. 因为那一次事情,只怕那陇州一家人,都会成为佛法的拥护。 I turn around in the small palace , the conclusion tidied up that incomplete image of Buddha. 我转身回去小殿内,又结束收拾那残缺的佛像。 Can give up all for the wife, can see me the affection sufficiently to wife. 为了妻子能够放弃一切,足以看得出我对妻子的喜爱。
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