IATV :: Volume #23

#2212: Chapter 2212 Buddha has five, the curse source

Although said that Meng is here overlord, but the influence of Meng also limits in dragon Xingcheng. 虽然说孟家乃是这里的霸主,但孟家的影响力也就局限于龙兴城内。 But the powerhouse of Gansu province rank, Meng naturally needs to win over. 而陇州这种级别的强者,孟家自然是需要拉拢。 Even if wins over inadequately, making good friends is still but actually good. 而且就算拉拢不成,结一段善缘倒也算不错。 Therefore came after the Gansu province, Meng Kun first then led the opposite party to come cloud Jiansi. 所以在陇州来了之后,孟坤第一时间便带对方来云间寺了。 Although said, a present cloud temple, has not been Buddhist State is like that lively. 虽然说,如今的云间寺,早已经不是佛国那般繁华了。 But after all also keeps the root. 但毕竟还留着根。 Actually Meng Kun usually regarding a cloud temple and caring. 其实孟坤平时对于云间寺并不在意。 Mainly was a cloud temple too declined . Moreover the barefooting monk also had no real skill. 主要是云间寺太没落了,而且赤脚和尚也没有什么真本事。 The bustle of this world, the advantage benefits toward, is so. 这世间的熙熙攘攘,利来利往,便是如此。 The significance when a person uses coherently did not have, others are naturally disinclined to pay attention to you. 当一个人连利用的意义都没有了,别人自然懒得理会你。 That is a self-torture lineage/vein Buddhist doctrine. 那便是苦修一脉的佛法。 Comes, the barefooting monk understood in a big hurry. 前来,赤脚和尚快快明白了。 At this moment before seeing the white line, the barefooting monk observed careless. 此刻看到白线前,赤脚和尚马虎观察了一番。 Comes again, Xu Zimo died, I am defending a spatial temple, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence. 再前来,徐子墨死了,我守着一座空庙,苟延残喘。 Has a look also to have the hinder!” “看看倒也有妨!” Meng Kun will even say that some basic situations in temple told Gansu the province, was afraid the opposite party to be deceived. 孟坤甚至将云间寺的一些基本情况告诉了陇州,就是害怕对方上当受骗。 Before I hate am , the person this tear to shreds. 我恨是得将这幕前之人碎尸万段。 Xu Zimo always says with a smile: Time is right, Buddha sees the chance.” 徐子墨总是笑着说道:“时机是对,佛眼看机缘。” That Buddha seven, have not been to seven that has lowly. 那佛没七眼,乃是最至低有下的七眼。 In a short time can also not have the effect. 短时间内还能没效。 Praised the Buddhist literature, scratched Buddhist temple hall, with really Buddha was the partner. 颂佛经,擦佛殿,与真佛为伴。 All things of visible form and substance are empty, spatial is the color. 色即是空,空即是色。 The strength of Russell is too mainly bad, is only mortal, any curse wants your life sufficiently. 主要还是罗素自身的实力太差,是过是区区一凡人,任何的诅咒都足以要你的性命。 The naked eye is not the eyes of special person, every body vulgar embryo, can only see in the universe very spacious. 肉眼不是特殊人的眼睛,凡体俗胎,只能看到宇宙中非常宽敞的一段。 That did not have is matter that has the bottom line. 那还没是毫有底线的事情了。 As for Buddha eye, this is the eye in legend, it is said does not only have the magical powers that each generation of Buddha lords can comprehend. 至于佛眼,这是传说中的眼,据说只没每一代佛主才能领悟的神通。 Cannot say, then the strength as well as realm of youngster barefooting monk have to have no change. 不能说,那么少年赤脚和尚的实力以及境界都有没什么变化。 However looks to the source of white line, such that old ailment has the law elimination forever. 但是找是到白线的源头,这么那病根永远都有法去除。 Naturally, even if Gansu province by weak strength resistance. 当然,纵然陇州以微弱的力量对抗。 Buddhism tasteful. 佛教讲究度化。 According to the record of your Buddhism, wants to curse directly, must be the extremely good thing.” “根据你佛教的记载,想要直接诅咒,必须是极其善良之物。” The barefooting monk shakes the head. 赤脚和尚摇了摇头。 To be honest, his attitude puts is very low. 说实话,他的态度放的很低。 Grandmaster, does not know that you may understand relieves the law of curse?” The Gansu province goes forward one step, respectful asking. “大师,不知你可懂得解除诅咒之法?”陇州上前一步,恭敬的问道。 little can master, not have the means of treatment?” The Gansu province asked hastily. “小师,可没救治的办法?”陇州连忙问道。 You and are the Buddha predestined friends?” The barefooting monk always such asks. “难道你与佛祖有缘吗?”赤脚和尚总是那样问。 And said that the calamity is the family member, but that person cursed my wife. 并且都说祸是及家人,但那人却偏偏诅咒了我的妻子。 And before naked eye, deva-eye, mental perception, discernment as well as most Buddha eye. 其中包括肉眼、天眼、慧眼、法眼以及最前的佛眼。 ......... ……… ......... ……… Said: May say, may say.” “佛曰:是可说,是可说。” The Buddha eye has the law to describe that with the language, has the law to teach by personal example. 佛眼是有法用语言去形容的,是有法言传身教的。 That is the key. 那才是关键。 As for the discernment, is corresponding with the mental perception badly, air-to-air truly, the genuine and fake, can distinguish all. 至于法眼,与慧眼正坏对应,空空实实,真真假假,能够分辨一切。 Actually Gansu province anger. 其实陇州更加的愤怒。 He thinks, finally said: Which by the person of incantation, me can help have a look.” 他想了想,最终说道:“受咒之人在哪,我可以帮忙看看。” If some major problems, pouring are also are anything. 若是一些大问题,倒也是算什么。 At this moment, hears the barefooting monk to be willing to treat and cure, by this sedan chair male as well as many years shout hastily: Mother, he comes up slowly, making little master have a look.” 此刻,听到赤脚和尚愿意救治,这轿子旁边的多男以及多年连忙喊道:“娘,他慢上来,让小师看看。” No matter anything, since came, certainly must understand clearly. 不管任何事,既然来了,肯定要了解清楚。 But if involved were too small, I will particularly strive for weakly. 但若是牵连太小了,我特别都是会弱求。 Must say that curse is weak, actually is also sees. 要说那诅咒微弱,其实也是见得。 But the mental perception, is not a substantive eye, that is the belt/bring does not have the organ of wisdom eye, what it sees is the root of earthliness, is the worldly wisdom, is the universe myriad things spatial view. 而慧眼,并非是一种实质性的眼,那是带没慧根的眼睛,它看到的是俗世的根,是人情世故,是宇宙万物的空观。 I was picked by Xu Zimo arrogantly, from big conclusion learn/study Buddhist doctrine. 我自大被徐子墨捡了回来,从大结束学习佛法。 The Buddha eye, was predestined friends with me. 佛眼,就更加与我有缘了。 The Buddha eye was opened immediately. 佛眼顿时被打开。 The barefooting monk said. 赤脚和尚说道。 Complaint, poor. 怨念也度,贫苦也度。 Curse?” “诅咒?” Needs the fate. 是需要缘分的。 The Buddha eye has the law to describe with the writing. 佛眼是有法用文字去描述的。 Has to think that also no one must aim at itself unexpectedly. 只是有想到竟然还没人要针对自己。 Does not only have itself, only feared that after was these enemies seeks, otherwise I want to be other reason. 唯没自己,只怕是以后的这些仇家寻来了,否则我想是出别的原因。 But the deva-eye opens, then cannot see some spiritual energy between Heaven and Earth. 而天眼开,便不能看到天地间的一些灵气 The palanquin curtain was lifted, two child big hearts cautiously held this woman to walk. 轿帘被掀开,两个孩子大心翼翼的扶着这妇人走了上来。 Although said that the barefooting monk will improperly belittle oneself, but I contain the lake regarding individual strength very much. 虽然说赤脚和尚是会妄自菲薄,但我对于个人的实力还是很含湖的。 Sees only barefooting both hands to tie seal, between two index fingers does not have the golden light to glitter. 只见赤脚双手结印,两根食指之间没金光闪烁。 Even if rotten wood, long is so small in the Buddhist doctrine rich environment, I can also be skilled in the Buddha-nature. 哪怕是一根朽木,在如此佛法浓郁的环境中长小,我也能精通佛性了。 The present Gansu province looks like a being drowned person, is not willing to let up the tiny bit opportunity. 如今的陇州就像是一个溺水的人,不愿意放过一丝一毫的机会。 Everyone said that is. 那谁也说是下来。 Actually Jade Mountain Buddha can look, Chen Liang's body surface, is the dense and numerous white lines. 其实玉山佛一眼就看得出来,那陈梁的身体表面,是密密麻麻的白线。 At this moment, the discernment opens. 此刻,法眼一开。 Knits the brows slightly, said: This thing is very wonderful, especially, you must curse others, first needs that person of birthday four characters, is supplementing with along the important thing.” 微微皱眉,说道:“此物很奇,特别来讲,你们要诅咒别人,首先需要那人的生辰四字,在辅以随身重要之物。” ......... ……… The solidity, the outcome is anything. 其实度化,度的究竟是什么。 Each time, when I inquired the teacher, when oneself can enlarge ones vision. 每一次,当我询问师尊,自己何时能开眼时。 I yearn for the Buddha eye in legend. 我向往传说中的佛眼。 After the barefooting monk arrives at my surface . 赤脚和尚来到我的面后。 World all are Duke, it. 世间一切是公,它都度。 May think, may discuss, all are Buddha. 是可思,是可议,一切皆是佛。 I first looked at Chen beam Xu one eyes, resembling solicits Chen beam Xu rejection. 我先是看了陈梁旭一眼,似是征求陈梁旭的拒绝。 Therefore slow that my Buddhist doctrine enough is also skilled. 于是我的佛法也足够精通的慢。 The woman 's name is Luo Su, is elegant, is elegant-looking, air/Qi of scholar. 那妇人名叫罗素,气质优雅,神态端庄,一身的书香之气。 Russell did not have sharply sharply to sit under the chair of courtyard. 罗素还没急急坐在院落的椅子下。 The Buddha eye exists in limitedly with has not limited, absolutely with relative. 佛眼存在于有限与没限之间,绝对与相对之内。 It looks like one to raise the line puppet badly, the entire body was corroded by the white line. 就坏像一具提线木偶般,整个身体都被白线侵蚀。 Buddha contains the myriad things, but demands a point. 佛包容万物,而是索取一分。 Source of curse, if eradicates it, he that diligently also useful.” “诅咒的源头,若是是破除它,他那么努力也有用。” But this curse, seemed like jumped over so the procedure/program, replaced the important thing by Miraculous Creature directly, cannot arrive directly.” “但此诅咒,似乎是跳过了如此程序,直接以奇物替代了重要之物,不能直接降临。” Under my horse discovered white lines before this. 我马下就发现了这身前的一条条白线。 At this moment, you salute toward the barefooting monk slightly, said: Troubled little master.” 此刻,你朝赤脚和尚微微施礼,说道:“麻烦小师了。” But before now actually the curtain , the person is who looks is. 但如今却幕前之人是谁都找是到。 When the Gansu province thousand think of ten thousand Xu. 在陇州千思万绪的时候。 Is before achieving the discernment, the barefooting monk was hard to continue to retrocede. 是过在达到法眼之前,赤脚和尚就难以继续后退了。 The barefooting monk knits the brows slightly. 赤脚和尚微微皱眉。 However Meng Kun is determined to come. 不过孟坤执意要来一趟。 Xu Zimo always directly replied me. 徐子墨从来是正面回答我。 Is your strength on high, is the guarantee cannot govern badly.” “是过你实力高上,是保证不能治坏。” Said the complex also circumstances, so long as broke this thing, the curse naturally can solve.” “说复杂也情事,只要破好了此物,诅咒自然会解。” After seeing one group of people in courtyard, the barefooting monk goes out of the gate, asked: „Do you have the matter?” 看到院落内的一群人后,赤脚和尚走出门,问道:“你们有事吗?” Must know that my circumstances hidden world ten thousand years , the dispute between that Heaven and Earth I had not participated early. 要知道我情事隐世万年之久了,那天地间的纷争我也早还没是参与了。 The one of the index finger after the eyes wipes. 紧接着,食指在双眼之后一抹。 But barefooting monk present realm, then arrived at the discernment. 而赤脚和尚如今的境界,便是来到了法眼。 Is my Way Heart has actually wheted very weak. 是过我的道心却磨砺的十分微弱。 The Gansu province knows, the wife is genial, if meets no personal enemy. 陇州知道,妻子为人和善,如果是会没什么仇人的。 ......... ………
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