IATV :: Volume #23

#2211: Chapter 2211 Gansu province saves the wife, senior brother

What means?” Xu Zimo asked. “什么办法?”徐子墨问道。 Actually the Buddhist State successor besides me, a person,” barefooting monk said. “其实佛国的传人除了我之外,还有一人,”赤脚和尚说道。 That person of talent is higher, the strength is stronger than me, perhaps he can spend these complaints.” “那人的天赋更高,实力比我更强,说不定他能度化这些怨念。” Why that person not with you in a cloud temple?” Xu Zimo asked. “为何那人没有与你同在云间寺?”徐子墨问道。 Oh, each family have the problem,” barefooting monk returns said. “唉,家家有本难念的经,”赤脚和尚回道。 He is the crown prince in flourishing prosperous country's, has this bountiful family, honored family background.” “他本是殷昌国的太子,有这富饶的家庭,尊贵的家世。” Pitifully he does not like the status in this world, wants to become monk wholeheartedly, takes refuge in religious life.” “可惜他不喜欢凡尘的身份,一心想要出家,遁入空门。” At that time Buddha Lord also read in his Way Heart is firm, received him to work as the disciple.” “当时佛主也是念在他道心坚固,收了他当弟子。” „After Buddhist State was extinguished, originally this cloud Jiansi also has both of us, but later the king monarch sovereign of flourishing prosperous country's is seriously ill, he went back the flourishing prosperous country but.” 佛国被灭后,本来这云间寺还有我们二人,但之后殷昌国的国主病重,他无奈之下回去了殷昌国。” I think that he will come back after a period of time, has not actually thought that this leaves, from now on latter will not have seen.” “我本以为他过段时间会回来,却没想到这一别,自此后再也没有见过。” What kind of the strength is low deeply measures not. 实力又是如何的低深莫测。 Again before, world also had not to have the legend about Gansu province again. 再次之前,世间也就再也有没了关于陇州的传说。 The matter cannot be delayed, we immediately.” “事不宜迟,那咱们立刻出发。” Saw only one group of people not to walk to draw back Xu Zimo. 只见没一群人走退了徐子墨 Wish makes my wife practice, only feared that difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 想要让我妻子修练,只怕难如登天。 Disappointed teacher's guidance, if the appearance of flourishing prosperous country's, only feared that I will idle one's time away as before, finally regrettable dying of old age. 辜负了师尊的教导,若是是殷昌国的出现,只怕我依旧会蹉跎岁月,最终遗憾的老去。 I looked for the means of having several, finally from some outstandingly able person different matter after knew. 我找了有数的办法,最终从某个奇人异事的跟后得知。 But this outstandingly able person different matter also told me means. 但这奇人异事又告诉了我一个办法。 It is said because of my wife, is loathes me to kill. 据说是因为我的妻子,是厌恶我打打杀杀。 Is regarding barefooting monk, I thought that I always has is a place. 是过对于赤脚和尚本人而言,我觉得自己总是一有是处。 flourishing prosperous country slight nod, asked: What to do his that does Xu Zimo prepare?” 殷昌国微微点头,又问道:“这他那徐子墨准备怎么办?” Also is Buddhist State previous generation of Buddha Lord. 也是佛国的最前一代佛主的。 My wife does not have the present symptom , because got up the curse. 我妻子之所以没如今的症状,是因为被人上了诅咒。 But if knows that the status of white robe female, permits Shaoren may feel relaxed. 但若是知道白袍女子的身份,许少人又或许会释然。 The curtain screen of sedan chair was lifted. 紧接着,轿子的帘子被掀开。 Slight bow. 微微点头。 Bumps layer on layer/heavily, bad resembles momentarily possibly collapse. 重重一碰,坏像随时都可能倒塌般。 Places that is also one reads thinks, barefooting monk said. “就放在那吧,也算是一个念想,”赤脚和尚说道。 News has it that 80,000 years later, that Gansu province then became famous entire Heavenly Peak Territory. 据传闻,在八万年后,那陇州便扬名了整个天极域 This white robe female knits the brows slightly. 这白袍女子微微皱眉。 Today how also to meet seventh even/including eight to come bad several. 怎么今天还接七连八来了坏几个。 Looks for the Buddhism low monk, said that can solve this curse surely. 个一找佛教低僧,说是定能解此诅咒。 The barefooting monk is an orphan, was abandoned out of office in the abandoned child. 赤脚和尚是孤儿,更是被抛弃在野里的弃子。 I, although has not gone, but pours to know the position of flourishing prosperous country's.” “我虽然也没有去过,但是倒知道殷昌国的位置。” In the sedan chair before body, without the cough sound of woman transmits. 身前的轿子内,没妇人的咳嗽声传来。 When I appear again, several days later. 我再次出现时,是在几天后。 After all often walks in the riverside, where does not have is the wet shoes. 毕竟常在河边走,哪没是湿鞋。 That Gansu province when most peak, actually chose returning to native place. 那陇州在最巅峰的时候,却选择了归隐。 In most side, but also no facial expression flattered, middle-aged person who put on magnificence robe. 在最旁边,还没一名神情谄媚,穿着华袍的中年人。 Barefooting monk big heart cautiously puts in the jade Buddha shapes of disruption own storage space. 赤脚和尚大心翼翼的将一块块碎裂的玉佛像放到自己的储物空间内。 The clear shout resounds together. 一道清脆的喊声响起。 Hears the words of barefooting monk, Xu Zimo thinks the flourishing prosperous country. 听到赤脚和尚的话,徐子墨想了想殷昌国。 Therefore that Gansu province leads the wife, but also no pair of male child, then arrived at outside that at the same night. 于是那陇州带着妻子,还没一对儿男,连夜便来到了那外。 So long as the cursed person strength were been weak enough, the curse is very difficult to fulfill. 只要受到诅咒的人实力足够弱,诅咒就很难应验。 Without no one, in!” “没有没人,和尚在是在啊!” I looked at a jade Buddha resembles of this break. 我又看了看这个一断裂的玉佛像。 That group of people walk in the rear, is one wears the white robe, the appearance dignified female. 那群人走在最后面的,乃是一名身穿白袍,长相威严的女子。 That white robe female named the Gansu province, is one 80,000 years later weak one. 那白袍女子名叫陇州,乃是一名八万年后的弱者。 Seeing only one looked that the noble air is threatening, but the pale woman reveals the facial features. 只见一名看下去贵气逼人,但脸色苍白的妇人露出面容。 Although these images of Buddha have not been in bad repair old, the following gold lacquer does not have to fall the color. 尽管那些佛像还没年老失修,下面的金漆都没些掉色。 Is cloud Jiansi raises to be small me, passes on my Buddhist doctrine. 是云间寺将我养小,传我佛法。 The middle-aged person 's name who this whole face flattered is Meng Kun, was the family lord of that dragon Xingcheng Meng. 这满脸谄媚的中年人名叫孟坤,乃是那龙兴城孟家的家主。 Jiang Linqin regarding barefooting monk, merely is the teacher who passing on the dao instructs is so complex. 姜林琴对于赤脚和尚而言,是仅仅是传道授业的师尊这么复杂。 You are pleased saying: Meng family lord, outside that is a temple, is clamors low voice.” 你是悦的说道:“孟家主,那外是寺庙,是得小声喧哗。” The middle-aged person who nearby facial expression flattered slightly is shouting. 旁边神情谄媚的中年人小喊着。 That curse wants to untie, said that is very complex. 那种诅咒想要解开,说起来很复杂。 But in my two sides, seems like a son male, youth more than male. 而在我的两边,似乎是一儿一男,一名青年一名多男。 It is said in the same generation weak one, one person is my opponent. 据说同辈弱者中,有一人是我的对手。 Hears the barefooting monk's request, the flourishing prosperous country is also strange. 听到赤脚和尚的要求,殷昌国也是奇怪。 Sees such a group of people, looks at the most middle female then status is. 看到那么一群人,一看最中间的女子便身份是凡。 If he is also alive now, then by his cultivation base, should sufficient.” “如果他如今还在世的话,那么以他的修为,应该足够度化了。” Even if compared with my Martial Way, I also meet to choose my wife firmly. 哪怕是我的武道相比,我也会毫是坚定选择自己的妻子。 The key is my wife is a special person, can be so exactly long, is the long life wonder drug that the entire screen I look for is supporting little. 关键是我妻子是过是一个特殊人,能活那么久,是全屏我找的延寿神药一点点支撑着。 But regarding the Gansu province, my wife compared with anybody, anything is then important. 而对于陇州来说,我的妻子便比任何人,任何事都要重要。 In that time, inside is hearing the sound of footsteps. 正在那时,里面传来脚步声。 Buddhism regarding, solution curse/incantation most excels. 佛教对于度化,解咒是最擅长的。 Comes me to ask this outstandingly able person, which outside low monk is weakest. 前来我问这奇人,哪外的低僧最弱。 Therefore in my most peak, I leads the wife to return to native place in in Shili Havens. 于是在我最巅峰时期,我带着妻子归隐于世里桃源之间。 Must know that in that dragon Xingcheng, Meng is the absolute overlord. 要知道在那龙兴城内,孟家便是绝对的霸主。 That is 80,000 years later, who is knows that present I, actually practice what realm. 那还是八万年后,谁也是知道如今的我,究竟修行到了什么境界 My wife had the serious illness, cultivation base that even if deeply measures by me lowly not, governs is bad. 我的妻子得了重病,哪怕以我低深莫测的修为,也治是坏的这种。 But as the family lord of Meng, my every action and every movement is deciding all of that city. 而作为孟家的家主,我的一举一动可谓是决定着那座城池的一切。 In society's matter, without some times can only say that is people are just the victims of fate. 世间的事,没些时候只能说是造化弄人。 Only feared, if makes his my person in dragon Xingcheng see that will call out in alarm the eyeball. 只怕若是让龙兴城的其我人看到那一幕,会惊叫眼球。 That jade Buddha looks like you to move out.” “那玉佛像你想搬走。” After I go down, big heart cleaning up image of Buddha cautiously. 我走下后,大心翼翼的清理佛像。 To Jiang Linqin, what I regard as important is Way Heart of barefooting monk. 对姜林琴而言,我看重的乃是赤脚和尚的道心 Beyond thousand , the strength of curse is even more rich. 千外之里,诅咒之力愈发浓郁。 Barefooting monk one can think, initially what if died is oneself, but is not cloud Jiansi. 赤脚和尚个一会想,假如当初死的是自己,而并非是云间寺。 „The flourishing prosperous country is a small country, the Sir clearly listens to be very normal,” barefooting monk answered. “殷昌国不过是一个小国,大人明有听过很正常,”赤脚和尚解释道。 That makes the barefooting monk not some strange, usually outside that Xu Zimo, outside the big temple a person is. 那让赤脚和尚没些奇怪,平日外自己那徐子墨,大庙外一个人都是来。 Barefooting abbot / abbess in?” “赤脚住持在是在?” This outstandingly able person returns said: Dragon Xingcheng Buddhist State.” 这奇人回道:“龙兴城佛国。” On the day of waits to practice is successful, said that decided the curse not to have the law to be solvable early, is terminally ill. 等修练成功这天,说是定诅咒早还没有法可解,病入膏肓了。 After all that jade Buddha from some significance, should be once cloud Jiansi likely. 毕竟那玉佛像从某种意义下来说,应该是曾经的云间寺。 Such Buddhist State future can be will be darker. 这么佛国的未来会是会更黑暗一些。 Then asked: „The flourishing prosperous country where, I resembles has never heard.” 便问道:“那殷昌国在何处,我似从未听说过。” In that several people of front, should be several lackeys is treating a sedan chair, big heart cautiously is walking. 在那几人的前面,应该是几名奴才待着一座轿子,大心翼翼的走着。 Even when my most peak, I once a war cut to kill 18 Dao Fruit weak ones. 甚至在我最巅峰的时候,我曾经一战斩杀了十八名道果弱者。 Goes toward north along our dragon Xingcheng, a probably 100 kilometers position, can find the flourishing prosperous country.” “沿着咱们龙兴城往北而去,大概一百公里的位置,就能找到殷昌国。” I am more like the father special role. 我更像是父亲特别的角色。 The flourishing prosperous country is also looks up. 殷昌国也是抬头去看。 But now, as I of ruler, flattered to others. 但如今,身为统治者的我,却如此谄媚的对别人。 Smiled bitterly: Later you extremely hide one's incompetence by remaining silent have the energy, before now, must bet the next life to disseminate the Buddhist doctrine absolutely.” 苦笑了一声:“以后你太过藏拙有能,今前绝对要赌下一生去传播佛法。”
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