HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1126: Losing of having no interest

Lu Ping currently has the name, will also call Lu Ping with 71 this serial numbers basically is the Organization early man. Mr. Pei also very adapts to this name, without the stop then asked slightly: He how?” 路平现在有名字,还会以七十一这个编号称呼路平的基本就是组织的旧人。裴先生对这个称呼也挺适应,没有丝毫停顿便接着问道:“他怎么了?” Six really lock is invalid.” Comes humanity. “六门真锁已经无效。”来人道。 Calm calm Mr. Pei has heard this news, the look immediately changes. He clear means anything on the 71 st, but six really lock this is their final cards in a hand, if the final card in a hand expires continually 一直镇定从容的裴先生听到这个消息,神色顿时一变。他清楚七十一号意味着什么,而六门真锁这本是他们最终的底牌,如果连最终底牌都失效 How can like this?” Mr. Pei almost blurts to ask subconsciously. “怎么会这样?”裴先生几乎是下意识地脱口问道。 Six really lock, he had Drawing Stars to enter Life.” Comes humanity. “六门真锁,他发生了引星入命。”来人道。 Drawing Stars to enter Life? Northern Dipper?” Mr. Pei deeply frowned, as far as I know, will Drawing Stars to enter Life each Northern Dipper disciple only have his entire life one time? Usually is when they were just hospitalized will complete.” This is the well-known matter, Mr. Pei now actually wants the caution and care to use as far as I know the expression. 引星入命北斗?”裴先生眉头紧锁,“据我所知,引星入命每位北斗门人一生都只会有一次吧?通常是在他们刚入院时就会完成。”这本是众所周知的事情,裴先生现在却要谨慎小心地用上“据我所知”的措辞。 Yes.” “是。” Therefore, is Drawing Stars to enter Life makes six really lock the expiration?” Pei first unfamiliar road. “所以,是引星入命让六门真锁失效?”裴先生道。 „It seems like this.” Comes humanity. “看起来是这样。”来人道。 This perhaps is good news in the bad news.” Pei first unfamiliar road. “这或许是坏消息中的好消息。”裴先生道。 „?” “哦?” „Should Drawing Stars to enter Life, not have for the second time?” Pei first unfamiliar road. 引星入命,应该不会有第二次吧?”裴先生道。 Hope so.” Came the person to look like has also thought this issue, was only without the confirmation, must hang a giant stone at heart after all, is unable to feel at ease. “希望如此吧。”来人看来也早已想过了这一问题,只是未经证实,心里终归是要悬着一块巨石,无法心安。 Deeply after inspiring, coming the person to look at all around, regarding, only then Mr. Pei and iron first two people appeared here, he revealed finally puzzled some. 深吸了一口气后,来人看了看四周,对于只有裴先生和铁头两个人出现在这里,他终于露出些许不解。 Now this/should I explained a next present bad situation.” Mr. Pei has not waited for him to ask that then has opened the mouth. “现在该我说明一下眼下糟糕的情况了。”裴先生没等他问便已经开口。 What's wrong?” Comes the person look to be dignified. “怎么?”来人神色凝重。 Song Wenfeng has died.” Pei first unfamiliar road. “宋文凤已死。”裴先生道。 How can?” Comes the person to lose one's voice , when the look becomes previous comes wants to be uglier than immediately time. Although the Lu Ping issue is difficult, but can say that reluctantly is not that imminent, always can also avoid appropriately. However Song Wenfeng actually relates the present, his death, means them to plan very big one point to present the careless mistake. “怎么会?”来人失声,神色顿时变得比先前来时还要难看许多倍。路平的问题虽然棘手,但勉强可以说不是那么迫在眉睫,总还可以适当回避。但是宋文凤却关系眼下,他的死,意味着他们计划中很大的一环将出现纰漏了。 Is Lu Ping.” Mr. Pei said. Not with 71 that code numbers, name that in the Lu Ping this wide scope of but using everyone knows. “是路平。”裴先生说。没有用七十一那个代号,而是用的路平这个更大范围内大家知晓的名字。 Moreover Mr. Pei further supplemented, he dies below.” “而且”裴先生进一步补充,“他就死在下面。” Dies below.” Comes the person look to be uglier, he left the Yandang pass/test, is his status has exposed?” “死在下面。”来人神色更加难看,“他离开了雁荡关,是不是他的身份已经暴露?” I want.” Mr. Pei nods. “我想是的。”裴先生点头。 If Song Wenfeng were only pure dying, that at least was also only the Yandang pass/test lost the control person of highest authority, they always also other dark chess. However Song Wenfeng status exposition, but means that their infiltrations have also exposed, then this time Yandang closes, many their people may make an issue become hard to figure out immediately. But Yandang closes them to plan a very important part, there comprehensive out of control words. 如果说宋文凤只是单纯的死去,那至少还只是雁荡关失去了最高权力的控制人,他们总还有些其他暗棋。但是宋文凤身份暴露,可就意味着他们的渗透也已经暴露,那么此时的雁荡关上,还有多少他们的人可做文章顿时变得难以确定了。而雁荡关正是他们计划中很重要的一环,那里全面失控的话。 This Lu Ping comes the person to clench teeth. “这个路平”来人咬牙。 Also, he should carry off the experiment body.” Mr. Pei then said. “还有,他应该是把实验体又都带走了。”裴先生接着道。 Before this news compares, seeming like superficial, at least comes the person not, because hears this news to have what mood to fluctuate again, his attention is still centralized to annoyed of Lu Ping. 这个消息相比之前,看起来却已经不痛不痒,至少来人并没有因为听到这个消息就再有什么情绪波动,他的注意力依然集中在对路平的恼火中。 Great Lock because of this fellow, was also forced to start ahead of time.” Comes the person also to start to Mr. Pei to report bad of outside the passes. 大定制也是因为这家伙,被迫提前发动了。”来人也开始向裴先生介绍关外的糟糕。 That Fourth Courtyard person?” Mr. Pei asked. “那四院的人?”裴先生问。 Not, when they enter Sichuan.” Came the person speaking of this time, obviously was the flame of anger gets up. “没等到他们进界川。”来人说到这时,明显又是无名火起。 Great Lock in Sichuan, is they prepares to be used to ambush the Four Great Institutes principal means that this plan even must begin in many years ago, from starting to establish as if nearly Great Lock of self-destruction, for such a day prepares. 界川内的大定制,是他们准备用来伏击四大学院的主要手段,这个计划甚至要始于许多年前,从开始设置仿佛近乎自毁的大定制,就是在为这样的一天做准备。 In seized Thousand Pine Ruler from Northern Dipper Institute on that day, invocation of Great Lock was then put on the agenda. Four Great Institutes is impossible to give up, this point they have the anticipation early. They are waiting for oncoming of this day aggressively. 而在从北斗学院夺走千松尺那一日起,大定制的启用便被提上了日程。四大学院绝不可能善罢甘休,这一点他们早有意料。他们紧锣密鼓地等待着这一天的来临。 Finally because Lu Ping chaotic enters, this plan has crashed thoroughly. 结果因为路平的乱入,这一计划已经彻底崩盘。 What is more provoking, all these to Lu Ping, have no intention completely. He has not detected ambush, in process that but handles affairs after intrusion, the fist another fist of that broken mountain, stirred earth-shaking this Great Lock. 更让人生气的是,这一切对路平而言,完全是无意的。他并没有察觉到这其中的埋伏,只是在闯入后行事的过程中,那破山的一拳又一拳,将这大定制搅了个天翻地覆。 Great Lock under this condition, starts can also start, the might can also maintain, but is essential, it is not covert. Great Lock that Four Great Institutes so many capable people, see clearly in their front words, how they will intrude rashly, therefore this Great Lock most essential point, is covert, cannot allow the person when not to enter Sichuan had detected. 这种状态下的大定制,发动也能发动,威力也还能保持,可关键的是,它不隐蔽了。四大学院那么多的能人,一个洞察到的大定制就在他们面前的话,他们又怎会贸然闯入,所以这大定制最关键的一点,就是隐蔽,不能让人在未进入界川时就有所察觉。 Finally because Lu Ping this stirs to gather blindly, so many years painstaking care really became self-destruction Great Lock finally. Countless people destroyed the tooth only to be able toward the stomach to swallow. 结果就因为路平这一通瞎搅合,这么多年的心血最后真就成了一个自毁大定制了。无数人打碎了牙只能往肚里咽。 How that present can cope with Four Great Institutes?” Mr. Pei asked. “那现在要怎么对付四大学院?”裴先生问。 Plans to be destroyed originally, but the plan that this embodies many years of painstaking care does not have any alternative plan to substitute. At present Four Great Institutes attacking army has reached the city, is always impossible to go directly just, this is the action that Three Great Empires does not dare easily to make. 原定计划被毁,而这个凝聚多年心血的计划是不存在任何备选计划可以替代的。眼下四大学院兵临城下,总不可能去正面刚,这是三大帝国都不敢轻易做出的举动。 First directs toward that Third Path that side them, making them first have some collisions.” Comes the person to say. “先将他们往那三路那边引引吧,让他们先发生一些碰撞。”来人说道。 That feared that could not go against anything.” Mr. Pei said. “那怕是也顶不了什么事。”裴先生说。 Lets us on difficultly inadequately directly?” Came the person to say. “难不成让我们正面上?”来人说。 Lu Chenfeng?” Mr. Pei also asked a key man. 吕沉风呢?”裴先生又问到了一个关键人物。 Lu Chenfeng is the big energy, what a pity, is difficult to use.” Comes the person to shake the head. 吕沉风是大能,可惜,难用。”来人摇了摇头。 That at present “那眼下” „Did Assassin come?” Comes the person to ask. 刺客都过来了吗?”来人问道。 „In Green Peak governs four sharp fruits, leads eight bamboos to be sharp respectively, has awaited orders outside the town/subdues.” Pei first unfamiliar road. 青峰辖内的四位尖果,各率八名竹尖,已经在镇外待命了。”裴先生道。 „, That “哦,那” Lu Ping also goes to the town/subdues now.” Mr. Pei supplements to break hastily. “不过路平现在也去镇上了。”裴先生连忙补充打断。 Comes on the face to reveal does not immediately know that should cry or this facial expression of smiling. 来人脸上顿时露出不知道是该哭还是该笑的神情。 Four sharp fruits, 32 bamboos are sharp, since Assassin alliance establishment, has not built up so many elite expert(s) actions probably. But such hundred years of rare strength building up, create facing Lu Ping that them even single-handedly, actually already beyond control 71 四位尖果,三十二位竹尖,刺客联盟创立至今,大概也没有集结过这么多的精英高手行动。可即便是这样百年难得一遇的实力集结,面对路平那个他们一手缔造,却已无法控制的七十一 ! 啪! A resounding, coming the person to give itself unexpectedly a resounding slap in the face. 一声脆响,来人竟是给了自己一记响亮的耳光。 Autonomy solvable issue.” Pei first unfamiliar road. “自残可解决不了问题。”裴先生道。 I need to sober.” Came the person to follow to rub the face, made an effort very much, such as to make an effort to push own brain, ventilated. “我需要清醒。”来人跟着又揉起了脸,很用力,那样子仿佛是想把自己的脑子用力挤出来,透透气。 Everyone visits him silent, could see that he was pondering diligently. 所有人沉默地看着他,看得出他正在努力地思考。 Outside the passes conflict insufficiently intense words, these Assassin, feared that has not used greatly.” Comes the person to calculate. “关外冲突不够激烈的话,这些刺客,怕也没大用。”来人盘算着。 „Do you determine?” Mr. Pei smiles suddenly. “你确定吗?”裴先生忽然微笑。 Is only four sharp fruits, 32 bamboos are sharp.” Comes humanity, but said that this saying, looks at the smile of Mr. Pei again, he remembered anything suddenly. “只是四位尖果,三十二位竹尖而已。”来人道,可是说完这话,再看着裴先生的笑容,他忽然想起了些什么。 „” In his eye suddenly had the anticipation. “难道”他的眼里忽然有了期待。 Yes.” Mr. Pei nods, „that she came.” “是的。”裴先生点了点头,“那一位,她来了。”
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