HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1125: Coming from far away

Yandang mountain range. 雁荡山脉。 The intermittent thin snow is dragging in the wind, Yandang closes on the canyon west hillside, six corpses fall down, peaceful, the appearance is not terrifying. Still had the one breath actually in that is cracking with the teeth in gulps outward the blood, in confusion dyes one piece. 时有时无的细雪在风中摇曳着,雁荡关峡谷偏西的山坡上,六具尸体倒在地上,安安静静的,模样也不怎么恐怖。倒是尚有一口气在那位,大口大口地向外嗑着鲜血,染得自己一片狼藉。 Song Wenfeng has not died, in the heart did not have many to be lucky, had frightened. 宋文凤还没有死,心中却没有多少侥幸,有得只是恐惧。 He has not thought, this rescue is conducted unexpectedly is so rapid, does not have any is locked in a stalemate, even without the dialogue, in their person hands is grasping so many hostages, the least bit with does not have, the grand total is about several seconds, Lu Ping then all strikes to kill their people. 他怎么也没想到,这番营救进行得竟是如此迅速,没有任何相持,甚至没有对话,他们的人手里握着如此多的人质,却半点用都没有,总计不过几秒,路平便将他们的人悉数击杀。 What kind of strength is this? Song Wenfeng do not dare to ponder, he only remembers, when he tried to feign death diligently, Lu Ping leads the youngster to leave, then looked at his one eyes very much at will. 这到底是怎样的实力?宋文凤都不敢去细想了,他只记得,在他试图努力装死时,路平带着少年们离开,然后很随意地看了他一眼。 He knows that oneself has not died! 他知道自己没死! At that moment, Song Wenfeng such as the falling bottomless trench, he thinks that oneself wants immediately thoroughly bad, but no. Lu Ping was only such looked at his one eyes very much at will, were continually many one second of stay not to have, continued to lead the youngster to leave. 那一刻,宋文凤如坠无底深渊,他以为自己马上要彻底糟糕,但是没有。路平就只是那样很随意地看了他一眼,连多一秒的停留都没有,就继续带着少年们离开了。 This is ignores, actually is also the absolute self-confidence, to Song Wenfeng the life and death, he did not care from the start. 这是漠视,却也是绝对的自信,对宋文凤的生死,他压根就不放在心上。 After understanding this point, in Song Wenfeng the heart dreaded , the been able to suppress mood made him unusual disorder Soul Power more beyond control, his injury intensified, life that originally or may breathe the last breath of life, because this bringing mood fluctuated, made him not rescue unexpectedly thoroughly. 明白了这一点后,宋文凤心中畏惧更甚,抑制不住的情绪让他本就非常紊乱的魄之力更加无法控制,他的伤势加剧,原本或可残喘下来的性命,因为这一眼带来的情绪波动,竟然让他彻底无救了。 Song Wenfeng is leaning on the side together rock, freely is cracking with the teeth outward the blood from the mouth and nose, he felt that oneself body is gradually cooling, his line of sight also started fuzzily, in the eyelid is going to close, had the person's shadow to flash his front suddenly. 宋文凤倚靠着身边一块山石,不住地从口鼻向外嗑着鲜血,他感觉到自己的身体在逐渐冷却,他的视线也开始模糊,就在眼皮将要合上时,忽有人影闪到了他的面前。 Strength that Song Wenfeng only remained, only enough lifted a lower lid diligently, he saw clearly came the person. 宋文凤仅剩的力气,也只够努力抬一下眼皮了,他看清了来人。 Sir.” He wants to call one, the strength of actually not having opened mouth. “大人。”他想唤一声的,却已经没有张嘴的力气。 Is Lu Ping?” Came the person to squat in his front, asked. “是路平?”来人蹲在了他的面前,问道。 Song Wenfeng the head trembled slightly trembling, he wants to make the movement of nod. 宋文凤的头微微颤了颤,他是想做个点头的动作来着。 Came the person to understand his small action, nods toward him. 来人看懂了他这微小的举动,朝他点了点头。 In Song Wenfeng the heart also had many doubts, especially wants to know that Lu Ping was what strength, but present he has no strength to ask again. He looks that the present person is nodding, non-stop the place, non-stop the place 宋文凤心中还有很多疑惑,尤其想知道路平到底是什么实力,可是眼下的他已没有任何力气再发问。他看着眼前的人在点头,不停地点,不停地点 He died.” Another sound conveys from another end, he has not then looked at Song Wenfeng, but is inspecting that six corpses, actually clear perceive to Song Wenfeng on already no least bit vitality. “他断气了。”另一个声音从另一端传来,他并没有回头看宋文凤,而是在查验着那六具尸体,却清晰感知到了宋文凤身上已无半点生机。 Yes.” Squatted the before Song Wenfeng body to lift the hand, helping Song Wenfeng close the view, then stood up the body. “是。”蹲在宋文凤身前的这位抬起手,帮宋文凤合上了眼帘,而后站起了身。 His top of the head slightly bare, the belly circle gets up slightly, seems like and common, was many middle-aged men arrives at this age to have the common appearance that. 他头顶微秃,肚子微微圆起,看起来并不起眼,是许多中年男子到了这岁数会有的寻常模样。 But if one often that treasure forest in Three Great Empires crevice appears and disappears, will then go to the merry forest Xun happy person, will then certainly recognize this common middle-aged man, is merry forest that mysterious Mr. Pei. 但如果是一个常在三大帝国夹缝中的那个宝之林出没,而后会去快活林寻开心的人,那么就一定会认得这个不起眼的中年男子,正是快活林那位神秘的裴先生。 About the merry forest, some people said that its back is the Prosperous Phoenix Zhu, some people said that is Hejian Sun Family, even some people said that is often the business of music studio. 关于快活林,有人说它的背后是昌凤朱氏,也有人说是河间孙家,甚至有人说是常乐坊的买卖。 These views, each can be said that has the nose to be perforated, has no ironclad evidence, the person but who Mr. Pei, often walks the merry forest can always see that is clear, in person who the merry forest decides. 这些说法,每一个都能被人说得有鼻子有眼,却都没有任何真凭实据,但是裴先生,是常走快活林的人总能见到的,是明明白白的,在快活林说了算的主儿。 But at present, he appeared on this extremely northern Yandang mountain range, here hardships, compared with the merry forest of gentle multi- gold/metal simply are the opposite. 可是眼下,他却出现在了这极北的雁荡山脉上,这里的艰难困苦,与温柔多金的快活林相比简直就是个对立面。 On the face of Mr. Pei actually cannot see what discomfort, his facial expression usually treats with him comfortably in the merry forest simply exactly the same, together with about that person in him is also the same- iron head. 裴先生的脸上却看不出有什么难受,他的神情与他平时舒舒服服地待在快活林时简直一模一样,连同跟在他左右的那个人也一样-铁头。 Iron inspected that six corpses quickly, then shakes the head toward Mr. Pei: I think simply this died in the forest of treasure.” 铁头很快查验完了那六具尸体,然后朝裴先生摇了摇头:“我简直以为这是死在了宝之林。” The forest of treasure is the most brutal business, dies there person, said that the body did not have an inch wisp to be exaggerating, but under can retain the things, really was also clothing, the premise must be this clothing is not valuable. 宝之林是最残酷的生意场,死在那里人,说身无寸缕夸张了,但能保留下的身外之物,真的也就是身上的衣物,前提还得是这身衣物不怎么值钱。 But at present these six corpses, as if die in the forest of treasure, except clothing, they pulled out a cleanness, even flint kind often some people bring, but is not valuable, loses in the small stuff that some forest of people treasure will not sort, cannot seek in these six people. 而眼下这六具尸体,就仿佛是死在了宝之林,除去身上衣物,他们被掏了个干净,甚至连火石这类常有人带,但丝毫不值钱,丢在宝之林都不会有人拣的小玩艺,在这六人身上都寻不出来。 Mr. Pei has not expressed the opinion, after he stands up, immediately noticed nearby trail, did not bring to conceal, big pile of footprints in the descending the mountain direction. 裴先生对此没有发表意见,他站起身后,立即就注意到了一旁的足迹,一点不带掩饰的,一大堆脚印就朝着下山的方向去了。 Iron also noticed certainly these traces quickly. 铁头当然也很快注意到了这些痕迹。 This is, went to the town/subdues.” He looks at the direction that massive traces are extending to say. “这是,去镇上了。”他望着大量痕迹延伸出的方向说道。 Yes.” Mr. Pei said. “是了。”裴先生说。 We?” Iron looks to Mr. Pei. “那我们呢?”铁头看向裴先生。 Naturally does not manage.” Mr. Pei said. “自然就不管了。”裴先生说。 Yes.” Iron had not asked much. “是。”铁头没有多问。 He knows on Mr. Pei to hide very big secret, has not told him, including the goal, what he hears is only handles matters. But these do not affect his loyalty to Mr. Pei, regardless of Mr. Pei told his anything, he will do with every effort, including do not ask that” this matter, he did very well. 他知道裴先生身上应该藏着很大的秘密,从来都没有告诉过他,其中包括此行的目的,他听到的只是“去办点事”。但这些都丝毫不影响他对裴先生的忠诚,无论裴先生吩咐他什么,他都会尽力去做,包括“不要多问”这件事,他都做得很好。 Then at present, does not have the instruction to make anything in Mr. Pei, he then calmly waits in the one side. 那么眼下,在裴先生没有吩咐要做什么,他便静静地候在一旁。 „Above goes to take a look.” Mr. Pei said suddenly. “去上面瞧瞧吧。”裴先生忽然道。 Iron is on the rise to look upward, above, is the mountain tops of Yandang mountain range, all surmounts these mountain tops, will arrive in the legend place of bitter cold. 铁头抬头往上瞧去,上面,是雁荡山脉的一个又一个山头,将这些山头悉数翻越,就会抵达传说中的苦寒之地。 Does Mr. Pei want to go to the place of bitter cold? 裴先生想去苦寒之地吗? Iron had not asked that but followed in Mr. Pei behind. 铁头没问,只是跟在了裴先生的身后。 The place of bitter cold, is conducting now Four Great Institutes initiates the punitive expedition to Dark Institute that this matter has spread over the world. Now goes to there to sort the divine armament words to think that can sort. The long time area the merry forest and treasure forest of iron head, is maintaining this way of thinking. 苦寒之地,现在正在进行四大学院发起的对暗黑学院的讨伐,这件事早已传遍天下。现在去那里拣神兵的话想必是能拣很多。久在快活林、宝之林一带的铁头,保持着这一带的思维习惯。 Quick, they arrive at a stone platform in halfway up the mountainside, here forms naturally, seeming like is actually the good stopover, several rocks, the shape sympathizes very much seems like the seat. 很快,他们来到半山上的一处石台,这里天然形成,看起来却是个不错的歇脚处,有几座怪石,形状很体贴地像是坐椅。 Rests.” Mr. Pei is saying, then sat on a rock. “歇歇吧。”裴先生说着,便坐在了其中一座怪石上。 Iron has not sat, steps onto the advance party to Mr. Pei behind. Although had not been transferred anything, but follows Mr. Pei many years, he is always clear that the customs of many Mr. Pei, he looked Mr. Pei must wait for the person here. 铁头没坐,走上前站到了裴先生的身后。虽然没被交待什么,但跟随裴先生多年,他总是清楚许多裴先生的习惯,他看出来裴先生是要在这里等人了。 What person will come to here? 什么人会来这里? Iron has the curiosity at heart, but he will not ask. 铁头心里有好奇,但他不会问。 Time one minute/share one second passes by, Mr. Pei is motionless, iron is then motionless, until the mountain above suddenly had the sound. 时间一分一秒过去,裴先生不动,铁头便已不动,直至山上方忽然有了动静。 Has the person.” Iron is saying, the entire god alerts. “有人。”铁头说着,全神戒备起来。 Mr. Pei raised the head, looks to the mountain. 裴先生抬头,望向山上方。 Several forms rapid plunder from the hillside, after seeing to sit Mr. Pei here, to/clashes straightly. 数道身影迅速从山坡上掠下,看到坐在这里的裴先生后,笔直冲来。 Mr. Pei stands up, welcomes always the person. 裴先生站起身,迎向来人。 Comes the person last step to fly to jump lightly, falls, can see the uncommon strength, is his facial expression, it seems like is actually hurried and distressed. 来人最后一步翩然飞起跃起,落下,可以看得出不凡的实力,可是他的神情,看来却是匆忙而又狼狈。 You came.” “你来了。” Came.” “来了。” Two people each other are acquainted, but after coming the person, four accompanying that follows, at this time is also like iron, but the entire god is alerting all around, do not come up the meaning of participation dialogue. 两人彼此相识,而来人身后跟着的四位随行,此时也和铁头一样,只是全神戒备着四周,并没有丝毫要上来参与对话的意思。 Situation is not very good.” Comes the person to say. “情况很不好。”来人说道。 I think that you refer to are not the Four Great Institutes aspect.” Pei first unfamiliar road. “我想你指得不是四大学院方面。”裴先生道。 Is 71.” Comes humanity. “是七十一。”来人道。
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