HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1124: Win-win

On the Lu Ping mouth is asking, has swept, first did not say that youngster this time condition, is only the population, compared with previously resembled was short. 路平嘴上问着,一眼扫过,先不说少年们此时的状态,只是人数,就比先前似又少了一些。 Also some people?” He then also asked. “还有的人呢?”他接着又问。 Died.” The youngster replied. “死了。”少年们回答。 Lu Ping is silent. It seems like the Yandang outside the passes youngster are not such being resigned to bad conditions, they have the resistance, but their frail strengths and experiences are really insufficient the cultivator resistance with any practice sound thorough, their resistances, paid the huge price finally, and does not help matters. 路平沉默。看来雁荡关外少年们也不是那么的逆来顺受,他们也有反抗,只是他们单薄的实力和经验实在不足以与任何一位修炼有素的修者对抗,他们的反抗,最终付出了巨大的代价,而且无济于事。 However after seeing Lu Ping, all youngster sweep dejected, look at Lu Ping inspired. Even if some wounds seriously to seeming like have not been able to continue to support, at this time in the eye had the light. 不过在看到路平后,所有少年都一扫颓然,振奋地看着路平。哪怕一些伤重到看起来已经无法继续支撑的,此时眼里都有了光。 Lu Ping examined one later already by six people that he kills. If experienced cultivator, can discover the much information from these corpses. But Lu Ping has not thought so many from the start, he collects these six people, found divine armament, drugs and silver money and so on goods certain, then gave the youngster. 路平随后又去查看了一下已经被他击毙的六人。如果是位有经验的修者,自是能从这些尸体上发现很多信息。但路平压根就没想这么多,他只是搜罗一下这六人,找到了神兵、药品、银钱之类的随身物品若干,而后就交给了少年们。 Do not waste.” Lu Ping is saying. “不要浪费。”路平说着。 Youngster fierce nod, while received these curiously. Their experiences are frailer than Lu Ping, most things naturally do not know are anything, in brief first receives is being. 少年们一边猛点头,一边好奇地接过这些。他们的见识比路平还要单薄,大部分东西自然也不知是什么,总之先收着就是。 Everyone comes with me.” After plundering, did not look at these six corpse one again, Lu Ping then said. “大家跟我来吧。”搜刮完毕后,就再没有多看这六具尸体一眼,路平接着就道。 Which no one asked that they followed the Lu Ping footsteps immediately. 没有人问去哪,他们马上跟随上了路平的脚步。 Lu Ping also asks condition that later their First Path comes, such that all basically such as he suspects, closes this First Path safe/without matter to happen to Yandang from the place of bitter cold, the area inside the Great Wall Institute person also no one presses them. Until enters the area inside the Great Wall, felt here to compare outside the passes at least to say temperately after some climates, the nightmare arrived again. 路平随后又问了问他们一路过来的状况,一切基本就如他猜想的那样,从苦寒之地到雁荡关这一路都无事发生,遇到的关内学院人士也没有人难为他们。直至进到关内,感受到这边相比起关外至少已经可以说温和了一些的气候后,噩梦就再次降临了。 But compares long-time suffering that they suffer, this nightmare can be called is short, such a meeting, Lu Ping appeared to save them unexpectedly. 只不过相比他们所遭受的长久折磨,这噩梦称得上是短暂,才这么一会,路平居然就又出现救下了他们。 How to appear as for Lu Ping once again, this normal person definitely will be curious the matter, the youngster has not actually all thought, unexpectedly no one asked. 至于路平怎么会又一次出现,这种正常人来说肯定会好奇一下的事情,少年们却全没想到,竟然没有一个人发问。 When Lu Ping did not ask, everyone happily is silent, with Lu Ping along the background, again mountain valley entrance who returned to Yandang to close. 路平不发问的时候,所有人就是高兴地沉默着,跟着路平沿着来路,再度回到了雁荡关的山谷口。 We go to the town/subdues.” Lu Ping referred to forward. “我们去镇上。”路平向前指了指。 Everyone nods, follows. 所有人点头,跟上。 The instruction that Yandang closes looked like has delivered to the small town, here became tightly guarded gets up suddenly. Small town has cultivator to inspect everywhere impressively. Lu Ping leads this group of youngster, immediately drew the innumerable attention. A cultivator squad of more than ten person assembles rapidly, many cultivator also in catch up toward here. 雁荡关上的指令看来已经送到了小镇,这里忽然变得戒备森严起来。小镇的四处赫然都有修者在巡视。路平带着这一群少年,马上引来了无数的注意。一支十多人的修者小队迅速集结,更多的修者也在朝着这边赶来。 Person on one's own side.” Lu Ping frontline propaganda. “自己人。”路平喊话。 These people actually do not know him, some where talks big but do nothing people to pay attention. 这些人却都不认识他,空喊又哪有人理会。 „Does Senior Brother Huo Ying give your thing also in?” Lu Ping asked the youngster. 霍英师兄给你们的东西还在吗?”路平问少年们。 The youngster are shaking the head very much regrettably. When leaves the valley runs into the Organization person, they where recognize, only when considers Yandang has closed the same Pan exam, but also shows Huo Ying to give their lock letter paper. Finally was pinched a smashing together with that hand of communication together. 少年们很遗憾地摇着头。出谷遇到组织的人时,他们哪里认得,只当是过雁荡关时一样的盘检,还向人出示着霍英给他们的定制信笺。结果连同递信的那只手一起被人捏了个粉碎。 Black Tortoise these people, but also in?” Lu Ping thinks immediately a certificate the means of his status, shouted propaganda again. 玄武的那些人呢,还在吗?”路平马上又想到了一个证明他身份的办法,再次喊话。 The Black Tortoise Institute reputation is really big, but mentioned like this, cultivator of guarding small town do not dare easily hurriedly, some people to nod immediately after immediately, conveyed a message. 玄武学院的名头着实是大,只是这样提到,驻守小镇的修者们顿时就不敢轻易造次,马上就有人点了点头后传话去了。 Only in a minute, some people come, the wear is the Black Tortoise Institute clothing/taking color, which Lu Ping does not recognize him is Black Tortoise Institute, but others recognize him! Confirmed after Lu Ping is the friend non- enemy, numerous cultivator of guarding small town diverges, Black Tortoise Institute that actually collected hurriedly, being frightened of face is disturbed. 只片刻,就又有人来,穿着是玄武学院的服色,路平都不认得他是玄武学院的哪个,但人家认得他啊!证实了路平是友非敌后,驻守小镇的众修者散去,玄武学院那位却匆忙凑了上来,一脸的惊惶忐忑。 What's wrong?” He looks at Lu Ping to ask. “怎么?”他看着路平问道。 I deliver some helpers to come to you.” Lu Ping said. “我给你们送些帮手来。”路平说。 What?” This is bewildered. “什么?”这位一脸茫然。 These youngster are the trustworthy people, some cultivator background, have not been able to utilize, you give to counsel, protecting you should the issue not be big completely.” Lu Ping introduced. “这些少年都是信得过的人,有一些修者的底子,就是还不太会运用,你们给辅导一下,护你们周全应该问题不大。”路平介绍道。 What are you saying?” Comes the person to be thoroughly vacant, he cared how to go to return with the Lu Ping that collection departs together, the collection the safety how, Lu Ping said at this time finally this pile of some do not have. “你在说什么啊?”来人彻底茫然,他只是关心同正集一同离去的路平怎么就去而复返,正集此时安危如何,结果路平却说了这一堆有的没的。 You, was not worried that was taken the opportunity to strike a vicious blow?” Lu Ping said. “你们一个个病歪歪的,不担心被借机下了毒手吗?”路平说。 „” This is speechless for a while, this worry, they have certainly. Therefore is putting together the bodies of being wounded, they also established their temporary dwelling places diligently. However this is still the issue of secondary worry, they care about Institute at present, cares about the collection. Finally Lu Ping in this cared that their made one worry very much, but this, always cannot be angry is not, after all was the good intention. “”这位一时无语,这个担心,他们当然是有的。所以拼着一个个带伤的身体,他们也努力将他们暂时的居处设置了一番。不过这依然是次要担心的问题,他们眼下更关心学院,更关心正集。结果路平在这关心他们这很令人着急,但这,总也不能生气不是,毕竟是好意。 Collection how?” This directly asked simply. “正集怎样了?”这位干脆直接问。 Delivered the news.” Lu Ping said. “去送消息了啊。”路平说。 „Is he all right?” “他没事吧?” At least I and he separate he is good.” Lu Ping tells the truth. “至少我和他分开的时候他挺好的。”路平有一说一。 This relaxes finally slightly, this slackens off, immediately from top to bottom which painful. They keep the pile of people injuries in Yanmen small town to be all heavy, as long as this can also action free that follow the collection same place. At present can come out, chooses the best person available. This will hear the collection to be the safe/without matter, the main worry did not have, that is raising one breath loosen, the person as if could not support. 这位总算是稍松了口气,这一松劲,立即浑身上下哪哪都痛。他们留在雁门小镇的这一堆人个个伤势不轻,这但凡还能行动自如的那早就跟着正集一起了。眼下能出来一位,也不过是矮子里拔将军。这会听到正集应该是无事,主要担心没了,那提着的一口气一松,人似乎都支持不住了。 What situation?” Lu Ping looks at him to creaky, put out a hand to hold hastily. “什么情况?”路平看他摇摇欲坠的,连忙伸手扶了一把。 Sees Senior Brother Xu Chuan.” This person of speech tone was weak. “去见许川师兄吧。”这人的说话口气都虚弱了。 Immediately went to the Black Tortoise Institute people to rest that room. Xu Chuan the first half dusk half-asleep, has first been supporting waking up at this time, after listening Lu Ping said the long and short of the story, immediately looks to the youngster outside room. 随即又去了玄武学院众人歇息那屋。许川先前半昏半睡,此时也已强撑着醒来,听路平说了来龙去脉后,随即看向了屋外的少年们。 Got it.” Xu Chuan nods, the eye also shone several points. “明白了。”许川点了点头,眼睛不由地也是亮了几分。 They each one wounds are now heavy, belong to have a mind to be incapable. Although there is Green Peak Empire cultivator stationed in the side, but the enemy friend is difficult to distinguish, the commanding generals who after hearing even Yandang close is a spy, does not dare to readily believe now the person. 他们现在个个伤重,属于有心无力。虽有青峰帝国修者驻扎在侧,但是敌友难辨,在听闻连雁荡关上的主将都是奸细后,更不敢轻信现在人了。 Under this condition, there is a person who such a pile can believe absolutely, that was really precious. But after understanding the conditions of these youngster, Xu Chuan also understood the intention of Lu Ping completely. These youngster can trust, but the strength is bad. But their strengths are bad, because will not utilize own ability, they have the considerable foundation. Is directed 12 by their these Black Tortoise elites, hasn't the strength been increased rapidly? The youngster had the strength, they were protected, seems like the quite win-win aspect. 这种状况下,有这么一堆绝对可以相信的人,那真的是太珍贵了。而在了解过这些少年的状况后,许川也完全明白了路平的用意。这些少年可以信赖,但是实力不济。而他们的实力不济,只是因为不会运用自身的能力,他们本身都是有相当根基的。由他们这些玄武精英指点一二,实力还不飞速提升?如此少年们拥有了实力,他们得到了保护,看起来是相当双赢的局面。 Do these youngster, want to be counted their Black Tortoise disciple as the matter stands? 只是这些少年,这样一来要算作他们玄武门人吗? This thought also glittered in the Xu Chuan brain, but quick on the past. At present the situation is special, he cannot attend to going into seriously these. Can suddenly some so many available people, to be honest, he feel the matter that immediately they can do also all of a sudden were many many. 这个念头在许川脑中也闪烁了一下,不过很快就过去了。眼下情况特殊,他也顾不上去深究这些。能突然有这么多可用之人,说实话,他立即觉得他们能做的事也一下子多了许多了。 You stay here, listening to them to arrange.” After Lu Ping and Black Tortoise Institute people communicate, said his arrangement to the youngster. “你们就留在这里,听他们安排吧。”路平玄武学院的众人沟通过后,才对少年们说出他的安排。 Big brother you?” The youngster have no question, but cares about Lu Ping. “那大哥你呢?”少年们根本没有任何质疑,只是关心路平 I still have the matter to do.” Lu Ping said. “我依然是有事要做的。”路平说道。
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