HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1123: All right

Chapter 1123 is all right 第1123章都没事吧 The name of only Second Level Ability, was what meaning Song Wenfeng does not care actually. Listens to the Lu Ping words this meaning, with him to this Ability irrelevant understanding, as if really can find the whereabouts of these youngster through Song Wenfeng. 区区一个二级异能的命名,到底是什么意思宋文凤其实一点都不放在心上。只是听路平话里这意思,凭着他对这个异能牛头不对马嘴的理解,似乎真能通过宋文凤找到那些少年的去向。 This saying traded is others said, Song Wenfeng definitely snorted contemptuously. But but Lu Ping above repeatedly emphasized character who may not oppose the enemy absolutely directly. Can make the above great person put down this words to come seriously, Lu Ping strength Song Wenfeng does not dare to estimate at will. Had a palm of the hand again the real combat example that he made to turn to crawling, Lu Ping this saying, Song Wenfeng is not really at all conveniently at present is the threat. 这话换是其他人说,宋文凤肯定嗤之以鼻。但路平可是上头一再强调绝对不可正面对敌的人物。能让上面的大人物郑重地放下这种话来,路平的实力宋文凤已经不敢随意去揣摩了。再有随手一巴掌就把他拍翻到爬不起来的真实战例,路平眼下这话,宋文凤真不敢当是恐吓。 Really? 难道真的可以? Song Wenfeng the heart was a little chaotic. Where these youngster will be taken away, he is not clear, sees only one to carry his Lu Ping with long hurried strides, is forwarding unambiguously fast. Will not then put on the mountain valley greatly, the Yanmen small town appeared in the field of vision again. 宋文凤心有点乱。那些少年到底会被带去哪里,他也不清楚,只见一手拎着他的路平大步流星,毫不含糊地飞快向前。不大会便穿出了山谷,雁门小镇再次出现在视野中。 Lu Ping stopped the footsteps, pulled out sniffing. 路平停下了脚步,抽了抽鼻子。 Displays the dwelling place not to need to inspire such movement, Lu Ping begins studies, many somewhat is unfamiliar, what locking is the smell, cannot help but increased such movement. 施展居处并不需要吸气这样的动作,路平初学,多少还有些生疏,锁定的是气味,不由自主地就添加了这样的动作。 Lu Ping stayed some little time, once closed the eye, enabling own attention to be able completely centralized to this smell perceive on. When he opens the eyes again, the vision carried over the right. 路平停留了好一会,一度闭上了眼睛,让自己的注意力可以完全集中在对这气味的感知上。等他再度睁开双眼时,目光移向了右方。 Is here?” Lu Ping toward right pointed was asking the sentence. “是这边吗?”路平朝右指着问了句。 Song Wenfeng has contacted the person were without doubt many. Lu Ping does not know which smell information is his goal. The difficulty that Sound Capture brings excessively keenly also appeared in the dwelling place Lu Ping which needs to distinguish from mostly the information is the true need. 宋文凤接触过的人无疑是很多的。路平并不知其中哪个气味信息是他的目标。听破过分敏锐带来的困扰同样出现在了居处上-路平需要从大多信息中分辨哪个才是自己真正需要的。 Is good because of the mountain valley comes out then only then Yanmen small town whereabouts, but youngster not by taking away small town. Song Wenfeng has contacted many smells toward the Yanmen small town. But has such a, had/left the mountain valley then to shift to the western hillside. 好在山谷出来便只有雁门小镇这一个去向,而少年们并没有被带去小镇。宋文凤所接触过的许多气味都是朝着雁门小镇去了。但其中就有那么一股,出了山谷便转向了西边的山坡。 Perhaps.” Song Wenfeng replied. His First Path before estimating the information that Lu Ping disclosed that speculated the Lu Ping judgment way by this. At this time hears Lu Ping to question, he is no longer silent, wants to give Lu Ping to come the mixture of truth and deceit genuine and fake. “或许吧。”宋文凤答道。他一路都在揣摩路平之前透露的信息,以此来推测路平的判断方式。此时听到路平问话,他不再沉默,想给路平来个虚虚实实真真假假。 It seems like you do not know.” Lu Ping said. “看来你也不知道。”路平说道。 Song Wenfeng one startled, he attempted mysterious, a point with did not have. Lu Ping do not seem many thinks, seeks the simplest answer. 宋文凤心里一惊,他试图故弄玄虚,却一点用也没有。路平似乎并不多想,就找最简单的答案。 This person......” Lu Ping closes one's eyes again, has not been closing to contact with you.” Lu Ping is saying, while leaned the body, seemed like at the confirmation behind anything matter. “这个人……”路平再度闭上眼,“并没有和你在关上接触过。”路平一边说着,一边微侧了身,似乎是在确认身后的什么事。 inside the valley he has not kept your smell trace...... he to wait here, intercepted everyone directly.” Lu Ping continues the information that acts according to him to obtain to judge. “山谷里没有他留在你身上的气味痕迹……他是在这里等候,直接截住了大家。”路平继续根据他得到的信息判断着。 Song Wenfeng went all out to conceal his astonishment. Which that a little annual meeting was taken away, he truly does not know. But many knows that they when having the valley were intercepted such arrangement. Lu Ping guesses that is not bad. Is his dwelling place? Can go to this situation, what that also seizes smell to make, was hearing the smells of these youngster didn't look on First Path? 宋文凤拼命掩饰着他的惊异。那些少年会被带去哪,他确实不知道。但多少知道他们会在出谷时就被拦截这样的安排。路平所猜一点不差。这就是他的居处?能达到这种地步,那还捉着自己身上的气味做什么,闻着那些少年的气味不就一路找过去了? Hope is here.” Lu Ping had made the decision at this time, has not done to hesitate, turns around to go to the west. “希望是这边。”路平这时已经做出了决定,没有多做迟疑,转身向西而去。 Song Wenfeng also very cared about by Lu Ping such hand at first is carried extremely in the humiliation, at present actually where can also attend to these. He tries hard to hold up the head to look forward, the west side hillside faces south, is going against the sunlight, the snow on hillside is illuminated white shiningly, making Song Wenfeng one feel dizzy. 宋文凤起初还挺在意被路平这样手拎太过于屈辱,眼下却哪里还顾得上这些。他努力昂起头来向前看着,西边山坡朝南,正顶着日光,山坡上的积雪被照得白灿灿的,让宋文凤一阵眼晕。 In the snow surface does not have any has walked the trace, the common sense infers this direction is not naturally right. But Lu Ping seems like exceptionally is firm. He does not fear the scar actually, is walking carefully. more to the place of snow depth, will also carry tall some Song Wenfeng subconsciously, so as to avoid his gives the pestle to the snow. 雪面上没有任何行走过的痕迹,常理推断这个方向自然不对。可路平看起来却异常坚定。他倒是不怕留痕迹,一步一个脚印地走着。越到雪深的地方,还会下意识地把宋文凤拎高些,免得他头给杵到雪里。 Own this is also falls in the rival? The nonchalant small action, making Song Wenfeng the mood unusual. 自己这还算是落在敌手中的吗?不经意的小举动,让宋文凤心情异常。 Lu Ping actually stopped the footsteps at this time again, pulled out the nose, the look moved slightly, the body pulled down immediately. 路平却在这时再度停下脚步,抽起了鼻子,眼神微动,身子立时压低。 Song Wenfeng has not detected anything, but looks at the Lu Ping sudden action, the intention moved, at this moment he was prepared, how to do, he also some ponder, then now...... 宋文凤并没有察觉到什么,只是看着路平突如其来的举动,心念一动,这一刻他有准备,怎么做,他也有过思考,那么现在…… ! 啪! Lu Ping another wields suddenly, knocks after his neck, wells up vigorously, making Song Wenfeng the consciousness blur instantaneously, condensed for a long time Soul Power secretly, is in an instant lax. 路平另一手突然挥来,敲在他的脖后,一股大力涌来,让宋文凤的意识瞬间就模糊了,暗暗凝聚许久的魄之力,刹那间便已经涣散。 passes. 噗通。 Was carried First Path Song Wenfeng to be let loose, he jumped in the snow immediately. 被拎了一路的宋文凤被放开了,他立即扑进了雪里。 Is falls into the rival right...... his train of thought final, hiked up impressively is such a thought. Lu Ping actually in was jumped in the snow then had fled, several rises quickly, the big piece form has appeared in his line of sight. 是落入敌手没错……他思绪的最终,飘起的赫然是这样一个念头。路平却早在被扑进雪中时便已经窜了出去,迅雷不及掩耳的几个起落,大片身影已经出现在了他的视线内。 Wha......” “什……” Merely one character. 仅仅一个字。 The sound as if cut off by the sharp blade, stops. The silent half hillside as before is maintaining silent, several standing cultivator, on the face mostly are the stunned facial expressions, their person turning around scope, has not even stiffened after the sound of that character in a correct direction. Afterward everyone's movement is depending on the previous inertia. Continues to turn the body , to continue to raise , to continue to step the foot , to continue to open mouth, but simultaneously, everyone is continuing their movement, while toward one side but actually. 声音仿佛被利刃斩断,就此止住。寂静的半山坡依旧保持着寂静,数位站立的修者,脸上大多是错愕的神情,他们有的人甚至都还没有转身面朝正确的方向,就在那一个字的声音后僵住。随后所有人的动作就只是依着先前的惯性。继续转着身,继续扬着手,继续迈着脚,继续张着嘴,但是同时,所有人一边继续着他们的动作,一边朝着一旁倒了下去。 The youngster are stunned. 少年们错愕着。 What matter they have not detected assume the post, but also to be being been seizing to feel sad continually again. Although the opposite party only then six people, may in their eyes be such great strength, their dozens people together are not the opponents, was routed the control by the opposite party with ease. 他们没有察觉到任何事,还在持续地为再一次被捉到感到哀伤。对方虽然只有六人,可在他们眼中是那样的强大,他们几十人一起也丝毫不是对手,被对方轻轻松松击溃控制。 But is only such a instantly, in their eyes six people of devils then crack a joke suddenly drops down, from beginning to end then only then does not know which bewildered shouted one. 可就只是这么一个刹那,在他们眼中凶神恶煞的六人忽然便开玩笑似的一起倒下,从始至终便只有其中不知哪一位莫名其妙了喊了一声。 What's wrong?” Some people are having doubts making noise. “怎么了?”有人疑惑着出声。 All right?” Immediately a sound conveys. “没事吧?”随即一个声音传来。 In all person hearts jumps immediately. 所有人心中顿时一跳。 To them, this is the sound that they will not forget in any event. Was this sound them from the black blanking bar to the light, was this sound indicated the road ahead to them, at this time they fell into the hopeless situation again, but this sound appeared again. 对他们而言,这是他们无论如何都不会忘记的声音。是这个声音把他们从黑暗带到了光明,是这个声音给他们指明了前路,此时他们再次陷入绝境,而这个声音就再一次出现了。 Is a big brother!” “是大哥!” Some people called to make noise. 有人叫出了声。 Everyone looks, saw that Lu Ping side plunders toward them, while is still alerting all around carefully. 所有人望去,就看到路平一边朝他们掠边,一边还在小心地戒备着四周。 „Others?” Lu Ping is asking. “还有其他人吗?”路平问着。 No one attended to replying that Lu Ping issue, sees Lu Ping instantly, the joy occupied their mood. They six people that just fell with Lu Ping have not even linked. They first are happy, then realized that some people saved them, then they consciousness again and again, they had been rescued. 没有人顾上回答路平的问题,看到路平的刹那,喜悦就占据了他们所有人的心情。他们甚至没把刚刚落下去的六人和路平联系在一起。他们先是高兴,然后才意识到有人来救他们了,再再然后他们才意识,他们已经被救完了。 Without others?” Lu Ping is very careful, confirmed fast one strikes six people that kills. The youngster then recover from the Lu Ping action. “没有其他人了吗?”路平很仔细,飞快又确认了一遍击杀的六人。少年们这才从路平的举动上回过神来。 Did not have.” They said. “没有了。”他们说道。 That is good.” Lu Ping then relaxes, this looks earnestly to the youngster. “那就好。”路平这才松了口气,这才认真看向众少年。 „Is everyone all right?” Lu Ping said. “大家都没事吧?”路平说道。
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