HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1122: The meaning of dwelling place

Yao Mi would rather not. This Lu Ping also leads the person to do without reaching an agreement, if causes an accident, this important clue character would have no? Doing to the Lu Ping strength is tyrannical, Yao Mi, felt after careful consideration oneself best do not say this not. He can only expect that looks at Lu Ping, hopes that hears the commitment from Lu Ping here. 姚觅心里是不太情愿的。这路平也没说好带着人去干嘛,万一弄出个三长两短,这重要的线索人物不就没了?奈何路平实力强横,姚觅权衡再三,觉得自己最好还是不要说出这个“不”来。他只能期待地看着路平,希望从路平这里听到一些承诺。 Finally Lu Ping hears him to agree, considered only happily. 结果路平听到他同意,就只顾得高兴了。 Many thanks.” Lu Ping said. “多谢。”路平说道。 „...... Is impolite.” Yao Mi tone dry. “呃……不客气。”姚觅语气干涩。 I.” Lu Ping this greeting to had been put the ground by him finally gently Su Tang. “那我去了。”路平最后这声招呼是冲已经被他轻轻放到地上的苏唐 Goes.” Su Tang said. “去吧。”苏唐说。 Has displayed Song Wenfeng who fearless does not coordinate, on the face finally reveals in a terrified way some. What can Lu Ping lead him to make? Lu Ping do not know. This unknown, Lu Ping is indifferent, he felt the intense anxiety. Immediately sees Lu Ping to arrive around him, grabs his clothes robe then to carry conveniently him. Like treating Su Tang carries to cautiously conducting the back? That obviously is some of he not possible treatments. 一直表现得无所畏惧毫不配合的宋文凤,脸上终于露出些许惶恐。路平要带着他做什么?连路平自己都不知道。这种未知,路平无所谓,他却感到了强烈的不安。随即就见路平走到他跟前,随手抓着他的衣袍便已将他拎起。像对待苏唐一样小心翼翼地背到背上?那显然是他不可能有的待遇。 Lu Ping outside others toward Su Tang nods later, turns around to carry Song Wenfeng to walk in the direction of area inside the Great Wall like this alone. 路平随后朝着苏唐以外的其他所有人点了点头,转身就这样拎着宋文凤朝着关内的方向独自走去。 Everyone gazes, suddenly matter on hand putting behind, until Lu Ping to enter the area inside the Great Wall, gradually walks away. 所有人目送,一时间都把手头的事给忘却了,直至路平走进关内,逐渐走远。 My also this/should starting off.” The collection recovers to say. “我也该上路了。”正集回过神来说道。 Goes along with the collection teacher by these together. You know slowly familiar on the road.” Yao Mi cultivator that defended to close recommends five to the collection, were not many makes the introduction. “就由这几位随正集老师一同前往吧。你们在路上慢慢认识熟悉。”姚觅将五位守关的修者引荐给了正集,却也不多做介绍。 Had the work.” The collection is very polite. Trades in the ordinary day, at present these five this grade of realm levels he does not hit to look pleasant. But at present this is he very rare boost. “有劳诸位了。”正集很客气。换在平日,眼前这五位这等境界水准他是不打看得入眼的。可是眼下这已是他十分难得的助力了。 Is the jobs.” Five people replied together. “都是分内之事。”五人齐答道。 We also start off!” The collection said. “那我们也上路吧!”正集说道。 Yes.” Five people accordingly, the group in the direction of place of bitter cold. “是。”五人应声,一行人就此朝着苦寒之地的方向去了。 Yandang closed/pass to return to normal, but Yao Mi actually does not dare to have at this time slightly laxly. First after assigning/life the person Su Tang is carefully calm, arranges one team of people to go to the Yanmen small town. First completes the commission of collection, comes also to the manpower who has with the small town in communicate again. 雁荡关下恢复了平静,但是姚觅此时却不敢有丝毫松懈。先命人将苏唐小心安顿后,又安排了一队人前往雁门小镇。一来是完成正集的嘱托,再来也是要跟小镇上驻扎的人手有所沟通。 But he, then examined immediately is previously struck to turn by Lu Ping, that two spies who want dead. Their strength and position were far less than that perhaps Song Wenfeng, did not have Song Wenfeng to be valuable. But after will strive for decidedly by the severe wound, explained that they regarding living are falling into the rival to mind very much, body many can also bring much to their disadvantageous information. But these, are Yao Mi most want to know at this time. 而他本人,则立即去审先前被路平击翻,想死没死的那两个奸细了。他们实力、地位都远不如宋文凤,或许没有宋文凤那么有价值。但在被重伤后会决然求死,说明他们对于活着落入敌手还是很介意的,身上多少也会带着不少对他们不利的信息。而这些,是姚觅此时最想知道的。 This goes out the punitive expedition, perhaps and was inferior from the beginning everyone estimates is so simple! Yao Mi has the premonition at this time at heart faintly. Hurries to toward that two people of detaining places, while also told that own trusted subordinate subordinate, assigns/life them to bring all lock that the person will close to inspect again carefully. 这趟出关讨伐,或许并不如大家一开始预想的那么简单啊!姚觅此时心里已经隐隐有了预感。一边朝那二人的关押处赶去,一边又吩咐自己的亲信部下,命他们带人将关上的所有定制都再仔细检查一遍。 Treads on stone stairs that in ascending closes, Yao Mi looks toward the area inside the Great Wall. Lu Ping carried Song Wenfeng the form not to completely vanish, but more walked is quicker. Fuzzy within, Yao Mi noticed that was carried Song Wenfeng in hand as if to return by Lu Ping diligently, looked at one toward the Yandang pass/test. Yao Mi displayed subconsciously, saw full being unwilling from Song Wenfeng the eyes, as if also somewhat...... desperate? 踏在登关的石梯上时,姚觅不由地又朝关内望去。路平拎着宋文凤的身影还没完全消失,只是越走越快。模糊间,姚觅看到被路平拎在手里的宋文凤似乎努力回了下头,朝雁荡关这边望了一眼。姚觅下意识地施展了远视,顿从宋文凤眼中看到满满的不甘,似乎还有几分……绝望? When this was Song Wenfeng by they encircled has not revealed the facial expression, now is brought by Lu Ping one person, was afraid? 这可是宋文凤被他们团团围住时都没有流露过的神情,现在只是被路平一人带着,就这么害怕了? Because of the Lu Ping strength? 是因为路平的实力? No, he is not fearing Lu Ping, what he is fearing is carries off this matter. Because he not only revealed despaired and unwilling, his turned head. This is his mood key point. 不,他不是在怕路平,他在怕的是被带走这件事。因为他不仅仅流露了绝望和不甘,还有他那一回头。这一回头才是他情绪的重点。 He wants to remain to close. 他想留在关上。 Even if he will be imprisoned, even if he will welcome the severe interrogation, these obvious conditions have not made him flurried, but carried off by Lu Ping, making him fluster. 哪怕他会被囚禁,哪怕他会迎来严酷的审讯,这些显而易见的状况都没有让他慌乱,但被路平带走,让他慌了。 Yao Mi pondered following the logic, realized Song Wenfeng had as before scheme, however Lu Ping led him to walk, actually score a lucky hit, chaotic Song Wenfeng scheme. 姚觅顺着逻辑思考,意识到宋文凤依旧是有所图谋的,但是路平的“带他走”,却歪打正着,乱了宋文凤的图谋。 The fellow, has thought of this! 那家伙,是已经想到这点了吗! Yao Mi looks to that already the somewhat slurred form, only thought that even more is as deep as a well. 姚觅看向那个已经有些模糊不清的身影,只觉得越发高深莫测起来。 Lu Ping does not have Yao Mi to think to be as deep as a well, but is not at first sight is so bewildered. 路平没有姚觅想得这么高深莫测,但也不是乍看之下的那么莫名其妙。 Is carrying Song Wenfeng, he does not have to care at first, many attention placed in the control of Soul Power. He in the dwelling place that the practice just studied. 拎着宋文凤,他起初没有太在意,更多的注意力放在了魄之力的控制上。他在练习刚刚学来的居处。 In everyone's time concept, Lu Ping this Ability study was only listened to an explanation. But Lu Ping has not come to one's ear in fact does not forget the ability. Neglects in everyone, thinks that is impossible to make in anything's time, Lu Ping has depended on the explanation that is listening to attempt repeatedly. 在所有人的时间概念里,路平异能学的就只是了听了一遍讲解。可事实上路平没有过耳不忘了本领。在大家忽略的,以为根本不可能做什么的时间里,路平已经依着听来的讲解尝试了多次。 First must confirm that this Ability is can control. Sound's Soul linking up Ability Lu Ping can display , because Lu Ping grasped long time ago can let the Sound's Soul Ability pure way, but other five Soul Power had not actually broken through in this aspect. 先要确认这个异能是不是自己能驾驭。鸣之魄贯通异能路平能施展,是因为路平早早就掌握了可以让鸣之魄异能精纯的方式,而其他五魄之力在这方面却一直没有突破。 However at this time is different in those days, Headmaster leaves his Heavenly Deception practice, lets Intense Locked Soul is imprisoning Soul Power no longer is instinct dashing, the time is long, has combed the order gradually, again to today's Drawing Stars to enter Life, battering chaotic thorough has become. Lu Ping can control his Soul Power finally with ease freely. 但是今时不同往日,院长留给他的偷天换日练习,让销魂锁魄禁锢着的魄之力不再是本能地冲撞,时间一长,渐渐已经梳理出了秩序,再到今日的引星入命,横冲直撞的杂乱无章彻底已成过去。路平终于可以轻松自如地驾驭他的魄之力 Intense Locked Soul still, Soul Power separated a wall with him eventually. Soul Power in imprisonment vertical plays thousand patterns, has thought this wall, still only has the old way that Lu Ping study diligently: Speed. 只是销魂锁魄犹在,魄之力与他之间终究还是隔了一道墙。禁锢中的魄之力纵是玩出千般花样,想过这道墙,却依然只有路平自己钻研出的老法子:速度。 However high-level Ability is mostly complex the tedious, involved Soul Power type are more is so. Lu Ping must break through Intense Locked Soul, leaves his time throughout is such instantly, this instantly, only needs sole Soul Power Ability he to control still permissible, above Two Mortal Souls, the change increases doubled and re-doubled, the time of expenditure, is unable to press eventually in such instantly. 然而高级的异能大多复杂繁琐,涉及的魄之力种类越多越是如此。路平要突破销魂锁魄,留给他的时间始终就是那么一个刹那,这刹那,一个只需单一魄之力异能他尚可驾驭,双魄以上,变化成倍增加,花费的时间,终究无法压在这样的刹那。 The dwelling place, Qi's Soul Second Level Control System Ability, is one to Ability that the smell conducts to seal and gain. Really must say the common usage in tracing, is actually the coordination between partners. A side preserves the smell information with the dwelling place, other seek with the dwelling place. 居处,气之魄二级控制系异能,是一个对气味进行封存、获取的异能。真要说在追踪上的常见用法,其实是同伙之间的配合。一方用居处来留存气味信息,其他则用居处来寻找。 However after Lu Ping control Ability, because operating speed greatly enhances always has the unexpected effect. In the process of initial attempt, Lu Ping had detected. He is carrying Song Wenfeng, when First Path practice dwelling place, Song Wenfeng became his experiment target. 但是经路平驾驭的异能,因为运转速度的大幅提高总有出乎意料的效果。在最初尝试的过程中,路平就已经发觉。他拎着宋文凤,一路练习居处时,宋文凤就成了他的实验目标。 Song Wenfeng that nonchalant then looked, Yao Mi who Yandang closed saw, carried his Lu Ping also to detect immediately. 宋文凤那不经意的回头一望,雁荡关上的姚觅看到了,拎着他的路平也马上察觉到。 You do not want to leave.” Without has had any exchange Lu Ping with Song Wenfeng, after his then said. “你不想离开。”一直没跟宋文凤有任何交流的路平,就在他这一回头后说道。 Song Wenfeng did not speak. 宋文凤不语。 That looked like me to take you are the belt/bring is right.” Lu Ping said. “那看来我带上你是带对了。”路平说。 Song Wenfeng was still silent. 宋文凤依旧沉默。 Lu Ping has not actually gone into seriously in this issue, but asked suddenly: „Has the person who takes away these youngster, had the contact with you?” 路平却没有在这个问题上深究,只是忽然问道:“带走那些少年的人,与你有过接触吗?” Had not replied. 没有回答。 I thought that will have mostly.” Lu Ping replied itself. “我觉得多半会有。”路平自己回答自己。 Has had the contact, on you have their dwelling places. Originally the dwelling place is this meaning, is really good Ability.” Lu Ping then said. “有过接触,你身上就有他们的居处。原来居处就是这个意思,真是个不错的异能。”路平接着道。 Nonsense, dwelling place where is this meaning.” Song Wenfeng could not bear say. “胡扯,居处哪里是这个意思。”宋文凤忍不住道。 I thought that is.” Lu Ping said. “我觉得就是。”路平说。
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