HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1127: Profound deep green dragon

After Mr. Pei here confirmed news, that facial expression immediately from anticipating to turn excitedly, even excited to starting to control to pace. 从裴先生这里得到确认的消息后,那位的神情顿时已从期待变成了兴奋,甚至激动到开始左右踱步。 This......” his brain is revolving rapidly, seemed like the pushing crowded brain has not helped ponder with the hand on the difference again, ate up the Yandang pass/test hardly, perhaps did not have the issue!” “这样的话……”他的大脑飞速运转着,看起来就差没再用手去挤挤脑子帮助思考了,“硬吃下雁荡关,或许都没有问题!” So long as that wants.” Mr. Pei brushes off the bottom of pants leg was moistening the snowflake, stands up. “只要那位愿意。”裴先生掸了掸裤脚沾着的雪花,站起身来。 ............ ………… Yanmen small town. 雁门小镇。 Lu Ping leads the youngster to Black Tortoise Institute people here, after doing explained simply, has been about to leave. Pushes the youngster outside room makes way to say immediately. Lu Ping behind, there is can still act a Black Tortoise disciple with, started the calm youngster. 路平将少年们带到玄武学院众人这里,做了简单交待后,就已经准备离开。挤在屋外的少年们随即让开条道。路平的身后,又有个尚能行动着的玄武门人跟了出来,开始安顿少年们。 The youngster come in large numbers, is not obviously impossible to push to this room. But is this ordinary house, at this time had been tried hard to establish by these Black Tortoise disciples, is not commonplace cultivator can burst at will. However now are also many this many youngster, the battle formation and range of defense will expand without doubt many. With the Black Tortoise disciple, has started to understand the condition of each youngster at this time. 少年们人数众多,显然不可能全挤到这屋。而就是这间普普通通的房屋,此时可是已被这些玄武门人努力设置过一番,已不是等闲修者可以随意乱闯的了。不过现下又多了这许多少年,防御的阵势和范围无疑又将扩大很多。跟出来的这位玄武门人,此时已经开始了解每一位少年的状况。 By youngster who he asked that was answering, has not asked that all simultaneous/uniform Qiwang Lu Ping. 被他问到的少年,在回话,没有问到的,全都齐齐望着路平 I walked.” Lu Ping said goodbye to the youngster again, wave, the stride in Yandang pass/test Fangxiang. “我走了。”路平再一次向少年们告别,挥了挥手们,大步朝雁荡关方向去了。 The youngster are gazing, until the Lu Ping back completely vanishes, but their conditions were also understood by the Black Tortoise people at this time 7788. 少年们目送着,直至路平的背影完全消失,而他们的状况这时也被玄武众人了解了个七七八八。 The result makes them be happy and worried at the same time. 结果让他们喜忧参半。 Is happy is, these ordinary dozens youngster in an extremely difficult situation, unexpectedly are above uniform Linking Realm. What is more astonishing is two even are Four Mortal Souls linking up. Such age then already Four Mortal Souls linking up, even if puts Four Great Institutes is still shocking, let the rare talent who the entire institute attached great importance to sufficiently. 喜得是,这些貌不惊人狼狈不堪的数十少年,竟是清一色的贯通境以上。更惊人的是其中有两人甚至是四魄贯通。这样的年纪便已四魄贯通,那即便是放到四大学院也是骇人听闻,足以让全院重视的奇才了。 As for letting them is sad, is these youngster to practice, to the ignorance of own realm. Including that two Four Mortal Souls linking up, they unexpectedly no one can talk clearly to calling air/Qi pivot shaft strength elite foundation to cannot again the knowledge of foundation. This did not need what cultivator, in the macrocosm clutches the passers-by who two can speak to say casually clearly. 至于让他们忧伤的,则是这些少年对修炼,对自己境界的无知。包括那两个四魄贯通在内,他们竟然没有一个人可以说清楚冲鸣气枢力精英这基础到不能再基础的知识。这都不需要什么修者,大世界里随便揪两个会说话的路人都能说得明明白白。 This makes the Black Tortoise Institute people feel very thornily. Four Great Institutes that is dominates the further education school above ordinary Institute, can pass their freshman test usually must be above Linking Realm. So foundation cannot the knowledge of foundation, they not have the slight teaching experience again, suddenly does not know where unexpectedly should from start. Now teaches since this elementary knowledge without doubt is without enough time. However although these youngster are footless, but also has the subconscious experience and use to Soul Power. How should instruct them? 这让玄武学院的众人感到十分棘手。四大学院那是凌驾于普通学院之上的进修学府,能通过他们新人试炼的通常都得是贯通境以上。如此基础的不能再基础的知识,他们没有丝毫教学经验,一时间竟不知道该从哪下手。现在从这种基础知识教起无疑是来不及的。不过这些少年虽无基础,但对魄之力却又有着下意识的体会和使用。该怎么指导他们呢? Thereupon, the youngster wait cleverly outside the room ; The Black Tortoise disciples in room are enduring the grief, quarrelled...... 于是乎,少年们乖巧地候在屋外;屋里的玄武众门人忍着伤痛,吵了起来…… This...... feared that is inappropriate?” “这……怕是不合适吧?” In eye where can also attend to this many?” “眼里哪里还顾得上这许多?” What are you saying? The secret of Black Tortoise not passing on, dies must defend, where had unable to attend to a saying?” “你在说什么?玄武不传之秘,死都要守住,哪有顾不上一说?” Few words of dispute pass to outside the room freely, the youngster hear ignorant. Crossed has several minute, finally the sound made everyone peaceful. 争执的只言片语不住地传到屋外,少年们听得懵懵懂懂。过了有数分钟,终于有一个声音让所有人安静下来。 Ok. Issue that at present not only also we refuse stubbornly dead, if here were really controlled by the opposite party overall, how you do think the result to be able?” Xu Chuan said. “好了。眼下也不只是我们死不死的问题,这里若真被对方全盘控制,你们想想结果会怎样?”许川说道。 But that...... is profound deep green dragon!” Has the stubborn sound sounds is unwilling as before. “可那……是玄青苍虬阵啊!”有顽固的声音听起来依旧不甘。 You thought that they really can completely grasp?” Xu Chuan said. “你觉得他们真能完全掌握?”许川道。 This saying, everyone is silent. 这话一出,所有人再度沉默。 Profound deep green dragon, the secret of Black Tortoise not passing on, is in the disciples is not everyone has the qualifications to practice, its profound can be imagined complex. The knowledge of these youngster most foundations are not at present clear, the seat of honor goes to school this profound strategy, how possibly to grasp in a short time? The best result, perhaps is also everyone study one-sided, has their these elites to instruct earnestly to hit dozen of assistances again, can support this battle formation. 玄青苍虬阵,玄武不传之秘,便是门内弟子都不是人人有资格习练的,其高深复杂可想而知。眼前这些少年连最基础的知识都不怎么明白,上手就学这种高深的阵法,怎么可能在短时间内掌握?最好的结果,恐怕也就是每个人学个片面,再有他们这些精英人士耳提面命打打辅助,才能将这个阵势支撑起来。 Such everyone one-sided grasping, is not enough entire profound deep green dragon to give without a doubt study. Such thinks, although somewhat is at heart irritable, but did not speak finally again the opposition. 这样每个人一点片面的掌握,毫无疑问是不足以将整个玄青苍虬阵给学走的。这样一想,虽然心里还有些别扭,但终于再没有出言反对了。 Afterward, the youngster were divided into several groups according to the population, has the Black Tortoise disciple to start to them to direct respectively. Thinks is a very difficult teaching. Has not actually expected these youngster, although realm respectively not one, the thoughts are actually same pure. Difficult and easy of practice, in their hearts do not have the concept from the start, only knows that according to the instruction is doing with all one's heart. Will not then see in one group greatly, within two neighboring youngster has azure Soul Power to start partly visible. 随后,少年们按人数被分成了几组,各有玄武门人开始对他们分别指点。原本以为将是一场很棘手的教学。却没料到这些少年虽然境界各不相一,心思却都是一样的单纯。修炼的难与易,他们心中压根没有概念,只知道依着吩咐一门心思去做。不大会便见某一组里,两位相邻的少年间有青色的魄之力开始若隐若现。 Is directing this group of Black Tortoise disciple Su Xuan peaceful, this assigns/life Su Ning, after entering Black Tortoise Institute, in own names forces one's way in Black Tortoise profound character, obviously to Black Tortoise Institute is veneration how. Ties profound deep green dragon using these youngster, that he most opposed. However after Xu Chuan that words, accepts finally reluctantly. Finally at this time is explaining the instruction to a youngster, thinks suddenly the body side has different, turns head to look, then saw these two youngster had had echoing unexpectedly. 指点着这一组的玄武门人苏玄宁,本命苏宁,进入玄武学院后,生生在自己的名字中间挤进去一个玄武的“玄”字,可见对玄武学院是多么的尊崇。利用这些少年结起玄青苍虬阵,他本是最反对的一个。不过在许川那番话后,总算勉强接受。结果此时正对着一位少年讲解传授,忽觉身侧有异,扭头一看,便看到这两个少年彼此之间竟已起了呼应。 Su unreliably rather dumbfounded. 苏玄宁目瞪口呆。 Let alone these youngster are footless, is he himself, had after Black Tortoise Institute practiced profound deep green dragon qualifications, did not have to cross the threshold certainly quickly. Let alone, because in the heart that obstruction, his teaches many a little to be reserved, finally these two youngster in his group, then have the cyanogen response unexpectedly quickly. 别说这些少年毫无基础,便是他自己,在玄武学院中有了习练玄青苍虬阵的资格后,也绝没有这么快就入门。更何况,因为心中那点芥蒂,他的讲授多少还是有点保留的,结果他这一组中的这两个少年,竟是这么快便已经有了青气反应。 This change also falls into other numerous Black Tortoise gate person eyes quickly, each one is also dumbfounded, feels surprised about these two youngster unthinkable basic speeds. However quick, not only these two youngster, the cyanogen responded that starts to produce among the youngster group by group, with each other begins the response. This profound deep green dragon Stage 1, in such a short time slightly has the embryonic form unexpectedly. 这点变化很快也落入其他众玄武门人眼中,个个也是目瞪口呆,对这两个少年匪夷所思的入门速度感到惊奇。但是很快,不只是这两个少年,青气反应开始一组又一组地在少年之间生成,跟着彼此再起反应。这玄青苍虬阵的第一阶段,竟在这么短的时间里已经略有雏形了。 How possibly?” Saw that so many youngster cross the threshold quickly, Su Xuanning could not bear call out in alarm finally. “怎么可能?”看到这么多的少年都这么快入门,苏玄宁终于没忍住惊叫出来。 Other Black Tortoise disciples are such thoughts, such inconceivable condition, making them reexamine to have these youngster. Previously could ignore the origin of interrogation, at this time also called two to seem like the enunciation also to calculate specially clever interrogated carefully to the one side. 其他玄武门人何尝不是这样的心思,这样不可思议的状况,让他们重新审视起这些少年来。先前顾不上去盘问的来历,这时也专门唤了两个看起来口齿还算伶俐的到一旁细细盘问起来。 The youngster will not lie, from being held responsible anything answered anything. Too many things they too did not narrate clear, the Black Tortoise people also can only infer from their insufficient detail recently the general idea. 少年们不会说谎,自是问什么就答什么。只是太多的事情他们太叙述不清,玄武众人最近也只能从他们的语焉不详中推断出个了大概。 The youngster were imprisoned, their Soul Power not from oneself practice, but was imposed by other ways, they were rescued by Lu Ping...... 少年们被囚禁,他们这一身魄之力不是来自自身修炼而是被其他方式强加,他们被路平救出…… So will be why swift and violent as for their practice profound deep green dragon, after having such understanding, these Black Tortoise elites also immediately understand. 至于他们修炼玄青苍虬阵为何会如此迅猛,有了这样的了解后,这些玄武精英也马上就明白了。 realm enough, the thoughts are pure, does not know difficultly, wholeheartedly. 境界够,心思纯,不知艰难,全心全意。 Such practice condition, that is great, had such astonishing efficiency as if also to convince. 这样的修炼状态,那可是一等一的,有这样惊人的效率似乎也是说得通了。 Like this astonishing efficiency, really profound deep green dragon not studying? 只是这样的惊人效率,不会真就把玄青苍虬阵给学了去了吧? Suddenly, even Xu Chuan couldn't help thinking this issue. 一时间,连许川都忍不住要想一想这个问题了。
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