HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1119: The strength is the logic

Can hold the post of Yandang to close the vice general in this punitive expedition, naturally also non- common character. Yao Mi founds a country in several big aristocratic families as Green Peak Empire the juniors of Yao, since childhood was then acquainted with Green Peak big imperial prince Yann Ming. After grown, takes advantage of opportunity to turn in the big imperial prince about, by thinking highly. This time crusades against outside the passes, mentioned by name by the big imperial prince personally, put up guarded the deputy heavy responsibility that Yandang closed/pass. 能在这讨伐中担任起雁荡关副将的,自然也非一般人物。姚觅作为青峰帝国开国几大世家之中姚氏的子弟,自幼便与青峰大皇子严鸣相识。成年后顺势投靠在大皇子左右,倍受器重。此番讨伐关外,被大皇子亲自点名,搭起了守卫雁荡关的副职重任。 This type close regarding in the imperial authority surrounding aristocratic family juniors, to including Four Great Institute respected very much has to retain. This can be inferred from Yao Mi just now attitude, gets him who the big imperial prince ordered to defend to close, even Black Tortoise Institute, he will not have anything to distinguish to treat. 这种紧密围绕在皇权周围的世家子弟,对包括四大在内的学院尊重得就很有保留了。这从姚觅方才的态度就可见一斑,领了大皇子命令守关的他,即便是玄武学院,他也不会有什么区别对待。 But now, by Lu Ping on the racket to the shoulder on, Soul Power could not cause like this easily, breathless and somewhat terrified Yao Mi, knew in the heart at this time important is not the standpoint issue, is the opposite party has easily acted bashful him with the strength. He should consider to stand firm and unyielding to sacrifice for the country. 可是现在,被路平这样轻而易举地就拍到肩上,一身魄之力都使不出来,气急败坏又有些惶恐的姚觅,心知此时重要的已经不是什么立场问题了,是对方凭着实力已经将他轻易拿捏。他该考虑得是要不要坚贞不屈以身殉国了。 But this by some young juniors truly very strengths of spirit that Yann Ming regards as important, he has almost nothing hesitant, then other subordinates to the mountain pass has issued order dumbfoundedly: In anything, attack!!” 而这位被严鸣看重的年轻子弟确实很有些骨气,他几乎没有任何犹豫,便已经向关隘上目瞪口呆地其他部下发令:“在等什么,攻击!!” Most people somewhat are scruple, but also some people actually obey orders decisively the conduct, several attacks raid from the different directions. 大部分人都有些迟疑,但也有人却是果断听令行事,数道攻击从不同方向就此袭来。 How the attack of this grade of degree lives in Lu Ping rarely, under the Soul Power high-speed circulation, attacked is reduced and solved by him one by one did not say, mixed with each attacker in crowd to be locked by him precisely. 只是这等程度的攻击又怎么难得住路平,魄之力高速流转下,攻击被他逐一化解不说,夹杂在人群中的每一位攻击者都被他精确锁定了。 Isn't saying the matter of spy?” will then have attacked Lu Ping that reduces and solves not to counter-attack immediately, but then said to Yao Mi. “不是在说奸细的事吗?”举手投足间便已将攻击化解的路平没有马上就反击,而是接着对姚觅说道。 At this time Yao Mi also realized that Lu Ping and had no hostility. That once on his shoulder has patted the right hand, from the start has not caught up to him, otherwise looked that his opposite party reduces and solves the speed and method of attack, that clapped enough to make him die for a good cause directly, where also discussed obtains him have a strong sense of righteousness to order to attack. 此时姚觅也意识到路平并没有什么敌意了。那一度在他肩头上拍过的右手,压根就没有对他发力,否则就看他对方化解攻击的速度和手段,那一拍手就已经足够让他直接就义了,哪里还论得到他大义凛然地下令攻击。 „Is your excellency this?” Yao Mi waves, hints the subordinates to be patient. “阁下这是?”姚觅挥了挥手,示意部下们稍安勿躁。 His here voice side drop, was previously turned by the Lu Ping racket in the snow pit then did not have the sound, Song Wenfeng who as if died jumped suddenly, he pointed at the Yandang mountain pass, opened mouth seems like when must say anything, together Soul Power from closing to raid. Recently is just thinking when must escape, was given to prevent by Lu Ping, when these just about to speaks words time, was actually blocked the mouth by the attack of Lu Ping...... 他这里话音方落,先前被路平拍翻在雪坑便没了动静,仿佛死去的宋文凤忽然跳起,他手指雁荡关隘,张嘴看似要说点什么时,一道魄之力自关上袭来。前次是刚想着要逃时,便被路平给阻止,这一次却是刚要说点话时,却又被路平的攻击把嘴堵上了…… Looks to select him.” Lu Ping to closing to shout. “看着点他。”路平冲着关下喊道。 „?...... I?” The collection entire journey cannot keep up with the rhythm the condition, at this time hesitated had three seconds, realized that Lu Ping is flushing him to shout propaganda. “啊?哦……我吗?”正集全程都是跟不上节奏的状态,此时迟疑了有三秒,才意识到路平是在冲他喊话。 Black Tortoise elite who the collection said Four Mortal Souls linking up, was the combat capability is weak, at this time must control one to be hammered the two times person by Lu Ping, an issue did not have actually. 正集好说四魄贯通玄武精英,也就是战斗能力偏弱,此时要控制住一个被路平已经锤过两次的人,倒是一点问题都没有。 The Lu Ping vision returns to Yao Mi, after Yao Mi sees this histrionics, many also realizes anything: Sir Song he?” 路平目光转回到姚觅,姚觅看到这一番作派后,多少也意识到点什么:“宋大人他?” He is a spy.” Lu Ping said very assuredly. “他是奸细。”路平十分笃定地说。 Yao Mi and Song Wenfeng had no personal friendship, was this time, because the official business was the understanding, later being together was quite actually harmonious. This immediate superior who wants casual anything to run individual to criticize Yao Mi has the issue, Yao Mi definitely first took said again. However Lu Ping has the strength to be placed in the front, although has not made clear this youngster anything background until now, Yao Mi has the patience to listen to him to say several very much. 姚觅和宋文凤并无什么私交,也是此番因为公事才算认识,之后的相处倒是颇为融洽。这要随便什么跑个人来指摘姚觅的顶头上司有问题,姚觅肯定先将人拿下再说。但是路平有实力摆在面前,虽然到现在为止也没搞清楚这少年什么来头,姚觅却已经很有耐心听他多说几句。 He knows that my details, are clear at present my details, that mostly is the dark Fourth Path person.” Lu Ping said. “他知道我的底细,目前清楚我底细的,那多半都是暗黑四路的人。”路平说。 Your what details?” Adds on curiously makes Yao Mi blurt to ask subconsciously. “你什么底细?”好奇加上下意识让姚觅脱口问道。 You looked, you do not know.” A Lu Ping presenting the facts reasonable appearance. “你看,你就不知道。”路平一副摆事实讲道理的模样。 Yao Mi does not know for a while unexpectedly said what good, thought that this matter is very strange, some truth that but could also not say. 姚觅一时竟不知说什么好,就觉得这事很是离奇,但又说不出的有些道理。 Sir!” Saw that Yao Mi falls into thinks deeply, has the subordinate not to comply. This Song Wenfeng was the commanding general who Yandang closed/pass, under the hand is naturally uniting many trusted subordinates centered on him after all, saw Yao Mi this attitude, unavoidably on anxious, gathered up to come to plead to Yao Mi. “大人!”看到姚觅陷入深思,有部下不答应了。这宋文凤毕竟是雁荡关的主将,手底下自然还是团结着不少以他为中心的亲信,看到姚觅这态度,不免焦虑上了,凑上前来就想向姚觅请命。 First did not say that your details are anything.” Yao Mi started talking at this time, list on your strength, I thinks that you have no necessity to use the trick.” “先不说你的底细是什么吧。”姚觅这时开口说话了,“单就你这份实力,我认为你没有什么必要耍花招。” His saying, seems like that is to Lu Ping, said listens actually to some the subordinates of being able to repress. Although Yao Mi own realm also only in Three Mortal Souls linking up, but the big aristocratic family family background, turns side the big imperial prince, is lord who meets mistake. At this time calms down thinks, then has an appraisal to the Lu Ping strength. But this strength, is the biggest logic. Yandang closes is a mountain pass, closes, has such strength, wants to have anything to scheme to the Yandang pass/test, levels off directly is, does so many tricks to come out, that is the illogical matter. 他这话,看似是对路平,实则是说给这些有些按耐不住的部下听的。姚觅自己的境界虽还只在三魄贯通,但是大世家出身,投靠在大皇子身边,是见过事面的主。此时静下来一想,对路平的实力便已经有了一个评估。而这份实力,便是最大的逻辑。雁荡关不过就是道关隘,关在人在,有这样的实力,想对雁荡关有什么图谋,直接夷平便是,搞这么多花招出来,那才是不合逻辑的事。 Right that you said.” Lu Ping nods joyfully. “你说的对。”路平欣然点头。 Yao Mi vision goes to Song Wenfeng who closes immediately, how under the heart is considering then should handle, Lu Ping also said: You ordered on decisive take action these people a moment ago, is worth suspecting?” 姚觅目光随即投向关下的宋文凤,心下正在思量接下来该怎么处置,路平这边又道:“刚才你一声令下就果断出手的那些人,值不值得怀疑一下?” Yao Mi is startled, immediately said with a smile: They, if is also a spy, that then also knows that your details, counted on can strike to kill you?” 姚觅一怔,随即笑道:“他们如果也是奸细,那便也知道你的底细,难道还指望能击杀你?” Right, therefore the goal is not I.” Lu Ping said. “对啊,所以目标不是我啊。”路平说。 It is not Lu Ping, that naturally is Yao Mi. Yao Mi look changes suddenly, mixes several forms in crowds, heard also left at this time suddenly, wants to run away. However locks Lu Ping of their several people of positions early immediately take action, is restraining diligently one sound attack, has not killed these people finally directly, but left behind them. 不是路平,那自然就是姚觅。姚觅神色骤变,混在人丛中的几个身影,听到这时也猛然抽身,就想逃走。但是早锁定他们几人位置的路平立即出手,努力克制着的一声征,总算是没把这些人直接打死,只是留下了他们。 Your control strove.” Su Tang said. “你的控制又精进了呢。”苏唐说道。 Yes.” Lu Ping said, thinks Drawing Stars to enter Life that some time ago completed, he unavoidably somewhat is disconsolate, he does not know that this is Guo Youdao calculates. “是啊。”路平说道,想到不久前完成的引星入命,他心里免不了有些惆怅,他也不知道这一步是不是都是郭有道计算到的了。 Takes entirely.” Yao Mi shouted at this time. If previously he also needs to think thin, after that these people of actions that makes to flee, that all seem self-evident. “统统拿下。”姚觅此时喝道。如果说先前他还需要细想一想的话,那么当这几人做出逃离的举动后,那一切似乎都已经不言而喻了。 Altogether six people that tries to run away, were hit half dead by Lu Ping one sound attack at this time, was soon led in front of Yao Mi. Yao Mi looks at these six people, held breath a cold air. 试图逃走的一共六人,此时都被路平一声征打了个半死,很快被带到了姚觅面前。姚觅一看这六人,倒吸了口凉气。 These six people of he all recognizes, but in their such troops, can be recognized to call the name by the senior official, that is some fortes. At present these six people are the outstanding people in defending soldier, in addition commanding general Song Wenfeng, they several people of strengths, were really not Yao Mi lead other guards to be able easily to attend. Protection main dependence that Yandang closes what closes lock that rather than their strengths. Song Wenfeng and the others mixed among them, will not be controlled by lock, then could not miss many with the bullying. 这六人他全都认得,而在他们这样的军旅之中,能被长官认得叫上名字的,那统统都是有些过人之处的。眼下这六人便是守兵中的佼佼者,再加上主将宋文凤,就他们几人的实力,真不是姚觅率领其他守卫就能轻易料理的。雁荡关的守护主要依赖的是关上的定制,而非他们这些人的自身实力。宋文凤等人混在他们之间,不会受定制所控,那跟虎入羊群也差不了多少了。 More wants to be lingering fear Yao Mi, came up then to give one of them a foot, the facial expression became is also cut-throat and severe. 越想越是后怕的姚觅,上去便给了其中一人一脚,神情也变得凶狠又严厉。 Said, you have anything to attempt.” Yao Mi shouts a question. “说,你们到底有什么企图。”姚觅喝问起来。
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