HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1120: Might as well believe

Has eaten Lu Ping one sound attack, at this time is brought a foot of vent by Yao Mi again, this is unable to cope to support unexpectedly, head one crooked, died directly. 吃过路平一声征,此时再被姚觅带着发泄的一脚,这位竟然没支撑住,脑袋一歪,直接就断了气。 Yao Mi is startled immediately, oneself this foot has so fearful killing he all not to think unexpectedly. However immediately sweeps to other five people of half-dead conditions, realized that is not this foot is strong, but was these people have injured again to being on the verge of death edge. 姚觅顿时怔住,自己这一脚竟有如此可怕的杀伤他也是全没想到。但是随即一眼扫到其他五人半死不活的状态,才意识到不是自己这一脚多强,而是这些人已经伤重到濒死边缘了。 Quickly, do not let them die.” Yao Mi greeted the subordinate hastily, underwent some treatments to these five people slightly. At this time looked was more shocking again to Lu Ping. He remembers vaguely Lu Ping take action is very just now optional, unexpectedly soon these in the Yao Mi it seems like talented outstanding person killing. “快,别让他们就这么死了。”姚觅连忙招呼部下,对这五人也稍作些治疗。此时再看向路平眼眼就更加震惊了。他依稀记得方才路平出手挺随意的,竟然就已经快要把这几位在姚觅看来实力不俗的佼佼者给打死了。 Was heavy.” Yao Mi hears Lu Ping immediately in that sigh. “还是重了。”姚觅随即就听到路平在那叹息。 Just made the breakthrough, telling well the limits is not unavoidable.” Su Tang said. “刚有突破,掌握不好分寸难免。”苏唐说道。 That is also.” Lu Ping nods. “那也是。”路平点头。 To saying heard Yao Mi to continue the heart startled: This strength, but also breakthrough, is this must ascend the sky? 对说听得姚觅继续心惊:都这实力呢,还突破呢,这是要上天? Sir!” At this moment the intense anxious cry transmits, Yao Mi quickly turns the head to look, sees in other severely wounded five people to have three people also to take the method unexpectedly respectively, understood itself. Other two have such unyielding person, is only the injury is really excessive, the Soul Power revolution is impeded, wants dead actually not dead. “大人!”就在这时紧张焦虑的叫声传来,姚觅急忙转头看去,就见其余重伤的五人中有三人竟也各取手段,了解了自己。余下的两位不是没有这样的硬骨头,只是伤势实在过重,魄之力运转不畅,想死却都没死成。 Yao Mi sees this appearance, has not gone to two people that attended to that wanting dead, poked head to prepare to remind from the city wall anxiously pays attention to Song Wenfeng the situation. But in the vision looks, seen was Song Wenfeng is actually staring the collection angrily. 姚觅见这模样,也没去顾那想死没死成的二人,急从城墙上探出头去准备提醒注意宋文凤的情况。但在目光望去时,看到的却是宋文凤正在愤怒地瞪着正集。 He wants dead.” The collection saw the person who closes looks like toward here, explained. “他想死。”正集看到关上的人朝这里看来,解释了一下。 To die, but is also living now, but also to the collection anger, was prevented by the collection obviously. Yao Mi grew the tone, thought this Black Tortoise Institute person is credible. 想死,但现在还活着,还冲着正集愤怒,显然是被正集阻止。姚觅长出了口气,不由觉得这玄武学院的人到底还是靠谱的。 Favors the two.” He turns head to urge the subordinates in top. These people are thrown into confusion, hears Yao Mi to urge again, on the difference not two people who have not died, when super divine armament supplies. “看好那两人。”他扭头叮嘱着墙头的部下们。这些人正手忙脚乱呢,听到姚觅再次叮嘱,就差没把还未死的两人当超品神兵供起来了。 Might as well directly ask that fellow.” Yao Mi corner of the eye split vision is always paying attention to That side Song Wenfeng, at the same time said to Lu Ping. “不如直接去问那家伙。”姚觅眼角余光始终留意着宋文凤那边,一边对路平说道。 Walks.” Lu Ping is saying, jumps to leap. “走。”路平说着,纵身一跃。 This is used to prevent the Dark Institute such big influence the strategic pass, seems like that lifts raises legs to walk out to be the same in the Lu Ping eye, thinks in, under thinks under. Winks he to fall to at present closing, Yao Mi actually does not dare to jump to leap like him, the honest crawling staircase went, after the moment, finally from closing the bottom entry ran. 这用来阻挡暗黑学院这么大势力的雄关,在路平眼中就好像是个抬抬腿就能跨过的门槛一般,想上就上,想下就下。眨眼下他已落到关下,姚觅却不敢像他这样纵身一跃,老老实实爬楼梯去了,片刻后总算从关底门洞里跑了出来。 Previously followed these defending soldiers who Song Wenfeng arrived at outside the passes to be made by this change one after another early somewhat dizzy, but can also obtain the clear situation finally. A their face surprised uncertain facial expression, stood, encircled the collection and Song Wenfeng in middle. Saw after Lu Ping and Yao Mi come, immediately let two people. 先前跟随宋文凤到关外的那些守兵早被这接连的变化弄得有些晕,但总算还能分得清形势。他们一脸惊疑不定的神情,站成了一圈,将正集和宋文凤围在了当中。看到路平和姚觅过来后,立即将二人让了进去。 Sir Song.” Yao Mi looks at Song Wenfeng, not many turns the boss to take the pleasant sensation of substitution dry/does, what are more is distressed. “宋大人。”姚觅看着宋文凤,并无多少干翻上司取而代入的快感,更多的还是痛心。 Song Wenfeng looked up his one eyes, did not speak. 宋文凤抬头看他一眼,不说话。 How long?” Yao Mi asked that or, from the beginning was?” “多久了?”姚觅问道,“又或者,一开始便是?” Song Wenfeng smiles, did not speak as before. 宋文凤笑了笑,依旧不语。 How to call from the beginning is?” Lu Ping asked in the one side. “怎么叫一开始便是?”路平在一旁问道。 Lin Family , since Green Peak Empire founds a nation is the biggest aristocratic family, many years operate, from the deliberation hall to the rivers and lakes do not know that many people and Lin Family have the connection. In these people some are the allies that Lin Family wins over on own initiative, some looks at the Lin Family potential greatly initiative social climbing, some seem like only selects till the common contact, some are possibly only communicating in secret, the bystander does not know them and Lin Family relations. Lin Family rebels and flees, flings to Empire is such a greatly rotten booth. These have the old person with Lin Family, too many are too many, in the future with will not use, needs 11 screening. This Song Wenfeng, big imperial prince, since dares to use him like this, definitely is the careful Zhen Shaiguo candidate, cannot think that...... such person, does not know also many in our country.” Song Wenfeng said. 林家青峰帝国立国起便是最大的世家,多年经营,从朝堂到江湖不知多少人与林家有瓜葛。这些人之中有的是林家主动拉拢的盟友,有的是看林家势大主动攀附,也有的看起来只是点到为止的寻常交往,更有的可能只在暗中来往,外人根本不知他们与林家的关系。林家叛逃,甩给帝国的便是这么一个大烂摊。这些与林家有旧的人,太多太多,未来用还是不用,都需要一一甄别。这宋文凤,大皇子既然敢这样用他,肯定是仔细甄筛过的人选,想不到啊……这样的人,在我国内不知还有多少。”宋文凤说道。 That these people if at this time launches an attack? Can your homes be very void? Can be very troublesome?” Lu Ping is knows nothing to Green Peak Empire, but will pour will extrapolate, the issue that previously Black Tortoise Institute worried about was very substituted Green Peak Empire by him immediately. “那这些人此时如果一齐发难呢?你们的国内会不会很空虚?会不会很麻烦?”路平青峰帝国算是一无所知的,不过倒会举一反三,先前玄武学院十分担忧的问题马上被他代入到青峰帝国了。 This......” Yao Mi listened to stare under. However this country Institute, the Black Tortoise Institute person cannot judge finally immediately their Institute condition, a person of strength of actually non- Yao Mi this position country can weigh to calculate clearly. Even is only this punitive expedition, which the manpower in aspect the big imperial prince reassigned he unable to know specifically. Is void as for the home, the Lin Family possible strength many, he did not count exactly, where judged obtained this big proposition. “这……”姚觅听完愣了下。不过这一国终非一间学院,玄武学院的人能马上判断出他们学院的状况,一国之力却非姚觅这个地位的人能衡量盘算清楚的。甚至只是这趟讨伐,大皇子具体抽调了哪些方面的人手他都无从知晓。至于国内空不空虚,林家可能的力量又有多少,他就更加数不明白了,哪里判断得出这大命题。 Song Wenfeng, after hearing Lu Ping this saying, actually could not bear say: You really can think actually.” 倒是宋文凤,听到路平这话后忍不住道:“你倒是真敢想。” „To be many?” Lu Ping asked. “想多了是吗?”路平问。 „.” Song Wenfeng sneered the sound, does not speak. “呵。”宋文凤冷笑了声,又不说话了。 These matters I also cared, you only told me, which these youngster went.” Lu Ping said. “这些事我也关心,你只告诉我,那些少年去哪了。”路平说。 Valley that is not the matter that I care about, therefore is not clear.” Song Wenfeng said. 谷“那也不是我关心的事,所以不清楚。”宋文凤说。 How many in pass/test also hid your people?!” Yao Mi asked. “关里还藏了多少你们的人?!”姚觅问道。 „Is the Black Tortoise person at the meeting the ambush?” The collection also asked. 玄武的人是不是会中你们的埋伏?”正集也问。 Song Wenfeng continued not to speak, a face ridiculed that looks at the people. Already the person who prepares dead, how to coordinate them honestly on the spot. 宋文凤继续不说话,一脸嘲笑地看着众人。一个都已准备好一死的人,怎么会老老实实实地配合他们。 Gave you.” Lu Ping said. “交给你们了。”路平说道。 You?” The collection and Yao Mi are together surprised. Although Song Wenfeng seemed like will not submit, but fell in their hands finally, closed also two also to guarantee to assign/life at this time, spent some time, can perhaps ask a thing. “你呢?”正集和姚觅一起惊讶。虽然宋文凤看起来不会屈服,但总算是落在了他们手上,关上还有两个此时也保下命来,花些时间,或许就能问出点东西。 „The matter that I care about he does not know.” Lu Ping said. “我关心的事他也不知道。”路平说。 „Did you believe?” The collection said. “你就信了?”正集说。 Lu Ping looked to Song Wenfeng: Truly doesn't know?” 路平看向宋文凤:“确实不知道吧?” You also try to prove to him!” The collection somewhat goes wild. “你还向他求证!”正集有些抓狂。 Does not have other method, might as well believe him.” Lu Ping said. “也没有别的法子,不如就信他。”路平说。 Song Wenfeng this time facial expression was also somewhat shocking, end revealed to regret: That might as well deceive you.” 宋文凤此时的神情也是有些震惊,末了又流露出些懊悔:“那不如骗骗你了。” How do you plan now?” The collection asked Lu Ping. “那你现在如何打算?”正集问路平 Only can look.” Lu Ping is sighing, this saying to be the alignment collection, was says to Su Tang. “只能自己找了。”路平叹息着,这话是对正集,同时也是对苏唐说的。 Su Tang nods. 苏唐点了点头。 How to look?” The collection was asking. “怎么找?”正集却在问。 This at least confirmed they entered the pass/test.” Lu Ping said that „, but no one has said goodbye them in small town there. After entering the pass, this First Path is the mountain valley, goes out is not long to the distance of small town from the mountain valley, can carry off their only in that sector, so many people, should not be difficult to look.” Lu Ping said. “这趟至少确认了他们是进了关的。”路平说道,“但在小镇那里就没人再见过他们。入关后这一路都是山谷,从山谷出去到小镇的距离也不长,能带走他们的只在那个区间,这么多人,应该不难找。”路平说。 Time passed by for a long time, feared that is not simple......” collection to say. “时间过去久了,怕也没那么简单吧……”正集说道。 Has something to trace the trace Ability?” Lu Ping said. “有什么可以追踪痕迹的异能吗?”路平说。 I feared that must hurry to deliver a letter.” The collection expressed oneself cannot accompany Lu Ping to find the person. “我怕是还得赶去送信。”正集表示自己不能陪路平去找人。 Teaches me.” Lu Ping said that “教我。”路平说, „? Now?” The collection is surprised. “啊?现在?”正集惊讶。 Now.” Lu Ping nods. “现在。”路平点头。 „Can you learn immediately?” The collection continues surprisedly. “你马上就能学会?”正集继续惊讶。 Tries.” Lu Ping does not dare definitely, he to study the thing immediately after all is not the perception is actually astonishing, begins can. Because of his Soul Power speed rare rapidness. Others practice time time, he has possibly practiced eight times times ten and even more. “试试。”路平也不敢肯定马上就会,毕竟他学东西其实也不是悟性惊人,上手就会。只是因为他的魄之力速度超乎寻常的快。别人练一次的时间,他可能就已经练了八次十次甚至更多。 You make me think that......” the brain of collection really a little cannot follow. “你让我想一下……”正集的脑子实在有点跟不上。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. wap. 请记住本书首发域名:。wap.
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