HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1118: Has the spy

The collection stands in that looks at Lu Ping, does not have the origin at heart raises warm feeling. 正集愣愣地站在那,看着路平,心里没由来的升起一股暖意。 He, other Black Tortoise Institute people were clear that this First Path must not be peaceful, only depending on collection one person perhaps is the aspect that has not to return. But they have no alternative, in them can use the person only then collection. 他,还有玄武学院其他人都清楚这一路必不安生,只凭正集一人或许就是个有去无回的局面。可是他们别无选择,他们之中能用之人就只有正集一个。 The collection walks is duty-bound not to turn back, but remembers the cold wind of place of call letter bitter cold, remembers Dark Institute to emerge one after another incessantly the virtually impossible to guard against strange method, the heart is somewhat lonely no use. He worried that is unable to complete Institute to entrust in his mission, worries about own safety. But now, Lu Ping this saying, actually also worried about similarly him, this made him feel that own some were not lonely. 正集走得义无反顾,可是一想起苦寒之地呼号的寒风,想起暗黑学院层出不穷防不胜防的诡异手段,心底还是有些孤独无助的。他担心无法完成学院托付于他的使命,也担忧自己的安危。可是现下,路平这话,却也同样将他记挂上了,这让他觉得自己有些不孤独了。 Therefore he used the quick speed to flee, stood side Lu Ping, stared together to Song Wenfeng. 于是他用很快的速度窜了回来,站到路平身边,一起盯向了宋文凤。 Perhaps, this can be a breach ; Perhaps because of this breakthrough, the barrier of road ahead will be swept clean also perhaps? 或许,这会是个突破口;或许因为这层突破,前路的障碍都会被扫清也说不定呢? The collection is thinking, looked at Lu Ping, he does not know that Lu Ping is anything planned. But Song Wenfeng also realized obviously oneself are unable to continue to camouflage, but this opponent is also above warns them how at present, regardless of cannot the positive photograph contend, at this moment, is placed in his front choice is really extremely few. 正集想着,又看了看路平,他不知道路平接下来是什么打算。而宋文凤显然也意识到自己无法继续伪装下去,可是眼前这个对手却又是上头告诫他们无论如何也不能正面相抗衡的,此时此刻,摆在他面前的选择实在是极少。 He stares at Lu Ping, the body has been starting subconsciously to the caster, but in the right foot just moved the inch backward, Lu Ping suddenly take action. 他盯着路平,身子已经开始下意识地向后倾去,但在右脚刚向后挪了不过寸许时,路平忽然出手 The right hand that then raises, has not seen any exquisite martial skill change, Ability that also without displaying anything is unable to resist, this raises, is only a quick character, to Song Wenfeng only thought quickly at present has probably anything to flash, then his body is again uncontrolled, goes to the one side loudly but actually, but pain that this pulls out in his cheeks, unexpectedly is after he falls to the ground transmits. 便只是扬起的右手,未见什么精妙的武技变化,也没有施展什么无法抵御的异能,这一手扬的,便只是一个快字,快到宋文凤只觉得眼前好像有什么东西闪了一下,再然后他的身子便已经不受控制,轰然向一旁倒去,而这一手抽在他脸颊的痛楚,竟然是在他倒地之后才传来。 The ground of land of the polar north does not have the dust, some are the thick snows, the mountain valley of this clip between in two mountains is no exception. Eats Song Wenfeng who this palm of the hand fell to the ground, immediately smashes a snow pit on the ground, the whole person submerged. 极北之地的地上没有尘土,有的都是厚厚的积雪,这夹在两山之间的山谷也不例外。吃了这一巴掌倒地的宋文凤,立即在地上砸出一个雪坑,整个人都沉没进去了。 The collection is dumbfounded in the one side, he is still thinking how Lu Ping prepares to handle affairs, where thinks of Lu Ping without delay, directly is a palm of the hand. Their Black Tortoise Institute militant disciple, not possible this without considering the rights and wrongs violence. 正集在一旁目瞪口呆,他还在想路平准备怎么行事呢,哪想到路平二话不说,直接就是一巴掌。他们玄武学院再好战的门人,都不可能这样不问青红皂白地暴力。 He wants to run.” Saw amazed on collection face, Lu Ping explained. “他想跑。”看到正集脸上的惊诧,路平解释了一下。 You said that is.” On the collection face wrote all over did not believe that runs? The people move not to move! “你说是就是吧。”正集脸上写满了不信,跑?人动都没动好吗! Was patted in Song Wenfeng the left ear humming sound the straight sound to snow pit, actually also heard this saying. At heart panic-stricken inexplicable. Thousand ding the opponent who ten thousand Zhu cannot oppose the enemy facing above, he wants certainly to run, but his runs even he himself to think that begins, as if that running character pen just fell to the paper surface on touched, finally made into lying. 被拍到雪坑中的宋文凤左耳嗡嗡直响,却也听到了这话。心里惊骇莫名。面对上头千叮万嘱不能对敌的对手,他当然是想跑来着,可他这跑连他自己都觉得才是起了个头,仿佛那个“跑”字笔刚落到纸面上触了一下,结果就被打成“趴”了。 What to do should oneself? Song Wenfeng lay in the snow, only felt own this time crawled is also little significance. However other defending soldiers who Yandang closes, saw with own eyes that their highest senior officials were patted suddenly turn in the place, immediately in an uproar. May in an uproar, sees them has the team of strict discipline, brushes a sound, closes the defending soldier then already in simultaneous/uniform Qiliang take action the arbalest, aims at this time in closing, to not far three people. Follows that team of people who Song Wenfeng is meeting and delivering together, suddenly has assumed fan-shaped, encircled three -and-a-half people in middle. Has others also to act unceasingly, or is closing to continue to exhibit to defend to close the battle formation, either toward closing to catch up anxiously anxiously, everyone is acting methodically. 自己该怎么办?宋文凤趴在雪中,只觉得自己这时爬起也没多大意义。但是雁荡关的其他守兵,眼见他们的最高长官忽被人拍翻在地,顿时哗然。可在哗然间,也见他们是有着严明纪律的队伍,刷一声响,关上守兵便已齐齐亮出手中劲弩,对准此时就在关下,相距不远的三人。跟随着宋文凤一起又接又送的那队人,眨眼已呈扇形,将三人半围在了当中。更有其他人也在不断地行动着,或在关上继续摆开守关阵势,或往关下急急赶来,所有人都在有条不紊地行动着。 A collection being faced with an archenemy appearance, posed the stance, Lu Ping actually looks at the actions of these people unhurriedly, slightly the meaning of conducting the back Su Tang putting. Shouts to Yandang pass/test big: He died, here who decides?” 正集一副大敌当前的模样,也拉开了架势,路平却是不慌不忙地看着这些人的行动,丝毫没有要把背上苏唐放下来的意思。冲着雁荡关大喊道:“他死了,这里谁说了算?” Died?” Collection in great surprise. As the doctor, judged that the life died the category that he is always skilled, Song Wenfeng also had the vitality to come obviously, how to say definitely? “死了?”正集大惊。身为医师,判断人生死那总是他精通的范畴了,宋文凤明明还有生机来着,怎么就说死了? Lu Ping looked at his one eyes, without the speech, closes some people to shout propaganda: Dissolute thief, put Sir Song a bit faster.” 路平看了他一眼,没说话,关上已经有人在喊话:“放肆贼人,快点放了宋大人。” I have not grabbed him.” Lu Ping said. “我没抓着他。”路平说。 Snort.” Closed that cold snort/hum, you, if thinks that may make us always do as one is told that with Sir Song too to be naive. The Yandang pass/test is important, does not have any possibility of compromise!” “哼。”关上那位冷哼了一声,“你若以为拿了宋大人就可令我们惟命是从那就太天真了。雁荡关事关重大,不存在任何妥协的可能!” Knows that who I am?” Lu Ping shouted. “知道我是谁吗?”路平喊。 Who I manage you am! Then is Black Tortoise Pull Constellation makes this grade of action, is this saying.” This does not know Lu Ping, but recognizes the collection this Black Tortoise Institute institute robe, immediately has made the enemy opposite party the Black Tortoise Institute stroke. “我管你是谁!便是玄武牵宿做出这等举动,也是这话。”这位不识路平,但认得正集身上这玄武学院的院袍,顿时已把玄武学院划作敌对方了。 This must be a good person.” The Lu Ping alignment collection said. “这应当是个好人。”路平对正集说道。 Yes?” The collection somewhat cannot keep up with the rhythm. “是吧?”正集有些跟不上节奏。 Tries again.” Lu Ping is saying, finishes barely the words, the person has jumped to jump unexpectedly, closes to fly toward that Yandang. “再试试。”路平说着,话音未落,人竟已纵身跃起,直朝那雁荡关上飞去。 This Yandang closes from the construction at first, then to not guard against common character. Highly, then cannot easily overstep to cultivator. But this time Lu Ping, useless any Ability, is only common vertical jumps, has closed to fall unexpectedly toward this, what is more fearful, his conducts the back may also carry a person! 这雁荡关从修建最初起,便不是为了防备寻常人物。只是高度,对许多修者来说便不是可以轻易逾越的。可是此时的路平,没用任何异能,便只是寻常的纵跳,竟然就已朝着这关上落去,更可怕的是,他这背上还可背着一个人呢! But this leaps, is not only high, is extremely quick. Closes that to see that Lu Ping moves suddenly, is hurried waves. Closes in the defending soldier hand the arbalest to want toward Lu Ping to start immediately, but has no one person to lock Lu Ping figure, cannot pursue including the eye, thinking of something else hand. Suddenly everyone is thrown into confusion at the same time, but quick had the adjustment, everyone goal lock to a position. 而这一跃,不仅仅是高,更是极快。关上那位看到路平忽动,也是急忙就一挥手。关上守兵手中劲弩立即就想朝着路平发动,可是没有任何一人可以锁定路平身形,连眼都追不到,就更别论手了。一时间所有人一边手忙脚乱,但是很快却都有了调整,所有人都将目标锁向了一个位置。 Yeah!” The collection in also shouted instantaneously the sound that Lu Ping jumped wanted to prevent, all are late. “哎!”正集在路平跳起的瞬间也喊了声想要阻止,一切却已经迟了。 This Yandang closes the millenniums ago starts to defend Dark Institute, that relies on then already, not only high, is the danger, has various in various lock of closing. Over time, Yandang closes, although leaves uncultivated, but in this Institute jointly crusades against, Yandang closes again becomes heavy. In the pass/test various lock of outside the passes by lock of various Great Institute can repair greatly very much, casually does not run several steps then to pass in and out is. 这雁荡关自千年前开始要守暗黑学院,那凭仗的便已经不只是高,是险,更有加诸在关上的各种定制。随着时间推移,雁荡关虽有荒废,但在这次学院联合讨伐中,雁荡关再次成为重地。关里关外的各种定制被各大学院定制大能们很是修葺了一番,可不是随便跑几步便能进进出出的所在。 Is responsible defending soldier who protects Yandang to close, is familiar with here anything lock. When is unable to pursue to Lu Ping figure directly, all crossbowmen unify to adjust, some position lock that aims is. Lu Ping overcomes an obstacle like this, will be prevented figure there by lock inevitably, everyone aims here together, then...... 负责守护雁荡关的守兵,自是十分熟悉这里都有些什么定制。在无法直接追到路平身形时,所有弩手统一调整,所瞄准的位置正是某个定制所在。路平这样闯关,势必在那里被定制阻挡身形,大家一起瞄准这里,而后…… Then, Lu Ping then fell on closing, patted single-handedly in that talked with him, it seems like was this Yandang closes the shoulder of vice general. But collection that yeah the end tone, still closes the reverberation in Yandang at this time! 而后,路平便落在了关上,一手拍在了那个同他对话的,看来便是这雁荡关副将的肩头。而正集那一声“哎”的尾音,此时犹自在雁荡关回荡呢! Reaching an agreement lock? 说好的定制呢? How did the people arrive? 人怎么就到了? Everyone is bewildered, had been patted that vice general of shoulder by Lu Ping is breathless. 所有人一脸茫然,已经被路平拍上肩的那副将更是气急败坏。 Had the spy to mix!” His angry glare looks to all around, in the look fills to suspect all spirits. If not for there is a spy, how by lock of layer upon layer so many Institute careful hypotheses can a response? Was definitely destroyed in secret. “有奸细混进来了!”他怒目看向四周,眼神中充满怀疑一切的精神。若不是有奸细,由那么多间学院精心设定的层层定制怎么会一点反应都没有?肯定是被人暗中破坏了。 At this time, but must say that collection Four Mortal Souls linking up Black Tortoise disciple, the level is very high. Only then he could see that lock is complete, in Lu Ping this jumped onto in the process that closed/pass to be triggered at least three lock. They started with had not started are the same, they have not produced any results to Lu Ping. 这时候,还得说是正集这四魄贯通玄武门人,水平还是很高。只有他看得出定制是完好的,在路平这一跃上关的过程中被触发了至少三个定制。只是它们发动了都跟没发动一样,对路平它们都没有产生任何效果。 In closing Lu Ping, has heard vice general saying, is actually gratified. 已在关上的路平,听得副将这话,却是大为欣慰。 Yes.” Lu Ping is definitely nodding very much, has the spy.” “是的。”路平很肯定地点着头,“有奸细。” Please remember this book first round domain name:. wap. 请记住本书首发域名:。wap.
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