HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1117: Regarding with a special fondness

The atmosphere that in the room is suddenly anxious, making Lu Ping that was about to leave unable to bear stop the footsteps, then looked to them. 屋里骤然焦躁起来的气氛,让已经准备离开的路平也忍不住停下了脚步,回头看向他们。 „Is two this prepares?” Xu Chuan quickly is asking. Present they, urgently need the helper, but except for this with Lu Ping of their Black Tortoise bitter hatred, they do not have other choice at present. “两位这是准备去哪?”许川急忙问着。眼下的他们,迫切需要帮手,而除了眼前这个与他们玄武深仇大恨的路平,他们已经没有别的选择。 Previously one group of people who rescued from Sichuan, vanished in this small town, I prepared to look.” Lu Ping is saying, the tranquility of tone, narrated the gravity of matter to be out of sorts with him. This threw a large crowd, did not throw several egg wheat pancakes is so dispensable. “先前从界川救出的一群人,在这小镇消失了,我准备找一找。”路平说着,语气之平静,与他叙述事情的严重性十分违和。这可是丢了一大群人,不是丢了几张鸡蛋烙饼那么可有可无。 What clue has?” The collection then asked. Small town exceptionally also concerns their safety, Lu Ping has the words that anything discovers also to be to them valuable. “有什么线索吗?”正集接着问。小镇的异常也关乎他们的安危,路平有什么发现的话对他们来说同样有价值。 Temporarily no.” Lu Ping said. “暂时没有。”路平说。 How do you prepare to look?” The collection asked. “那你准备怎么找?”正集问。 Asked.” Lu Ping said. “问。”路平说。 Asked?” The collection is puzzled. “问?”正集不解。 Goes to Yandang to close asks again.” Lu Ping said. “去雁荡关再问一问。”路平说。 Yandang closes will have the issue mostly.” Xu Chuan sincere say/way. “雁荡关多半会有问题。”许川正色道。 That is good.” Lu Ping is very gratified. “那就好。”路平十分欣慰。 Xu Chuan is speechless for a while. This is the strength, they thought that can be the issue of barrier, Lu Ping thought was good, this is the clue. 许川一时无语。这就是实力,他们觉得会是障碍的问题,路平却觉得太棒了,这就是线索。 We have my presumptuous request.” Xu Chuan said. “我们有个不情之请。”许川道。 What?” Lu Ping asked. “什么?”路平问。 Goes to the Yandang pass/test, can take the collection, delivers to go out him.” Xu Chuan said. False Lu Ping is also good, real Lu Ping, goes round and round, finally they also only then this means that making collection return at once outside the passes that can also act only deliver a letter to Institute. “去雁荡关,能不能带上正集,把他送出关。”许川说。假路平也好,真路平也罢,绕来绕去,最后他们也只有这个办法,让唯一还能行动的正集速返关外向学院送信。 What is collection?” After Lu Ping hear, asked. “正集是什么?”路平听后问道。 I...... I called the collection.” The collection is busy at raising hand, this realized that the Lu Ping actually his name does not know. “我……我叫正集。”正集忙举手,这才意识到路平其实连他的名字都不知道。 „, That walks.” Lu Ping said. Saves his big personal enemy to work that sentiment not please in the Black Tortoise eye, may in the Lu Ping eye this be the slight effort, from the start is not the matter. “哦哦,那走吧。”路平说道。在玄武眼中救他这个大仇人做事那是不请之情,可在路平眼里这不过是举手之劳,压根不是事。 Therefore, the collection follows Lu Ping and Su Tang to go out again together. With was exactly the same previously, he is shouldering heavy responsibility that is related to the Institute safety, but the same side of these severe wounds keep the strategic place, likely not body. Treads the collection of going out previous time, the eye was wet, lays aside hastily does not want to be seen by the same side. However shortly will come again one time, similarly concerns the crisis important matter of life and death, the collection actually discovered an own mood did not have. 于是再一次的,正集跟着路平苏唐一起出了门。与先前一模一样,他担负着事关学院安危的重大职责,而这些重伤的同门留在险地,很可能不会身还。上一次踏出门的正集,眼都湿了,连忙藏起不想被同门看到。但是顷刻间再来一次,同样关乎生死存亡的危机大事,正集却发现自己一点情绪都没有了。 Previously that counterfeit goods, said that must lead me to walk one not the road that uses the Yandang pass/test to go out.” He is saying to Lu Ping. “先前那个假货,说要带我走一条不用过雁荡关出关的路呢。”他对路平说着。 „, That road.” Lu Ping said. “哦,那条路啊。”路平说。 Also really has such road?” The collection stares the big eye. Knows that after that is pretends to be, the words collection of says considered the false. “还真有这样的路?”正集瞪大眼。知道那是冒充后,所说的话正集都当是假了。 Has. But might as well walk Yandang to close the convenience.” Lu Ping said. “有。但不如走雁荡关方便。”路平说。 Hears this, the collection felt own not pretended to be Lu Ping will give the deceit. Even if just looked like not to look like a take action point unable to detect fellow who very much very much clue, his Ability is no doubt wise, but his words and deeds actually have the flaw early. Pointed out that circles the pass/test the road, that is wrong! Is better than Lu Ping not to close the existed guard Yandang regards as the barrier. 听到这,正集觉得自己再也不会被冒充的路平给欺骗了。即便是刚刚很像很像不到出手一点都察觉不到端倪的家伙,他的异能固然高明,可是他的言行其实早有破绽。指出绕关的路,那就是错误!强如路平是不把雁荡关所存在的守卫视为障碍的。 We are quicker walk.” The collection was full of the hope suddenly, he is he and even the entire Black Tortoise Institute big personal enemy is coming in the fellow of taking advantage obviously at this moment. “我们快些走吧。”正集忽然间就充满了希望,明明这一刻他在依仗的家伙是他乃至整个玄武学院的大仇人来着。 On First Path the collection cares carefully, actually does not have any discovery, without receiving any hindrance, three people quickly returned to Yandang to close. 一路上正集都小心在意,却没有任何发现,也没有受到任何阻碍,三人很快就又回到了雁荡关下。 In pass/test that Yandang closes outside the passes, the defending soldier is the entirely different two attitudes. Outward, that is ready in full battle array ; Internally, is actually the courtesy. These days from the area inside the Great Wall toward outside the passes, that many were Institute cultivator. Pass that the Lu Ping three people entered some time ago, the defending soldier also has the impression, when sees from afar, in closing to prepare welcome. Responsible Green Peak Empire garrison commander Song Wenfeng came to wait personally. Looks at this stance, will have anything making to make him not probably probably leave the pass/test, otherwise has rushed to several hundred meters to come to welcome. 雁荡关的关里关外,守兵是截然不同的两种态度。对外,那是严阵以待;对内,却是礼数有加。这些日子会从关内往关外去的,那多是学院修者路平三人又是不久前才入的关,守兵还有印象,远远看到时,就已经在关下做好了迎接的准备。负责的青峰帝国守将宋文凤更是亲自过来候着。看这架势,大概是有什么将令让他不得离关,否则早就奔出数百米来相迎了。 „Is three this?” Song Wenfeng welcomed three people to ask. “三位这是?”宋文凤迎上三人就问道。 „Do we want to go out, what question have Sir Song?” The collection said. “我们要出关,有什么疑问吗宋大人?”正集说道。 Naturally no, three invited.” Song Wenfeng a character were not many asked, immediately made one open the door, must send out toward the pass/test three people politely. “当然没有,三位请。”宋文凤一个字也不多问,立即让人开了门,客客气气地就要把三人往关外送。 So is simple? 就这么简单? The collection with the biggest evil intention, perceive, guesses everyone who he can contact, he discovered when some guards, some alerts, may be the war mountain pass defending soldier, frequently maintained vigilant cannot actually say what issue. As for has delivered Song Wenfeng who three people goes out, seems like does not have the vigilance to three people actually, First Path maintains the politeness. 正集用最大的恶意,感知、揣测着他所能接触到的所有人,他发现了一些防范,一些戒备,可作为大战之时的关隘守兵,时刻保持着警惕却也不能说有什么问题。至于将三人一直送出关的宋文凤,看起来对三人倒是毫无戒心,一路保持礼貌。 Responsibility in the body, delivered to here below.” Arrived outside the passes, Song Wenfeng paused to say. “职责在身,在下就送到这里了。”到了关外,宋文凤停步说道。 Goes.” Lu Ping nods toward the collection. “去吧。”路平朝正集点了点头。 „?......” Collection First Path arrives carefully absent-minded, he forgot, Lu Ping must deliver to go out him on the way, do not travel together with his First Path. “啊?哦……”正集一路小心到恍惚,他都忘了,路平不过是要顺路把他送出关,并不是要跟他一路同行。 I.” The collection turns around, walks toward the outside the passes snowfield. But Lu Ping looked in Song Wenfeng the puzzled look to him, immediately started the goal of his trip. “我去了。”正集转身,朝着关外雪原走去。而路平就在宋文凤不解的眼神中看向他,马上开始了他此行的目的。 These youngster who previously entered the pass?” Lu Ping asked. “先前入关的那些少年呢?”路平问道。 Should make the best use of the time the collection, hears interrogation that Lu Ping this comes straight to the point, could not bear slowed down the footsteps, thinks that can listen to several to listen to several. 本该抓紧时间的正集,听到路平这开门见山的盘问,忍不住都放慢了脚步,想能听几句听几句。 These youngster? They have with the lock letter paper that Northern Dipper scholar opens, put them to enter the pass.” Song Wenfeng said. “那些少年?他们有拿北斗院士开的定制信笺,就放他们入关了。”宋文凤说。 Then?” Lu Ping asked. “然后呢?”路平问。 Guard and defense that are only responsible for closing below, after putting them to enter the pass, did not inquire again.” Song Wenfeng replied. “在下只负责关门的看守和防务,放他们入关后就再没有过问了。”宋文凤答道。 „Do some people deliver them?” Lu Ping then asked. “有人送他们吗?”路平接着问。 No, they mostly can take care of oneself, has not received to take care of their instructions below.” Song Wenfeng said. “没有,他们大多可以自理,在下也没有收到要照应他们的指示。”宋文凤说。 But after they arrived in the Yanmen small town, vanished on the collective, you said that is strange?” Lu Ping said. “但他们到了雁门小镇后,就集体消失了,你说奇怪不奇怪?”路平说。 Song Wenfeng knits the brows: Has this matter unexpectedly?” 宋文凤皱起了眉:“竟有此事?” Meets to rub to walk their without a doubt is the dark influence of outside the passes, did the Yanmen small town by their influences permeating, this Yandang close does not know?” Lu Ping also said. “会撸走他们的毫无疑问是关外的暗黑势力,雁门小镇已经被他们的势力给渗入了,这雁荡关上不知有没有?”路平又道。 I and others are the big imperial prince appoints personally, pledges to fight to the death to protect the pass/test, I believe here each brothers!” Song Wenfeng looked somewhat excited. “我等都是大皇子亲自任命,誓死护关,我相信这里的每一位兄弟!”宋文凤看起来有些激动。 Slows down the footsteps as far as possible, is listening to the collections of these dialogues, at this time could not bear the suspension of movement. Lu Ping this interrogation, if can call it interrogation, he really praised to the heavens. This chatted the inquiry he thinks that what can ask? He even wants to turn head, with a oneself many years of experience and experience, making Lu Ping understand, even if chatted, can still chat very much has the level. However Lu Ping issue, has sneaked in his ear. 尽可能放慢脚步,听着这些对话的正集,此时都忍不住停步了。路平这盘问,如果可以称之为“盘问”的话,他真的是叹为观止了。这等拉家常似的询问他以为能问出些什么吗?他甚至想扭头回去,用自己多年的经验和见识,让路平了解一下就算是聊天,也是可以聊得很有水平。但是路平紧接着的问题,也已经钻进他耳中。 Knows that who I am?” Lu Ping said. “知道我是谁吗?”路平说。 This words, often stemming from east this and other in big place the mouths of two ancestors'. This time Lu Ping, ordinary, the attire undergoes many fierce combat is also dirty ragged, really some do not allot these words to be a companion. 这种话,常出于东都这等大地方的二世祖的口中。此时的路平,貌不惊人,衣着经过多番激战也是肮脏褴褛,实在有些不配与这句话为伍。 Song Wenfeng listened is also being unusual, immediately said: Which Institute best pupil may I ask your excellency is?” 宋文凤听着也是稀奇,随即道:“敢问阁下是哪间学院的高足?” Although travels together with Black Tortoise Institute, but regardless of Lu Ping or Su Tang wear obviously is not Black Tortoise Institute Uniform, although there is a changing appearance mask, actually also the youngster appearance, will always not be what Teacher. Song Wenfeng then had such asked. 虽与玄武学院同行,但无论路平还是苏唐身着的显然都不是玄武院服,虽有易容面具,却也还是少年样貌,总也不会是什么师长。宋文凤这才有这样一问。 Lu Ping smiles: I am who do not know, is so polite courteous, Green Peak Empire high official and Dark Arms Empire such different?” 路平笑了笑:“连我是谁都不知道,就这么客气有礼,青峰帝国的大官和玄军帝国这么不一样的吗?” This saying, like startling thunderclap. A collection brain super revolving, realized immediately issue. Can shoulder the person who the Yandang pass/test defends the Wei Zong responsibility, will not be low in the Green Peak Empire position, at least is also a deeply thought highly of person. Such person, facing Institute, will only retain the respect to Four Great Institutes probably. Had been integrated various countries' jurisdiction as for these ordinary Institute, must have considerable prestige powerhouse master, will regard with a special fondness by them. 这话一出,有如惊雷。正集大脑一通高速旋转,马上意识到其中问题。能担负雁荡关守卫重责的人,在青峰帝国的身份地位不会太低,至少也是一个深受器重的人。这样的人,面对学院,大概只会对四大学院保留尊重。至于那些都已经被纳入各国管辖的普通学院,怎么也得是有相当名望的强者师者,才会被他们另眼相看。 But Lu Ping, flushed Song Wenfeng just that to ask, may know the status certainly not possibly regarded with a special fondness crowd that he at this time seemed like. 路平,就冲宋文凤刚刚那一问,可知他此时看起来的身份绝不可能是受另眼相看的人群。 However he was actually regarding with a special fondness, Yandang that Song Wenfeng this carried the great task closed/pass the garrison commander, is accepting his inquiry politely, has not revealed not to bear, the treatment that this was casual did Institute run over the youngster scholar who can obtain? 然而他却被另眼相看着,宋文凤这个身负重责的雁荡关守将,客客气气地接受着他的询问,没有流露出丝毫不耐,这是随便一家学院跑过来的少年学子能得到的待遇吗? Therefore , who he clear present person is, clearer facing this person, should be what attitude. But at present knows the Lu Ping person...... 所以说,他清楚眼前的人是谁,更清楚面对这个人,应该是何种态度。而眼下知道路平的人…… Collection Senior Brother, first do not walk.” The collection hears Lu Ping to shout propaganda to him suddenly. “正集师兄,你先不要走了。”正集突然听到路平冲他喊话。 They do not want the conflict with me, but I not , may start to you.” Lu Ping said. “他们不想与我起冲突,但是我不在的时候,可能就会对你下手了。”路平说道。
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