HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1116: Now can have

The collection is a doctor. This class of cultivator, overwhelming majorities spin in the Transformation System and Transformation System liangs big class, there are extremely individual serves the treatment purpose using Control System and Lock System, quite young numerous. 正集是个医师。这门类的修者,绝大多数就在变化系大门类里打转,也有极个别运用控制系定制系来达到医治目的,比较小众。 But changing appearance changes this kind of technique, regardless of in addition lock or the Control System method, actually cannot escape Transformation System is the foundation. But Transformation System, is the class of collection doctor main attack. But this says Lu Ping that at present oneself are not Lu Ping, from beating open that moment of their door, the attention of collection on him, to goes out with him again together, takes this section of road, he had not detected that slightly has what Transformation System Soul Power to revolve. 易容改变这类手法,无论加了定制还是控制系的手段,却都脱不了变化系为根基。而变化系,正是正集这个医师主攻的门类。可是眼前这个说自己不是路平路平,从敲开他们房门的那一刻起,正集的注意力就都在他身上,再到同他一起出门,走出这一段路,他都丝毫没有察觉到这其中有什么变化系魄之力在运转。 When until this time, Lu Ping outrageously to his take action, such as weapon Su Tang pounds to him, he finally feels the change of Transformation System. Lu Ping is not Lu Ping, Su Tang naturally is not Su Tang, moreover this Su Tang...... 直至此时,“路平”悍然向他出手,如武器般的苏唐砸向他时,他终于感觉到了变化系的变化。路平不是路平,苏唐自然也不是苏唐,而且这个苏唐…… The collection worthily is the Black Tortoise elite disciple, even if detected lately, actually still revealed this of fang in the opposite party instantly, then cleared off the change of opposite party Soul Power. 正集不愧是玄武的精英门人,即便察觉得迟了些,却也在对方露出獠牙的这刹那,便理清了对方魄之力的变化。 The main body that the opposite party act although is Lu Ping, but in fact, is this hits to approach own Su Tang like the weapon. 对方行动的主体虽然一直是路平,但实际上,是这个像武器一样撞向自己的苏唐 Sets up the shield! Checks firmly! 立盾!确查! This instantly, collection two Ability simultaneously take action. 这刹那,正集两个异能同时出手 Transformation System for the lord, Control System is auxiliary Fifth Level Ability sets up the shield, the reassignment tentacle may and all, at the maximum speed forms a firm defense before the body. 变化系为主,控制系为辅的五级异能立盾,调动触手可及的所有一切,以最快的速度在身前形成一道坚固防御。 Checks firmly, Fourth Level perceive is Ability. The perceive department is also a class that the doctor must browse surely. The pointedness is stronger, many to help them clears off the condition of injured. Fourth Level Ability is used to make this firmly, has had more than enough to spare. However uses at the fast changing actual combat, particularly other Four Mortal Souls linking up this First Level fight, somewhat will unable to keep up with the rhythm. 确查,四级感知异能感知系也是医师必定要涉猎的一个门类。只是针对性更强,多是为了帮助他们理清伤者的状况。四级异能确查用来做这个,已是绰绰有余。不过用在瞬息万变的实战,尤其是四魄贯通一级别的战斗,就会有些跟不上节奏了。 Doing to the collection is not the fight faction, this is the best method that he can use. Sets up the defense of shield to delay the opposite party to attack the rhythm, does with indeed investigates to come again slowly further judged, his dealing, is in his area of competence the best way. 奈何正集本就不是个战斗派,这已经是他所能用到的最好手段了。立盾的防御拖延一下对方攻击节奏,再用偏慢的确查来做进一步判断,他的应对,已是他能力范围内最好的方式。 Afterward instantly, the chaotic snow flutters about. 随后的刹那,乱雪纷飞。 In this extremely northern small town, can let the material that collection the vertical shield assembles conveniently, was this thick snow. The snow sets up the shield, suddenly was broken through, as if had the snowstorm partially. 在这极北的小镇,能让正集的立盾最方便调集到的物质,就是这厚厚的积雪了。雪立成盾,眨眼被攻破,仿佛局部起了暴风雪。 Again vertical! 再立! The snowflake of fluttering about, must form the shield immediately again. This then sets up the annoying place of shield, even if were destroyed, after destroying the material actually can still use again, sets up the shield again. 纷飞的雪花,马上就要再结成盾。这便是立盾的烦人之处,即便是被摧毁,摧毁后的物质却也可以再次利用,再次立盾。 Checks Ability firmly, at this time also made the collection judge the opposite party Soul Power following revolution. 确查异能,这时也让正集判断出了对方魄之力接下来的运转。 Although is the doctor, although non-combatant faction, the disciple but who Black Tortoise Institute trains always does not lack the actual combat experience. 虽是医师,虽非战斗派,但是玄武学院培养出的门人总是不缺实战经验。 Sets up the shield to tow the slow opponent, searches the escape route firmly. Two Ability, then made the collection complete withdrawing, plunders vigorously toward the house that they stopped over. 立盾拖缓对手,确查找到退路。两个异能,便让正集完成了脱身,疾朝他们落脚的房屋掠去。 He is in the Black Tortoise Institute people only also strength of the war, at this time he was walked by opposite party such deceive, other same side? They now...... 他是玄武学院众人中唯一还有一战之力的,此时他被对方这样诓走,余下的同门呢?他们现在…… The collection heart is the unclear thought that the same side of these severe wounds really must clean up, this time has more than enough to spare, in his time mind is everyone's unstab pitiful condition, can hardly be removed. But his has not stood still eventually, a front revolution, the house has entered his line of sight, this takes a quick look around, lets collection under foot suddenly. 正集心头全是不详的念头,那些重伤的同门真要清理,这点时间绰绰有余,他此时脑海中全是大家东倒西歪的惨状,怎么也挥之不去。但他脚下终究没有丝毫停歇,前方一转,房屋已经进入他的视线,这一眼看去,却让正集脚下猛然一顿。 Even if in scene frigid ten times compared with mind, is impossible to let in the collection heart so panic-stricken. He is looking at that house dull, outside the door, a person, at the back of another person, the right hand is carrying a big bamboo basket, the left hand upper extreme a bowl. 哪怕是比脑海中的景象惨烈十倍,也不可能让正集心中有如此惊骇。他呆呆地望着那房屋,房门外,一个人,背着又一个人,右手拎着一个大竹篮,左手上端着一个碗。 What imaginary technique was own this? 自己这是中了什么幻术吗? This is the collection earliest possible time thought. However although this time he is anxious, the revolution of Soul Power is the wholeheartedly discrete earnest. As a doctor, the imaginary technique, that is not unusual. Finished completely ignorant, should not. 这是正集第一时间的念头。但是此时的他虽然焦急,魄之力的运转全是全身心地谨慎认真。身为一个医师,中幻术,那也不稀奇。中了却还茫然无知,就不太应该了。 The collection determines itself immediately all normally, does not have any imaginary technique certainly. He was anxiously anxious and displayed a vertical shield, the figure sidewise drawing, looks in he comes the direction, actually discovery that side Lu Ping and Su Tang unexpectedly does not see the signs. 正集马上判定自己一切正常,绝没有中什么幻术。他急急又是施展了一个立盾,身形向侧一拉,朝他来时的方向望去,却发现那边的“路平”和“苏唐”居然已经不见踪迹。 This is...... 这是…… Cannot allow him to do to delay, in an instant Soul Power of collection had been expedited the limit, he at oneself entire life quickest speed, charges into that two people suddenly. 容不得他多做耽搁,刹那间正集的魄之力已经被催生到了极限,他以自己生平最快的速度,猛然冲向门外的那两个人。 Two people also soon detected that behind change, turned the head looks like. 两人也很快察觉到了身后的异动,转头看来。 Nearby the collection will have arrived shortly, looks at this Lu Ping and Su Tang, suddenly cannot clarify in this bottle gourd to sell what medicine, puts out a hand to hit. 正集顷刻已到跟前,看着这“路平”和“苏唐”,一时间也弄不清这葫芦里在卖什么药,伸手就已打去。 ! passes! 啪!噗通! One after another two. 接连两声。 Was Lu Ping left hand that bowl of surface screws on to break to pieces in collection, passed the collection to be buckled to be sprawled out by this bowl. He is going against noodles, cannot attend to wound that the broken to pieces bowl shears, looks at present this Lu Ping dull, but the opposite party is also visiting him dull. 啪是路平左手那碗面在正集头上扣碎了,噗通是正集被这一碗扣了个四脚朝天。他顶着一头的汤面,顾不上被碎碗割出的伤口,呆呆地看着眼前这个路平,而对方也在呆呆地看着他。 Lu Ping.” The collection called out. 路平。”正集叫道。 Otherwise?” Lu Ping said. “不然呢?”路平说。 You are Lu Ping.” The collection muttered. Other can pretend to be, this strength really cannot do false. Oneself are not the resort to violence faction, saying is also Four Mortal Souls linking up, the Black Tortoise elite, was carried the bowl surface to turn on the buckle conveniently. Like this powerful, is that Lu Ping right. Previously that two must have this method, where also allowed rebound to come here. “你是路平。”正集喃喃道。别的可以冒充,这实力真做不得假。自己再不是武斗派,好说也是四魄贯通,玄武精英,被人端着碗面随手就扣翻了。这样的强悍,是那个路平没错。先前那俩要有这手段,哪容得自己还跳回到这里。 One wants hence, the collection then to look suddenly behind, on road that passes through a tranquility. 一想至此,正集猛然回头看身后,身后走过的路上一片宁静。 What looks at?” Lu Ping and Su Tang pay attention to his condition is not right, the look difference, looked that following his vision also has no discovery. “看什么?”路平苏唐都注意他状况不对,眼神异样,顺着他的目光看去却也没任何发现。 It‘s nothing, advanced room.” The collection sets out from the ground, has a disturbance, opened the door. “没什么,先进屋。”正集从地上起身,心怀着一丝忐忑,推开了门。 One group of steam take the lead to throw from the room, the vision has swept, when sees in the room all with oneself leave to be the same, but everyone looked that brings surprisedly to his vision. 一团热气从屋里率先扑来,目光扫过,就见屋里一切与自己离开时一样,只是所有人看向他的目光都带着惊讶。 What had?” Everyone is sizing up the top of the head of collection, above is also hanging the noodles, in comparison also in a wound not eye of bleeding. “发生了什么?”大家打量着正集的头顶,上面还挂着面条,相比之下还在流血的伤口都不怎么起眼了。 Said slowly, I need to sober.” The collection walks, felt own head humming sound, then follows behind him, Lu Ping at the back of Su Tang, the right hand twisted the big bamboo basket to walk. “慢慢说,我需要清醒一下。”正集走进来,就觉得自己脑瓜还是嗡嗡的,然后跟在他后边,路平背着苏唐,右手拧着大竹篮走了进来。 Your wheat pancake eggs.” He carries the bamboo basket to say. “你们的烙饼鸡蛋。”他拎着竹篮说道。 Also?” The people said. “还有?”众人道。 What?” Lu Ping doubts. “什么?”路平疑惑。 Everyone vision moves, big bamboo basket that on the table by the window, Lu Ping just now sends still, side also has one bowl of surface. 所有人目光移动,靠窗的桌上,路平方才送来的大竹篮犹在,旁边还有一碗面。 Do not move!” The collection shouted suddenly sternly. “都别动!”正集突然厉声喝道。 Just now Lu Ping and Su Tang have the issue, all these that then sends, perhaps is not simple. 方才的路平苏唐有问题,那么送来的这一切,恐怕都不简单。 Everyone actually by his suddenly drinks to have a scare greatly, looks at some not normal collection perplexed. 所有人却都被他这冷不丁的大喝吓一跳,不明所以地看着有些不正常的正集。 You must first wipe the face.” Some people said. “你要不要先擦把脸。”有人说道。 Do not approach that table.” The collection then urgently said. “不要靠近那桌子。”正集接着急道。 Lu Ping also discovered on at this time the table are putting in that big bamboo basket and hand unusual similar, that bowl of surface, buckle to break to pieces with oneself vaguely in that bowl of collection head are similar, his many somewhat realized anything. 路平这时也发现桌上放着的那大竹篮和自己手中的异常相似,那碗面,依稀也同自己扣碎在正集头上的那碗相仿,他多少有些意识到了什么。 „Have some people delivered?” He asked. “有人已经送过了?”他问道。 This asked that in the room everyone everyone is absent-minded. 这一问,屋里所有人所有人都恍惚起来。 Isn't you?” Has humanity. “不就是你?”有人道。 „? Do some people play the role of my appearance to come?” Lu Ping said. “哦?有人扮成我的样子来过?”路平说。 False?” Everyone is startled. “假的?”所有人一惊。 Yes, false.” The collection long shouted the tone at this time, he discovered that this strange matter probably do not need to explain are too many. “是的,假的。”正集这时长呼了口气,他发现这诡异的事自己可能也不需要讲解太多。 My this also wears the mask.” Lu Ping said. “我这还戴着面具呢。”路平说。 This not key.” The collection said, he relaxes at this time slightly, finally tore off also hung in the noodles of top of the head. Displayed Ability to check again firmly, inspects the egg wheat pancake dough making that previously sent. “这都不是重点了。”正集说,他此时稍稍松了口气,终于有空扯下了还挂在头顶的面条。再度施展了异能确查,去检查先前送来的鸡蛋烙饼和面。 Normal.” Collection checkoff, has not felt relaxed, this result instead makes him feel the fishy. “正常。”正集检查完毕,没有觉得轻松,这结果反而让他觉得蹊跷。 Everyone deeply frowned. 所有人眉头紧锁。 Here is not quite common, you must be careful.” Lu Ping said. “这里不太寻常,你们要当心。”路平说道。 Everyone look at each other in dismay, adds this now, this rubbish? 所有人面面相觑,现在还说这,这不废话吗? We walked.” Follows to see Lu Ping and Su Tang preparation leaves. “我们走了。”跟着就见路平苏唐准备离开。 In the Xu Chuan head thought immediately buzz, had anything to blast out probably generally, the complexion became extremely ugly. 许川脑袋里顿时觉得嗡一下,像是有什么东西炸开了一般,脸色变得极其难看。 Misdemeanor!” He called out. “坏事了!”他叫道。 Everyone looks at him. 所有人看他。 Previously that two were the enemies!” Xu Chuan said. “先前那两个是敌人!”许川说道。 Isn't this idle talk? Under all will of the people are wondering, but then also realized in an instant. 这不也是废话?所有人心下正纳闷,但是转眼间便也纷纷意识到了。 That two people are the enemies, is not Lu Ping and Su Tang, these questions, that then did not care, but pries, because regards is Lu Ping, they are unretentive. Therefore the enemy knows now their Institute is void. Even if had not copied the thought of their family/home, can still start to have from this moment. 那两个人是敌人,不是路平苏唐,那些个问话,那便不是关心,而是刺探,但是因为当成是路平,他们毫无保留。于是敌人现在知道了他们学院空虚。就算原本没有抄他们家的念头,从这一刻起也可以开始有了。 This......” everyone complexion like Xu Chuan grieved, how regardless of they have not thought, their back will puncture oneself Institute one unexpectedly unknowingly. Is more serious, perhaps entire Institute, the important news that because their disclosed unexpectedly, will welcome the total destruction. “这……”所有人脸色都像许川一样惨然,他们无论如何也没想到,他们竟然会在不经意间背刺了自家学院一手。更严重些,说不定整个学院界,都因为他们这不意间走漏的重要消息,将迎来灭顶之灾。
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