HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1115: The pattern was small

Who!” Collection is asking, while flashes to the gate side. “谁!”正集一边问着,一边闪至门侧。 I.” Outside the room broadcasts the Lu Ping sound immediately. “我。”屋外马上传来路平的声音。 Everyone looks subconsciously by the window, before could still be popular fragrant Lu Ping really not to see in the inn window stuttering scope. 所有人下意识地透过窗口望去,之前还在客栈窗口吃面吃得香喷喷的路平果然已经不见。 „Did you see?” “你看到了吗?” No, you?” “没有,你呢?” I do not have.” “我也没。” You have a look at me, I ask you, everyone shakes the head, finally surprisedly. 你看看我,我问问你,所有人都摇头,最后都惊讶不已。 This distance got off the subject not far, said that nearly actually cannot say was near. Such glaring time, the person disappears from there, in an instant to them out. On this section of road everyone has not all seen the form of movement, this speed somewhat is really shocking. 这段距离说远不远,说近却也不能说非常近。只是这么晃眼的功夫,人就从那里消失,转眼到了他们门外。这一段路上所有人全都没看到移动的身影,这速度着实有些骇人听闻。 Can come in?” Lu Ping sound continues. “可以进来吗?”门外路平的声音继续。 When the collection opens the door, surprised everyone, felt own tiny again. 等到正集把房门打开,惊讶的所有人,再次感觉到了自己的渺小。 Quickly to letting them not detected that arrives at Lu Ping, impressively is also not one person alone one. His conducting the back at the back of Su Tang, in the right hand is carrying a big bamboo basket, has the fragrance of dough and egg flutters, what is more excessive is the left hand, unexpectedly is also carrying the bowl surface, after the gate opens sees the collection, that bowl of surface immediately handed over. 快到让他们毫无察觉到就到门外的路平,赫然还不是孤身一个。他的背上背着苏唐,右手里拎着一个大竹篮,有面饼和鸡蛋的香味飘出,更过分的是左手,居然还端着碗面,在门打开看到正集后,那碗面立即就递了过来。 Your surface.” Lu Ping is saying, all are such naturally natural. “你的面。”路平说着,一切都是那么的自然而然理所应当。 The collection received the bowl, the expression is somewhat wooden. 正集接过碗,表情有些木然。 Wheat pancake egg to others?” Lu Ping then carries that bamboo basket to ask, said this saying time, Su Tang that he conducts the back fell, stood the one side. Her condition seemed like better than previously much. “烙饼鸡蛋是给其他人的吧?”路平接着拎起那竹筐问道,说这话的时候,他背上的苏唐落了下来,站到了一旁。她的状态看来比先前已经好起来不少。 Troubled you.” The collection also met the wheat pancake egg. “麻烦你了。”正集又把烙饼鸡蛋也接了过去。 A little matter wants to ask you, therefore helps you eating while convenient belt/bring.” Lu Ping said. “有点事想问你们,所以顺带帮你们把吃的带过来了。”路平道。 „? What matter?” The collection said. “哦?什么事?”正集说。 This comes the place of bitter cold, was Four Great Institutes the elite completely leaves, presses the bottom super divine armament to take?” Lu Ping said. “这趟来苦寒之地,四大学院是不是精英尽出,压箱底的超品神兵都带上了?”路平说。 This......” collection looks to Xu Chuan, they are headed by Xu Chuan eventually, naturally must give him to reply related to the Institute business. “这个......”正集看向许川,他们这些人终究是以许川为首,涉及到学院的事务自然是要交给他来回答。 Why has this one to ask?” Xu Chuan looks at Lu Ping. “为何有此一问?”许川看着路平 If now some people attack Black Tortoise Institute, how can?” Lu Ping asked. “现在如果有人去攻打玄武学院,会怎样?”路平问。 This saying, just like likes a sudden thunderclap, in room everyone dumbfounded. 这话一出,犹如五雷轰顶,屋里所有人都呆住了。 They analyzed the half-day opponent possibly to seize the Yanmen small town to block Yandang to be disadvantageous to the punitive expedition alliance, but this analysis, was the pattern is eventually small. They have not thought unexpectedly compares the punitive expedition alliance of place of bitter cold, at this time the Institute situation is not unexpectedly more optimistic. 他们分析了半天对手可能占领雁门小镇封锁雁荡会对讨伐联盟不利,可这番分析,终究是格局小了。他们竟未想到相比起苦寒之地的讨伐联盟,此时学院的处境竟然更不乐观。 Other Institute conditions, they are insufficient to know too exhaustively, but own situation is always clear. After a Northern Dipper Seven Stars Valley service, Black Tortoise Institute on the buckle many elite powerhouses, Seven Constellations of Institute highest status then folded three people. Until now Institute also only intended to make Xu Chuan receive the name of Rampart Constellation, as for Room Constellation and Battle Constellation, could not discover candidate from the start can the obedience, obviously Black Tortoise Institute the first-grade talent is scarce at present. 其他学院的状况,他们不至于知道得太详尽,但自个的情况总是清楚的。北斗七星谷一役后,玄武学院就折损了大量精英强者,学院最高身份的七宿便折了三人。迄今为止学院也仅有意让许川接过壁宿之名,至于室宿斗宿,压根就找不出可以服众的人选,可见玄武学院目前第一等的人才多么紧缺。 Under this condition, this time crusaded against Black Tortoise Institute exhaust ability to contribute the strength. Headmaster Pull Constellation goes into action personally, leads Battalion Constellation and Danger Constellation in two people Seven Constellations. 这种条件下,这次讨伐玄武学院还是竭尽所能地贡献了力量。院长牵宿亲自出马,领七宿中的营宿危宿二人。 Danger Constellation also participated in a Seven Stars Valley service, actually encounters capturing alive of Mizar Peak Guo Wushu when the conduct, although therefore becomes in five of participation most whole, but to being known as military god him, this may compared with dying wholely also uncomfortably. 危宿也参与了七星谷一役,却在行事时遭到开阳峰郭无术的生擒,虽然因此成为参与的五宿中最囫囵的一个,但对号称“武神”的他而言,这份囫囵可比死还难受。 This punitive expedition, Pull Constellation wants to keep him and Void Constellation remains in Institute together, facilitates to heal from a wound. But Danger Constellation from, before do not participate in this time crusades against snow , the shame. 这趟讨伐,牵宿本想留他和虚宿一起在学院留守,方便养伤。但危宿坚决不从,一定要参与这次讨伐来一雪前耻。 Finally Black Tortoise Institute then only kept Void Constellation to assume Institute. Severely wounded he remains, solid heals from a wound for the lord, this time his strength must fall short greatly, in this crucial point, if wants some people to want disadvantageously to Black Tortoise Institute...... 最终玄武学院便只留了虚宿坐镇学院。重伤的他留守,实是养伤为主,此时的他战力必是大打折扣的,这个节骨眼上,若是要有人想要对玄武学院不利...... Although Institute always also has others, protects Great Lock of institute is also complete. But has had learning from another's mistakes of Northern Dipper Institute, who also dares to believe to protect institute Great Lock to get it over and done? 虽然学院总还有其他人,护院的大定制也都完备。可是有过北斗学院的前车之鉴,谁还敢信有个护院大定制就可以一劳永逸? If the enemies really have the idea, then since this time Black Tortoise Institute has really been the millenniums is most void the weak moment. 敌人若真有想法,那么此时的玄武学院确是千年以来最为空虚薄弱的一刻。 Also is not only Black Tortoise Institute, Northern Dipper, Southern Heaven and Lacking Transcendence, the great people of three this attendances respectively are also many , the vitality in a Northern Dipper service damages severely similarly. Then this time Institute this section also surely is the rare weakness. 也不仅仅是玄武学院,北斗南天缺越,三家这趟出席的大人物也各不少,也同样在北斗一役中元气大伤。那么此时的学院本部也定是难得一见的薄弱。 Difficult to be inadequate, is this one must the big plot that their Four Great Institutes catches the whole lot in a dragnet? 难不成,这是一个要将他们四大学院就此一网打尽的大阴谋? Hypothesis that Lu Ping came up with, making this room more want to be the heart startled, more wants to be fearful. 路平提出的假设,让这一屋子越想越是心惊,越想越是可怕。 No matter, no matter there is a possibility, this truly has to guard.” Xu Chuan said. “不管是谁,不管有没有可能,这点确实不得不防。”许川说道。 But...... everyone feels embarrassed now. Institute from, eventually is too is far, is really hard to deliver the news immediately. “可是现在......”所有人为难。学院距离此间,终究是太远太远,实在难以立即将消息送达。 Xu Chuan looks to Lu Ping. The matter that everyone has not thought, Lu Ping actually thought. 许川看向路平。所有人没想到的事,路平却想到了。 „Does your excellency have what respected opinion?” Xu Chuan asked. “阁下有何高见?”许川问。 No.” Reply unusual simple of Lu Ping. “没有。”路平的回答异常的干脆。 Matter that no one thinks, he thought. Because he passed the time the life that worried about, the survival consciousness far exceeded all. But the Four Great Institutes person has not thought that because their leaders cultivated/repaired the invincible day to pass the millenniums. They were used to it not to have the rival, was used to it, only then each other competition. How gets better and stronger is they always in the ponder. How as to go on living? This ponder too floor, Four Great Institutes forgot to have the millenniums. 没有人想到的事,他想到了。只不过因为他过惯了时刻在担忧的生活,生存意识远超一切。而四大学院的人没想到,因为他们领袖修界所向无敌的日子过了千年。他们习惯了没有敌手,习惯了只有彼此的竞争。如何变得更好、更强是他们总在思考的。至于怎么活下去?这个思考就太底层了,四大学院忘了已有千年。 Lu Ping this simple „” , without made the anxiety in room arrive at the apex. 路平这声干脆的“没有”,让屋中的焦虑到达了顶点。 Cannot sit waiting for death.” “总不能坐以待毙。” Closes to take a look toward Yandang again.” “再往雁荡关去瞧瞧。” Institute is too far, outside the passes is always nearer.” 学院太远,关外的诸位总还是近些。” „Won't the garrison commander but who that Yandang closes have the issue?” “但那雁荡关的守将会没有问题吗?” Start discussion that the people talked at once. 众人七嘴八舌的开始议论。 Must go out, cannot walk Yandang to close.” Lu Ping interrupted. “要出关,也不是非走雁荡关不可。”路平插嘴。 He interrupted, in room instantaneous peaceful, obviously at this time he in everyone mind is pivotal. 他一插嘴,屋里瞬间安静,可见此时他在所有人心目中的已是举足轻重。 Besides the Yandang pass/test, road?” Xu Chuan asked. “除雁荡关之外,还有路?”许川问道。 Has one. But difficult to walk.” Lu Ping said. “有一条。但不好走。”路平说。 Collection.” Xu Chuan calls immediately said, the look is very serious, in us, only then you.” “正集。”许川马上唤道,神色无比郑重,“我们之中,只有你了。” I understand.” Collection nod. Xu Chuan they, the injury is extremely serious, at present many people speak must endure the severe pain. Has what idea, really can carry out also only has him. Therefore, again what to do he did not have to show loving care for him in Xu Chuan they, he knows that at present he matter that needs to do at risk of life is anything. “我明白。”正集点头。许川他们这些人,伤势都极重,眼下许多人说话都要忍着剧痛。有什么想法,真能去贯彻执行也仅有他一人。所以,他没再去关怀他不在了许川他们这些人要怎么办,他知道眼下他更需要拼死去做的事是什么。 Can tell me this road.” He asked Lu Ping. “能不能告诉我这条路。”他问路平 I...... cannot describe.” Lu Ping said. “我......不太会描述。”路平说。 But will you walk?” The collection asked. “但你会走?”正集问。 Should.” Lu Ping nods. “应该还可以。”路平点头。 Can lead me to walk?” The collection also asked. “能不能带我走一下?”正集又问。 Ok.” Lu Ping said that can and he says not exactly the same simple. “可以。”路平说“可以”和他说“没有”一模一样的干脆。 Has the work.” The collection said. “有劳。”正集说。 „Does this go?” Lu Ping asked. “这就去?”路平问。 The collection looks to other companions. 正集看向其他同伴。 The matter cannot be delayed.” Xu Chuan said. “事不宜迟。”许川说。 Takes care.” The collection said. “诸位多保重。”正集说。 That whatever, definitely is extremely heavy.” In the people fat said with a smile. “那无论怎样,肯定还是极重的。”众人中胖胖的一位笑道。 A not funny cold joke, but everyone smiled at this time. 一个并不怎么好笑的冷笑话,可此时所有人都笑了起来。 Goes to go.” They aligned the collection to say. “去吧去吧。”他们纷纷对正集说着。 Good.” The collection nod, turns to pass away goes out, he does not dare to stay again , to continue to look at these partners again, he feared that oneself tears were seen by them. “好。”正集点头,扭过身就出了门,他已经不敢再停留,再继续看着这些伙伴,他怕自己的眼泪被他们看到。 Goes out of the gate, the collection looked at all around. 走出门,正集看了看四周。 The remote and tranquil small town, perceive of collection has not discovered any exceptionally. But is here, is occluding a big plot of possibility destruction Four Great Institutes unexpectedly, although all suspected, is the speculation, but actually has to guard. 偏远、宁静的小镇,正集的感知没有发现任何异常。可就是这里,竟包藏着一个可能覆灭四大学院的大阴谋,虽然一切都只是猜想,是推测,但却不得不防。 Where toward walks?” The collection asked that to goes out of Lu Ping of room with him. “往哪里走?”正集问向跟着他走出屋的路平 Here.” Lu Ping arrived front, his conducting the back carries Su Tang as before. This makes the collection somewhat envy, if Ok, he also wants to carry his these partners to the shoulder on together. “这边。”路平走到了前边,他的背上依旧背着苏唐。这让正集有些羡慕,如果可以,他也想把他的那些伙伴一起都背到肩上。 Asked your question.” The collection follows while to say. “问你一个问题。”正集一边跟上一边道。 What issue?” Lu Ping said. “什么问题?”路平说。 Why has this one to ask.” The before issue of collection sounds is, Xu Chuan has asked that but traded at this time, the meaning was a little also different. “为何有此一问。”正集的问题听起来就是之前许川问过的,可是换在这个时候,意思又有点不同。 Xu Chuan was asking that is Lu Ping cared that the arrangement of their Institute this section has what goal. 许川在问的,是路平关心他们学院本部的安排有什么目的。 But the collection was asking that is why Lu Ping can care about the safety of their Institute this section. 而正集在问的,是路平为什么会来关心他们学院本部的安危。 How to see that this is not the matter that Lu Ping can care about, but he actually runs to ask specially. 怎么看这也不是路平会在意的事吧,可他却专程跑来一问。 Because......” Lu Ping is smiling. “因为......”路平笑着。 I am not Lu Ping.” He said at the same time, conducted the back Su Tang is suddenly ordinary like the weapon, was wielded to pound toward the collection by him. “我不是路平。”他一边说道,背上的苏唐忽然就像个武器一般,被他挥起朝着正集砸了下来。
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