HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1114: Infiltration

What issue has?” The collection seems like Su Tang also is more anxious, collects then to ask. “有什么问题?”正集看起来比苏唐还要急切一些,凑上来便问道。 Lu Ping looked at his eye, has not evaded: Previously one group of youngster, is to toward the area inside the Great Wall, you to meet?” 路平看了他眼,也没有避讳:“先前有一群少年,是要往关内去的,你们有没有遇到?” Really has this matter.” Collection nod. “确有此事。”正集点头。 Later? What has to arrange to them?” Lu Ping asked. “之后呢?对他们有什么安排吗?”路平问。 Making concrete me is not quite clear, only heard that is advance Northern Dipper several scholar rescues, has had the arrangement. Also has not been one's turn us to pay attention.” The collection said. “具体我不太清楚,只听说是先行的北斗几位院士救下的,已经有过安排了。也没轮到我们理会。”正集道。 Is depending on the arrangement, they should now in the Yanmen small town.” Lu Ping said. “依着安排,他们现在应该在雁门小镇了。”路平说。 The collection then understands that Lu Ping and Su Tang previously looked around in the town/subdues are looking for anything, immediately asked: What people are they?” 正集这下明白路平苏唐先前在镇里东张西望是在找什么了,随即问道:“他们是些什么人?” Rescues from Sichuan, to some dark Fourth Path quite valuable people.” Lu Ping said. “是从界川救出来的,对暗黑四路比较有价值的一些人。”路平说。 Your meaning is, did the dark person tribulation them?” The collection said. “你的意思是,暗黑的人又把他们劫回去了?”正集道。 Yes, from small town.” Lu Ping said. “是的,就从小镇。”路平说。 Small town?” Collection immediately one startled, the vision looks at subconsciously the third room toward their calm streets. Although inside Black Tortoise disciple each one is an elite, but half of corpse half of wounds are heavy, must eliminate them to say neatly, even if that several is looking after their mean cultivator. “小镇?”正集顿时一惊,目光下意识地就朝他们安顿的街把头第三间房看去。里面的玄武门人虽然个个是精英,但是一半尸体一半伤重,要消灭他们可以说不费吹灰之力,哪怕是那几个在照看他们的低微修者 Thinks of this, the collection hands and feet is icy cold, can ignore oneself injury, such as the arrow sharply flees generally toward that room. The people at the appointed time, the vision has not passed from the window, looks when several same side are he leaves sit in a circle the appearance of stove as before, was at heart steadfast. 一想到这,正集手脚冰凉,顾不得自己身上的伤势,如箭一般急朝那房间窜去。人尚未到时,目光已从窗口透进,看着几位同门依旧是他离开时围坐火炉的模样,心里才踏实了些。 Even so, he does not have the least bit idle time, is almost scores to break, in the person the room all has a scare. The collection can ignore the explanation, immediately looks toward several Green Peak cultivator that keeping the room looks. 即便如此,他也没有半点停歇,几乎是破门冲入,把屋里人全都吓了一大跳。正集也顾不得解释,立即朝留屋照看的几位青峰修者看去。 Altogether three people. A person is tidying up the firewood in the corner, a person is reorganizing the bed, but also is helping up two Black Tortoise disciples in the stove, these two are somewhat sleepy at this time, wants to lie down to rest. At present everyone stops matter on hand, a face with astonishment looks to the collection. 一共三人。一人在墙角收拾着柴禾,一人在整理着床铺,还一位正在火炉边扶起了两位玄武门人,这二位此时有些困倦,想去躺下歇息了。眼下所有人都停下了手头的事,一脸惊愕地看向正集。 Firewood? The issue is not big. 柴禾?问题不大。 Bed? Without the questionable point. 床铺?没有疑点。 With the contacts of two same side? Probably is also normal. 和两位同门的接触?好像也正常。 Three were laborious.” The collection said, we have the important matter to consult, please first avoid.” “三位辛苦了。”正集说道,“我们有要事相商,请先回避一下。” „.” Three people respond repeatedly, immediately puts down matter on hand, hurried up the room anxiously. “哦哦。”三人连声应着,马上放下手头的事,急急出了屋。 The same side looks at the collection at a loss, the collection actually the firewood and bed, just the held two same side minutely examined, this asked: Nothing unusual?” 同门茫然地看着正集,正集却又把柴禾、床铺,还有刚刚被扶的两位同门细查了一遍,这才问道:“没什么异常吧?” People look at each other in dismay. 众人面面相觑 Must say that some words, that was you.” Xu Chuan said. “一定要说有的话,那就是你了。”许川道。 The facial expression of collection actually enforces very much: Here had possibly been infiltrated by Dark Institute.” 正集的神情却还是严肃得很:“这里可能已经被暗黑学院渗透了。” Hears this saying, everyone is also anxious immediately, they were clear that the present condition, naturally understands this means the enormous danger to them. 听到这话,所有人也立即紧张起来,他们清楚自己眼下的状况,自然明白这对他们而言意味着极大的危险。 News where comes?” Xu Chuan asked. “哪里来的消息?”许川问道。 Lu Ping.” The collection said. 路平。”正集说。 How does he know?” Xu Chuan also asked. “他怎么知道?”许川又问。 The collection was narrating simply, when ding-dong, gate sound. 正集正简单叙说,当当当,门响。 What person?” Collection vigilant, no matter how others the injury, dares to make best effort to adjust the Soul Power alert at this time. “什么人?”正集机警,其他人不管伤势如何,此时敢尽最大努力调起魄之力戒备。 I.” Out of the door broadcasts the Lu Ping sound. “我。”门外传来路平的声音。 Does not have anything to alert to the Lu Ping Black Tortoise people. How after all this really must not need to do what mixture of truth and deceit to them, the person this is also knocking on a door, is polite. 路平玄武众人已经不存在什么戒备不戒备了。毕竟这位真要对他们怎样根本不必搞什么虚虚实实的,人这还敲着门,多有礼貌。 The collection putting out a hand door pulls open, sees Lu Ping to stand outside, shot a look at one toward the room in: All right?” 正集伸手把门拉开,看到路平站在外面,朝屋里瞥了一眼:“都没事吧?” All right.” The collection said. “没事。”正集说。 Has the matter to call.” Lu Ping nods, turns around to leave. “有事招呼。”路平点点头,转身就又要离开。 „Do you go?” The collection is busy at asking. “你去哪?”正集忙问。 Lu Ping looked at his one eyes strangely: I eat meal.” 路平奇怪地看了他一眼:“我吃饭呢。” The collection had nothing to say in reply. His mentality where can also attend to eating meal at present, oneself just all forgot in the small inn bold point wheat pancake egg, where is thinking Lu Ping eats and drinks does not harm. 正集无言以对。他的心态眼下哪里还顾得上吃饭,自己刚在小客栈豪点的烙饼鸡蛋都全忘了,哪想着路平还是吃喝不误。 Your surface also came.” Lu Ping has not forgotten to remind his one. “你的面也来了。”路平还不忘提醒他一句。 To small two said sends troublesome together with our wheat pancake eggs together.” The collection said. “麻烦跟小二说连同我们的烙饼鸡蛋一起送来吧。”正集说。 Good.” Lu Ping nods, walks. “好。”路平点点头,走了。 The collection turns head, with same side look at each other in dismay, the tension-filled atmosphere has been not much left now. 正集回头,和同门面面相觑,紧张的气氛现在已经所剩无几了。 Wheat pancake egg?” Xu Chuan looks at the collection. Here is the Green Peak Empire aspect calm, in the food and drink room prepares very sufficiently, wants to be richer than the food sign of that inn, ordering the meal somewhat is really unnecessary. “烙饼鸡蛋?”许川看着正集。这边是青峰帝国方面给安顿的,吃喝屋里备得很充足,比那客栈的食牌都要丰富些,点餐着实有些多余。 Arrived that convenient on point.” The collection said. “到那顺手就点了。”正集说。 „Can food also care?” Some people said. “食物是不是也要在意些?”有人说。 I one will inspect.” The collection said. “我一会查验一下。”正集道。 These youngster are many, some realm, can walk their total to rub 1 points wind sound/rumor in the town/subdues has not remained, feared that is not the infiltration is so simple.” Xu Chuan started to analyze the proper business at this time. “那些少年人数不少,也都有些境界,能把他们全数撸走却在镇里一点风声都没留,怕已经不是渗透那么简单了。”许川这时开始分析正事。 Lin Family operates for many years in Green Peak Empire, if there is disloyalty very early in the morning, feared that also propped up many own trusted subordinates in secret. The Green Peak aspect wants to eradicate cleanly, feared that is not easy.” Also there is a humanity. 林家青峰帝国经营多年,如果一早就有异心的话,怕也暗中扶植了不少自己的亲信。青峰方面想要根除干净,怕也没那么容易。”又有人道。 Was difficult to be inadequate here completely to be controlled by them?” “难不成这里已经完全被他们控制了?” Then takes us directly is, keeps us to restore here?” “那将我们直接拿下就是,留我们在这里恢复?” Person is dreading perhaps is not we.” “人在忌惮的恐怕也不是我们。” This said, everyone looks toward out of the window. The window gemel window, that end obvious inn window, Lu Ping and Su Tang sit on by the window. Saw clearly, the Lu Ping surface by the cultivator eyesight eats at this time just fragrant, several people looking greedily. 这声说完,所有人朝窗外望去。窗对窗,那端可见客栈窗口,路平苏唐就靠窗而坐。以修者的目力看得清楚,此时路平面吃得正香,生生把好几人给看馋了。 Hasn't selected the surface to us?” Some people asked. “没给我们点面吗?”有人问。 One bowl, who wants to eat who comes.” The collection is speechless. “有一碗,谁想吃谁来。”正集无语。 One bowl?” Some people have not wanted. “就一碗?”有人还不愿意了。 Xu Chuan stared everyone one eyes, how many bowl of surface having is the present key point? 许川瞪了所有人一眼,有几碗面是眼下的重点吗? Now I most am worried is not we.” Xu Chuan said. “我现在最担心的不是我们。”许川道。 Everyone looks together to him. 大家齐看向他。 „The opposite party can control here, can pinch the supplies of outside the passes, defended the words that Yandang closed/pass...... Xu Chuan to say again. “对方能控制这里,就能掐了关外的补给,再拒守雁荡关的话……”许川说。 „Did Yandang close is also controlled by them?” “雁荡关也被他们控制了?” Has this possibility.” “不是没有这种可能。” Teacher Battalion Constellation they......” “那营宿老师他们……” Everyone had new worry immediately. Compares building up numerous Institute, the same side that Battalion Constellation leads one crowd of minor wounds may be called weak. Had two big super divine armament can be the enormous boost, but also is the enormous seduction. A Dark Institute school of method is cunning, Lin Family takes the area inside the Great Wall large clan, in the hand also affirmed that the accumulation has the divine armament mystique. If nothing else, they Thousand Pine Ruler that takes away from Northern Dipper Institute, although does not know the concrete function, but was presented by Northern Dipper for the most precious object, that definitely is a worthy opponent sufficiently super divine armament of Divine Tortoise Seal or ten thousand tubes. 所有人顿时有了新的担忧。相比起集结的众学院,营宿带领一群轻伤的同门堪称势单力薄。携有的两大超品神兵会是极大的助力,但同时也是极大的诱惑。暗黑学院一派手段刁钻诡异,林家作为关内大族,手中也肯定积累有神兵秘法。别的不说,就他们从北斗学院夺去的千松尺,虽不知具体功用,但被北斗奉为至宝,那肯定是足以匹敌神武印或万化筒的超品神兵 With the track, looks whether to contact with Teacher Battalion Constellation or what people.” Xu Chuan said. “拿音轨,看能否联系到营宿老师或者什么人都可以。”许川说道。 Some people quickly take out the track, this is their Black Tortoise is specially-made, compared with common market circulation effect stronger on many. May be affected in the place of bitter cold severely cold, the effect also falls short greatly. Related front Institute not to need to think directly, only hopes that Battalion Constellation they have not gone out of the track distance at this time. 有人急忙取出音轨,这是他们玄武特制,比寻常市面流通的效果要强上许多。可在苦寒之地受严寒影响,效果也是大打折扣。直接联系到前方的学院是不用想了,只盼营宿他们此时还没有走出音轨距离。 The track by the crumb, everyone was turned very quiet the breath, was anticipating can hear the sound. However waited not to wait for any response some little time. 音轨被捏碎,所有人屏住呼吸,期待着能听到声音。但是等了好一会也没有等来任何反应。 Trades.” Xu Chuan said. “换。”许川道。 The track is forms a pair, everyone pulls out the track that may contact with Battalion Constellation one group, non-stop the crumb one after another, they could not have attended to try. 音轨都是成对的,大家纷纷掏出可与营宿一行人联系的音轨,一个接一个地不停捏碎,他们已经顾不上一个一个地试了。 Finally, after some track disrupts, Soul Power had the change, this puts through opposite performance. However without everyone started happily, then has broadcast the sound that they most are not willing to hear. 终于,某枚音轨碎裂后魄之力有了变化,这是接通对面的表现。但是没等大家开始高兴,便已经传来他们最不愿意听到的声音。 Ambush.” “埋伏。” Only two characters, Sound's Soul is then lax, the opposite has destroyed this track communication. 只两个字,鸣之魄便已涣散,对面已经打碎了这次音轨通讯。 Everyone look becomes incomparably heavy. 所有人神色就变得无比沉重。 When ding-dong. 当当当。 Door loud. 房门又响。
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