GSOH :: Volume #4

#384: The secret of Daoism

Regarding the Daoism beforehand Li Xuanzong not too big favorable impression. 对于道门之前的李玄宗并没有太大的好感。 As the Eastern Travels Spirit Continent biggest influence, as the leader of entire Five Continent World cultivation influence, Daoism actually does not go to the manages black tide, instead must be in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent wholeheartedly, this clarified was selfish. 身为东行灵州最大的势力,身为整个五洲世界修行势力的魁首,道门却不去管黑潮,反而一心要入主中元神洲,这摆明了就是自私嘛。 However looks at now the profound and abstruse principles True Daoist appearance, he lays bare with one word the Central Yuan Divine Continent black tide position, some these seemingly also secret facts. 不过看现在玄机真人的模样,还有他一口道破中元神洲黑潮的位置,这其中貌似还有些隐情在。 Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist is saying with a smile painstakingly: „ Ao Zheng that dragonet temperament was too smelly was too hard, the East Sea eruption black tide he is not rather willing to retrocede one step. 玄机真人苦笑着道:“敖峥那条小龙脾气太臭太硬了,东海爆发黑潮他宁是不肯后退一步。 But he actually does not know, the place of entire five continents has the black tide to erupt, he can control East Sea, but can also be able to control the black tide in other places? 但他却不知道,整个五洲之地都有黑潮爆发,他能管得了东海,还能管得了其他地方的黑潮吗? Before East Sea erupts, I have then known that the Central Yuan Divine Continent black tide erupted, profound had also discussed with me at that time how should do. 早在东海爆发之前,我便已经知道中元神洲的黑潮爆发了,玄都当时还与我商议过应该如何去做。 Why finally finally he actually does not know, first step, entered in the middle of the black tide. 结果最后他却不知道为何,抢先一步,进入了黑潮当中。 However finally he actually drags the person to bring the news to me, if after he falls from the sky, then makes my Daoism be in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, prohibits the black tide. ” 不过最后他却拖人给我带来消息,若是他陨落之后,便让我道门入主中元神洲,封禁黑潮。” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist, in the Li Xuanzong heart moves at this point suddenly. 玄机真人说到这里,李玄宗忽然心中一动。 Profound True Daoist, profound and abstruse principles True Daoist. 玄都真人,玄机真人 Are the say/way numbers of these two people so why similar? 这两个人的道号为何这般相似? And profound True Daoist makes Daoism be in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, almost quite therefore held this solitary one, so the trust was not the common person can have. 并且玄都真人道门入主中元神洲,几乎就相当于是托孤了,这般信任可不是寻常人能有的。 „Is senior, may I ask profound True Daoist with you?” “前辈,敢问玄都真人跟你是?” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist sighed: „ He is my Junior Brother, both of us once on Taishang Dao Sect studied with a teacher together. 玄机真人叹息道:“他是我的师弟,我们两人曾经一起上太上道门拜师学艺。 Long ago was still under the same master Alchemy, as lighting a fire small Dao Child. 早年还在同一个师父麾下炼丹,做为烧火的小道童 But my Junior Brother, although startled certainly colorful, but works actually departs from the classics and betrays principle, rash, because offended master Mennei the great person to be nearly killed, finally was also expelled Taishang Dao Sect, was the Taishang Dao Sect abandoned disciple. 只不过我那师弟虽然惊才绝艳,不过做事却是离经叛道,胆大妄为,因为得罪了师门内的大人物险些丧命,最后也被逐出了太上道门,属于太上道门的弃徒。 This was very long beforehand matter, after I wielded Taishang Dao Sect, has thought must invite him to come back, but he actually did not want. ” 这都是很久之前的事情了,我执掌太上道门之后也曾经想过要邀请他回来,不过他却不愿意。” Nod of Li Xuanzong understands clearly, if there is this to relate again, was not difficult to understand the profound True Daoist behavior. 李玄宗了然的点了点头,若是有了这重关系,就不难理解玄都真人的行为了。 Profound True Daoist cultivation base can be said as the Buddha demon three cultivating, finally he is actually preserving oneself say/way number as before, should in the heart to Taishang Dao Sect and entire Daoism lineage/vein has a fragrant state. 玄都真人一身修为可以说是道佛魔三修,结果他却依旧保存着自己的道号,应该心中对太上道门和整个道门一脉还是有着一丝香火情在的。 He is alive does not allow Daoism to step into Central Yuan Divine Continent, if by any chance after he dies, most trusts actually Daoism, is own Senior Brother profound and abstruse principles True Daoist. 他在世的时候不允许道门踏入中元神洲,但等他死后最为信任的却还是道门,还是自己的师兄玄机真人 Therefore profound True Daoist did leave behind the means of solution black tide initially?” “所以玄都真人当初是留下了解决黑潮的办法?” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist is also the forced smile said: „ Does not know, by me understanding Junior Brother , he since dares to step into the middle of the black tide, had certainly anything to discover. 玄机真人也是苦笑道:“不知道,以我对师弟的了解,他既然敢踏入黑潮当中,就一定是有了什么发现。 He works is always three calculates, properly speaking should leave behind anything. 他做事向来都是一步三算,按理来说应该会留下什么东西的。 Finally he actually sends people to inform me to make Daoism prepare to be in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, this is true is not his style. 结果他却只是派人来通知我让道门准备入主中元神洲,这属实不是他的风格。 However I also thought actually. 不过我倒是也想好了。 The black tide erupts, my Daoism is unable to cultivate one's own moral worth, if not actually able to display the proper strength in Eastern Travels Spirit Continent that place. 黑潮爆发,我道门也无法独善其身,若是在东行灵州那地方却是无法发挥出应有的力量来。 Therefore was inferior that the whole is in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, with the aid of the strength of center, command Five Continent World, set all strengths prohibits the black tide. 所以不如整体入主中元神洲,借助中心之力,号令五洲世界,集合所有力量来封禁黑潮。 The five continents influence unites come strongly compared with a strength, how long could not insist like Ao Zheng that dragonet. ” 五洲势力合一怎么也要比一家之力来得强,像敖峥那小龙一样是坚持不了多长时间的。” Li Xuanzong shakes the head saying: „ But looks like so, actually is also uncertain future that the senior thinks. 李玄宗摇摇头道:“但像前辈所想的这般,其实也是前途未卜。 The black tide strength is inconceivable, although can prohibit, but is actually not able completely to cut off it. 黑潮的力量难以想象,虽然可以封禁,但却无法彻底将其断绝。 Therefore must completely prohibit the black tide the source to have the possibility to prohibit the black tide truly. 所以必须要禁绝黑潮的源头才有可能真正封禁黑潮。 And my also discoveries, that is the black tide actually ten thousand years ago has existed. ” 并且我还有一个发现,那就是黑潮其实万年前就已经存在了。” What!? Ten thousand years ago has the black tide existed?” “什么!?万年前黑潮就已经存在了?” The profound and abstruse principles True Daoist three people are startled. 玄机真人三人都是一惊。 The Li Xuanzong nod said: „ Is so. 李玄宗点头道:“就是如此。 Had obtained below the mixing heavenly palace that mixes a day of Great Sage, this thing interior the crack of black tide, has then sealed off now thoroughly. 在下曾经得到过混天大圣的混天宫,此物内部便有一个黑潮的裂缝,现在已经被彻底封堵住了。 Mixing the heavenly palace is ten thousand years ago crashes from the paradise, has sealed in the middle of the serious famine mystical place, in the result still had the black tide to exist, this proved the time that sufficiently the black tide spreads is actually very long. 混天宫是万年前从仙界坠落的,一直都封存在大荒秘境当中,结果里面却是仍旧有黑潮存在,这足以证明黑潮蔓延的时间其实已经很长了。 Has not dissipated regarding this ten thousand years thoroughly, and strength of also getting stronger and stronger, the senior had confidence seriously prohibits it thoroughly? 对于这种万年时间都没有彻底消散,并且还愈演愈烈的力量,前辈当真有把握彻底将其封禁吗? Entire Five Continent World will of the people very difficult assurance. 况且整个五洲世界的人心就很难把握了。 Planning of major influence some major strengths, four immortal sect selfishness are too heavy, that side Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race also the generation of many nine spirit Monster Saint this ambitions. 各大势力都有各大实力的算计,四大仙宗私心太重,南域火洲妖族那边也不乏九灵妖圣这种野心之辈。 The Central Yuan Divine Continent supreme immortal is still split up toward this time, Western Sands Saint Continent that group of monks did not use many, I to the present do not know that actually the opposite party wanted to make anything. 中元神洲至尊仙朝此时还在四分五裂当中,西圣沙洲那群和尚就不用多少了,我到现在都不知道对方究竟想要做什么。 In this case, even the strength of gathering entire Daoism, had confidence seriously makes Five Continent World Cultivator pull together to do something? ” 这种情况下,就算是集合整个道门之力,当真就有把握让五洲世界修士都拧成一股绳?” The profound and abstruse principles True Daoist forced smile said: „ Cannot achieve, especially Buddhism there. 玄机真人苦笑道:“做不到,特别是佛门那里。 The Buddhism had/left what accident probably, something that they handle, I could not understand. ” 佛门好像出了什么变故,他们所做的一些事情,就连我都看不懂了。” Purple Chen True Daoist in one side cold -ly snorted and said: Your this boy will pour cold water here, if what does not do, is difficult to be inadequate waits for death here?” 紫辰真人在一旁冷哼道:“你这小子就会在这里泼冷水,若是什么都不去做,难不成在这里等死吗?” Li Xuanzong shakes the head saying: „ Younger generation is not this meaning, but by the present situation, Daoism, if still the strategy before execution, feared that will waste the time. 李玄宗摇头道:“晚辈并不是这个意思,而是以现在的情况,道门若是还在执行之前的策略,怕是会白费功夫。 Has the thing that True Daoist left behind unreliably past below here, but by below eyesight is actually not able to see that actually this thing has what using. ” 在下这里有昔日玄都真人所留下的东西,只不过以在下的眼力却是无法看出这东西究竟有何用。” Saying, Li Xuanzong then puts out that black pill pill that profound True Daoist leaves behind. 说着,李玄宗便拿出玄都真人所留下的那枚黑色丹丸来。 Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist carefully is observing the long time, but also has probed with various strengths, but pill pill has not actually transmitted any response. 玄机真人仔细观察着半晌,还用各种力量试探过,但那丹丸却并没有传来任何的反应。 Strange, this thing and does not seem like the thing in Five Continent World, its material quality has even been above my cognition. “奇怪,这东西并不像是五洲世界内的东西,其材质甚至已经超乎我的认知。 You said that after this thing is Junior Brother takes, stays behind? Properly speaking this thing should be delivered to here now is. 你说这东西是师弟拿到手之后留下的?按理来说这东西现在应该被送到我这里才是。 That group of people in supreme immortal towards do not have the ability to prohibit the black tide, does not have the ability to go to manages matter, this Junior Brother is knows that he will not make my Daoism be in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent otherwise. 至尊仙朝的那帮人没有能力封禁黑潮,也没有能力去管这件事情,这点师弟是知道的,要不然他也不会让我道门入主中元神洲 But why doesn't he give me Daoism this thing? ” 但为何他又不把这东西交给我道门?” Li Xuanzong shakes the head saying: „ I don't know either, this thing is follows profound True Daoist to appear, but was unreliable the True Daoist situation extremely to be critical at that time, therefore has not left behind what few words, this thing was collected by the Ji imperial family. 李玄宗摇头道:“我也不知道,此物是跟随玄都真人出现的,但当时玄都真人的情况太过危急,所以也没留下什么只言片语,此物就被姬家皇室收集了起来。 Until I appeared after afterward, Ji Honglie then gave me this thing. ” 直到后来我出现之后,姬宏烈这才把这东西交给了我。” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist observed the long time, later swung the head saying: „ This was actually strange. 玄机真人又观察了半晌,随后摇了摇脑袋道:“这倒是奇怪了。 However at present Li young friend you offer a good advice for my Daoism actually, this poor Daoist here, has one thing to give Li young friend actually you. ” 不过眼下李小友你倒是为我道门出了一个不错的主意,贫道这里,倒是也有一样东西要送给李小友你。” Li Xuanzong is surprised the different way: What thing?” 李玄宗诧异道:“什么东西?” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist sighed: „ That is also the thing that my Junior Brother leaves behind, pours also this/should gives the supreme immortal toward. 玄机真人叹息道:“那也是我师弟所遗留下来的东西,倒也该是交给至尊仙朝的。 Now since you can represent the supreme immortal toward to move outside, that this thing should also turn over to you but actually. ” 现在既然你能代表至尊仙朝在外活动,那这东西倒也合该归你。” PS: Unexpectedly some people said that I sheared the wrapper...... the big bird to be furious! Do I also need to shear the wrapper? PS:居然有人说我去割包皮了……大鸟震怒!我还需要割包皮? Actually was the frozen cold, Dongliao rather in several days the temperature dropped abruptly, my goodness bridged over directly autumn since the winter, could not endure(???) 其实就是冻感冒了,东辽宁几天内气温骤降,好家伙直接跨过秋天进入冬天,挺不住啊(???)
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