GSOH :: Volume #4

#383: Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist

The solution that Li Xuanzong proposes suddenly indeed makes blue lotus True Daoist one startled, is quite excited. 李玄宗突然提出来的解决办法的确是让青莲真人一惊,同时也是颇为心动的。 Daoism indeed is a serving the rich and powerful by literary hack work cloud wild crane, even if three big Daoism is not too strong in the execution. 道门的确是一帮闲云野鹤,哪怕是三大道门在执行力上也并不是太强。 Therefore this also caused their Confucian orthodoxy propagation velocity is really slow, distant ratio Buddhism. 所以这也导致他们的道统传播速度实在是太慢了,远远比不过佛门。 Now Li Xuanzong opens the mouth is a reputation of national religion, then compared with Shen Qingxi, both indeed is nothing commeasurable. 如今李玄宗一开口便是一个国教的名头,那跟沈清溪相比,两者的确是没有什么可比性的。 Sir Li you said can take seriously? Can you make the decision for the supreme immortal toward Ji Jia?” “李大人你说的可当真?你可以为至尊仙朝姬家做决定?” Li Xuanzong said lightly: „ Before this matter, I have then told crown prince Ji Honglie. 李玄宗淡淡道:“这件事情之前我便已经跟太子姬宏烈说过了。 Now the supreme immortal toward all things basically is Ji Honglie in the manages. 现在至尊仙朝所有事情基本上都是姬宏烈在管。 If you want the imperial decree, I can also take now. ” 你若是想要圣旨,我现在也能够拿出来。” At this time Shen Qingxi was anxious. 此时沈清溪却是急了。 Blue lotus Senior Brother you must listen to this Li Xuanzong to talk nonsense not! “青莲师兄你莫要听这李玄宗胡说八道! The supreme immortal could not have withstood toward the present decayed, Daoism becomes the national religion of supreme immortal towards instead toward dragging down the destiny by the supreme immortal. 至尊仙朝如今已经腐朽不堪了,道门成为至尊仙朝的国教反而会被至尊仙朝拖累气运。 Li Xuanzong this act hides malicious intent under a fair countenance, is to frame Daoism! ” 李玄宗此举包藏祸心,乃是想要陷害道门啊!” Blue lotus True Daoist knitting the brows head, at this time he gawked suddenly, later in the middle of the mind broadcast a sound. 青莲真人皱了皱眉头,这时他忽然愣了一下,随后脑海当中传来了一个声音。 The next quarter, blue lotus True Daoist shouted severely: Shut up!” 下一刻,青莲真人厉喝道:“闭嘴!” In the Shen Qingxi stunned vision, blue lotus True Daoist looks at the vision to Li Xuanzong, the sinking sound said: „ Sir Li, this matter I can comply with your half. 在沈清溪愕然的目光中,青莲真人把目光望向李玄宗,沉声道:“李大人,此事我可以答应你一半。 The Taishang Dao Sect palm teaches, profound and abstruse principles True Daoist feels emotion. 太上道门掌教,玄机真人有情。 So long as passed profound and abstruse principles True Daoist this pass/test, my Daoism is willing to become the national religion of supreme immortal towards, and lets the Shen Qingxi surrender supreme immortal toward. ” 只要过了玄机真人这关,我道门愿意成为至尊仙朝的国教,并且让沈清溪投降至尊仙朝。” Li Xuanzong gawked slightly staring, later then the nod said: Ok, may I ask profound and abstruse principles True Daoist now where?” 李玄宗略微愣了愣,随后便点头道:“可以,敢问玄机真人如今在何处?” Taishang Dao Sect is the heads of three big Daoism, profound and abstruse principles True Daoist is existences of Daoism that Dao Unification eight heavy peaks. 太上道门乃是三大道门之首,玄机真人便是道门那位合道八重巅峰的存在。 The opposite party is also has to move mountain Monster Saint and the others with profound True Daoist the character of same time, but actually be younger than the opposite parties, because practices Cultivation Art to be special, therefore oneself maintain has been in peak condition. 对方乃是跟玄都真人还有搬山妖圣等人同一个时代的人物,不过年龄却是要比对方都轻,并且因为修练功法特殊,所以自身一直都保持在巅峰状态。 Blue lotus True Daoist sinking sound said: Sir Li please come with me.” 青莲真人沉声道:“李大人请跟我来。” Two people disregarded Shen Qingxi directly, this makes this Anton king at this time simply desperate incomparable. 两个人直接无视了沈清溪,这让这位安东王此时简直绝望无比。 Own this eastern 16 counties actually in his hands, definitely do not look that actually Li Xuanzong can reach what kind of agreement with Daoism. 自己这东部十六郡其实已经不在他自己手中了,完全要看李玄宗道门究竟能够达成怎样的协议。 If Daoism is determined to help Li Xuanzong, if Shen Qingxi also stops, that may really become the praying mantis arm, when car(riage). 若是道门执意要帮李玄宗的话,那沈清溪若是还阻拦,那可就真成了螳臂当车了。 Daoism was just in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent at this time, the main influence is centralized in the east. 道门此时刚刚入主中元神洲,主要势力便是集中在东部。 But Daoism does not have the large-scale establishment temple, because after they are in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, gave to bring own Daoist temple directly. 只不过道门却是没有大规模的建立寺庙,因为他们入主中元神洲之后,直接把自己的道观都给带来了。 Taishang Dao Sect at this time then float hundred li (0.5 km) place east king city, extremely broad magnificent. 太上道门此时便悬浮在王城东边百里之地,极其恢宏壮观。 There unexpectedly is three reaching to the sky floats the spatial mountain range, the most central that mountain range is highest is also most magnificent, there is Taishang Dao Sect in it place. 那里竟然是三座高耸入云的浮空山脉,最中央的那一座山脉最高也是最为壮观,那里便是太上道门的所在之地。 The Li Xuanzong following blue lotus True Daoist mountain, passed over gently and swiftly all the way the numerous palatial main halls, but above the summit unexpectedly is a thatched hut. 李玄宗跟着青莲真人一路上山,掠过重重巍峨的大殿,但山顶之上竟然是一座茅草屋。 Is setting out a crude table before that thatched hut, sloven, the hair is chaotic, the Daoist robe dirty old man is sitting before the table is sipping pot liquor, is chewing two grains of aniseed-flavored beans. 在那茅草屋前摆着一张简陋的桌子,一名不修边幅,头发乱糟糟,道袍脏兮兮的老者正坐在桌子前抿着一壶酒,是不是嚼着两粒茴香豆。 Middle-aged Daoist that his side also wears the gold/metal mark cloud chart Daoist robe. 他身边还有一名穿着金纹云图道袍的中年道士 That Daoist facial features with deep veneration, the body aura is firm broad, the bearing is scrupulous about every detail, grasps a sword to whisk, at this time the correct use has a shutting out vision to look at that sloven old Daoist. 道士面容阳刚肃然,身上气息恢宏,站姿一丝不苟,手持道剑拂尘,此时正用带着一丝嫌弃的目光看着那不修边幅的老道士 Who does not think, this old Daoist is actually present Daoism most powerhouse profound and abstruse principles True Daoist, but Daoist that his side that face shuts out is the palm of northern heavens Daoism teaches purple Chen True Daoist. 谁人也不会想到,这老道士其实才是现在道门的最强者玄机真人,而他身边那一脸嫌弃的道士则是玄天道门的掌教紫辰真人 This purple Chen True Daoist strength even compared with blue lotus True Daoist even better, achieve the Dao Unification boundaries six times. 这紫辰真人的实力甚至要比青莲真人更胜一筹,已经达到了合道六次的境界。 Before Li Xuanzong steps the thatched hut, saw that this is slightly somewhat is also stunned, later then one said submissively: „Below Li Xuanzong, has seen profound and abstruse principles True Daoist and purple Chen True Daoist two seniors.” 李玄宗踏上茅草屋前,看到这一幕也是略微有些愕然,随后便一拱手道:“在下李玄宗,见过玄机真人和紫辰真人两位前辈。” That purple Chen True Daoist straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards select suddenly, cold sound said: „ Li Xuanzong, you said that can guarantee my Daoism is the Central Yuan Divine Continent national religion, said actually of pleasant to hear. 那紫辰真人忽然剑眉一挑,冷声道:“李玄宗,你说可以保我道门中元神洲国教,说的倒是好听。 But our country teaches and supreme immortal has the conflict between power and influence benefits toward in the middle inevitably, how should these you say? ” 但我国教跟至尊仙朝之间必然是有权势利益之间的冲突的,这些你又该怎么说?” Also without and other Li Xuanzong replied, profound and abstruse principles True Daoist then beckons with the hand, said with a laugh: „Don't temperament clash, what to do frightens this little friend? The seniors must have the demeanor of senior.” 还没等李玄宗回答,玄机真人便摆了摆手,笑呵呵道:“脾气别这么冲,吓到这位小友了怎么办?前辈怎么也要有前辈的风度嘛。” Li Xuanzong neither arrogant nor servile sinking sound said: „ To be honest, without means solution. 李玄宗不卑不亢的沉声道:“说实话,没有办法解决。 Is the imperial authority big or the national religion power and influence actually big, this must look at the two sides relative strengths completely. 究竟是皇权大还是国教权势大,这点完全是要看两边的实力对比。 Now if Daoism becomes the national religion of supreme immortal towards, that will become the supreme immortal immediately toward only taking advantage. 现在道门若是成为至尊仙朝的国教,那立刻就会成为至尊仙朝唯一的依仗。 So long as Daoism can retain this strength, that will have become taking advantage of supreme immortal towards. 所以只要道门能够一直保持这种实力,那就一直都会成为至尊仙朝的依仗。 Otherwise if Daoism deteriorates, perhaps let alone the matter supreme immortal toward, the Buddhism will butt. 反之道门若是衰败,那别说事至尊仙朝了,就连佛门恐怕都会插一脚的。 Daoism to proselytizing this matter comes not to have the Buddhism to be careful, when strength deterioration cannot struggle the Buddhism is also normal. 道门本身就对传道这种事情来得没有佛门上心,等到实力衰败之时争不过佛门也是正常的。 Moreover now the Buddhism has violated agreed initially. 而且现在佛门可是已经违背了当初的约定了。 Vajrayana that fellows not only do the matter in Southern Territory Fire Continent and Northern Polar Wintry Continent, now has meddled Central Yuan Divine Continent. 密宗那帮家伙不光是在南域火洲北极寒洲搞事情,如今已经插手中元神洲了。 But Daoism actually still rubs gently eastern 16 county here, with all due respect, was really slow. ” 道门却还在东部十六郡这里磨蹭,恕我直言,诸位实在是太慢了。” That purple Chen True Daoist selected the eyebrow, just wants to speak to lack is forestalled by profound and abstruse principles True Daoist. 那紫辰真人挑了挑眉毛,刚想说话缺又被玄机真人抢先了。 Your this boy actually tooth point mouth advantage, but spoke is actually very reasonable. “你这小子倒是牙尖嘴利的,不过说话倒是很有道理。 Own strength is bad, even now many restraints and guarantees, in the future will still be useless. 自己实力不济,就算是现在有再多的约束和保证,将来也是无用。 Ao Zheng that boy sharp qi is incomparable, no one pays attention, has not thought that also has the knowledge person makes good use, unexpectedly can you unearthing. 敖峥那小子锐气无比,谁都不放在眼里,没想到却也有知人善用的时候,竟然能把你给挖掘出来。 This matter my Daoism complied, set. ” 这件事情我道门答应了,就这么定下了。” Li Xuanzong stares slightly, as without thinking of profound and abstruse principles True Daoist easily complied unexpectedly. 李玄宗微微一愣,似乎没想到玄机真人竟然这么轻易就答应了下来。 The words such being the case, he also shouted what do oneself make? 既然如此的话,他又喊自己来做什么? At this time profound and abstruse principles True Daoist asked suddenly: How did supreme immortal prohibit toward imperial palace there black tide?” 这时候玄机真人忽然问道:“至尊仙朝皇宫那里的黑潮封禁如何了?” Li Xuanzong stares, the doubts said: True Daoist also knows that in the imperial palace has the black tide to prohibit?” 李玄宗又是一愣,疑惑道:“真人也知道皇宫内有黑潮封禁?” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist smiled bitterly a sound said: „ In your heart, my Daoism is some selfish underhanded generations, knows obviously East Sea has the black tide in actually still to suppress Ao Zheng. 玄机真人苦笑了一声道:“是不是在你心中,我道门都是一些自私下作之辈,明明知道东海有着黑潮在却还在压制着敖峥 Simultaneously sees the supreme immortal toward the deterioration, then seems the wild dog that snatches the food to be the same, struggles to rush Central Yuan Divine Continent to seize the food. ” 同时看到至尊仙朝衰败,便好似抢食的野狗一样,争着抢着来中元神洲夺食。” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist this saying to be somewhat coarse, Li Xuanzong has not dared the connection, because he indeed so thinks. 玄机真人这话有些难听,李玄宗也没敢接口,因为他的确是这般想的。 The East Sea black tide erupts, finally Daoism actually disregards, instead goes to Central Yuan Divine Continent to fight for the domain wholeheartedly, what isn't this selfish underhanded is? 东海黑潮爆发,结果道门却是不管不顾,反而一心去中元神洲争抢地盘,这不是自私下作又是什么? PS: The cold, a day of head was murky, expelled such a chapter. PS:感冒了,一天脑袋都昏昏沉沉的,就赶出这么一章来。 Has gripped the intravenous drip in the hospital, comes back to have a look at the condition, if continues to be dizzy, possibly tomorrow morning renewal will also want the pigeon to fall, will also ask everyone to excuse me. 已经在医院扎点滴了,回来看看状态,要是继续头晕,可能明天上午的更新也要鸽掉,还请大家见谅。
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