GSOH :: Volume #4

#382: Win-win

Blue lotus True Daoist this saying many somewhat spoke irresponsibly and sarcastically. 青莲真人这话多少有些站着说话不腰疼了。 Because Shen Qingxi has worked as the official in supreme immortal towards, now is not willing to continue to work as this official. 正是因为沈清溪当过至尊仙朝的臣子,如今才不愿意继续当这个臣子。 Supported oneself for the king already such a long time, his Shen Qingxi was also used to free and unrestrained, how can also have jurisdiction? 自立为王已经这么长时间了,他沈清溪也是逍遥自在惯了,如何还能受人管辖? The most important thing is in the future supreme immortal toward, if really can the resurgence rise again, how also to let off them? 最重要的是将来至尊仙朝若是真的能够重新中兴崛起的话,又怎么会放过他们? Even if therefore the situation will soon be on the brink of the hopeless situation at present, Shen Qingxi is not willing to surrender, but looks for Daoism to collapse. 所以哪怕眼下局势即将濒临绝境,沈清溪也是不愿意投降,而是找来道门破局。 In the middle of three big Daoism, azure profound Daoism also trades many with Shen Qingxi, the relations are closest, therefore is also willing to help Shen Qingxi try at this time but actually. 三大道门当中,青玄道门也是跟沈清溪交易最多,关系最为密切的,所以此时倒也愿意帮沈清溪试一试。 However blue lotus True Daoist is actually not willing to go for Shen Qingxi with Li Xuanzong is as for his back influence preying, therefore is actually still persuading Shen Qingxi to surrender at this time. 但是青莲真人却也不愿意为了沈清溪去跟李玄宗乃至于他背后的势力搏杀,所以此时竟然还在劝说沈清溪投降。 Shen Qingxi smiles bitterly saying: „ Person is involuntary in the rivers and lakes, Senior Brother, behind you are Daoism, how also to know my hardship? 沈清溪苦笑道:“人在江湖身不由己,师兄,你背后是道门,又怎么知道我的苦处? The eastern 16 counties, do not know that many people are waiting for me to support oneself for the king, they also obtain the advantage well. 东部十六郡,不知道有多少人都在等着我自立为王,他们也好分得好处。 At this time if I fell, will of the people also on powder. 此时我若是降了,人心也就散了。 Therefore is not I must be this emperor, but is the following person supports me to be this emperor. ” 所以不是我非要当这个皇帝,而是下面的人拥立着我当这个皇帝。” Also without and other blue lotus True Daoist spoke, a sound has then conveyed from the outside world. 还没等青莲真人说话,一个声音便已经从外界传来。 Anton king, your saying said then some owing hearts. “安东王,你这话说的便有些亏心了。 If you do not want to be this emperor, they can also compel you to be this emperor to be inadequate? 你若是不想当这个皇帝,他们还能逼着你当这个皇帝不成? Actually in the final analysis, is not in your heart has the desire, doesn't hate to put down these power and influence in your own hand? ” 其实说到底,还不是你心中有欲望,舍不得放下你自己手中的这些权势?” A void middle fissure blooms, Li Xuanzong relaxed from treads. 虚空当中一个裂痕绽放,李玄宗轻松的从其中踏出。 One after another with three Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundaries after the powerhouse fights, Li Xuanzong regarding the strength that he controls now is handier. 接连跟三位返虚合道境界的至强者交手之后,李玄宗对于他现在所掌控的力量更加的得心应手了。 Especially has experienced after the lotus flower Baosheng revering war, he sensed the fearfulness of strength of space, executed the application of immortal sword more convenient to the day attribute. 特别是经历过跟莲花宝胜尊者一战之后,他感悟到了空间之力的可怕,同时也对天属性诛仙剑的应用更加的顺手了。 At this time he executes immortal sword tearing to come this by the day attribute void, blue lotus True Daoist is unable to detect that aura. 此时他以天属性诛仙剑撕裂虚空来此,就连青莲真人都无法察觉到那股气息。 Li Xuanzong!” 李玄宗!” Shen Qingxi and blue lotus True Daoist are startled simultaneously. 沈清溪和青莲真人同时一惊。 Meanwhile Shen Qingxi also in secret lingering fear. 同时沈清溪也是在暗中后怕不已。 This Li Xuanzong strength is above his imagination simply, if not for this looked for blue lotus True Daoist, feared that will be own result will also be similar to forest heaven to howl like that was cut to kill directly in own king city. 李玄宗的实力简直超乎他的想象,若不是这次自己找来了青莲真人,怕是自己的结局也会如同林天啸那般,被直接斩杀在自己的王城。 Panic-stricken, Shen Qingxi cold -ly snorted and said: „ Li Xuanzong, your speaks irresponsibly and sarcastically! 惊骇过后,沈清溪冷哼道:“李玄宗,你这站着说话不腰疼! Now supreme immortal toward giving your so many power and influence, if in the future they must receive, suppresses you, can you want? ” 现在至尊仙朝给你这么多的权势,将来若是他们要收回来,打压你,你可愿意?” Li Xuanzong said lightly: „ Now these are I give the supreme immortal toward, if they in the future will want to dismantle the bridge after crossing, must think over strength in the hand to be good. 李玄宗淡淡道:“现在这些都是我给至尊仙朝的,他们将来若是想要过河拆桥,也要掂量一下自己手中的力量才行。 However you are different. 但是你们却不一样。 Your these different surnamed Wang is depends on the strength of supreme immortal towards to rise, you dare to say oneself rise not with the aid of the strength of supreme immortal towards? 你们这些异姓王全都是靠着至尊仙朝的力量崛起的,你们敢说自己崛起的时候没有借助至尊仙朝的力量吗? Finally now actually gives birth to the counter- heart, the supreme immortal toward taking back your power and influence strengths must. 结果现在却是一个一个都生出了反心来,至尊仙朝收回你们的权势力量也是应当。 Naturally what if the supreme immortal sits in Daoist meditation is the seething discontent among the people of lane, you run the hand-held aftermath. 当然若是至尊仙朝真的是弄的天怒人怨,你们跑出来手持残局也就罢了。 But your present actions, are forcefully at the ignition flames of war, making entire Central Yuan Divine Continent fall into the chaotic situation! ” 但你们现在的所作所为,可是强行在点燃战火,让整个中元神洲陷入乱局!” After saying, Li Xuanzong has not gone to manage Shen Qingxi, but looks at the vision to blue lotus True Daoist. 说完之后,李玄宗也没去管沈清溪,而是把目光望向青莲真人 May I ask your excellency, but does the azure profound Daoism palm teach the blue lotus True Daoist? Has heard so much about you.” “敢问阁下可是青玄道门掌教青莲真人?久仰大名。” Blue lotus True Daoist said: Sir Li with this poor Daoist is the Eastern Travels Spirit Continent family background, finally actually meets in this Central Yuan Divine Continent, pouring also is really people are just the victims of fate.” 青莲真人道:“李大人跟贫道都是东行灵州出身,结果却是在这中元神洲相遇,倒还真是造化弄人啊。” Li Xuanzong is also the nod said: Indeed is people are just the victims of fate, but blue lotus is True Daoist here, the preparation must preserve Shen Qingxi today?” 李玄宗也是点头道:“的确是造化弄人,不过今日青莲真人在此,是准备要保住沈清溪吗?” The blue lotus True Daoist nod said: „ This poor Daoist and Daoism have no intention with Sir Li you for the enemy. 青莲真人点头道:“贫道和道门都无意与李大人你为敌。 But Anton king Shen Qingxi relates significantly with my blue lotus Daoism, and eastern 16 counties now are also my Daoism residences, therefore also asked Sir Li you to show mercy. ” 但安东王沈清溪跟我青莲道门关系匪浅,并且东部十六郡现在也是我道门的居所,所以还请李大人你手下留情。” The Li Xuanzong silent moment, laughs to say suddenly: „ Below naturally not with Daoism for the meaning of enemy. 李玄宗沉默片刻,忽然大笑道:“在下当然也没有跟道门为敌的意思。 However Anton king Shen Qingxi separates a side, must remove. ” 不过安东王沈清溪割据一方,是必须要除掉的。” Blue lotus True Daoist knits the brows, he does not seem to think, this Li Xuanzong so does not give him unexpectedly the Daoism face. 青莲真人一皱眉,他似乎没想到,这李玄宗竟然如此不给他道门面子。 However then Li Xuanzong then also said: „ Daoism here does not want to offend below but actually, therefore has means to be satisfactory to both sides actually. 不过接下来李玄宗便又道:“不过道门这里在下倒也不想得罪,所以倒是有个办法可以两全。 Daoism was in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent already sometime, but the progress did not have that side the Buddhism quick. 道门入主中元神洲已经有一段时间了,但进度却是没有佛门那边快。 It looks like below, reason because of Daoism extremely quietism and inaction, although most people want to be in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, but the progress is actually very slow, lacks the turning point and power. 在下看来,这其中的原因就是因为道门太过清静无为了,虽然大部分人都想要入主中元神洲,但进度却是十分缓慢,缺乏契机和动力。 Therefore has means to help Daoism below here actually, speeds up this progress. ” 所以在下这里倒是有个办法可以帮道门一把,加快这个进度。” What means?” “什么办法?” „ Very simple, so long as Daoism complies not to meddle this matter, my goes back report/give report Crown Prince Ji Honglie, making it set up Daoism is the national religion, in the Central Yuan Divine Continent 79 county each region standing erect Daoist temples, disseminates the incense and candle! “很简单,只要道门答应不插手这件事情,我这就回去禀报太子姬宏烈,让其立道门为国教,在中元神洲七十九郡各地竖立道观,传播香火! His Shen Qingxi is only a Anton king, the region in hand also only then can the eastern 16 counties, how with the entire supreme immortal toward comparing? 他沈清溪只是一个安东王而已,手中的地域也只有东部十六郡,如何能跟整个至尊仙朝相比? Moreover supreme immortal toward the present, although has declined, but occupies the Central Yuan Divine Continent ten thousand years after all, reputation power and influence here. 而且至尊仙朝现在虽然已经没落,但却毕竟已经占据中元神洲万载,名声威势都在这里。 Can a title of national religion, compared with his Shen Qingxi help strong? ” 一个国教的封号,怎么也要比他沈清溪的帮忙来得强吧?” How from the beginning Li Xuanzong when thinks deeply about to face Daoism not to think must die to knock with Daoism. 从一开始李玄宗在思索着自己应该如何面对道门的时候就没想过要跟道门死磕过。 The Daoism powerhouse is floating about like clouds, there are Dao Unification eight times, achieves existence of cultivation peak. 道门强者如云,也有合道八次,达到修行界巅峰的存在。 And that does not move mountain Monster Saint this life completely, oil completely lamp dry to powerhouse, but also has very long life. 并且那一位可不是搬山妖圣这种寿元将尽,油尽灯枯的至强者,而是还有着很长一段寿元呢。 Therefore Li Xuanzong does not want with Daoism for the enemy, especially both sides without absolutely conflict. 所以李玄宗并不想跟道门为敌,特别是双方在没有绝对冲突的情况下。 At present trades Daoism to stand with a reputation of national religion oneself, Li Xuanzong thinks is worth very much. 眼下用一个国教的名头换得道门站在自己这边,李玄宗还是认为很值得的。 As for Ji great fierce that side, Li Xuanzong also made Danyang True Daoist pass on the news to him, Ji Honglie did not have the half a point opinion. 至于姬宏烈那边,李玄宗也让丹阳真人给他传去消息了,姬宏烈没有半分意见。 If the supreme immortal of heyday toward naturally cannot tolerate the head also anything national religion to divide power with oneself. 若是全盛时期的至尊仙朝自然不会容忍自己头上还有一个什么国教跟自己分权。 But now the supreme immortal toward has declined so the appearance, what qualifications but also there is nitpicking? 但现在至尊仙朝已经没落成这般模样了,还有什么资格挑肥拣瘦的? Even existence of Daoism can also to the supreme immortal toward continuing the life, making it that pitiful deterrent force promote part again. 甚至道门的存在还能够给至尊仙朝续命,让其原本那可怜的威慑力再度提升一部分。 Therefore generally speaking, this is a win-win result. 所以总的来说,这是一个双赢的结局。 Daoism had the dissemination incense and candle Confucian orthodoxy, occupies the Central Yuan Divine Continent opportunity justifiablily. 道门有了传播香火道统,名正言顺占据中元神洲的机会。 But supreme immortal toward that side, although loses part of strengths, but can trade the support of Daoism at least, increases the power and influence. 而至尊仙朝那边虽然损失一部分力量,但起码能够换得道门的支持,增添威势。 Therefore the two sides will not reject, Li Xuanzong has this self-confidence. 所以两边都不会拒绝的,李玄宗有这个自信。
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