GSOH :: Volume #4

#381: Decapitation Strike

forest Tianxiao has a dream has not thought, 17 counties of Li Xuanzong after breaking through will have turned around to kill him unexpectedly. 林天啸做梦也没想到,李玄宗在攻破南部十七郡之后竟然会掉过头来杀他。 After he goes out of north the town/subdues king city, seen is Li Xuanzong changes to the giant by the law celestial phenomenon, shells king city one. 当他走出镇北王城后,看到的便是李玄宗以法天象地化作巨人,轰击王城的一幕。 Forest day howls, can you be willing to fall?” “林天啸,你可愿降?” Li Xuanzong that huge body just like the demon god to be the same, overlooks below forest day to howl, the vision is threatening. 李玄宗那巨大的身躯犹如魔神一般,俯瞰着下方的林天啸,目光逼人。 How forest Tianxiao said is the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary to the powerhouse, dares to split a side, presses up to the throne north the town/subdues the king, how possible, because Li Xuanzong a few words then do surrender? 林天啸怎么说是返虚合道境界的至强者,敢分裂一方,直逼皇位的镇北王,又怎么可能因为李玄宗一句话便投降? cold snort/hum, forest Tianxiao said: „ Li Xuanzong, I, although does not know that what method you with catch up to come to the north at the so quick time, but didn't your four continent allied armies always have your speed? 冷哼一声,林天啸道:“李玄宗,我虽然不知道你是用什么方法以如此快的时间赶来北部,但你那四洲联军总没你的速度了吧? You think that depends on your, can break through north my town/subdues king city, has the qualifications to kill me? ” 你认为就凭你一人,能攻破我这镇北王城,有资格来杀我吗?” Li Xuanzong shakes the head to say gently: The person who „ the Central Yuan Divine Continent civil strife dies are many enough. 李玄宗轻轻摇摇头道:“中元神洲内乱死的人已经足够多了。 You four big different separate surnamed Wang a side, engages in wanton military activities, the confusion of creates were also many enough. 你们四大异姓王割据一方,穷兵黩武,所造成的混乱也足够多了。 If four continent allied armies attack the northern various county directly, the chaos caused by war that creates and will slaughter will be more. 四洲联军若是直接进攻北部诸郡,所造成的战乱和杀戮将会更多。 If you are willing to surrender, your subordinate person can little die, my subordinate person can also little die, isn't this good? ” 你若是肯投降,你麾下的人能少死一些,我麾下的人也能少死一些,这样不好吗?” Wishful thinking!” “痴心妄想!” forest heaven howls cold snort/hum, waves directly, orders to open north the town/subdues king Chengnei formation. 林天啸冷哼一声,直接一挥手,下令开启镇北王城内的阵法 Four big different surnamed Wang middle, which after the decision supports oneself is to start the crazy restraining resources constructs own imperial city. 四大异姓王当中,不论是哪一个在决定自立之后都是开始疯狂的收敛资源建造自己的皇城。 Naturally they to not enjoy, but wants to build an indestructible fortress own imperial city. 当然他们不是为了享受,而是想要把自家的皇城打造成一座坚不可摧的堡垒。 Saw that forest Tianxiao is so stubborn, Li Xuanzong shakes the head gently, waves to mix the heavenly palace to fall loudly, shows off above king city north the town/subdues. 看到林天啸这般死硬,李玄宗轻轻摇了摇头,一挥手混天宫轰然落下,炫富在镇北王城之上。 This Li Xuanzong borrows to mix the heavenly palace the aura to isolate the formation strength. 这次李玄宗只是借用混天宫的气息来隔绝阵法的力量。 Mixes formation on heavenly palace to be very profound, even involves the strength of other side world, is not north a small town/subdues on king city formation can compare. 混天宫上的阵法无比高深,其中甚至涉及到另一方世界的力量,根本就不是一个小小的镇北王城上的阵法能比的。 Therefore mixes heavenly palace one, that aura isolates to confuse formation immediately, making north the town/subdues king Chengnei formation almost then expire in the flash. 所以混天宫一出,那股气息立刻隔绝搅乱阵法,使得镇北王城内的阵法几乎在一瞬间便已经失效。 A Li Xuanzong fist falls, a that gigantic incomparable fist just like the meteor to crash simply general, howls to raid loudly toward the forest day. 李玄宗紧接着一拳落下,那硕大无比的一拳简直犹如陨星坠落一般,轰然向着林天啸袭来。 The blasting open general strength near the body, forest Tianxiao shouted angrily, in the hand a cold moon/month long spear/gun emerges, the domineering place visited, changed to hundred li (0.5 km) frozen, the Spirit Qi strength is completely all frozen. 炸裂一般的力量临身,林天啸怒喝一声,手中一柄寒月长枪涌现,强势所过之处,化作百里冰封,灵气力量尽皆被冻结。 However in the face of Li Xuanzong that absolute strength, forest heaven howls this spear/gun is actually appears frail incomparable. 但是在李玄宗那绝对的力量面前,林天啸这一枪却是显得脆弱无比。 As a loud sound transmits, forest heaven howled to be rumbled to fly directly, in the hand that cold moon/month long spear/gun disrupted, his whole person by stalemate of rumbling to city wall. 随着一声巨响传来,林天啸直接被轰飞了出去,手中那柄寒月长枪碎裂,他整个人都被轰的陷入到了城墙当中。 Also without he set out, Li Xuanzong has then received the law celestial phenomenon to directly soar him. 还没等他起身,李玄宗便已经收起法天象地直奔他而来。 Eight nine Profound Technique stimulated to movement the pinnacle, broken goes to the world ten thousand laws at the mortal body strength purely. 八九玄功被催动到了极致,单纯以肉身力量破去天下万法。 In forest Tianxiao the hand bang of various Secret Art Divine Ability on toward Li Xuanzong go, is even the defenses of his eight nine Profound Technique is actually not able broken to go, was carried one to explode by Li Xuanzong directly hits, very pitiful. 林天啸手中各种秘法神通李玄宗身上轰去,却是连他八九玄功的防御都无法破去,直接又被李玄宗拎起来一顿爆打,十分的凄惨。 Forest day howls, this is your last opportunity, haven't you been willing to fall?” “林天啸,这是你最后一个机会,你还不愿意降吗?” Li Xuanzong carries forest Tianxiao the neck directly, vision cold looks at the opposite party. 李玄宗直接拎起林天啸的脖子,目光冷然的看着对方。 But responded his is actually in the middle of forest Tianxiao both eyes blooms the profound cold light to come, the god glow of two straight Primordial Spirit directly soared the Li Xuanzong mind. 但回应他的却是林天啸双目当中绽放出了幽深的寒光来,两道直元神的神芒直奔李玄宗脑海而来。 Impenetrably thickheaded!” “冥顽不灵!” Li Xuanzong cold snort/hum, in the middle of both eyes also has the flame to surge. 李玄宗冷哼一声,双目当中同样有火焰涌动而出。 That black red flame similar long jab Primordial Spirit, decomposes that cold ice god glow thoroughly, integrates in the middle of forest Tianxiao the mind, making it send out sad and shrill miserable to be howling. 那黑红色的火焰同样直击元神,彻底将那寒冰神芒所分解,融入林天啸的脑海当中,让其发出了一声凄厉的惨嚎来。 Cancels to the burning sun fire! 勾离炎阳火! The Primordial Spirit essence and blood is burning simultaneously, forest Tianxiao wants to be separated to cancel to the ignition of burning sun fire, but the next quarter eight levels execute immortal sword already near the body, strangles to death along with sword cries, forest heaven howls thorough divine nature entirely to extinguish. 元神精血同时燃烧着,林天啸想要脱离勾离炎阳火的灼烧,但下一刻八级诛仙剑阵已经临身,伴随着一声声剑鸣绞杀,林天啸彻底神性俱灭。 Receives the sword to withdraw, Li Xuanzong turned toward below king city to look at one then to turn around to depart. 收剑后撤,李玄宗只是向着下方的王城看了一眼便转身离去。 Reason that four big different surnamed Wang can separate a side because of their to be powerful, so long as them gives, except that even if in king city also has not Shaolin day howling trusted aide this also to have nothing. 四大异姓王之所以能够割据一方是因为他们本身的实力强大,所以只要将他们给除去,哪怕王城之内还有着不少林天啸的心腹这也没什么。 And Li Xuanzong does not want to go to take care these at sixes and sevens things, when the time comes gave Danyang True Daoist they to come to be then good. 并且李玄宗也不太想去管这些乱七八糟的事情,到时候交给丹阳真人他们来便好了。 Several days later, town/subdues northern Wang Lin tian howled to be cut to kill by Li Xuanzong king city the news north the town/subdues then to pass on, entire Central Yuan Divine Continent immediately in an uproar. 数日之后,镇北王林天啸被李玄宗斩杀在镇北王城的消息这才传出去,整个中元神洲顿时哗然。 Li Xuanzong cut to kill Han Qinhu to vibrate entire Central Yuan Divine Continent, at the present Li Xuanzong north the king the town/subdues beheads single-handedly, entire Central Yuan Divine Continent who can also be able to block him? 李玄宗斩杀韩擒虎就已经震动整个中元神洲了,而今李玄宗又单枪匹马将镇北王斩首,整个中元神洲谁还能拦得住他? Existence of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary almost was the entire Five Continent World cultivation peak existed, existence actually rarely so intense battle of this boundary. 返虚合道境界的存在几乎便是整个五洲世界修行界的巅峰存在了,这个境界的存在其实很少会如此激烈的厮杀的。 Finally Li Xuanzong just came then to cut to kill is three same step powerhouses, its malignant influences, simply world rare. 结果李玄宗刚来便斩杀是三位同阶强者,其煞气之强,简直世所罕见。 Therefore at this time most hurried was west Anton Wang Heping king these two. 所以此时最慌的莫过于安东王和平西王这两位了。 Four big different surnamed Wang by Li Xuanzong killing two, is only left over them, even if this time wanted still to be jointly late. 四大异姓王已经被李玄宗给干掉了两个,只剩下他们两个就算是此时想要联手也已经迟了。 At this time in Andong palace, Anton king Shen Qingxi whole face anxious look accompanies Daoist to speak. 此时安东王府内,安东王沈清溪正满脸愁容的陪着一名道士说着话。 With several other different surnamed Wang compared with, this Shen Qingxi is actually a middle-aged person of look scholarly, aura does not seem like the soldier family background of expedition battlefield, instead probably the venerable teacher of Daoist and teaching is common. 跟其他几位异姓王相比,这沈清溪却是一名相貌儒雅的中年人,身上的气息也不太像是征战沙场的军人出身,反而像是道士和教书的老夫子一般。 In fact this Shen Qingxi also indeed is the Daoism family background, long ago once was the Eastern Travels Spirit Continent person, afterward then joined the supreme immortal toward. 实际上这沈清溪也的确算是道门出身的,早年间曾经是东行灵州的人,后来这才加入至尊仙朝的。 At this time on him that middle-aged Daoist of head puts on primal chaos cloud robe, the appearance is thin, has makings of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality. 此时他上首的那中年道士穿着一身太极云袍,容貌清癯飘逸,自有一种仙风道骨的气质在。 Blue lotus Senior Brother, this time you may probably save me, that Li Xuanzong clarified was others to be ruthless me thoroughly!” “青莲师兄,这次你可要救救我啊,那李玄宗摆明了就是要彻底将我等赶尽杀绝的!” That middle-aged Daoist is not others, has been in charge of azure profound Daoism palm of Central Yuan Divine Continent to teach the blue lotus True Daoist, five times is Dao Unification to the powerhouse. 那中年道士不是别人,正是已经入主中元神洲的青玄道门掌教青莲真人,乃是合道五次的至强者。 After Daoism is in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, naturally was first starts to infiltrate from the east side region, has not looked like the Buddhism to be like that anxious actually. 道门入主中元神洲之后自然是先从东边地域开始渗透了,倒是并没有像佛门那般急切。 In fact before Shen Qingxi , the relations with Daoism is good. 实际上沈清溪之前跟道门的关系便算是不错。 He guards east Central Yuan Divine Continent, in fact east side focusing on Daoism, will therefore clash rarely. 他镇守中元神洲东边,实际上东边还是以道门为主的,所以很少会发生冲突。 In addition Shen Qingxi itself/Ben is the Eastern Travels Spirit Continent Daoism family background, therefore he has had many transactions with Daoism actually, has called with Daoism some same step powerhouses by the Senior Brother younger brother mutually. 再加上沈清溪本就是东行灵州道门出身,所以他倒是跟道门有过不少的交易,一直都是以师兄弟跟道门的一些同阶强者互相称呼的。 This time sees Li Xuanzong to be threatening, Shen Qingxi also starts to request reinforcements immediately Daoism, finally blue lotus True Daoist inviting. 这次看到李玄宗来势汹汹,沈清溪也是立刻开始求援道门,终于是把青莲真人给请来了。 That blue lotus True Daoist said leisurely: „ I said the prince, if the incorrect words, you surrender the supreme immortal toward to consider as finished directly. 那青莲真人慢条斯理道:“我说王爷,若是不行的话,你就直接归降至尊仙朝算了。 Also has to work as the official in supreme immortal towards, works as again one time why not? ” 又不是没当过至尊仙朝的臣子,再当一次又何妨?”
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