GSOH :: Volume #4

#380: Surprise attack

Han seizes the tiger dead, the entire Central Yuan Divine Continent southern 17 counties have nothing to block Li Xuanzong and the others again. 韩擒虎一死,整个中元神洲南部十七郡再也没有什么能够拦住李玄宗等人。 Danyang True Daoist has not thought, Li Xuanzong acts unexpectedly so neatly, cuts to kill lotus flower Baosheng revering also to have south the town/subdues one after another king. 就连丹阳真人都没想到,李玄宗出手竟然会这般的干脆利落,接连斩杀莲花宝胜尊者还有镇南王。 At this time Danyang True Daoist started to admire the vision under Taizi Dian actually. 此时丹阳真人倒是开始佩服起太子殿下的眼光了。 Initially under Taizi Dian opposed to gather Li Xuanzong recklessly, awarded the opposite party the position of three services big commanding officer, pressed toward all background the supreme immortal on the body of Li Xuanzong, these step could be said as the incomparable correctness. 当初太子殿下不顾一切反对招揽李玄宗,授予对方三军大都督的位置,把至尊仙朝所有底蕴都压在李玄宗的身上,这一步可以说是无比的正确。 The exchange of gifts between friends, Li Xuanzong also returns Ji Honglie by the region of entire southern 17 county now. 投桃报李,现在李玄宗也是以整个南部十七郡的地域回报姬宏烈。 True Daoist, how other southern 17 counties should process give you. 真人,其余南部十七郡应该如何处理就交给你了。 The town/subdues southern king dies, under the allied armies the entire southern 17 counties should no one be able to block us. ” 镇南王一死,联军之下整个南部十七郡应该没有什么人能够挡得住我们。” Danyang True Daoist said hastily: „ Sir Li felt relieved, the remaining things did not need Sir Li to worry, I came to be OK. 丹阳真人连忙道:“李大人放心,剩下的事情就不用李大人来操心了,我来就可以了。 Subdue southern king although separates a side, but my supreme immortal toward has ten thousand years of background after all, in the southern 17 counties also has many people are the tendency my supreme immortal toward. 镇南王虽然割据一方,但我至尊仙朝毕竟是有万年底蕴的,南部十七郡中也还是有着不少人是心向我至尊仙朝的。 Now my supreme immortal toward cutting to kill south the town/subdues the king, regains the southern 17 counties, momentum noisy is so big, they should know how to choose. ” 如今我至尊仙朝斩杀镇南王,收复南部十七郡,声势闹的这么大,他们应该知道如何选择。” Li Xuanzong sinking sound said: Since this, I did not use in this place waste the time, other three fellows must solve.” 李玄宗沉声道:“既然这样,那我也就不用在此地多浪费时间了,其余三个家伙还要解决呢。” Danyang True Daoist said hastily: At this time the southern 17 counties have not stilled thoroughly, the Sir do you then want to go to other three different surnamed Wang? Can appeared extremely more hurried? If by some chance three parties jointly what to do?” 丹阳真人连忙道:“此时南部十七郡还没有彻底平定,大人您便要去动其他三个异姓王?会不会显得太过匆忙了一些?万一那三方联手怎么办?” Li Xuanzong shakes the head saying: „ Do three parties collaborate? You thought highly of that three fellows. 李玄宗摇摇头道:“三方联手?你太瞧得起那三个家伙了。 The four directions different surnamed Wang are the ambitious generation, if they can collaborate jointly. 四方异姓王都是野心勃勃之辈,他们若是能够联手早就已经联手了。 Once the alliance starts, who the light is who first came internal fight one time for lost/carrying issue enough them. 一旦联盟开始,光是谁为正谁为负的问题都足够他们先来内斗一次了。 This matter they also know that therefore they rather come to fight with us alone, will not collaborate. 这种事情他们自己也是知道的,所以他们是宁肯独自来跟我们斗,也不会联手的。 This is not they are stupid, but actually was they extremely understands own position where. ” 这不是他们蠢,而是他们太过明白自己的位置究竟在哪里了。” „Does Sir Li you prepare to begin to Anton king the Pingxi kings to begin?” “那李大人你准备对安东王动手还是平西王动手?” Which is not, is north the town/subdues Wang Lin tian howls.” “哪个都不是,是镇北王林天啸。” Danyang True Daoist stares immediately: Why Sir Li you go round the sun to meet the moon, north long-range raid town/subdues king?” 丹阳真人顿时一愣:“李大人你为何舍近求远,去奔袭镇北王?” The north-south opposition, Li Xuanzong also chose north one unexpectedly, this also makes Danyang True Daoist somewhat puzzled. 南北对立,李玄宗竟然还挑选了一个最北边的,这也让丹阳真人有些不解。 And four big different surnamed Wang middle, forest Tianxiao is not the strength is weakest, why does Li Xuanzong choose him? 并且四大异姓王当中,林天啸也不是实力最弱的,李玄宗为何选择他? Li Xuanzong said lightly: „ Is because north town/subdues king Li farthest, I will choose his. 李玄宗淡淡道:“就是因为镇北王离的最远,我才会选择他的。 Because he definitely could not guess correctly that I will take him to kill as the next quarter goal. 因为他肯定也猜不到我会把他做为下一刻目标来杀。 This you do not need to begin time, handles the matter of damage control to be able southern 17 county here directly, I kill north the town/subdues the king. 这一次你们都不用动手,直接在南部十七郡这里处理善后的事情便可,我自己一个人袭杀镇北王。 Your people were many, instead will affect my speed. ” 你们人多了,反而会影响我的速度。” Also without and other Danyang True Daoist responded, the Li Xuanzong culmination attribute executed the immortal sword then to reappear from void, tore the space directly. 还没等丹阳真人反应过来,李玄宗手中天属性诛仙剑便已经从虚空当中浮现,直接撕裂空间。 Li Xuanzong one step treads, enters void that middle, the figure has then vanished instantaneously does not see. 李玄宗一步踏出,进入那虚空当中,身形瞬间便已经消失不见。 Saw that this Danyang True Daoist cannot help but shakes the head. 见到这一幕丹阳真人不由得摇了摇头。 Li Xuanzong strength already powerful to the situation that starts to control the space, he does not gesticulate to the action of Li Xuanzong, the preparation then received the northern region to be then good. 李玄宗的实力已经强大到了开始操控空间的地步了,他还是别对李玄宗的行动指手画脚了,准备接下来接收北部地域便好了。 Central Yuan Divine Continent four big different surnamed Wang between have the strong and weak. 中元神洲的四大异姓王之间也是有强弱的。 And the strength of that Pingxi king should be strongest, Han Qinhu is next, next was north this town/subdues Wang Lin tian howls. 其中那位平西王的实力应该是最强的,韩擒虎次之,其次便是这位镇北王林天啸了。 Because of the northern region close to Northern Polar Wintry Continent, therefore and was inferior that the southern region is like that wealthy, naturally also affects forest day howling the strength growth and influence. 因为北部地域靠近北极寒洲,所以并不如南部地域那般富裕,自然也是影响到林天啸的实力增长和势力的。 Therefore regarding being in charge of supreme immortal toward, forest Tianxiao is also most warm-hearted one. 所以对于入主至尊仙朝,林天啸也是最为热心的一个。 When knew when Li Xuanzong brings four continent allied armies to directly soar Han Qinhu goes, forest Tianxiao is also in the heart panic-stricken. 当得知李玄宗带着四洲联军直奔韩擒虎而去时,林天啸也是心中惊骇。 He has not thought, soon the supreme immortal of collapse toward actually can also discover Li Xuanzong to continue the life shortly. 他也没想到,眼看着就快要崩溃的至尊仙朝竟然还能够找出一个李玄宗来续命。 The most important thing is that Li Xuanzong does not know that which horn corner from braves, can actually persuade four continent Cultivator powerhouses to collaborate by a person of strength, this was howls the forest day to the shock. 最重要的是那李玄宗也不知道是从哪个犄角旮旯冒出来的,竟然能够以一人之力说动四洲修士强者联手,这可是把林天啸给震惊了。 At this moment, outside suddenly has the soldiers to run to say hastily: Prince! Southern urgent report!” 就在这时,外边忽然有士卒仓促的跑进来道:“王爷!南部急报!” forest heaven howls to run to ask hastily: Has the news to transmit? Did Han seize the tiger to be possible once to stall the attack of that four continent allied armies?” 林天啸连忙跑出去问道:“可是有消息传来?韩擒虎可曾挡住了那四洲联军的进攻?” The northern number continent from is too far with the south, therefore the news is not definitely able the earliest possible time to achieve, needs the transmissions of circular several counties to pass on, will definitely delay several days. 北部数洲跟南部距离太远,所以消息肯定是无法第一时间达到的,需要通告数个郡的传达才能够传过来,肯定会延迟数日。 The soldiers of notifying said hastily: Four continent allied armies that „ that Li Xuanzong leads were almost then break through south the town/subdues with irresistible force generally directly king Chengnei. 报信的士卒连忙道:“那李玄宗率领的四洲联军几乎是势如破竹一般直接便突破到了镇南王城内。 Subdue southern king Han Qinhu does not beat Li Xuanzong, caused heavy losses directly. 镇南王韩擒虎不敌李玄宗,被直接重创。 The Vajrayana day returns according to the temple empty acts to powerhouse lotus flower Baosheng revering, finally is Divine Ability burns the flying ash by Li Xuanzong by the fire, Han Qinhu is also cut to kill by a Li Xuanzong sword. 密宗天照寺返虚至强者莲花宝胜尊者出手,结果被李玄宗以火系神通焚成飞灰,韩擒虎也被李玄宗一剑斩杀。 The southern 17 counties this place has fallen into the supreme immortal at this time toward the hand, various county innumerable influence wielding surrender. ” 南部十七郡此时已经此地落入至尊仙朝手中,各郡无数势力执掌者纷纷投诚。” forest Tianxiao stares immediately. 林天啸顿时一愣。 Han seized the tiger to defeat this him to guess correctly. 韩擒虎会败这点他已经猜到了。 Four continent allied armies such strong influences he is unable to resist in any event. 四洲联军这么强大的势力他是不论如何都无法抵挡的。 But the issue is he has not actually thought pitiful that so Han Qinhu can defeat unexpectedly, even gives that four continent allied armies to cause a wee bit resistance not to achieve. 但问题是他却没想到韩擒虎竟然会败的这般凄惨,甚至连给那四洲联军造成一丁点的阻力都没做到。 That Li Xuanzong hearsay past when facing nine spirit Monster Saint was also only Celestial Realm, now possibly cuts to kill Han Qinhu also to have lotus flower Baosheng revering one after another? 李玄宗传闻昔日在面对九灵妖圣的时候还只是天人境而已,现在怎么可能接连斩杀韩擒虎还有莲花宝胜尊者的? Considered long time forest Tianxiao does not want to understand actually this is how a matter, must curse angrily one: Waste! Han seizes tiger greedy waste!” 思虑了半晌林天啸也没想明白这究竟是怎么一回事,只得怒骂一声:“废物!韩擒虎这个贪心的废物!” He approximately understands how Han Qinhu thinks. 他大约明白韩擒虎是怎么想的了。 His clear(ly) knows oneself cannot stand off four continent allied armies, therefore from the start not under elite dying war by oneself. 他明知道自己是敌不过四洲联军的,所以压根就没让自己麾下的精锐去死战。 Otherwise dying war, even if four continent allied armies will have the damage, his subordinate strength definitely will also lose seriously, that will only make other three people profit. 否则死战一场,纵然四洲联军会有损伤,他麾下的力量肯定也会损失惨重的,那只会让其他三人得利。 Therefore he does not know when ganged up with Vajrayana in one, wanted to rely on the strength of Vajrayana to repel Li Xuanzong, maintained the strength. 所以他不知道什么时候跟密宗勾搭在了一起,想要借助密宗的力量击退李玄宗,保存实力。 Finally whose to become thinks was actually plays to take off/escape, he has not thought that that Li Xuanzong ten li (0.5 km) were so unexpectedly powerful, collapsed by the strength directly, coming one to kill one. 结果谁成想却是玩脱了,他也没想到那李玄宗的十里竟然这般强大,直接以力破局,来一个杀一个。 The southern 17 counties, under the town/subdues southern king Han Qinhu elite arrow did not send then fell, this was equal simply therefore supports the enemy! 南部十七郡,镇南王韩擒虎麾下的精锐一箭不发便降了,这简直等同于是资敌! That their three people must face in the future similarly powerful, does no loss even have four County Allied armies of supplement? 那将来他们三人岂不是也要面对同样强大,没什么损耗甚至还有补充的四郡联军? How also without and other forest Tianxiao wants to understand to collapse, an outside loud sound transmits suddenly. 还没等林天啸想明白怎么破局,外边忽然一声巨响传来。 North the entire town/subdues king city exuded one to tremble, formation started instantaneously. 整个镇北王城都发出了一声震颤来,阵法瞬间启动。
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