GSOH :: Volume #4

#379: The fire of karma commits suicide by fire

After Li Xuanzong since refining up these main road elves , the strength it can be said that progresses by leaps and bounds, the common Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary he has not placed in the eye. 李玄宗自从炼化那些大道精灵之后实力可以说是突飞猛进,寻常的返虚合道境界他都没放在眼中。 South king Han Qinhu with the town/subdues fights Li Xuanzong is almost the entire journey is suppressing the opposite party, until now he feels able critically to the great power of his life. 跟镇南王韩擒虎一战李玄宗几乎是全程都在压制对方,直到现在他才感觉到了可以危急到他性命的强大力量。 This lotus flower Baosheng revering is Vajrayana will also visit most peak worthily in the future hopefully the role, is powerful, the talent is astonishing. 这莲花宝胜尊者倒也不愧是密宗未来最有希望踏足最巅峰的角色,实力强大,天赋惊人。 In the middle of opposite party that both eyes breeds the strength of space, under the Xumi mustard seed, the strength of big or small space strangles to death, Li Xuanzong eight nine Profound Technique have not grasped resists, 对方那双目当中孕育空间之力,须弥芥子,大小空间之力绞杀之下,就连李玄宗的八九玄功都没有把握抵挡, Saw that the strength of surrounding space has transmitted the strength of enormous pulling and extrusion, Li Xuanzong starts to summon to mix the heavenly palace hastily. 眼看周围的空间之力已经传来了极大的拉扯和挤压的力量,李玄宗连忙开始呼唤混天宫。 The next quarter, the plain desolate mixing heavenly palace arrives loudly, a strength covers Li Xuanzong thoroughly, in that strangles to death in the middle of the confused strength Li Xuanzong to be magnificent everywhere, strangling to death of strength of space is unable to do to Li Xuanzong unexpectedly. 下一刻,古朴苍凉的混天宫轰然降临,一股力量彻底将李玄宗所笼罩,在那四处绞杀错乱的力量当中李玄宗蔚然不动,空间之力的绞杀竟然无法奈何李玄宗 Mixing the heavenly palace itself/Ben was the past mixes a day of Great Sage to lead into the cave mansion in paradise, it can be said that has experienced has passed through two strength, and is also breeding the microcosm. 混天宫本就是昔日混天大圣带入到仙界的洞府,可以说是已经经历过穿越两界了力量了,并且其中还孕育着小世界。 If concerns the strength of space, few can exceed to mix the heavenly palace, lotus flower Baosheng revering is not good. 若是论及空间之力,那几乎无人能超越混天宫,莲花宝胜尊者也不行。 The oneself both eyes strength of Xumi mustard seed cannot do to Li Xuanzong shortly, before the calm incomparable lotus flower Baosheng revering complexion finally changed. 眼看自己双目中的须弥芥子之力也奈何不得李玄宗,之前一直都淡定无比的莲花宝胜尊者面色终于变了。 His hand pinches seal to decide, in the middle of the both eyes strength of space rises suddenly again, finally does not have the function, mixes the defense of heavenly palace is he is unable to break through. 他手捏印决,双目当中的空间之力再一次暴涨,结果却是毫无作用,混天宫的防御是他所无法攻破的。 However Li Xuanzong this time complexion is also somewhat pale. 不过李玄宗此时的面色也是有些苍白。 Mixes the heavenly palace, although complies to act, but mixes the strength in the heavenly palace storing up to be limited, again the use many consumes was mixes the heavenly palace the strength of source, it will certainly not comply. 混天宫虽然答应出手,不过混天宫之内所储存的力量却是有限的,动用再多所消耗的就是混天宫的本源之力了,它当然不会答应。 Therefore at this time is actually Li Xuanzong contributes the strength, then with the aid of mixing the heavenly palace displays. 所以此时其实是李玄宗贡献出力量来,然后借助混天宫来施展的。 Mixes the heavenly palace large share to strengthen own strength shortly, even cannot support by Li Xuanzong present cultivation base. 眼看着混天宫大股汲取着自己的力量,就算是以李玄宗现在的修为也是支撑不住的。 Therefore he gives up cutting to kill Han Qinhu immediately, turns around to directly soar lotus flower Baosheng revering. 所以他立刻放弃斩杀韩擒虎,转身直奔莲花宝胜尊者而来。 Mixes the heavenly palace place visited, the strength of space is completely all suppressed, as the Li Xuanzong being possessed by a demon spear/gun swallows the blood to puncture, everywhere the air/Qi of blood ghost then covers up Fokuang instantaneously all. 混天宫所过之处,空间之力尽皆被镇压,随着李玄宗手中魔枪吞血刺来,漫天的血煞之气瞬间便将佛光尽数遮掩。 However lotus flower Baosheng revering actually does not hide does not dodge, his both eyes shine the boundless god glow again, the vision institute, all were being twisted are decomposing. 不过莲花宝胜尊者却是不躲不闪,他双目再次亮起无边的神芒来,目光所及,一切都在被扭曲分解着。 The malignant influences were decomposed purest Spirit Qi, even the Li Xuanzong being possessed by a demon spear/gun swallows the blood spirit is neighing, seeming to be decomposed thoroughly. 煞气被分解成了最为纯粹的灵气,甚至李玄宗手中魔枪吞血的器灵都在嘶鸣着,好似要被彻底分解。 Time! 时间! Li Xuanzong is almost the earliest possible time then detected that was not right. 李玄宗几乎是第一时间便察觉到了不对劲。 In the middle of lotus flower Baosheng revering both eyes breeds , is not only the strength of space, has strength of the part time. 莲花宝胜尊者双目当中所孕育的不光是空间之力,更有一部分时间之力。 The strength of time can twist any is the same, making its reverse decompose, becomes the initial purely strength. 时间之力可以扭曲任何一样,让其反转分解,成为最初的纯粹之力。 But regarding lotus flower Baosheng revering this cultivation base Cultivator, the strength of time is not he can grasp, even if only this preliminary basic a wee bit strength is so. 只不过对于莲花宝胜尊者这种修为修士来说,时间之力远不是他所能够掌握的,哪怕只是这初步入门的一丁点力量都是如此。 At this time both eyes of lotus flower Baosheng revering are flowing the blood, very scary, obviously his strength has achieved the pinnacle. 此时莲花宝胜尊者的双目都在流淌着鲜血,十分的骇人,显然他的力量已经达到了极致。 Li Xuanzong receives the demon spear/gun to swallow blood to pinch seal to decide, next quarter, under foot of lotus flower Baosheng revering towering appeared a fierce flame mark, the large share profound crimson flame from erupted. 李玄宗收起魔枪吞血手捏印决,下一刻,莲花宝胜尊者的脚下突兀的浮现出了一座烈炎阵纹,大股幽深绯红的火焰从其中爆发而出。 That flame just like the nihility to be common, does not have within the space and time, is almost general of transparency. 那股火焰犹如虚无一般,不存在空间和时间之内,几乎是透明状的一般。 That flame covers on lotus flower Baosheng revering, but covers it, has not actually caused the damage of half a point. 那火焰笼罩在莲花宝胜尊者身上,只是将其笼罩,却是并没有对其造成半分的伤害。 The people are still having doubts, this mortal body of lotus flower Baosheng revering is difficult to be inadequate so intrepidly, does Li Xuanzong strike full power is unable to take it unexpectedly? 众人还在疑惑,这莲花宝胜尊者的肉身难不成如此强悍,李玄宗全力一击竟然都无法将其拿下? However at this moment, lotus flower Baosheng revering actually sent out a sad and shrill pitiful yell. 不过就在这时,莲花宝胜尊者却是发出了一声凄厉的惨叫来。 The innumerable red red flame are actually towering blooms from his body, his entire body just like the fuel generally blazing combustion. 无数绯红色的火焰却是突兀的从他身躯当中绽放而出,他整个身躯都犹如燃料一般炽烈的燃烧着。 The red red flame anger opens, just like is in full bloom the red red lotus petal to be in full bloom generally, exceptionally magnificent. 绯红色的火焰怒张,犹如一朵盛开着的绯红莲瓣一般盛开,异常的瑰丽。 Six buddhist monk fire of karma red violets! 六道浮屠业火红莲! Fire of karma burning down always not by outside, but, but from inside to outside. 业火焚烧从来都不是由外而内的,而是由内而外。 karmic hindrance that you contaminate are more, fire of karma ignition is fierce, and this injury is unable to resist with various Divine Ability. 你自身所沾染的业障越多,业火灼烧的便越是剧烈,并且这种伤害是无法用各种神通来抵抗的。 Lotus flower Baosheng revering is the Vajrayana day according to the temple to powerhouse, for these years for day development preying according to temple, attacks a city, regains some Monster Race forcefully, or intimidates the things of other schools to do a lot. 莲花宝胜尊者乃是密宗天照寺的至强者,这么多年来为了天照寺的发展搏杀,攻城掠地,强行收复一些妖族,或者威逼其他门派的事情可没少做。 He possibly guaranteed is the own person of institute killing all innocent? 他怎么可能保证自己一声所杀之人皆是无辜? In fact on this lotus flower Baosheng revering karmic hindrance intense is more powerful, that fire of karma red lotus that Li Xuanzong imagines blooms to be in full bloom incomparable blazing. 实际上这莲花宝胜尊者身上业障之强烈远比李玄宗所想象的都要强大,那朵业火红莲绽放盛开的无比炽烈。 A moment later, the sound of wailing dissipates. 片刻之后,哀嚎之声消散。 Above the entire location could not have seen any trace of lotus flower Baosheng revering, is frightened out of one's wits under that fire of karma red lotus thoroughly. 整个场地之上已经看不到莲花宝胜尊者的任何痕迹,彻底在那业火红莲之下魂飞魄散。 The people on the scene a silence, everyone looked has the panic-stricken color immediately to the Li Xuanzong vision. 在场的众人顿时一片寂静,所有人看向李玄宗的目光都带着惊骇之色。 Just now Li Xuanzong almost can be by an enemy two, even if so actually can also cut to kill this lotus flower Baosheng revering, actually this Li Xuanzong strength is in what terrifying situation? 方才李玄宗几乎可以算是以一敌二,就算是如此却还能够斩杀这莲花宝胜尊者,这李玄宗的实力究竟到何种恐怖的地步? Must know that can also maintain life under nine spirit Monster Saint offensive before soon Li Xuanzong reluctantly, finally now then can grind holds down southern king Han Qinhu, cut to kill lotus flower Baosheng revering. 要知道就在不久之前李玄宗还只是能在九灵妖圣的攻势下勉强保命呢,结果如今便能够碾压镇南王韩擒虎,斩杀莲花宝胜尊者了。 Although lotus flower Baosheng revering according to the boundary with nine spirit Monster Saint is the Dao Unification four times, but the discerning people can look, lotus flower Baosheng revering definitely is even better. 虽然按照境界来说莲花宝胜尊者跟九灵妖圣都是合道四次,不过明眼人都能够看出来,莲花宝胜尊者肯定是更胜一筹的。 Nowadays Li Xuanzong can actually cut to kill lotus flower Baosheng revering, this said his cultivation base had even been in the Dao Unification situations five times? 现如今李玄宗竟然能够斩杀莲花宝胜尊者,这岂不是说他的修为甚至已经到了合道五次的地步了? One side that caused heavy losses Han Qinhu sees this, the figure moves, essence and blood Primordial Spirit is burning simultaneously fiercely, changes to age gold/metal Shenmang, was almost has then dissipated in a flash in the horizon. 一旁那已经被重创的韩擒虎看到这一幕,身形一动,精血元神同时都在剧烈的燃烧着,化作庚金神芒,几乎是转瞬之间便已经消散在了天边。 He could not have attended to oneself that base industry at this time. 他此时已经顾不得自己那一身的基业了。 Lotus flower Baosheng revering died under that Li Xuanzong strange method, let alone oneself. 莲花宝胜尊者都死在了那李玄宗诡异的手段之下,更别说自己了。 However he actually suddenly discovered that at this time where is not right. 不过他此时却忽然发现有什么地方不对劲。 Own speed has erupted the pinnacle obviously, south below town/subdues king is city why clearly discernible? 自己的速度明明都已经爆发到了极致,为何下方的镇南王城还是清晰可见? Looks up, a transparent flying sword is hanging in the middle of the midair, the surrounding space had been divided by this flying sword thoroughly, therefore he, regardless of the speed is much fast, in fact spins in side world. 抬头一看,一柄透明的飞剑正悬在半空当中,周围的空间已经彻底被这柄飞剑所分割,所以他不论速度多快,实际上都是在一方天地之间打转。 Also without and other Han Qinhu had responded, the surrounding seven flying swords have then reappeared, eight extremely strength fusions strangle to death, the penetrating ripped the fragment Han Qinhu thoroughly, Primordial Spirit also thoroughly destroyed. 还没等韩擒虎有所反应,周围七柄飞剑便已经浮现,八极之力融合绞杀,彻地将韩擒虎彻底撕成了碎片,元神也彻底摧毁。 This separates place of Central Yuan Divine Continent side, even there is an ambition to support oneself for Han Qinhu of sovereign, finally was also buried under the Li Xuanzong sword. 这位割据中元神洲一方之地,甚至有野心自立为皇的韩擒虎,最终也是葬身在了李玄宗剑下。
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