GSOH :: Volume #4

#378: Ring Xumi

A law of lotus flower Baosheng revering face dignified, trades is actually unceasing sneering of Li Xuanzong. 莲花宝胜尊者一脸的法相庄严,换来的却是李玄宗的不断冷笑。 This group of monks are always false, at this time meddled the Central Yuan Divine Continent situation also to dare saying that for the world common people, was simply laughable. 这帮和尚向来虚伪,此时插手中元神洲局势还敢说是为了天下苍生,简直可笑。 Your Buddhism , if not think that Central Yuan Divine Continent falls into the middle of the flames of war, why that doesn't choose first Han Qinhu killing? “你们佛门若是不想中元神洲陷入战火当中,那为何不选择先将韩擒虎给弄死? So long as he dies, after I still other different is surnamed Wang, Central Yuan Divine Continent will be naturally peaceful, will not fall into the middle of the flames of war. 只要他一死,等我平定其余异姓王之后,中元神洲自然会太平,也不会陷入战火当中。 In the final analysis, has not wanted to seize the strength of tiger to seek the advantage taking advantage of Han, thus is in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent. 说到底,还不是想要借着韩擒虎的力量谋求好处,从而入主中元神洲 But to be honest, I really do not know actually your Buddhism is thinking anything. 但说实话,我是真不知道你们佛门究竟在想什么。 Buddhism east-bound, in addition feels emotion to be possible original, but east-bound so anxious, actually offended four immortal sect Eastern Travels Spirit Continent traditional forces. 佛门东进尚且有情可原,但东进的如此急切,却是得罪了四大仙宗这种东行灵州的传统势力。 You stir the wind to stir the rain in the south side, but also Monster Race and Barbarian Race offending, even the place of Northern Polar Wintry Continent this type of bitter cold you are also interested. 在南边你们搅风搅雨,还把妖族蛮族给得罪死了,甚至就连北极寒洲这种苦寒之地你们也有兴趣。 Now Central Yuan Divine Continent you also want to mix one, as everyone knows Daoism has been in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, you with the deal that Daoism makes, at this time can also become invalid? 如今中元神洲你们也想要掺合一手,殊不知道门早就已经入主中元神洲了,你们跟道门所达成的交易,此时也要作废吗? The Five Continent World Cultivator influence was almost offended by your Buddhism, actually do you want to make what? ” 五洲世界修士势力几乎都被你们佛门得罪了一个遍,你们究竟想要做什么?” Li Xuanzong said that these are really actually having doubts. 李玄宗说这些其实是真的在疑惑。 Sound some of Buddhism are not extremely normal, has anything to actuate them to be the same behind them simply probably. 佛门的动静有些太过不正常了,简直好像是在他们背后有着什么东西在驱动着他们一般。 Lotus flower Baosheng revering sigh, holds their palms together, whole body Fokuang blooms, power and influence rise step by step. 莲花宝胜尊者叹息一声,双手合十,周身佛光绽放,威势一步一步的上升。 Li Xuanzong, you, since is besotted, that today's this poor monk then can only kill your, but rescued entire Central Yuan Divine Continent.” 李玄宗,你既然执迷不悟,那今日贫僧便只能杀你一人,而救整个中元神洲了。” In the middle of that tone of lotus flower Baosheng revering has the meaning of endless grief, probably he kills Li Xuanzong at this time, has no alternative seriously general. 那莲花宝胜尊者的语气当中带着无尽的悲悯之意,好像他此时来杀李玄宗,当真是无可奈何一般。 As that lotus flower Baosheng revering voice falls, everywhere golden lotus blooms suddenly! 随着那莲花宝胜尊者话音落下,漫天的金莲骤然绽放! A lotus petal falls, just like the boundless sword rain is ordinary, has assigned the world, tears place visited to exist! 一叶叶莲瓣落下,犹如无边剑雨一般,划过天地,撕裂所过之处一切存在! Li Xuanzong just now seizes the tiger to fight the consumption with Han, although is big, but also has the ample force. 李玄宗方才跟韩擒虎一战消耗虽然大,不过却也还有余力。 At this time saw that eight nine Profound Technique to stimulate to movement the pinnacle by Li Xuanzong again, the whole body appeared a fog misty strength, seeming his whole person changed to the nihility to be the same. 此时见状八九玄功再次被李玄宗催动到了极致,周身浮现出了一层雾蒙蒙的力量,好似他整个人都化作了虚无一般。 The barrier that after that is the main road was crushed to absorb, forms, attribute chaos, the strength of engendering and overcoming is evolving, almost can assimilate any strength. 那是大道被粉碎吸纳之后所形成的屏障,属性混沌,生克之力在其中演化着,几乎能够同化任何一种力量。 These just like the sword rain lotus petal to fall to the body of Li Xuanzong, immediately sent out an extremely terrifying strength to fluctuate. 那些犹如剑雨般的莲瓣落到李玄宗的身上,顿时发出了一股极其恐怖的力量波动来。 The people even can notice that in the middle of the midair has golden strength complementary waves dispersing. 众人甚至能够看到半空当中有金色的力量余波散开。 However the Li Xuanzong whole body that matter chaos barrier does not have the half a point to respond, does not have the thing to break simply. 但是李玄宗周身那层混沌屏障却没有半分反应,简直无物可破。 Li Xuanzong is so enjoyably relaxed steps into everywhere in the middle of the lotus petal flower rain, sends out explosive that strengths clash, directly a fist bang to that lotus flower Baosheng revering! 李玄宗就这么轻松写意的踏入漫天的莲瓣花雨当中,发出一声声力量对撞的爆响来,径直一拳轰向那莲花宝胜尊者! But the next quarter, that lotus flower Baosheng revering behind is actually towering grew two arms, supports Li Xuanzong directly, later is two arms stretches out from the back, bang to the heart of Li Xuanzong. 但下一刻,那莲花宝胜尊者身后却是突兀的长出了两条手臂来,直接架住李玄宗,随后又是两条手臂从背后伸出,轰向李玄宗的心脏。 His own original two arms are actually the hand pinch seal to decide, change to the character Buddha seal imprisonment whole body space, singing in praise of the Buddha Fokuang Li Xuanzong to the imprisonment are then one of them instantaneously. 他自己本来的两只手臂却是手捏印决,化作卍字佛印禁锢周身空间,梵音佛光瞬间便将李玄宗给禁锢在其中。 The six arm shapes of this lotus flower Baosheng revering do not evolve with what strength, but is the genuine six arms! 这莲花宝胜尊者的六臂形态可并非是用什么力量演化出来的,而是真正的六条手臂! But the issue is Li Xuanzong can clear looks, the opposite party is not Monster Race, but is real Human Race Cultivator. 但问题是李玄宗能够清晰的看出来,对方并非是妖族,而是货真价实的人族修士 Moreover quenching of these six arms on mortal body is also extremely astonishing, the opposite party obviously practiced tyrannical Body Refining Cultivation Art. 而且这六条手臂在肉身上的淬炼也是极其惊人的,对方明显是修练了一门强横至极的炼体功法 But at this time Li Xuanzong is not flustered, he almost then changed to the mosquito size in the flash, enabling that offensive of lotus flower Baosheng revering to fail completely. 但此时李玄宗却也不慌张,他几乎是在一瞬间便化作了蚊子大小,使得那莲花宝胜尊者的攻势全部落空。 The next quarter law celestial phenomenon displays, the giant huge figure appears, direct fist that lotus flower Baosheng revering pounding bottom. 下一刻法天象地施展而出,巨人般的巨大身形浮现,直接一拳将那莲花宝胜尊者给砸进了地底。 But later the bottom is actually Fokuang for the first time presently, a Buddha law of hundred zhang (333 m) break out from the ground, six arms have six Buddha seal, goes toward the Li Xuanzong crazy bang. 但随后地底却是佛光乍现,一尊百丈的佛陀法相破土而出,身后六臂结出六种佛印,向着李玄宗疯狂轰去。 These two mortal bodies are very powerful, and Divine Ability that each one cultivates is also not weak. 这两人的肉身都是十分强悍,并且各自所修的神通也是不弱。 Therefore at this time spars unexpectedly is the evenly matched aspect, various group of Divine Ability evolve, is almost who cannot do to anyone. 所以此时斗法之间竟然是势均力敌的局面,各路神通演化,几乎就是谁也奈何不得谁。 At this moment, nearby Han Qinhu seemed replied some strengths, again the vertical palm was a blade, the age gold/metal main road evolved to cut toward Li Xuanzong. 就在这时,一旁的韩擒虎好似回复了一些力量,再次竖掌为刀,庚金大道演化向着李玄宗斩来。 Sees this three pure gold toad kings and the others, even to help not help matters. 看到这一幕三足金蟾王等人就算是想要帮忙也是无济于事。 Their cultivation base are placed there, who has the strength to be able in Celestial Realm to shake existence of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary hardly? Not everyone is Li Xuanzong. 他们的修为摆在那里,谁有实力能在天人境就硬撼返虚合道境界的存在?并不是人人都是李玄宗的。 However at this moment, Li Xuanzong was actually light snort/hum one, the figure left to withdraw directly, the octupole octopole executed immortal sword to roar again, crushed that age gold/metal main road, covered Han Qinhu is strangling to death. 不过就在这时,李玄宗却是轻哼了一声,身形直接抽身后撤,八极诛仙剑阵再次咆哮而出,粉碎那庚金大道,将韩擒虎笼罩在其中绞杀着。 Meanwhile he one step steps into the middle of sword, the direct fist spits the blood the mouth that Han Qinhu rumbles, later the sword air/Qi strangles to death, weakens the strength of his mortal body unceasingly. 同时他一步踏入剑阵当中,直接一拳将韩擒虎轰的口吐鲜血,随后剑气绞杀,不断削弱他的肉身之力。 Li Xuanzong has been able to obtain clear primary and secondary. 李玄宗一直都是很能分得清主次的。 His time is kills Han Qinhu, other all are unimportant. 他这次就是来杀韩擒虎的,其余一切都不重要。 Han Qinhu watched the fun in the one side, Li Xuanzong wants to kill him also to abandon the point strength. 原本韩擒虎在一旁看热闹,李玄宗想要杀他还废点力气。 Without thinking of this Han Qinhu is actually acting recklessly must make a move, that Li Xuanzong may not leave room for maneuver again. 没想到这韩擒虎却是不知死活的还要出手,那李玄宗可就不会再留个后手了。 Revering saves me!” “尊者救我!” Han seizes the complexion of tiger suddenly changes, wants to shoulder the Li Xuanzong offensive hardly, finally he actually discovered that oneself mortal body intensity cannot shoulder the attack of Li Xuanzong. 韩擒虎的面色骤然一变,想要硬扛李玄宗的攻势,结果他却发现自己的肉身强度根本就扛不住李玄宗的攻击。 The complexion of lotus flower Baosheng revering is somewhat ugly, Vajrayana unanimously decided south king initially with this town/subdues feared jointly is also a mistake. 莲花宝胜尊者的面色有些难看,密宗当初一致决定跟这镇南王联手怕也是个错误。 Regardless of this person the ability or the strength are actually not considered as top, if not for because of Vajrayana with some Pingxi king gratitude and grudges, will definitely choose that to collaborate pill 此人不论能力还是实力其实都不算是顶尖,若不是因为密宗跟平西王有些恩怨,肯定会选择那一位联手丹 But at this time their Vajrayana has seized on the tiger to work hard in Han, pours also has no alternative but to manage him. 但此时他们密宗已经在韩擒虎身上下了很大功夫的,倒也不能不管他。 As the lotus flower Baosheng revering hand pinches seal to decide, both eyes that his has shut tightly open slowly. 随着莲花宝胜尊者手捏印决,他那一直都紧闭的双目缓缓张开。 After lotus flower Baosheng revering since he steps into Celestial Realm, then has not opened the eye again, that is because his own both eyes accumulated raised the extremely powerful two strengths, that even is he to the strength that the present is unable to control completely. 莲花宝胜尊者从他踏入天人境之后便再也没睁开过眼睛,那是因为他自己双目当中蕴养了极其强大的两种力量,那甚至是他到现在都无法完全掌控的力量。 That two strength one types were called the mustard seed, one type called Xumi! 那两种力量一种叫芥子,一种叫须弥! Both eyes of lotus flower Baosheng revering are breeding the strength of two space, infinitely great, infinitesimal. 莲花宝胜尊者的双目孕育着两种空间之力,一种无限大,一种无限小。 Two strengths also bloom at this time, colludes to interweave, the vision institute and place, all spaces were twisted, even that eight levels execute immortal sword to be twisted thoroughly decompose, eight extremely strength scatter in all directions crazily. 两种力量此时同时绽放,互相之间勾连交织,目光所及之处,一切空间都被扭曲,甚至那八级诛仙剑阵都被彻底扭曲分解,八极之力疯狂四散。 Flash Li Xuanzong then felt own whole body transmitted the strength of pinnacle powerful pulling, that involved the main road source of this side world, eight nine Profound Technique cultivation base is unable to resist by him now! 一瞬间李玄宗便感觉自己周身传来了一股极致强大的拉扯之力,那涉及到了这方世界的大道本源,就连以他现在八九玄功修为都无法抵挡!
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